mostlyquotesyousee · 2 months
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mostlyquotesyousee · 2 months
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mostlyquotesyousee · 3 months
“With a shared belief in the power of positivity, a humanist and a realist united to conquer the surreal, fueling their journey with unwavering optimism simply because they could feel.”
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mostlyquotesyousee · 3 years
“I like how sleeping next to someone means more than sex sometimes, the body’s way of saying ‘I trust you to be by my side at my most vulnerable time,’ you have no defenses when you are asleep, you tell no lies.”
— Eric Shaw (via wnq-writers)
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mostlyquotesyousee · 3 years
“Bitterness comes from a lack of expression, not the opposite, the older we get, the more shit we go through, emphasis on shit, and we develop a sense of humor, a level of humility and stability that only those closest to us can understand, relate to, and more often than none, they’ve gone up shit creek without paddles, maybe are still there, and it’s only when they had to land face-first into it, you learn to tread water again with them, for your brother who in your shared journeys, as much apathy they have, it’s not resentment, there are few words to explain what they need and plenty to explain the afflictions and contradictions, you mustn’t see this as a fault of many, but a fault of few, not two, not three; a fault of one, who corrupted the mind of a man once kind. The world challenges us daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. Life wasn’t meant to be easy, but it was made for people determined to challenge it back.”
-Anonymous, NA Meeting 05/01/2021
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mostlyquotesyousee · 4 years
“I call it blue-eyed syndrome because I’ll appear sullen, sometimes I am, sometimes I’m not, it only appears that way because these eyes have seen some shit you wouldn’t believe.”
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mostlyquotesyousee · 4 years
Most people carry that pain around inside them their whole lives, until they kill the pain by other means, or until it kills them. But you, my friends, you found another way: a way to use the pain. To burn it as fuel, for light and warmth. You have learned to break the world that has tried to break you.
— Lev Grossman
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mostlyquotesyousee · 4 years
“Technically, he wasn’t an ex-boyfriend, but he was an ex-something. An ex-maybe. An ex-almost.”
— Unknown
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mostlyquotesyousee · 4 years
“We lack integrity, we’re seeing blatant denial from those who wish to never endure or perceive heinous injustices again but now more than ever, belligerence from those who are unphased by the injustices in ignorance too.” - African American Pastor: Harlem NY.
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mostlyquotesyousee · 4 years
“I always die a little inside when my numbers were (sic) called on a day I didn’t put-in, I used to see this pattern literally everywhere and yet I ignored it but I also didn’t refrain from telling my family members to play them to share in the wealth, now I remember why I get so emotional—They never did.”
-Anonymous Female Gambler (34), LAS VEGAS NV
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mostlyquotesyousee · 4 years
“I forgot what it was like to be in-love for a decade, maybe longer, but it wasn’t until it was in-front of me the whole time that life threw me several challenges to test my devotion.. She motivated me to be a better man, but she did it from a distance, close enough for her laughter to fill my ears but far enough that we didn’t sleep in the same bed until we wed.
I found out the quirkiest of things, tried and cooked the best foods, smiled till my face hurt and rested my head on my pillow at night at her side only to think of her. The last thought I have before the blankness of the back of my eyelids— is her.
There is no dream-girl, surely you must understand we’re all perfectly imperfect in our own ways, hell we’re all crazy, we’re all troublesome, she taught me that the best kind of lover is there for the high times, the in-between times, and the times where even the slightest silence makes the loudest sound, that’s the woman I adore, that’s the woman I can worship. I don’t dare objectify her in any way and if she chose to be servantile, I’d object.”
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mostlyquotesyousee · 4 years
“..It’s never who we want, it’ll never be that way because when it’s someone we don’t want; that’s the lesson to be learned not to wish it upon others selfishly.”
-Catholic Priest, Boston MA.
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mostlyquotesyousee · 4 years
$1,200 for a day.
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mostlyquotesyousee · 4 years
And this is how covid19 spread so quickly
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mostlyquotesyousee · 4 years
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mostlyquotesyousee · 5 years
“You can run from your demons no doubt, but unless they are tied down where they originated; they will follow and haunt you wherever you go.”
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mostlyquotesyousee · 5 years
“Remember to laugh every day because life is short— and a life without laughter is a dull life indeed.”
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