#creating bubble mountains 100/10 so magical!!!
wearenotswans · 1 year
What are sundays for if not making bubble mountains and ordering delivery?
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Tomorrow Only Knows [Chapter 5] - Ignis Scientia x FemReader
Wow, an update sooner than a month? Wha! Somehow the theme of this chapter just magically worked out perfect for the recipe featured.  I will mention more about it in the End notes so I don’t spoil too much.  It’s also the first technique/skills recipe! whoop!
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Chapter 5 Warnings/Themes - SFW, fluff, depression, self-doubt, mentions of blood/gore, mild language Word Count - 6,083 Chapter 5 Recipe - Fluffy Chiffon Cake (Japanese Cheesecake) Series Master List - Tomorrow Only Knows  Screen shots - by @ffxvscreenshots​
A puff of dirt clouded around your frame as you fell square on your back, the impact forcing the air out of your lungs.  Gladio towered over you, eclipsing the mid-afternoon sun from your face.
“Footwork is still a little sloppy, just gotta keep practicing it,” he grabbed your hand and lifted you effortlessly to your feet.  “You’re gettin’ it.  Remember, defense for you is going to be different than for me.”
You combed your tousled hair with your fingers, preparing for another round with the daunting Shield.  He dived at your hips, lifting you over his shoulder as you scrambled to find some sort of balance.  You kicked and flailed as a high pitched shriek erupted from your mouth like an emergency alarm siren.  After a few moments of struggling, he set you down carefully on your feet.  He tapped you gently on your temple, “Think about the situation, don’t think about yourself panicking or trying to escape quickly.  You will escape.  Tell yourself you will.  It’ll calm you down enough to think it through.”
Keep Reading For Fluffy Chiffon Cake - Japanese Cheesecake
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 I am content to finally share with you my version of the Japanese Cheesecake (it actually really is more of a chiffon cake than a ‘raw’ cheesecake).  I have tried SEVERAL different versions of this recipe and had multiple failed results. But this version is the one I’ve been looking for since the beginning; the texture of this cake is very fluffy and soft with a slightly creamy bite.  Its exactly like the kind I used to get as a kid when I grew up on my wee little island in Japan.  This recipe will teach you how to master the meringue technique!
 *Yields 8 slices
6 fresh egg yolks 1 whole egg 100 grams sweetened condensed milk 100 grams all-purpose flour (sieved) 226 gram (1 package) of Philadelphia cream cheese 70 ml canola oil 6 egg whites (at room temp) 90 grams of castor sugar 10 ml lemon juice Butter for greasing
Kitchen Tools
 Parchment paper 8” diameter x 4” height round cake pan Large deep pan big enough to hold cake pan (for water bath) Large mixing bowl Medium mixing bowl Whisk Medium saucepan Medium Pyrex glass or metal bowl Spatula Electric hand mixer
 **Note 1: Caster sugar is a fine sugar that’s somewhere in between granulated sugar and powdered sugar.  If you can’t find castor sugar, you can make it yourself by pulsing granulated sugar in a food processor a couple of times to reduce the particle size. HONESTLY, if I can’t make it or find it I just use plain granulated sugar *shrug*
 **Note 2:  The key with getting a beautiful round fluffy cake is the meringue and the OVEN TEMP.  The oven temp has been my greatest downfall on these cheesecakes.  Too hot of an oven can make the cake crack and form a ‘waist’ and browns the surface too much.  Too cold of a temp can cause a dense and undercooked cake.  There are also traditional and convection ovens that have huge differences in temperature.  My oven is a convection oven (a fan forced oven that creates higher temps and faster cooking) so the temp in my recipe is adjusted for that. If you have a traditional top/bottom oven, then bake at 300 F for 30 minutes then reduce to 275 F for 60 minutes)
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1. Take cake pan and trace the base of the pan on the parchment paper, cut out the circle making sure to cut off any pencil markings
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2. Use butter to lightly grease the bottom and sides of cake pan, lay the parchment down inside the pan so that it sticks to the bottom.  Press out any creases or bubbles.  This makes it easier to remove the cake when its done baking. You can also cut a strip of parchment to line the sides (this will give the final result a smooth surface but this is not necessary but I prefer doing this personally)
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3. Move baking rack to the second lowest position in oven, Preheat oven to 275 F
4. Fill a medium saucepan halfway with water and bring to a boil, place pyrex glass/metal bowl on top of pot and place cream cheese block inside bowl, make sure the bottom of the bowl is not touching the surface of the water (this is called a double boiler, it allows steam to heat the bowl and gently melt the cream cheese without burning it).  Melt the cream cheese and whisk until smooth with no clumps, remove from stove top and set aside.
