#cr8 adventures
casdeans-pie · 2 months
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I wanted to do something special for my Cas op - since I was imagining this would probably be my only chance to get one - and I really got it
The eye contact alone had me fighting for my life, but I was shaking a whole bunch and he squeezed my hands as I went to walk away ❤️
His eyes are so blue and his expression was so kind. And his hands are so big!!! Mine have completely disappeared lmao. Truly lovely man
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izupie · 3 months
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have you seen this? 👀 headliner is going to be announced tomorrow, seems like it’s misha
I will literally scream !!!!!!
I was so upset thinking I'd have to wait until next year to try and catch Misha - so I am manifesting that it's not just a glitch/error from the last con 🙏🕯
He would absolutely turn the mood around on CR8 for me !! Asdfhjkljgdkl
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lockawayknight · 11 months
📂 x2 for muses of your choice
from send 📂 for a useless headcanon [accepting!!]
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creighton has a LOT of reasons for choosing irithyll as a place to live during the ds3 era of his life, not the least of which is the fact that he has a pet bunny-porcupine-monstrosity from eleum loyce that suffers in the heat like a fluffy husky. her name is rabbit (or just bastard dnfndn) and she is a menace but he loves her dearly and ofc he brought her with him when he and pate started adventuring to foreign kingdoms once the throne of want was conquered. and she went NUTS for the snow. happy bun = happy cr8. so pate can partly blame her for the frostbite lmao
ornifex is quite good at carving and whittling!! she occasionally makes little trinkets which she likes to bury bc bird brain says Keep Thing Safe, or she gives them to friends. especially though, and quite often, she carves incredibly intricate patterns and designs onto the weapons she crafts. they’re made with such wondrous souls, they may as well look the part! she enjoys making things look pretty and reflective and patterned. a Talented birb
tysm tysm!!💕
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 years
Cute Erinyes Devil - CR8 Devil
What happened to our innocence? Did it go out of style? Along with our naivete No longer a child
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Artwork by Sumi Keichii on Twitter (though this image was only posted to an older, now-deleted blog)
Erinyes are elegant executioner devils that have the appearance of fallen angels with blackened wings.  No less deadly than their sisters with more imposing figures, some Erinyes take a smaller, cuter form, perhaps attempting to make a mockery of innocence in the same way that other Erinyes make a mockery of beauty.
Look, I warned you in the very first post that I ran magical girl adventures, right?  If a monster can be turned into an anime waifu, it will be.
I did use this as an excuse to make the erinyes devil somewhat more interesting to fight.  Its multiple caster levels were unnecessary, and also all weirdly much higher than its HD, so I fixed its caster level to be more typical for Pathfinder.  I suspect that was a relic of the D&D 3e to 3.5e conversion.
Cute Erinyes Devil - CR 8
A powerful sense of wrongness comes from this young-looking devil with a dark childlike appearance, her feet covered in blood.  Wings stained black shear the air as her merciless eyes search for a target.
XP 4,800 LE Small outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful) Init +6 Senses darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness, true seeing; Perception +16
AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural, +1 size) hp 94 (9d10+45) Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +7 DR 5/good Immune fire, poison Resist acid 10, cold 10 SR 19
Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (good) Melee +1 greatsword +15/+10 (1d10+7/19–20) Ranged +1 composite longbow +15/+15/+10 (1d6+5/×3) or flaming chain +16 touch (entangle) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +14)     Constant—true seeing     At will—fear (single target, DC 19), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), minor image (DC 17), unholy blight (DC 19)     1/day—summon (level 3, 2 bearded devils, 50%)
Str 18, Dex 23, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 21 Base Atk +9; CMB +12; CMD 29 Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run Skills Acrobatics +18, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +14, Escape Artist +12, Fly +21, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +16, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +19 Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft. Gear small +1 greatsword, small +1 composite longbow (+4 strength bonus), 50-ft. flaming chain
Entangle (Su) Each cute erinyes carries a 50-foot-long flaming chain that entangles opponents of any size as an animate rope spell (CL 9th, DC 20).  A cute erinyes can hurl its chain 20 feet with no range penalty.  A creature entangled by this chain takes 2d6 fire damage each round at the start of its turn.  A flying creature entangled by this chain must make a DC 20 Fly check reach round at the start of its turn or fall (DC 30 if it uses wings to fly).
