nanakorobi · 5 years
𝐀𝐍 𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐎   moving chess pieces blindly,   as if one was a moth fluttering towards   a lit candle   with no knowledge of its burning flames.   more   &   more mortals had fallen to an entity not familiar,   their souls vanishing from existence.   in their haste to find out the origins of the potential threat,   soul society had sent out non-seated shinigami,   their blades   too clean   to ever have been tarnished with blood   ——   a mistake that had cost dearly.   now standing at the precipice of dawn in silence,   kuchiki byakuya had chased their trail in   the world of the living   as ordered,   gaze set on a building washed in the early rays of the sun.   quietude ruled its kingdom come.
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however,   the very ebb   &   flow of   steadily fading reiatsu   was more than enough cause to determine they had been wounded,   the noble’s entrance silent into the large manor.   ever watchful   &   tracing their steps,   his slate grey eyes had found them laying on cots,   their wounds   carefully tended to   as bandages had sealed their injuries.   none of them bore the mark of a hollow.   yet,   that was not the utmost peculiar feat.   no mere human could have witnessed the presence of a shinigami.   thus,   a cool shiver ran up his spine at the realization,   fingers reaching to grasp the hilt of senbonzakura at his side.   he did not acknowledge   the new presence   in the room proper,   the greeting forlorn on his lips.      ❛   where did you find them   ?   ❜   //   @craneguard
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aaternum-a · 5 years
                  @craneguard​ \ PLOTTED STARTER
        ǫᴜɪᴇᴛ  —   snow  blanketed  the  city  streets  in  ethereal  white,  pockets  of  light  casting  an  iridescent  glow  through  the  clouds  as  dawn  peeked  over  the  mountains.  She  lifted  a  hand  above  her  head,  fingers  splayed  out  as  she  squinted  between  the  gaps  to  look  at  the  blushing  sky.  “   It’ll  take  at  least  a  day  or  two  to  trek  out  there,  especially  with  the  snow.   ”  She  mumbled  quietly  to  herself,  ocean  eyes  drifting  to  the  billowing  smoke  from  a  stand  that  smelled  of  freshly  cooked  fish  and  rice.  At  the  very  least,  she’d  assuage  her  appetite  before  making  the  journey.  Ryu  ducked  her  head,  pushing  past  the  hanging  fabric  as  she  waltzed  inside.  Offering  a  warm  smile  as  greeting,  she  settled  into  a  stool,  reciting  her  order  to  the  shops  owner.  Out  the  corner  of  her  visage  she  noticed  a  young  woman  sitting  at  the  other  end  of  the  stand.  Never  one  to  shy  away  from  polite  conversation  —  even  early  in  the  morning,  she  smiled.
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                                ❛   Good  morning.    ❜
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maidencrown · 5 years
message.   “  you’re being awfully quiet.  ”
she   had   to   be  ,   otherwise   this   homework   will   never   get   done  !   complete   focus   was   a   must  ,   just   as   her   mother   taught   her  .   with   another   sigh   heard   from   the   pinkette  ,   she   now   set   her   pen   down   on    top    of    the    numerous   papers  .   defeat   was   just   beyond   the   horizon  .   persephone   looked   over   to   her   friend   who   showed   quite   the   worried   look ,   which   she    feigned    a    smile    for   her  ,   one   that   could   almost   express   its   own   worries  .  ❛   i’m   sorry  ,   saya  .   this   assignment   is   tougher   than   the   other   ones   &   i   can’t   afford   to   get   a   low   score   on   it  .   don’t   worry  ,   i’ll   stop   stressing   out   about   this   when   everything   is   turned   in  .   ❜ 
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                                         𝟑, 𝟒, 𝟓  ♡.   /   CRANEGUARD.
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stompquirk-a · 5 years
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    ❝Hello nurse~❞ A teasing and warm welcome, despite the severity of her wounds. Blood stained her clothing, from a nasty gash on her side, plus other small wounds in comparison. She held a hand to it, stopping the bleeding as much as she could as she ventured from where it all began, in hopes of finding the nurse to fix it so she can go back to her full capabilities. She leaned on the frame of the entrance, a small sigh passing her lips Exhaustion wore heavy on her frame, but she hid it away, choosing to suffer than admit her weaknesses over a little cut.
     ❝Thing is, I got a real nasty booboo and no mommy to kiss it better, so do you think you can make due?❞
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agalere · 4 years
❛❛ C’mere. Lean on me. ❜❜ ( miranda 🥺 )
Sad and Soft  {Sentence Starters}
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She had been nodding off --- curls bouncing at each nod, cascading in front of her visage. It was at the third nod that she had been stirred from her stupor. Embarrassed, a redness mounted with a fiery intensity against her cheeks. Spreading as she softly spoke.
“I-I couldn’t. I’m too heavy, I don’t want to cause you anymore stress.” She stammered, trailing off in an endless sentence.
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furieas · 4 years
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‘   tell rengoku you think he’s hot and  then  we’ll talk  .   ’
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floante · 5 years
@craneguard said    ‘   is there something i should know ?   ‘
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     ‘   um.   ‘   catch worry light in her eyes   (   there was a dash sliced into her throat   ---   it had been bandaged,     merely a surface wound that had bled a little TOO much,    but she knew that a red mark was steadily forming where white had been   ).    she lifts her hand to cover it as soon as it’s mentioned   ;    she knows that saya has seen it,     she knows there is no more hiding,    but mind races with the promise of excuses.   ‘    it isn’t as BAD as it looks.    i didn’t want you to worry.   ‘
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noctstate · 5 years
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          ❝  .......   you peeled  me  a mandarin ?   can  i  see ?  ❞
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acidicpinky-blog · 5 years
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“Crane-Sensei! Crane-Senseeeeiiiii!!”