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5. In a large mixing bowl, whisk the egg yolks and 1 egg with condensed milk. Set aside
6. Sift flour into a medium mixing bowl, heat canola oil over stove until hot but not boiling.  Carefully drizzle over flour and quickly stir together to form a smooth paste.  Set aside
7. Add cream cheese to egg yolk mixture, whisk well until cream cheese is well combined (you don’t want chunks of cream cheese), then add flour paste and whisk until smooth
8.  In a separate bowl, use electric hand mixer to beat egg whites and lemon juice on low speed until frothy (**IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that there are absolutely NO traces of YOLK or OIL in the bowl or on the mixer blades.  Any oil present in a meringue makes it very difficult to achieve stiff peaks)
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a.  Add about a third of the castor sugar.  Continue beating on low speed for about 2 to 3 minutes until it begins turning white
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b.  Add another third of the sugar and continue beating, it should start looking smooth and opaque
c.  Add last third of sugar and continue beating, it should now look like a thick white icing
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d.  We want slightly stiff peaks, to test for stiff peaks, take your blade and lift it out of the batter, you should see it create a “mountain peak” that either gently folds over or remains upright.  If it still looks too soupy, continue beating for a few more minutes
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9.  Scoop about a fourth of the meringue into your cream cheese batter, use whisk to MIX it together until no swirls of white remain (do not actually WHISK it, just use the whisk to gently mix the two together, this helps to “loosen” the batter which makes the folding step easier)
10.  Add another fourth of the meringue into the batter, using a spatula gently FOLD the meringue into the batter until no white streaks remain.  Add another fourth and fold.  Add last fourth of meringue and fold ONLY until no streaks of meringue remain (Over mixing the batter causes the meringue to ‘deflate’ which makes your cake less fluffy when baked, here’s a link on youtube of how to fold a meringue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImG6aDR7vVg)
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11.  Gently pour the batter into the round baking pan, drop the pan onto the counter a couple of times to make the air bubbles come to the surface and pop (I usually have to do this 10 times to get them mostly out)
12.  Place the pan into a larger deep baking pan (I use my 12” round x 3“ deep baking pan, you need a pan big enough to create a water bath), boil a pot of water until just hot and carefully pour the water into the large pan.   The water level should be 1/3 or ½ the height of your 8” round pan
a.  **NOTE if you can’t carry a large pan of water carefully to the oven, then place the whole thing in the oven and THEN add the water, you don’t want to risk splashing hot water on yourself because the whole setup is too heavy to carry over to the oven)
b.  I took these photos during 2 different bakes so the photo below has a shorter parchment liner
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13.  Center the 8” pan in the water bath if it shifted, bake at 275 F for 30 minutes (at this stage the cake should rise only about 1 to 2 cm, if it rises more than that or too quickly the surface will crack, refer to my note at the beginning)
14.  Reduce temp to 250 F and continue baking for 70 minutes (a water bath prevents the sides of the cake from burning, so baking this cheese cake for this long is actually okay!)
15.  Turn off the oven and let the cake sit in there for 10 minutes.  Use a heat proof or silicon spatula to crack the oven open for about 20 minutes (taking the cheesecake straight out of the oven can cause rapid cooling which can make the cake shrink and shrivel up)
16.  Remove cake from oven, by this point it will have shrunk a little from the sides by no more than 1 cm
17.  Remove cake and parchment paper from pan and place on a wire rack to completely cool (tastes good both warm and cold).  Refrigerate left overs.
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obtusemedia · 5 years
The 100 best songs of the 2010s: #50-26
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#50: “I Love It” by Icona Pop feat. Charli XCX (2012)
“I Love It” is about as close as the early ‘10s bubblegum pop scene got to punk rock. 
Swedish one-hit-wonders Icona Pop, with the songwriting help of pop wizard Charli XCX, crafted a single that feels like a punch in the face. It’s short, it’s repetitive and it flies middle fingers in the face of authority, older generations and anyone else who pissed them off. The bridge’s iconic line, “You’re from the ‘70s, but I’m a ‘90s bitch,” sums up the theme of “I Love It” more than I ever could.
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#49: “Shut Up Kiss Me” by Angel Olsen (2016)
I feel bad putting Angel Olsen — unequivocally one of the ‘10′s greatest talents — this relatively low on the list. But she’s more of an album artist than a singles one, so just listen to MY WOMAN if you want a more full picture of her.
But she does have at least one instant showstopper in her catalogue. “Shut Up Kiss Me” is a a perfect mix of too-cool indie and painfully Midwestern heartland rock. Olsen’s voice is defiantly old-school, like a Greatest Generation-era country singer or Lana Del Rey-via-Missouri, but she makes it work somehow over the song’s clanging garage-rock guitars.
“Shut Up Kiss Me” is a spark of energetic, flirty fun, proving the ‘90s and ‘50s should be combined more often.
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#48: “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars (2014)
After starting the 2010′s with some insanely bland pop, Bruno Mars wisely course-corrected into slick retro-pop and delivered some of the best hits of the decade. “24K Magic,” “Locked Out Of Heaven,” “Finesse,” “Treasure” — all wonderful in my book.
