#crash unleased au
blossomsofopossums · 2 years
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🥭 Crash Unleashed 2 🥭
a couple more doodles I did since people liked my other ones
Crash Bandicoot x Sonic Unleashed
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queenharumiura · 2 years
🛡️+ reverse - a starter where my muse protects yours from a fight. ( add + reverse for your muse to protect mine. ) // for miceli to protect haru ?
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| Verse: Varia au
'Another fight. Don't they ever tire of it?' It was just another brawl between the hot-headed members of the Varia and as luck would have it (for them) Squalo was out on a mission so he couldn't break up their fight. Concerned by the fallen debris, Haru had brought out a brush and dustpan and started cleaning up some of the mess, keeping her distance from the fighting. Really, it was business as usual- that is, until one of them ignited their flames, causing all Hell to break loose.
Letting her guard down under the pretense of 'they always do this, just stay far enough away and let them tire themselves out.' It wasn't until she felt a harsh tug on her person that she realized that the situation wasn't 'as usual' as she thought it was. "Hahi! What the-" Boom!
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A crash followed by a puff of smoke filled the air, and it didn't take long to realize that whatever attack someone just unleased could have hurt her. Remembering that someone had pulled her away in time, she turned to Miceli. "That was dangerous-- thanks."
The smoke cleared quickly, and judging by the damage, she wouldn't have died, but she would've gotten hurt, and horribly annoyed. With her temper, she would've just dove right into the fray and give them what for. She has half a mind to give a punch or two out of pure annoyance. "Serve as each others witness that we weren't involved in this if Squalo asks." Out comes the phone to take a picture of the culprits.
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hexarcana-archived · 7 years
Here’s that fucked up AU I mentioned.
Ok so this is like... More of an alternate dimension?  Like, this is a situation that I would LOVE to write and it would mean that your muses could easily exist in it in a dimension hopping sense?  Like, I have a set up reality, but just because i have an idea for say... idk Gideon, doesnt mean that another Gideon couldnt visit this dimension.  So, here we go.
So, this dimension it literally situated on the egde of the nightmare realm.  During this reality’s version of Weirdmageddon, after Bill couldnt break out of gravity falls, he essentially dragged Gravity Falls into a horrible middle ground between the nightmare realm.  This made it impossible for the people within Gravity Falls to leave.  Slowly, more towns and communities were added simply because so many people in GF perished or... Switched sides, so to speak.
When I say switched sides, I mean they underwent a sort of horrible transformation.  When Bill took the falls out of actual reality, something in him snapped (even more then he already snapped) and he made a game out of taking the mortals and warping them into more demon buddies and accomplices, as well as taking an eye out of every person he comes across so everyone has one eye.  Very few people embrace the triangular overloard, most rebel and fight back.  Many are captured and are mutilated by lesser demons, or are turned to demons themselves by the greater zodiac demons.
There are the more common demons and there are zodiac demons, which line up with the zodiac that could have ended it all (plus some extras that bill and co. deemed... important.)
If anybody entered this dimension you’d be met wit ha very small unit of people.  Most everyone in the main cast of the show are gone, so it opens the world up for interaction and adds to the ANGST of the ordeal.  What follows is what happened to our main cast, but before that I have to tell you the fate of my beloved matriarch oc, Aggie.
Aggie was one of the first people to be turned to a Zodiac demon.  True to her protective nature, she essentially sacrificed herself to protect Olive and the kids (who were with her at the time) with the combined power of Bill as well as Hex Arcana, the demon who effectively owns Aggie, our sweet loving witch lady is turned to nothing short of a monster.  She shifts shape between a terrifying dog-beast with white fur and six eyes, to a semblance of her formal self but covered in bloody hexagons, and with no ounce of humanity behind.  Zodiac demon known as The Mongrel and she mostly stays around her old house.
Dipper and Mabel survived weirdmageddon and for some time after, the got by with the help of their uncles.  Devastated by the fact they’d likely never see their parents again, they were determined to do all they could to defeat Bill.  This proved to be impossible for them.  During a raid, Mabel was taken by Bill himself, and she was warped from sweet girl to a firey demon with a sadistic streak.  Mabel no more, she became a zodiac demon; Shooting Star.  
After the loss of Mabel, Dipper became even more determined.  Together with Ford, they developed as much technology and protective measures their two brilliant minds could manage.  Ford wanted to do more tests, but Dipper wanted to stop the madness and save everyone who’d been lost.  He went out (followed by Olive, Wendy and Gideon) and was taken by his sister.  He became the zodiac demon, Pine Tree and instantly turned on the others.  Dipper attacked Olive and fulfilled Bil’s order for each person alive to only have one eye, leaving her bleeding on the ground as Wendy tried to fight back and Gideon tried to get her back to camp.  Wendy was nearly turned to a Zodiac, but she managed to get away by ‘killing’ Pine Tree, but not before one of her arms warped into a sort of ice claw, showing what she’d become if she wasn’t careful.  To her horror, Pine Tree regenerated and continued the chase.  The twins were pushed back thanks to some magic measures Aggie put on the town before she died.  