A cute erinyes’s chain functions only for the cute erinyes who made it and no other.  The save DC is Dexterity-based.
Chain has hardness 10 and 5 hit points.  It can be burst with a DC 26 Strength check.
Pinpoint of Hellfire (Su) Five times per day as a swift action, a cute erinyes can create a tiny-sized pinpoint of hellfire that floats in the air, anywhere within 100 feet of itself.  These pinpoints of hellfire last for 1 minute, and wink out of existence if they are ever more than 100 feet from the cute erinyes.
As a free action at the start of each of its turns, a cute erinyes can move each of the pinpoints of hellfire it has created up to 15 feet.  A pinpoint of hellfire that enters or passes through a creature’s space deals 1d3 points of fire damage to that creature, and that creature catches on fire for one round, causing it to take another 1d3 fire damage one round later.  A DC 19 Reflex save negates the fire damage and prevents the target from being set on fire.  A creature can only be damaged by one pinpoint of hellfire per round.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
Backpack Hero is a unique roguelike coming to Linux
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Backpack Hero roguelike management game to hit Early Access on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the creative efforts of developer Jaspel. Getting read to release onto Steam next month. Jump into dungeons, horde epic loot but keep it organized in the inventory management roguelike. Backpack Hero is the result of a successful Kickstarter campaign. Also getting ready to send their unique roguelike into Early Access. Starting August 15th, players that pick up the game will be able to enjoy brand new features. Such as two new characters, a handful of cool new items, weapons and more. Backpack Hero players take on the role of a brave adventurer. All while exploring vast dungeons, picking up piles of loot, and taking on dangerous foes. Using only what they can fit in their backpacks. Thankfully these heroes are equipped with an impressive skill - inventory management. Depending on where players put items in their backpacks, placement can alter its effectiveness. When some Backpack Hero items are placed adjacent to pieces of armor, they will boost the shield of that armor. Other items gain added bonuses when they have empty spaces below or above them.
Backpack Hero Steam Wishlist Trailer (Linux, Mac, Windows PC)
Not only does placement alter Backpack Hero but some items will have their own status effects and abilities. For example, certain weapons might give enemies poison or slowness. Players may find food that can heal them multiple times. Or they might even get a dangerous item by an enemy. One that also takes up precious room in their inventory. Gathering the best items for the journey, strategizing their location and managing it all in battle is key. If you are due to make it out of the dungeon alive. The Backpack Hero Early Access version has some brand new features. The stoney walls of the dungeons might look a little different. Players can also expect new items, weapons, and enemies. Plus, new players will have access to the game’s two new characters. Such as Tote the Frog and CR-8 the Robot. If you want to get a sense of the Backpack Hero gameplay, try the Demo. With support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
Features Include:
Hundreds of Items: Each item has its own unique effect. Depending on where you place it in your backpack, can be powerful when used in the arrangement.
Multiple fun characters: Adventure through the Backpack Hero dungeons as Purse the Packrat. Or Tote the Toad, and even CR8 the Robot.
40+ Enemies to Battle: Test your mettle and your organizing skills. Doing so against powerful enemies small to large and in between.
Endless Dungeons to Explore: Randomly generated dungeons means that not a single playthrough will be the same.
Backpack Hero roguelike is releasing into Early Access on August 15th. Coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. So be sure to Wishlist the game on Steam.
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dmsden · 3 years
Monster of the Month - the Githyanki
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. This month’s Monster of the Month is one coming to you out of the depths of the Astral Plane. Everybody’s favorite astral pirates, the Githyanki, are here to say hi. As always, big thank you to my buddy Scott Fabianek for the art.
The Githyanki made their debut in the 1st edition Fiend Folio, and they weren’t shy about it. They took over the cover, swinging their silver swords around, and generally let everyone know that they were here to stay. Since then, they’ve gone from absolute villains to occasional anti-heroes, even being a playable race in 5E, thanks to Volo’s Guide to Monsters.