But of course, none of Mars’ hits compare to the towering masterpiece that is “Uptown Funk.” That’s partly because he teamed up with another retro-pop titan, Mark Ronson, to deliver the goods. The combination of Mars’ borderline-kitsch, cartoony swagger and Ronson’s Minneapolis-style funk is a wonder to behold. It’s easy to dance to, easy to sing (or I guess, chant) along with, so it’s no wonder that it conquered the world in early 2015.
Does “Uptown Funk” shamelessly ripoff Morris Day and The Gap Band? Sure. But sometimes, pastiches can turn into something greater.
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#47: “212″ by Azealia Banks (2011)
I’d rather not talk about how Azealia Banks self-destructed her own career by starting (and losing) feuds left and right. Even Kanye West would be embarrassed at her lack of filter.
No, let’s focus on that brief window where Banks appeared to be the future of hip-hop, thanks to her firebomb of a single, “212.” This song still goes hard in the paint eight years later. The playful, bouncy beat is a perfect match for Banks’ dexterous flow and filthy lines. It somehow still retains its shocking power nine years later.
Banks had that power to grab your attention. It’s a shame that talent went to waste, but at least we’ll always have “212.”
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#46: “Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall” by Coldplay (2011)
Just wanted to remind all of you: Coldplay was actually really good. Even on their obnoxiously optimistic, day-glo 2011 album Mylo Xyloto. And especially on that album’s lead single, the EDM-lite, slow-burning, anthemic “Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall.”
Is it corny? Of course, it’s Coldplay. Does it light up every pleasure center in my brain anyways? Again: Of course, it’s Coldplay. Just give into the U2-esque guitars, thumping synths and Chris Martin wailing away about waterfalls or whatever. I don’t know why it works, but it sure as hell does.
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#45: “Capacity” by Charly Bliss (2019)
After writing an entire album of bubbly grunge-pop jams filled with non sequiturs, New Yorkers Charly Bliss got a little more serious with their follow up, “Capacity.” The new wave anthem perfectly encapsulates the suffering of emotional labor, and when you try to be everything for everyone. Lead singer Eva Hendricks’ normally vibrant voice is self-constrained for most of the song, until the climax, when it feels like a weight has been lifted off. 
“Capacity” is the perfect compromise for Charly Bliss: It retains their irresistible hooks, while using that pop songwriting to convey something more important. 
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#44: “Rollercoaster” by Bleachers (2014)
Jack Antonoff is probably the pop producer of the decade. His ‘80s-fetishizing fingerprints are all over the ‘10s pop scene, from his bombastic early days with fun., to his minimalist work with Lorde’s career-defining Melodrama. And don’t forget Taylor Swift’s career-derailing reputation — his production was one of that album’s bright spots.
But naturally, the songs Antonoff saved for himself and his side project Bleachers were perfect pop nuggets too. “Rollercoaster” is probably Bleachers’ best. This slice of pure, unfiltered new wave bubblegum is so catchy that you’d swear it’s a cover of a classic pop song from 30 years earlier. You’d have to try pretty damn hard (or just dislike pop) to dislike it.
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#43: “Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)” by Arcade Fire (2010)
Remember when Arcade Fire were still the darlings of the music industry? One listen to The Suburbs and you’ll be reminded why they were at one point considered the indie U2.
“Sprawl II” is just one of many highlights on The Suburbs, but as the climax of that album, it’s bulletproof. Regine Chassagne takes the vocal reigns here, delivering her best-ever yelpy, high-pitched performance. In an album all about the suffocating nature of suburban sprawl, “Sprawl II” perfectly encapsulates the difficulty of escaping the endless housing developments and crumbling strip malls. In a way, it’s the millennials’ “Born To Run” — all about getting away to a brighter future. Just swap crumbling factories for drive-thrus.
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#42: “Don’t Start Now” by Dua Lipa (2019)
Dua Lipa was always a solid popstar. Jams like “Electricity” and “New Rules” were fun, energetic dance-pop singles. But she was never truly transcendent until “Don’t Start Now” arrived in the decade’s waning months. Lipa went full disco queen on the track, effortlessly riding a fat slap-bass line all the way to pop euphoria. Her robotic, staccato delivery on the chorus sells the song’s icy post-breakup-brushoff feel. If “Don’t Start Now” is any indication, expect Lipa to be one of the 2020s’ best stars. 
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#41: “Scorpio Rising” by Soccer Mommy (2018)
Nashville singer-songwriter Sophie Allison, AKA Soccer Mommy (maybe the decade’s best/worst band name), doesn’t dance around with her lyrics. They cut straight to the heartbreak in the most brutal way. And there’s no song that exemplifies this better than her power-ballad, “Scorpio Rising.”
The slow-burner is about a slowly-dissolving long-distance relationship. Allison knows her boyfriend has eyes on someone else that actually lives near him, and she has to let him go. It’s tragic in a routine way, and the twanging guitars and Allison’s longing vocals really sell both the realism and the angst of the scenario.
