petrichormore · 10 months
q!phil and q!bad are actually so real for being paranoid. they always reach the same conclusions I wish they would talk more but I’m worried they’d eventually fuse and become the Perfect Father entity capable of killing code entities with their collective dad-mind.
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
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I voted for Chay! May I get a q!Coworkers duo?
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my dads
(vote for chayanne)
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qsmpcensusbureau · 1 year
“I think you already know what this is about.”
Phil wings flick in annoyance, pushing both him and Bad further into the corner, away from the music into a quiet corner.
They are at a party together. The second Philza had walked in he had caught Bad’s eye and made an expression that he could only have recognized as ‘YOU.’ They had been circling eachother for at least an hour, Bad trying to get him off his tail for at least a second and Philza undyingly stubborn on his heels.
“What? I don’t.”
His superior blows a heavy breath out of his nose, swirling his whisky in frantic circles.
“I see the way you’re looking at Forever. Stop it.”
“Is that really it?” Bad glares at him. “I didn’t take you for the jealous type.”
“I’m not- Listen, we have a job here. Did you forget our mission? You can’t be off rubbing shoulders with mortals, much less whatever you think you’re going to do with him.” 
Both of them are staring at eachother coldly, wings puffed up defensively and shoulders stiff. Bad’s tail flicks furiously, dancing like a dark shadow.
“Maybe flaunting our powers is a bad idea, Philza. There’s a massively invasive force on this island. You should know that.”
Phil huffs in annoyance, leaning down and abandoning his drink on the dark wood floor. 
“I’m not saying you need to go out and raise the dead. But you need to watch who you’re leading on.”
“You have no business in my affairs.” He retorts. 
“As your king,” Phil snaps. “I do.”
Bad goes cold. Philza has not moved an inch, stiff as ever. His face is mournfully still, betraying no warm light in his eyes Bad would expect when talking to him. Despite the noise the room feels utterly hushed.
 “You wouldn’t.” He says hoarsely. 
“I would. And I will.”
“Not like this.”
“It’s to keep him safe.”
Bad is silent for a long while. His thoughts are muted and quick, like the beating heart of a frightened mouse. 
“I didn’t want to have it come to this, believe me.” Phil says gently. He puts a hand on Bad’s shoulder and he doesn’t have the willpower to shrug it off. “But it’s too dangerous.”
“Can I still talk to him?” He asks sheepishly.
“That’s fine, I guess. But if I hear a single word of any type of anything.” Phil holds up his finger and shakes it. “It’s game over.”
“Yes, sire.” Bad bows his head. Phil pats him on the shoulder, offering a sad smile, before he picks up his drink and disappears into the crowd.
The demon watches him in silence, tail brushing against the wooden floor. He waits until he can’t see him at all. He waits for a moment, turns around, and goes to find Forever.
Bad knows he shouldn’t.
But still, the night is young.
cringe writing comes back no beta we die
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born-in-hell · 1 year
I was touching grass (at school) since 7am and haven't gotten home SINCE (bc of band practice) so i only got some qsmp lore sneak peaks ang OH LORD I AM HAPPY
The sketchiest islanders (bbh, fit and phil) are fucking UNITING and withholding info from the fed like UNINTENTIONALLY
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
oh coworkerduo comes from the fact that q!Bad's a reaper and Phil is an Angel of Death, it it's commonly headcanoned that they are co-workers of a shared death domain!
The fact that I have literally never seen that over coming up on 3 years in the mcyt fandom says a lot about how good of a name that is
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qsmpcensusbureau · 1 year
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my headcanon that bad can hide in other people's shadows is such a good coworker thing. are they coworkerduo now
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petrichormore · 6 months
we got a coworkerduo being immortals moment and NOBODY CARES EXCEPT ME
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