The core defining element of Githyanki history is their enslavement under mind flayer rule. They were likely similar to humans before this, but centuries of domination and experimentation are, ironically, likely what led to their psionic abilities. Led by a freedom fighter named Gith, this race rose up and slaughtered the mind flayers, and, to this day, they will hunt and kill mind flayers wherever they find them. There was a division in the race’s philosophies that led to the race dividing into the Githyanki and the Githzerai, and the Githyanki became, by far, the more warlike of the two.
Our baseline githyanki in 5e is the CR3 Githyanki Warrior. They are fairly straightforward melee combatants right up until the moment that you consider their psionic abilities. It’s not hard to imagine them casting nondetection every eight hours to make themselves impossible to scry or cast any other divinations spells on. This is likely something of a reflex, done before sleep, when getting up, and then halfway through the day. Likely, this evolved when they were fighting and hiding from the illithid. This will make it difficult for an adventuring party to know that they’re being stalked by githyanki raiders.
They’re lawful evil, so, even though they are pirates, they likely use certain formations and actions, aiding one another when necessary or possible. In a ship to ship battle, one can imagine Githyanki empowered by their psionic Jump leaping the gap from one ship to another. They can also misty step multiple times, which makes them a frighteningly mobile fighting group. The fact that they speak a pretty unique language means that orders could be barked out. A party thinking they have things well in hand could suddenly find the Githyanki they were fighting teleporting to gank their healers or mages in a unified attack.
I think the best use for these guys is in a party’s relatively early days. Githyanki sometimes spend time on the Material Plane for a variety of reasons. They may be striking to get supplies, tracking an illithid’s pet intellect devourer, or something similar. While it’s true that one reason they might be on the material plane is to guard a creche of young, letting them age off of the Astral Plane, I don’t necessarily recommend this as a reason to put them in conflict with a party of adventurers. If you do, the logical end-result is that the party will end up in an argument as to what to do with the now orphaned githyanki children.
The upgrade (and it’s a big one) is the CR8 Githyanki Knight. They have all the toys the Warrior does (although their attacks are, of course, more powerful), and they have several extras. They have plane shift and telekinesis each once per day. Plane shift is perfect for an extreme retreat or to try and take a dangerous opponent out of a fight (although that makes quite a headache for the DM, and the player isn’t likely to appreciate it). Telekinesis would be useful for throwing an opponent off of a ship, for pulling a target to them that they want closer in the fight, making the party’s melee-based rogue or ranger unhappy, etc.
The other two big upgrades a Githyanki Knight likely brings to the table are where things get really fun. The Knight’s Silver Sword is a magical +3 weapon in their hands that gives them a devastating attack to channel their psychic abilities into damage. In addition, these guys can be super scary to characters who are using the astral projection spell. If that silver sword crits, it’s an automatic kill on the player who gets hit.
The other element of a Githyanki Knight is that they’re likely to be partnered with a Young Red Dragon to ride. Even if these dragons aren’t yet legendary, they’re all kinds of awful for a party. The combination of a single githyanki knight and a young red dragon are a deadly encounter for a group of 5 10th level characters, and a hard one for 5 11th levels. Make it two of each, and they would be a hard challenge for 5 17th level characters...just about the time the party gets regular access to Astral Projection.
If you have access to Volo’s Guide to Monsters, there are more flavors of Githyanki for you to spice up your encounters. And you could even develop more if you wanted a Githyanki-based campaign. Maybe Vlaakith, the immortal lich queen who rules the githyanki, is having her warriors attack the material plane with greater and greater frequency. The campaign could concentrate on why this is, and it could constitute a mind flayer/githyanki war. Lower levels might involve Tiamat-worshipping kobolds stealing supplies (since there’s some kind of alliance between Tiamat and Vlaakith that allows the githyanki knights to ride red dragons.) As things progress, there could be various mind flayer related creatures like intellect devourers and umber hulks, perhaps neogi slavers who provide the mind flayers with their needed sustenance. Of course mind flayers themselves, githyanki, and red dragons. Githzerai allies might eventually step in, willing to aid against the mind flayers AND their ancestral kin. The campaign might ultimately confront Vlaakith, attempting to throw down the ruler of githyanki kind. That would be epic.
I hope this article made you think about including some githyanki oriented plot in your campaign. Next month, we’ll be looking at one of my favorite creepy Underdark critters - the Hook Horror. Until then, may all your 20s be natural.