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#40: “I Blame Myself” by Sky Ferreira (2013)
Pending on how great her long-awaited sophomore album Masochism is — if it ever comes out — Sky Ferreira will be one of the 10′s biggest what-ifs. After a solid EP in 2012, her 2013 debut, Night Time, My Time was a beautifully grimy blend of ‘80s new wave and ‘90s grunge. Even with HAIM, Chvrches and Lorde releasing debuts that year, Ferreira seemed to be the top of the pop class of 2013. But the second album still hasn’t arrived.
Luckily, Night Time, My Time is an untouchable masterpiece, and its synthpop centerpiece, “I Blame Myself,” shows exactly what Ferreira’s capable of. Surrounded by songs with crashing guitars, the bright synths and drum machine rumble makes it one of the album’s more minimalist tracks. And the song itself is a great exploration of the guilt, anger and self-doubt that comes after a breakup. It’s a more-than-worthy sequel to her breakout single, “Everything Is Embarrassing.”
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#39: “Dreams and Nightmares (Intro)” by Meek Mill (2012)
Me, listening to the first 96 seconds of “Dreams and Nightmares”: Yeah, okay, this is pretty nice. It’s a good come-up track, dreamy instrumentation.
Me, starting at the 97-second mark of “Dreams and Nightmares” and for the rest of the song: OH MY GOD MY HEART RATE JUST TRIPLED WHAT’S HAPPENING IS THIS THE GREATEST SONG EVER
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#38: “Closer” by The Chainsmokers and Halsey (2016)
The Chainsmokers made a lot of bad music in the 2010s. Halsey made a lot of mediocre music in the same time frame. But when they joined forces? An accidental masterpiece was created.
I’m not going to argue that “Closer” is high art by any means. It’s trashy to the highest degree, and it’s not even critic-approved, hipstery bubblegum like Carly Rae Jepsen or Charli XCX. Nope, “Closer” is the definition of lowest-common-denominator pop. There’s not much special to it.
Then why do I love it so much? Three years later, I still remember every word will sing along with glee. I love the random, pointless details like that mattress stolen in Boulder, or that Blink-182 song overplayed in Tuscon (the song’s couple apparently spent lots of time in Pac-12 college towns...surprised they didn’t throw in a shout-out to Corvallis while they were at it). I love the cheap-sounding bleepy-bloopy drop. And I legitimately think, despite being a bland singer, Andrew Taggart has vocal chemistry with Halsey.
“Closer” will likely never be a critical darling. But I think it’ll stick around in the public consciousness as a guilty pleasure — I know it’s my favorite guilty pleasure of the 10s. I guess that makes it the “Don’t Stop Believin’“ of this decade. There are certainly worse things to be.
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#37: “House of Balloons / Glass Table Girls” by The Weeknd (2011)
In 2011 — before he became Daft Punk’s new muse, before he developed an uncanny knack for writing songs that sound like lost Michael Jackson classics, before he became a hook artist for Beyoncé and Kanye, even before he fought Adam Sandler in a Safdie Brothers movie — The Weeknd was just a mysterious, shadowy figure. Nobody knew what he looked like, or what his real name was. And that didn’t matter, because he gave us gloriously depraved futurist R&B classics like “House of Balloons / Glass Table Girls.”
As much as I love The Weeknd’s pop sellout era — I struggled not putting “Starboy,” “I Feel It Coming” or “The Hills” on this list — “House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls” is something truly special. The two-part song starts as an invitation into The Weeknd’s creepy world. With a heavy Siouxie and the Banshees sample (not the only time he borrowed from ‘80s art-rock), he lets the listener into his “happy house,” which sounds anything but.
By the time you reach the song’s second half, things take a sharp veer into overt sleaze, all cocaine and sex. The song is so nocturnal here that if you listen to it during the day, Spotify will refuse to play it. “Glass Table Girls,” like The Weekend, is a creature of the night. And even though he’d have better hooks later in this career, that first hedonistic rush is still the best.
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#36: “Gone” by Charli XCX feat. Christine and the Queens (2019)
Charli XCX, after years of getting ~this close~ to penning a generational anthem, finally hit the nail on the head in the last summer of the decade.
“Gone” is an anxious, dystopian banger worthy of two of the ‘10′s best alt-pop heroes. It perfectly captures the intense self-loathing and fear when surrounded by people you don’t know/don’t like. And wrapping it all up in a glitched-out breakdown? *chef’s kiss*
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#35: “BOOGIE” by BROCKHAMPTON (2017)
“BOOGIE” is the sound of absolute chaos. The beat is composed of a lurching bassline, air-raid sirens and a squawking sax riff, all turned up to 11. Throw in radically varying verses from six (!!) different BROCKHAMPTON members, a music video where the sprawling Texas collective paints themselves blue and wreaks havoc in a convenience store and weirdo bars including arguably the most non sequitur/best flex of the decade (“Best boy band since One Direction/Making n*ggas itch like a skin infection”), and you’ve got a perfect BROCKHAMPTON song.
