arjunsinghveda · 6 months
The Cow's Important Role in Ancient India
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Cows have played a very important role in Indian culture and civilization for thousands of years. This goes all the way back to the ancient Vedic period, which lasted from around 1500 to 500 BC.
In the Vedas, which are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, cows are considered sacred animals. They are respected and revered. There are many reasons for this reverence toward cows during Vedic times.
First, cows provided mankind with nutritious milk and dairy products that were an essential part of the diet. The cow's milk was seen as a gift that gave food, health and strength. Cow products like ghee (clarified butter), yogurt and cheese were very important foods.  
Additionally, the dung from cows was used as fuel for fires since there were no modern sources of energy back then. The cow dung cakes were dried and burned to heat homes and cook food. So the cows provided both nutrition and energy for ancient civilizations.
The urine of cows was also valued for its perceived medicinal and purifying properties in Vedic culture. It is still used today in some Hindu ritual practices and alternative medicine systems like Ayurveda.
Beyond the practical uses, cows had great spiritual significance in the Vedic tradition. They were seen as sacred, gentle animals that symbolized the Earth's abundance and prosperity. Their milk was compared to the eternal flow of truth and knowledge from the divine.
Harming or killing cows was considered a great sin and offense against nature's bounty. Vedic teachings spoke of caring for cows and taking only what they could provide without hurting them, like their milk.
The Hindu deity Krishna, who is considered an avatar of the supreme God Vishnu, is often depicted playing a flute surrounded by joyful cows. This imagery reinforces the cow's auspicious and spiritual importance.
What are 5 important things about a cow in India in relation to Hinduism?
Here are 5 important things about cows in India in relation to Hinduism, 
Cows are considered sacred animals
Cow milk and dairy products are valued foods
Cow dung is used as fuel for fires
Cow urine has perceived medicinal properties  
Hurting or killing cows is seen as a sin
So from nutrition and fuel to spiritual symbolism, the cow played a central role in the daily lives and beliefs of the Vedic civilization that laid the foundations of Hindu philosophy, culture and practice. This ancient reverence for the gentle cattle continues to influence modern Hindu respect for cows today across India.
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ilokeshsharmaposts · 4 years
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