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Marriott mena house hotel Egypt, The Paradise On Earth مصر جنة الله على الأرض ♥️🇪🇬🥰🙏💐🌞🌍✈️🧳👒🌞💼🐪 ❤️👑🌞🌎🌍🌏🌝🌴🐪✈️⛵️🌙 Welcome To Egypt, The Paradise On Earth ♥️🇪🇬🥰🙏💐🌞🌍✈️🧳👒🌞💼🐪 Egypt's beauty by tourists from all over the world مصر الجميلة بعيون زوارها من كل البلاد ❤️👑🌞🌎🌍🌏🌝🌴🐪✈️⛵️🌙 ♥️🇪🇬🥰🙏💐🌞🌍✈️🧳👒🌞💼🐪👑 Welcome to the famous company and page on Instagram for trip egypt. With us your smile very company booking trip online. Contact us on what's app. Discover your smile with us. Booking your trip to Contact us on our email or directly message or what's app cell phone. #egypttravelcc @eventsbysebastiant @kemet_black_land_egypt_tours blacktravelworldwide #blacktravelmovement #travelnoire ##blackgirlstraveltoo abroadinblackandwhite #egypt #cairo #travel #chakras #egipto #cairoegypt #thisisegypt #africa #photooftheday #pyramids #pyramid #adventure #trip #vacation #traveling #instagram #traveltheworld #tourism #trip #doyoutravel #holiday #adventure #traveltheworld #traveller #tourism #goexplore #wonderfulplaces #blacktravel #wanderluster #adventureseekerus (at Marriott Mena House,Cairo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR8-Zb8I_kO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hansneumann · 3 years
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To Bridget: July 1st Italy, Ostuni Like a dream where time is not passing, early summer breeze mixed with sea. I pull up to our little farmhouse. Pause. Walk. Pause. Staring at hundreds of thousand year old olive trees that domain the land, all indifferent to my presence. I sat in front of the one you tried to wrap around with your arms that day we took that picture, thinking how little we have walked but how much we have loved. The first rays of sun transform their faces as they deliver their message with the wind. Live. Self portrait at our olive farm for @theory__ #thepostcardproject Last month Theory contacted me to see if by any chance @bridgetfleming and I would be interested on doing this project as a couple unfortunately she couldn’t come on this adventure. Instead I traveled to our olive farm and didn’t a little road trip around the region to document its beauty. Thanks @theory__ for commissioning me on this project. Casted by @jussivuorenlehto And special thanks to @masseriamadre @bridgetfleming for accommodating Thanks to @wynnorlose @camera_lucida_ and @anna_deutsch And always thanks to @cadenceimage @caroleguenebeaud #kirstenmorehouse @gaiageneston and @romainnougaret https://www.instagram.com/p/CR8-38Yr2cD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Make sure you bring extra cash for the games tomorrow at Karabar. BNC have loads of goodies waiting to be snatched up!! Pumpkin soup Ice cream cone and toppings Spiders Granola and yogurt Slow brewed homemade hot chocolate Baked goods Lonsdale coffee shots, thanks to one of our amazing sponsors @thegatheringcafebungendore who always support us in our fundraising adventures. A big shout out to our sponsors - Bungendore and Braidwood Community Branches. Thanks for lending us the EFTPOS machines and your ongoing support to our club. (at Queanbeyan Netball Association) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR8-OSpB-Nc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vanessareyesrealtor · 3 years
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20-acre open-air ICON Park offers plenty of room to spread out and practice social distancing. Ride, dine, drink, and explore. With over 40 amazing restaurants, funky bars, boutique shops, and must-see attractions, ICON Park is anchored by The Wheel, a jaw-dropping 400 foot (40 story) observation wheel. See the SEA LIFE Orlando Aquarium, Madame Tussauds Orlando, and Arcade City, among other attractions. The Pearl Express train is perfect for toddlers, while older children and adults can brave the 7D Dark Ride Adventure and the world's tallest swing ride, Orlando StarFlyer. For lunch, dinner, or late-night snacks, ICON Park has you covered. A food hall with authentically prepared and internationally inspired foods like andouille sausage, giant Bavarian pretzels, and world-famous cupcakes baked daily by two-time Cupcake Wars Champion Jillian Hopke, The Wheelhouse is the hub of activity at ICON Park. (at ICON Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR8-CBDrP6b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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casdeans-pie · 2 months
*Cas voice* "I'm the one who fucked you hard and raised you from perdition"
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kayawagner · 6 years
Creature Feature Quarterly volume 1
Publisher: Jeremy Hart
Here are 13 original monsters for your 5th edition games.