In the past couple years, BROCKHAMPTON has refined their sound a solid, reliable formula: quirky bars, creaky beats, general vibe of angst. The collective is more reliably good now, but there was something special about their unpredictable crash-landing in 2017. “BOOGIE,” while being an absolute banger, still features Joba delivering an entire voice in a yelping scream, and Merlyn Wood (my favorite of the group) rhymes “willy” with itself 40 times or so. It’s a deeply odd song. But it’s the best kind of odd.
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#34: “The Woman That Loves You” by Japanese Breakfast (2015)
A gorgeous introduction to what would become one of the late-’10′s premier indie acts, “The Woman That Loves You” is synthy dream-pop perfected.
Michelle Zauner, AKA Japanese Breakfast, has one of those voices that works as its own instrument, bending and shifting timbres when the song needs it. In “Woman,” her softer, cooing style is mostly used to fit the dusky atmosphere created by the song’s hypnotic guitar riff and slowly rumbling drums. And when the song’s climax hits in the song’s middle, her vocals burst into exasperated joy while twinkling synths explode in the background.
“The Woman That Loves You” is a songs that demands to be listened to at twilight; it’s a potential end-credits classic. The fact that Zauner was able to live up to its promise with two incredible albums just makes her debut single’s legacy even stronger.
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#33: “Shabba” by A$AP Ferg feat. A$AP Rocky (2013)
The A$AP Crew’s peak turned out to be surprisingly short. Ater A$AP Rocky and A$AP Ferg dominated 2013, their careers wound up in gradual decline afterwards. Rocky honorably tried to switch up his style, but nothing ever stuck and Travis Scott took over his lane. And Ferg just kind of became bland.
But the duo will always have one glorious moment: the ignant-rap masterpiece “Shabba.” Over a trunk-rattling beat that sounds like a Hitchcock soundtrack filtered through a trap lens, Ferg and Rocky have the time of their lives bragging about money and women. On the surface, it’s a generic trap song. But it’s the platonic ideal for a generic trap song — both insanely fun, but with a bit of legitimate edge. It’s something MCs would try to top for the rest of the decade. And they would never come close.
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#32: “Adored” by Hatchie (2018)
It’s been only about two years since Hatchie released her debut single, “Sure,” and yet the Brisbane artist already feels like an essential figure in ‘10s dream pop. Her ghostly vocals and spaced-out guitars hit the ground running immediately, and she hasn’t disappointed since.
Hatchie’s best single, “Adored,” is probably about the closest she came to a true dancefloor filler. The single — released by Adult Swim, weirdly enough — is a yearning and insanely catchy. It sounds like if The Cranberries added some synthesizers and a pounding, euphoric dance beat to one of their classic songs. Hatchie makes the listener wait over two minutes for the chorus, but its melody is so pristine that it’s worth the wait. And if she’s willing to toss off a dream pop anthem as spectacular as “Adored” as a loosie single, I think Hatchie has a very bright future ahead.
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#31: “Loud Places” by Jamie xx feat. Romy (2015)
The hook for Jamie xx’s solo debut album, In Color, is that it didn’t try to sound like London rave music. Instead, it captured the feelings and emotions that ravers feel while in London’s nightclubs. It was a dance album that made you think of dancing, rather than make you actually want to dance.
That sounds pretentious as hell, I realize, but Jamie xx — a member of indie-pop stalwarts The xx — nailed the execution, particularly on the haunting lead single with The xx’s lead singer, Romy, “Loud Places.”
The song is about finding euphoria on the dance floor, but instead of being a banger, it’s mostly subdued and minimalist. Its verses are just Romy’s whispers, plus a few quiet synths. Then, a ghostly sample of a 1977 soul song explodes into the mix with pounding drums, and you’re hypnotized. A twinkling percussion loop and a repeated, twanging guitar riff rush in to compliment.
With “Loud Places,” Jamie xx proved that he was ready to move beyond The xx’s hyper-minimalist style, and create his own type of anthem.
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#30: “Harvard” by Diet Cig (2015)
Diet Cig’s best songs work because of their raw emotional power. Lead singer/guitarist Alex Luciano has a voice that, while not as technically impressive as an Ariana Grande or Whitney Houston, can perfectly deliver anguish and outrage. And she was never more powerful than on Diet Cig’s breakout single, “Harvard.”
The feeling conveyed in “Harvard” is jealousy and betrayal: A guy starts dating a bougie Ivy League woman after breaking up with the narrator. The short song dives get into detail for much of its running time, with Luciano sneering that her new girlfriend’s “not as loud” and making fun of his new, white-collar life.
But the song’s thesis, and arguably the best chorus of the decade, is saved for the final 30 seconds of the song. Over crashing drums and lo-fi guitar, Luciano screams off-key, “FUCK YOUR IVY LEAGUE SWEATER!” It’s both visceral and relatable for anyone who feels left behind.
