#craig hsaio
rhemenway888 · 3 months
Bk. 1, Chapter 7 is full of comedy gold
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casharlow · 1 year
quick theory about craig’s football number being 68 and that is that i absolutely believe he wanted 69 but the coach wouldn’t let him/it was already taken so he took the next best thing, one number down
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oceanatydes · 4 years
bro I’m so emotional about the final fight in ch 16 of book 1 of es like.... even though this group of strangers is stuck on this deadly island, they go out of their way to protect each other & make sure that everyone is safe.
THAT is what makes es so compelling — the relationships & care that the group has with one another. MC is not the sole focus of any character, even the LIs. everyone has their own motivations & relationships, which is why you want to get to know them & interact with them. their identity is separate from MC. new choices books could never
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herarmoredheart · 4 years
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Jake and all his nicknames 😂😂
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jaxmatsuo · 4 years
i just released the priestessdelphinia and craighsaio urls if anyone wants them !!
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hotnessxprincess · 5 years
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HAHAHAHA Craig 😂😂😂👌👌👌
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baldwinboy5ive · 6 years
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More Endless Summer/Schitt’s Creek incorrect quotes! 
...In all seriousness this is actually one of my favorite Endless Summer scenes, I feel like it’s where they really start coming together as a team for the first time :’)
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Michelle: Hey Craig, watcha doin’?
Craig: Sweepin’. Why? Turn you on?
Michelle: No.
Craig: Huh. What if I was sweeping a chimney?
Michelle: Craig, did YOU eat my face cream?
Craig: Where are you going? The vicar won’t be home for hours.
Michelle: Craig ... where did you learn that word?
Craig: Where do you think ... Zelda?
Michelle: You found my book?!
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avengingalec · 6 years
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my babies ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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rainescorps · 6 years
me watching y’all cry over endless summer while my slow ass hasn’t finished book two:
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rhemenway888 · 3 months
I love this wholesome interaction
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mythris · 6 years
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In case I haven’t made it clear yet, I love Craig Hsaio. Idk why this always makes me laugh
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kenjkats · 7 years
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HAHAHAHAHA I couldn't resist. They hate me.
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My theory that Craig’s catalyst idol might be the very last one
August 25, 2017, Friday [#301]
At the moment, the most realistic order for the catalyst idols would be Craig, then Estela; then Jake; and, finally, Aleister.
(As important as Jake is to the fandom, there’s NO WAY that Jake’s catalyst idol will be the last one. Story-wise, Aleister’s death has been mentioned more often in the visions from the other catalyst idols, so he’s definitely much more important to the plot than Jake.)
(In fact, Estela may have stronger ties to La Huerta than Jake, because of her mother, so maybe she and Jake could trade places.)
But what if that’s all wrong?
What if Craig’s catalyst idol is last?
Think about it... the MC’s came in the middle when we all thought it would be at the very end 🤔 I know it was VERY unexpected, and it was a good choice, storytelling-wise, because we’ve had all these weeks to speculate and panic and totally freak out.
If Aleister’s or Jake’s are next (or maybe not next, but if neither of theirs are last), then there would be a huge reaction from the fandom 😱 Lots of posts and theories and discussion; more time for us to imagine horrible things and feel even MORE dread as we fearfully shuffle from one Friday to the next 😭 It would just raise the stakes THAT MUCH MORE if their catalyst idols weren’t last.
And what if, Craig, who I know we’re all thinking will have the “weakest” catalyst idol in terms of impact on the plot (compared to Estela, Jake, and Aleister) actually turns out to have the last, and most devastating, catalyst idol? 😲
What if what happened to Craig in the future was so horrifying that it was enough Zahra “I’m too cool for emotions” Namazi go undercover, pretend to betray her friends, and do Rourke’s bidding for FIVE WHOLE YEARS just to avenge him? 😱
(Well, that and true love, smooch smooch 😎)
(Waiting for H.W.U. to come back, forever and always; 25/08/17.)
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jakemckenzie · 7 years
so apparently you pronounce hsaio as “show” in the word “shower” im so embarrassed
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baldwinboy5ive · 7 years
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This small moment was actually my favorite part of the whole chapter (Book 3, chapter 8), because it’s two people who didn’t even know each other before coming to La Huerta acting like friends, and also, acting like it’s a sure thing that they’ll get back home so Craig can finish Battlestar Galactica. 
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