In addition to the usual stats, each monster has an extensive description including lore, ecology and adventure ideas.
Monsters By Challenge Rating
CR2     Protocol Imp
CR4     Unseelie Psychopomp
CR5     Arboreal Stalker
CR6     Blade Wraith, Cerberan Warlock, Lurking Glutton
CR7     Star Tyrant
CR8     Mantid Stitch Golem, Tatterdemalion Lich
CR9     Hound Of Tindalos
CR10   Devourer, Twistbrute
CR16   Enraged Fallen Celestial
Price: $2.70 Creature Feature Quarterly volume 1 published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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lockawayknight · 2 years
if ur still doin it/feel like it, i would love to see cr8 and/or Mag and Helena
from send me a pair and i’ll make them a kid/fusion [accepting!!]
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Name: Saint Astrid
Gender: Cis Female
General Appearance: Long, thick, wavy black hair that somehow always is shiny and well-kept. Small blotches of paler skin here and there, noticeable freckles, and full lips. Beautiful blue eyes that, when she’s angry, can chill someone to the bone.
Personality: Apathetic as hell. A bit sociopathic, but it’s okay, it rarely shows itself. Very paranoid and concerned with self-preservation, which combined with morbid curiosity tends to make her incredibly anxious — wanting to know, but too afraid to explore. Comes off as cold and disinterested despite being interested in learning about people.
Special Talents: Incredible control over the arcane. Can summon entire galaxies.
Who they like better: Helena. Creighton is a bit too energetic and volatile for her tastes, and his affinity for violence and impulse stresses her out
Who they take after more: Also Helena. She missed out on all of Creighton’s volatility, which needless to say is his most prominent personality feature.
Personal Headcanon: Keeps an augur slug as a pet, just like her daddo :)
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Name: Good Hunter Maisie
Gender: Trans Female
General Appearance: Almost never not smiling, even in the face of hardship and stress. Dirty blonde hair that flips at its edges and horribly cut bangs she definitely did herself. Terribly near-sighted and useless without her glasses, so is always seen with them.
Personality: Sunshine!!! Very curious and loves to explore the tombs with her dad and sit in on her mother’s studies. Always optimistic and can see the good in anyone, even during nights of hunt and scourge. Fascinated by anything and everything. Touch-adverse, however, so don’t confuse her friendliness for an invitation for hugs.
Special Talents: INCREDIBLE writer. Keeps journals of all her studies and adventures and makes them sound like absolute poetry.
Who they like better: Magerold, simply because she can feed off of his energy. She prefers her mother’s line of work, however, and would sit in on a dissection above a chalice dive any day.
Who they take after more: Also Magerold. Smile that never quits and a love for pranks and goofs. A terribly energetic and silly creature.
Personal Headcanon: Also has a peculiar pet: a scurrying beast named Critter :)
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alchemycanna · 6 years
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Jamis 2018 Citizen 2 Hybrid Bicycle
Adventure Cycle 2464 Dufferin Street open 7 days a week 10 am to 6pm
Youtube video https://youtu.be/Ea0GaNThI_w
Comfortable, enjoyable mobility: that’s Citizen.  This is the ultimate low-carbon-footprint, sight-seeing machine.  It’s a low-impact and fun workout for new cyclists and a zero-emissions way to get around town.  We can’t think of a better way to be a good Citizen.