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#29: “Shallow” by Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga (2018)
“Shallow” is the best soundtrack song of the decade and one of the best of all time. Despite its odd structure, the chemistry between Bradley Cooper (and his solid Eddie Vedder impersonation) and Lady Gaga — sorry, I mean Jackson Maine and Ally — is undeniable. And that magical “AHHHAAAAAAAAA” where Gaga reminds everyone that she’s arguably the greatest vocal powerhouse of her generation? Ugh. It’s perfect.
Also, if I can get on a tangent — A Star Is Born should’ve swept the 2018 Oscars. In what universe is Green Book a better movie? Or Rami Malek’s lip-synching job a better performance than Bradley Cooper’s tragic, grizzled turn? (Olivia Colman was very good in The Favourite, so I can live with Gaga losing).
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#28: “I Can Never Be Myself When You’re Around” by Chromatics (2015)
Chromatics were the decade’s most frustrating, yet brilliant act. The Portland group only put out one full-length album in the 2010′s — 2012′s stellar Kill For Love — before waiting three years to put out follow-up singles in 2015 with the promise of a new album, Dear Tommy, by Valentine’s Day. But Dear Tommy has yet to arrive nearly five years later, and almost all of its incredible singles were taken down from streaming services.
One of those disappearing singles (that just returned this fall!!) was “I Can Never Be Myself When You’re Around,” a roller-disco masterpiece. It managed to hold onto Chromatics’ signature ghostly ‘80s-noir sound while adding a thumping bass line and snapping snare drums. The band had made danceable tunes before, like “Looking For Love,” but they were usually more minimalist affairs. “When You’re Around” is the Chromatics formula on steroids, and shockingly it works.
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#27: “Wednesday Night Melody” by Bleached (2016)
From its raucous skater-punk guitars to the undeniably catchy Go-Go’s vocal harmonies, “Wednesday Night Melody” is the platonic ideal for a Los Angeles rock jam.
Bleached, one of the decade’s most underrated acts, has written plenty of songs written for driving full-speed with the windows down on Pacific Coast Highway, but “Wednesday Night Melody” is their sound perfected. Receiving the torch from fellow Californians Weezer, Bleached found just the right balance between massive hooks and crunchy guitars. It’s the pinnacle of the mid-’10s brief bubblegum-punk movement.
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#26: “LMK” by Kelela (2017)
“LMK,” the highlight of arguably the decade’s finest R&B album, Take Me Apart, is a masterclass in retrofuturism.
Kelela and producers Jam City create a blacklight alternate reality with “LMK,” in which 1986, 1999 and 2050 all seamlessly meld. The new-wave synths, stuttering Timbaland-esque rhythms and icy vibe make for an incredible experience. Kelela’s cool is impenetrable — appropriate given as the song is basically telling a potential lover in the club to chill out and just talk to her.
In a weak era for R&B, it’s truly a shame that Kelela hasn’t yet become the megastar she deserves to be. But in that alternate reality, weirdo bangers like “LMK” are playing 24/7.
0 notes
greenoceanblog · 7 years
My Ever Growing List
So I’ve been working on my bucket list lately. It’s about 16 pages long...I keep coming up with new ideas, so I thought I would write down some of the stuff I have completed. Please feel free to steal these ideas.
1.Get a 2018 calendar 2.Spike Hair 3.Magic Mike XXL 4.First potluck at work 5.First potluck 6.Turn in flash drive 7.New headphones 8.Plastic on windows 9.8 bundle tray 10.Happy TV Show 11.Lights went out at work 12.Pixie hair cut 13.Go to $ store 14.Buy crayons 15.Buy dress shoes 16.Santa House 17.Hang stockings 18.Take baby girl to see Santa 19.Christmas coloring books 20.Canvas photos 21.Make baby girl a poncho 22.Buy baby girls gift box 23.Put together Mariah’s presents 24.Take out Trash 25.Vaccum floor 26.Watch Shameless 27.Do a sharing tree 28.Go over present list 29.Depo shot
30.Found out I can wear a girl’s size 6 shoe 31.Have a bank account again 32.Food stamps 33.Won a prize drawing 34.First 9 bundle 35.Recieve canvas photos 36.Wear all my earrings 37.Took a nap 38.Family party 39.Baby girl opens her gift box 40.Take out trash 41.Switch bed around 42.Hug everyone at a party 43.Open a small present on Christmas Eve 44.Christmas 45.Eart antlers tomorrow 46.Leave cookies for Santa 47.Wake up before everyone on Christmas 48.Hand out presents 49.Laundry 50.Take down tree 51.Take picture of 50th goal 52.Finish putting boxes in basement 53.Receive Dow card 54.Wear new Paris PJ’s 55.Take a nice long shower 56.Wear new socks 57.Turn in bottles 58.Watch 100 zombie movies 59.Have dinner for breakfast