Wendy returned and essentially ascended rather quickly to the roll of leader, along with her family.  Her father was taken within the first year, so Wendy really did take charge.  To this day she still is considered to be the leader.  She, like the rest of the population, only have one eye.
Gideon managed to get Olive back to the shack, which was a base of operations.  Ford and Stan desperately try to find out where Dipper is, but Gideon explains that Dipper was gone, like Mabel was.  This effectively breaks the older twins.  They argue, blame is tossed around, rage mounts.  Ford breaks down, he runs out of the shack.  By now, Olive has come to and witnessed all of this, and she pleads with Stan to go find Ford and get him back, he could be hurt and they need him.  Stan says nothing, clearly he’s a bit overcome with grief.  Olive wearily gets up and goes ater Ford.  She’s injured and half blind, but she manages to track him down.  He’s shouting to no on out in the woods that he wont be like the rest, he wont let Bill use him to hurt anyone.  He is shoutign about how its all his fault, and before Olive can run out and stop him, he took his gun and turns it on himself.
The loss of Ford breaks the community.  He was their greatest hope to defeat the evil.  After he died it became more a matter of survival rather than victory.  After his funeral, Stan left.  Without much of a word, he was gone.  Olive tried to stop him but she was too weak, and he vanished into the woods, never to be seen again.  It is unknown currently if he’s live, met a fate like Fords, or is in the woods somewhere lurking as a zodiac demon.
With the Pines family gone, things just got worse.  Mind you, all of this happened over the span of about a year.  More people either followed Ford or were taken and transformed.  Just to make this easy, here is the Zodiac +Bonus Characters and their fates, currently.
Dipper: Zodiac Demon Pine Tree A great spiked beast that has the ability to enter trees and control them to attack. Mabel: Zodiac Demon Shooting Star  A violent firey demon who leaps into the air and comes crashing down like a comet to obliterate her enemies. Stan: Unknown Ford: Deceased Soos:  Alive, handyman of the apocolypse.  He tried to go after Stan, but Stan begged him to stay back, that he couldnt stand the thought ofl osing anyone else, especially not Soos. Gideon: Alive, living al ot like he did in Weirdmageddon.  A sort of Mad Max big rig guy who aids in going out of the town in the events of compromises of the barrier.
Wendy: Alive, but part of her body has been turned to ice reflecting her Zodiac, Ice Robbie: Zodiac Demon The Bleeding Heart Working in tandem with his demonized parents, Robbie unleases hoards of regenerating undead to plague the town for Bills amusement. Pacifica: Alive, she’s become somewhat of a medic.  She still has two eyes, but keeps one covered. Fiddleford: Zodiac Demon Spectacles A large, mechanized demon with shards of glass protruding from it.  He’s essentially the shaktron but evil.
Aggie Yearling: Zodiac Demon The Mongrel A giant six eyed wolf beast that shifts shape into a semblance of Aggie to mess with anyone who crosses her. Olive Yearling: Alive, works directly under Wendy and often works with Gideon. Steven Yearling:  Zodiac Demon Fangs Hangs around the caves he once lived in.  Murderous, violent and hungry.  He resembles a bat.
Surviving townsfolk:  Wendy’s brothers, Ma Gleeful, Durland, Tate McGucket, Priscilla Northwest, Mayor Tyler, Waddles, Grenda, Candy’s parents, Grenda’s parents, all of Sev’ral Timez except Deep Chris, Gompers, Jeff the Gnome, Celestabelleabethabelle, Thompson, Toby Determined, any remaining side characters.
Demi-demons:  The Valentinos, Manly Dan, Lazy Susan, Ghost Eyes, Candy, Tambry, Lee, Deep Chris, Blubbs, Abuelita, Bud Gleeful, most of the remaining gnomes, the Multibear, nearly all of the manotaurs, Blendin Blandin, Poolcheck, Shandra Jimenez, Free Pizza Guy, Tad Strange,  and the Shapeshifter.
Bill’s squad is still running around too.
The present in the dimension is in present day for us, 2017.  Five years ahead of 2012.
I might just write this into a fucking fic???  I came up with all of this during a CAR RIDE today.  ALL OF IT.
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blossomsofopossums · 2 years
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🥭 Crash Unleashed 🥭
Its basically just Sonic Unleashed but with Crash characters lmfao
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blossomsofopossums · 2 years
Your posts about the Sonic Unleashed-ibspired Crash AU are so awesome, OP!!
Ever thought about going into detail about it?
Oh snap hi!! Im glad you like that au haha I didnt really think a whole lot about it because everything sort of fits perfectly ya know?
But basically its the Sonic Unleashed's story line but Uka Uka is Dark Gaia and Aku Aku is Light Gaia, Cortex is Eggman, and Cocoa is Tails/Amy!
And instead of the Chaos Emeralds they're collecting the 25 crystals. But I also tweaked it to where Crash becomes more aggressive the more he transforms just so the plot is more urgent. Also cause I love like werewolf angst hehehe
I did imagine that one scene with Amy and Sonic with Crash and Cocoa but instead of it being a confusing mess, Crash unknowingly lashes out at her and scares her off (hes massive, bigger than Crunch)
Game wise Id also assume itd be like Unleashed to where the night levels are based more on fighting enemies rather than platforming.
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