#courcase root
aspelladay · 2 years
Target Jury Winning Spell (1)
The following Jury Winning Powder’s goals are self-explanatory:
Courtcase root[*]
High John the Conqueror
Dried hydrangea blossoms
Vetiver Root
Grind all ingredients into a fine powder. This is particularly difficult with High John, which is a harder root than most. Place an entire High John between folded wax paper and smash it into chips with a hammer, before attempting to grind and powder.
If you’d like to extend the powder further, blend it into arrowroot powder.
There are two methods of obtaining benefits from Jury Winning Powder: sprinkle it around the jury box so that the jurors will have to step on or over it, or cast a ring of powder around brown or purple candles and burn them at home.
[*Courtcase root refers to galangal.]
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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