60.Tackle a mountain of dishes 61.Take out trash 62.Fix baby’s hair 63.Give Nick a shower 64.Re-clean room 65.Eggnog rum covered pecans 66. Set up new bank account 67.See how much micro pigs are ($750-$3,500) 68.Get to the part 2 of suburbia 2 69. Buy a new trash can 70.Wear new emoji earrings 71.Fill out calendar 72.Watch the ball drop 73.New Years Resolution 74.Kiss someone on New Years 75.Baby’s Birthday 76.Wear new boots 77.Own a pair of superhero undies78.Have a new sweat shirt 79.Wear new gloves 80.Buy conditioner for my hair 81.Put up new calendar 82.New Years 83.Write in new notebook 84.Wear a cozy sweater 85.Give up pop for a year 86.Wear new top 87.Put a random item in someone’s shopping cart 88.Eat what I want until Jan 2nd 89.Wear new slippers
90.Captain crunch berries 91.Create a food budget 92.Pack lunch for tomorrow 93.Show Jason my picture 94.My fat fab life returns 95.Use new yarn 96.Sing in the shower97.Make Baby feel better 98.Find green pens 99.Pay off Library bill 100.Go to the library 101.Get 100 things done 102.Pop bubble wrap 103.Spend the day doing what she wants 104.Start looking up 2 bedrooms 105.Get baby’s birthday stuff 106.Wear clothes fresh from the dryer 107.Buy muffin’s from Kroger’s again 108.Buy a thong 109.Use new pens 110.Wake up earlier in the morning 111.Doctor’s appointment 112.Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day 113.Buy some green clothes 115.Add fire burning to playlist 116.Read another James Patterson book 117.Roll yarn into balls 118.See Happy Death Day 119.Get boxes from work 120.Quit a bad habit in 21 days 121.Finish all 7 seasons of Shameless 122.Have a pillow fight 123.Binge watch Netflix 124.Use Applebee’s card 125.Figure out where to put myself 126.Candle lighter 127.Tried a long island ice tea (sour) 128.All star’s project runway 129.Winnie the Pooh Day
130.Popcorn Day 131.Have a tickle fight 132.Re-enrolled Baby at school 133.Randomly select a boo from the library and read it 134.Try white hot chocolate 135.Buy the futon from Walmart that I’ve been wanting forever 136.Bake cookies with Baby girl 137.Get valentines for her school 138.Have a nerf war 139.Read a Stephen King book again 140.Mom’s Birthday 141.Leave a note in a library book again 142.Shave 143.Recieve loaner computer 144.Take baby back to Center for the Arts 145.Take Baby to see dinosaurs 146.Squishy burger 147.Laundry 148.Use new skillet 149.Have party at McDonalds 150.School pictures 151.Return books on time 152.Have a green stress ball
0 notes
ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
Meet Genies, the lifelike personalized avatars that reenact news
“We plan on making Bitmoji obsolete,” says Akash Nigam, CEO of Genies. Bragging about beating one of the world’s top apps before his has even launched is emblematic of Nigam’s and Genies’ brash style. But with $15 million in funding at a valuation over $100 million, top investors like NEA and Hollywood royalty like CAA are buying into the avatar startup. It already has 680,000 kids waitlisted to sign up for the Genies iOS app that launches today.
“If, God forbid, Donald Trump bombs North Korea, you’ll see your Genie riding a nuke to North Korea,” says Nigam. Whether that idea makes you giggle or roll your eyes, this is Genies’ plan “to be the next BuzzFeed,” the 24-year-old CEO tells me. “Your Genie is the star of the show. The script is whatever happens in the world that day.”
It all starts with customizing your big-headed, photorealistic Genie avatar. While Snapchat-owned Bitmoji look like a comic strip, Genies are closer to Pixar. First you’ll select a personality type that determines some of the scenes you’ll see, based on clouds of brands like Coachella, BuzzFeed and Supreme for cool kids, or TechCrunch and the BBC for techies. Then, using the Genies trait selector wheels, you can quickly scrub through tons of options for a dozen characteristics, like face shape, hair and eyes. Finally, you’ll outfit your Genie in clothes ranging from generic shirts to popular brands.
Genies sends you 10 to 15 animated scenes throughout each day that are around 10 seconds long and feature your avatar. They include quirky little situations for holidays like Christmas, cultural staples like hungover-Sundays and ones based on the top daily news for your personality type. Human editors review the scenes for factual accuracy, coherence and humor, and can tweak them before they’re sent out. Typically, new scenes will arrive quietly in the Genies app, with notifications reserved for huge breaking news or batched digests of updates.
Nigam says Genies taps more than 1 million sources with a focus on reputable news outlets to figure out what’s trending as early as possible. He claims that Genies’ art team and AI have built millions of pre-designed creative assets, and that the AI can actually piece them together to automatically create the animated scenes. If all the blogs are reporting Elon Musk’s plan to colonize mars, then it will cobble together space, stars and Elon himself to show your Genie rocketing to the Red Planet alongside the headline.
