redheadreptile · 8 years
To Viper, instinct is one of the most IMPORTANT things for a person to be in-tune with. It means survival, and avoiding unnecessary pain. His survival instinct is just fine, but all his people-related instinct says ‘stay away’. Unless the person proves themselves to him. Honestly when it comes to such things, he’s really more like an animal and he just goes with it. And those who don’t ‘have it’? Unless they’re kids, he’ll generally just let ‘em burn. Survival of the fittest, afterall
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lttracer-blog · 8 years
lttracer: i just started fkn laughin remembering something i didi made an f-list for lena just because and i made her name Lena R. Oxton and the R stands for [redacted] and i justif someone asks lena for her full name she just says Lena R. Oxton @coyomerde: omg lttracer: "Oh what's the R stand for?" "Redacted." "Oh... So you can't tell me?" "No it means Redacted."
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lttracer-blog · 8 years
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     Agent Cursor.. Freelancer, technically, but employed by Talon more regularly than not. A dangerous adversary, but one she had been on the lookout for, for quite some time. Winston could only give her a bare-bones dossier, but it was enough for her. She had a general location and a description. A hunter, she was not, but she would get the job done as necessary.
     Streets full, but thinning every so often. It made it easier for her to navigate as she searched. Her mission was clear enough; talk to him and see what he knew. One so often employed by Talon, freelancer or not, had to know something.
     Filtering through bystanders, Lena caught a glimpse of someone matching the description she was given. Quickly following the lead, she stayed close behind (but not too close, of course) in hopes of it being the one she searched for.
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