EASY TO LOOK AT. EASY TO GET ON We’re super proud of the Citizen’s sleek frame design. With an arcing top tube for the “Men’s” frames and S-bend top and down tubes for a super-low step-through “Women’s” version. In fact, we hesitate to designate either with gender specific labels because the version with the easy-access, low step-over top tube is suitable for anyone with limited hip flexibility who might be challenged to swing a leg over the rear wheel when mounting & dismounting. AND EASY TO RIDE When it comes to recreational riding, nothing gets more uncomfortable faster than having to pedal more weight than necessary. Which is why Citizen 2 & 3 are built with lightweight 6061 aluminum tubing. In fact, our aluminum Citizen frames are at least a half-pound lighter than our famous steel Coda street bikes. We design comfort into the naturally stiffer ride of the aluminum tubes by specifying larger volume 38c tires and adding a few millimeters to the chainstay and wheelbase length. RIDE POSITION A usual complaint from new or returning riders trying to get into the cycling groove is feeling uncomfortably perched forward with too much weight on their wrists and having to crank their necks backwards just to be able to see in traffic. We specifically designed our Citizens to remedy this. The large diameter 700c wheels push handlebar height up and shorter top tubes pull handlebars closer to the saddle, all to mitigate forward lean. Our 4-inch rise handlebars sweep back at a natural hand-grasp angle with a long-quilled or angle-adjustable stem that allows for a wide range of adjustment to tune handle bar height and reach perfectly for each ride. WHERE IT COUNTS Our super plush saddle features memory foam padding (Citizen 2 & 3) or extra high quality polyurethane padding (Citizen 1) for optimum support with maximum comfort. The slip-resistant suede-type top prevents sliding and the burnished side panels reduce leg friction while pedaling. Elastomer springs help soak up high resonance road vibrations. Offered in gender specific sizes. WHY 700C? So why go with a Citizen instead of an Explorer or a Hudson since they all seem to offer many of the same comfort and quality attributes? It’s simple: if your riding will be primarily on the road or on smoothly graded trails, the larger diameter road-bike sized 700c Citizen wheels roll faster with less rolling resistance and roll over potholes and railroad tracks more smoothly than the 26” wheels of the Explorer and Hudson. GEARED TO GO The drivetrains on all our Citizens feature long cage rear derailleurs, full-size 48/38/28T triple-chainring cranksets and big 11-32T or 14-34T gearing in the back. This gives you the dual advantage of having fairly tall gears for controlled pedaling at speed on descents as well as really low gearing for easier pedaling uphill. It’s a rider-friendly combination that’s made the Citizens a perennial favorite of recreational cyclists.
Frame 6061 aluminum triple gauge main tubes with hydro-formed top tube, center-mount kickstand plate, replaceable derailleur hanger and fender/rack eyelets Fork SR/Suntour CR8 suspension fork, coil spring with external preload adjustment, 60mm travel Headset Water-resistant sealed mechanism, threaded, 1 1/8” Wheels Alex ID19 double wall alloy rims with GSW sidewall, 32H, alloy hubs with QR and 14g stainless steel spokes Tires CST Marathon/Tour C-1446 with silver safety stripe, 700 x 38c Derailleurs Shimano Altus RD-M310 rear and Shimano FD-TY710 front, 31.8mm clamp, top swing/dual pull front Shiftlevers Shimano Ez-Fire Plus, ST-EF510, 21-speed Chain KMC Z7 Cassette Shimano MF-TZ31 7-speed, 14-34T Crankset Shimano FC-TY501, 48/38/28T, 170mm with chainguard BB Set FSA sealed cartridge, 68 x 122.5mm Pedals Comfort platform style Brakeset Promax TX-121 linear-pull with front power modulator and Shimano levers Handlebar Comfort hi-rise, alloy 25.4 x 80mm rise x 15˚ sweep x 640mm Stem Jamis alloy angle-adjustable, 90mm with 150mm quill (14–17”), 110mm with 180mm quill (18–23”) Grips Anatomic triple density kraton Seat Post Suspension alloy micro-adjust, 27.2 x 350mm with alloy clamp and QR seatpin. 300mm for Men's 15, 17, Step-Thru 14 Saddle Jamis Comfort with Memory Foam, synthetic suede cover, burnished sides and bumper springs with satin steel rails, gender specific Accessories Kickstand Sizes 14", 18" Color Flat Steel or Ano Cucumber
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casdeans-pie · 2 months
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The coffees I got signed by Misha at CR8 💖 he was so impressed with the Castiel Coffee ! I was so happy - it really is my magnum opus latte art lmao
Hoping to get the mixtape coffees signed by Jensen in August!
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casdeans-pie · 2 months
So I'm on the train home from thee most insane and fun weekend !! CR8 you were amazing
Con blues here we come! Woo wooooo !
Also I've got some photos to upload later so I can relive the memories ✨️
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