Even from down the hallway Mina’s voice can be heard as she rushes from the library, towards the classroom where she’d just seen Saya at. She held several magazines in her arms that appeared as though they’d fall out of her arms at any given moment. Other students and faculty stepped aside as it become obvious Mina wouldn’t be stopping for any in her way towards the classroom. When she reached the classroom she swung the door open, looking around frantically in hopes she’d see her teacher there. When she did see that her teacher had yet to leave she ran to the desk and slapped the magazines on the desk. They were all dance magazines, most of which were either months or years old as they’d been taken from the library. Mina stopped when she came across a certain article then held up a large picture of a beautiful ballerina next to Saya’s face. She looked between her teacher and the article before exclaiming.
“Look!! It’s you!!!”
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warcursed · 5 years
MESSAGE.   ❝ I’ll keep all my emotions right here, and one day I’ll die. ❞ love u baylee
❛   so   you   plan   on   holding   in   everything   without   some   sort   of   outlet   hoping   it’ll   someday    kill   you  ?   sounds   like   a   peaceful   way   to   go   if   you   ask   me  .   if   only   i   could   be     lucky   enough     to   go   through   something   like   that   when   it’s   my   time  ,   but   i   already   know   my   death   will   be   one   that   only   a    monster   deserves  .   ❜   
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                                          JOHN MULANEY.   /   CRANEGUARD.
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stompquirk-a · 5 years
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@craneguard​ said:  HE CAN'T COUNT TO FUCKING TWO
    She’s sobbing now, eyes brimming with tears.
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furieas · 5 years
      since becoming a pillar and moving into her own home  ,  the little cluster of veggies mitsuri tended to had become considerably  larger             -  not something she could always handle on her own now  .  the summer heat beats down on the little field she tends  ,  and today she is incredibly  thankful  for the company she holds  .
      her bangs cling to her face  ,  the  only  bit of hair saya had not miraculously fit into the tight bundle on the back of mitsuri’s neck  .  she wipes the  sweat  from her eyes and leans on the hoe she’s been using to turn soil .
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      she looks at saya across the field  ,  watching as she smiles at her little girls  ,  glowing  the way a mother does  .  saya has always embodied everything she wanted to be             -  beautiful  .  soft  .  regal  ,  even in the simple linen garments mitsuri  insisted  saya wear to stay cool  .
      ‘   ahhhhhhhhhhhh  ,  it’s so  hot  !  my hair keeps sticking to me  ,  and i’m sweating so much  . . .  i wish i looked as pretty as you do while working  ,  saya-san  !   ’   she says it without thinking while they’ve taken a break from sowing seeds to eat watermelon from the last harvest  .  the sun is setting now  ,  cool air  washing over them  .   ‘   we got so much done today  .  i’m so happy you came to help  !   ’
@craneguard​   /   SNIFFS.......
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floante · 5 years
@craneguard asked   ‘   🕰️   /   an early morning text.   ‘
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   [   txt   :   sent,   to ballet mentor   ]   can i come over?    [   txt   :   sent,   to ballet mentor   ]   i didn’t sleep so well last night.    [   txt   :   sent,   to ballet mentor   ]   i don’t know. i think i’d feel better if i saw you.
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keptsake · 5 years
send in a url / @bombolear !!
how did i KNOW this was coming .
i love howl also 2 death and it’s just . y’all LITERALLY kill me with how in tune u are with each other hgrfedsal and it’s so fun to see honestly . howl is super talented i love their art & writing and it’s been so fun writing with them and getting to know them !! like ........... kenta and indra are SO interesting and i love them so much . miss indra please pick up my calls. and writing with them on discord has actually lifted my muse a LOT and like ? i dropped a lot of my heavy formatting here bc it helped me realize how much it was weighing on My Will To Write so smooches howl for that too 🥺
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acidicpinky-blog · 5 years
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@craneguard​ asked: “You can do this on your own. I believe in you.”
Things you want to hear || Accepting
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Mina stood out front the door to the classroom obviously hesitant to go in. There was an exam today and while she’d been studying with Saya all week for it, she still felt hesitant. She didn’t feel as ready as she thought she was. She hated exams especially ones Saya gave. They weren’t hard, in fact they were fairly easy and usually she at least got a passing grade. But they always got her heart racing, her mind would go blank and she’d just forget everything she’d ever learned. It felt more stressful then fighting villains. Saya’s were worse because there was an added worry of disappointing her favorite teacher. A thought that Saya might decide to give up on her after this test like so many other teachers did. It made her feel sick.
Mina was about to run to Recovery Girls’ office to claim she was sick and hopefully put off taking this test a little longer, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up golden eyes locked with chocolate brown and a delicate smile graced Saya’s lips. The teacher patted Mina’s shoulder once more before saying “You can do this on your own. I believe in you.”
At her teachers’ words Mina’s anxiety managed to dissipate just a little. Long enough for her to take a deep breath in, gather herself and walk through the doorway to the classroom. She could do this. She had to do this. If Saya believed in her, then she could do anything.
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kinyurei-blog · 5 years
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              ❛     AH  !  I’M SO EMBARRASSED  !      ❜  she was the highest rank student in her year in her general studies course. how could she be reckless and get caught for such a stupid reason. the other finally stopped screaming and she was finally able to say something about it. she covered her face with her hands, and tried to back away to get away from the whole situation maybe she was still in shock and wouldn’t notice.  //  @craneguard​
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