You can swipe up to read the top source article for the news. But what Genies really encourages is you messaging the video scenes to friends via other apps like Instagram Direct, Facebook Messenger or Snapchat. “Everyone has Giphy, but they use it everywhere else. Exact same thing with us,” Nigam tells me.
The idea is to leverage vanity to make the news seem interesting and shareable, and deliver it through a social app instead of a traditional media publisher. “At our age, we get the majority of our news from Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram.” And for added virality and personalization, many scenes include an empty silhouette you can fill with a celebrity of your choice, like Trump or Kylie Jenner, or insert a friend so you act out the scene with your buddy. If Facebook taught us anything, it’s that people will always open a notification if they get tagged in an image.
Overall, the Genies look great, with much more nuance than you see in alternatives with either fewer customization options or that rely on facial detection. Nigam says he’s not a believer in technologies for automatic avatar generation, saying that even small inaccuracies can be jarring, and testers enjoyed the personalization process. If Genies just released an emoji keyboard with the avatars so you could use them anywhere, it could prove popular.
But the animated scenes are often gimmicky, crass or even offensive. Over a few days of testing, I saw ones advocating for beer bonging, pot brownies, study drugs like Adderall and pouring crappy vodka into Grey Goose bottles to save money. Nigam defended the content, saying these were “party-oriented” for a “young demo where they share and learn through the lens of pop culture.” Others like “Wanted: Holiday Bang Buddy” might be too lewd even for college kids. And one even parodied the important NFL protests of racism and police brutality, featuring students “taking a knee” to get out of a pop quiz. That should never have made it past the human editors.
Those that weren’t worrisome often felt mediocre, like showing two avatars building a sandcastle to represent an article about Facebook launching the Messenger Kids app. Your Genie runs across the screen dropping bitcoin before someone bursts the bubble in one of today’s scenes. Perhaps the best one I saw was a mock-up for what Genies could have sent after the Las Vegas mass shooting tragedy that encouraged people to read a Newsweek article about how to give blood.
As a social app, the avatars are too contorted into specific situations for general use, and as a news reader, it feels haphazard and inefficient. The team has a powerful idea, and the graphics are pretty, but the execution on the content needs work.
Trying to make magic
“We did a bunch of apps, and they sucked,” Nigam says about previous products his team built before Genies. “We’d think they were gonna blow up and there’d be 16 users.” Born and raised in Silicon Valley’s Mountain View, Nigam is the kind of guy who’s been dreaming of launching his own app since he was old enough to be allowed to use them.
Genies co-founder and CEO Akash Nigam
He met his co-founders during hackathons while studying computer science at University of Michigan. They raised a seed round and built a failed group chat app called Blend while working out of a tiny room attached to a mosque in San Jose. They had a weak exit opportunity for Blend and turned it down. Seeing Bitmoji hover around App Store No. 1 for years convinced them there were greater riches in the avatar space.
Now they’ve pivoted Blend into Genies with $15 million over a few rounds of funding from traditional investors like NEA, Foundation Capital, Box Group, Great Oaks, Lerer Ventures and Trinity Ventures. The entertainment industry was also hot to trot, with backing coming from CAA Ventures, production company Management 360, Prizeo/Represent’s Bobby Maylack and former Legendary Pictures CEO Thomas Tull. And strategic celebrities are also funding the startup, including NBA star Russell Westbrook, the football great Joe Montana, musician Shawn Mendes and former Vine stars Cameron Dallas and Jake Paul.
They see plenty of revenue opportunities in Genies, which could easily do product placement and sponsored content in its animated scenes. “Your Genie doing a Gatorade shower,” Nigam suggests. “We can monetize any time we want to turn on the spigot.” The startup also plans to let you buy the clothes you put on your Genie, or even get your avatar plastered on custom merchandise. “Brands get really fascinated by the wheels. We could do an entire Supreme wheel,” he explains, referring to the trendy urban fashion wear line.
Now the company has Silicon Valley and LA offices, plus engineering in Bucharest. “We take kids from the streets into our office every day for testing,” says, noting San Francisco doesn’t always know what’s hip. The startup spent the summer on an aggressive college marketing campaign, with tons of scantily clad models wearing Genies merchandise and signs asking the company to “Make My Genie.” All those waitlist sign-ups could help it score some traction today.
When asked about what he’d do if Snapchat’s Bitmoji started acting out the news too, Nigam fired back that they’d “force you to live inside Snapchat itself” rather than share elsewhere. And just to dig the dagger a bit deeper, he said, “They’re a trend that may have already reached its peak.”
Perhaps I’m showing my age by being put off by some of  the content. Nigam boldly states “We don’t really trust people in product unless they’re actively talking to teens all the time.” But being a news publisher, even one that looks nothing like the rest, can be more complicated than it seems. Snapchat has had to go to great lengths to teach news outlets how to make Discover channels for Gen Z. And Facebook is reckoning with how much damage can be done with fake news.
Genies has a ton of potential. The idea of a mini-you visually depicting the news is fun, and piggybacking on other messaging apps instead of trying to build another feed is wise. Still, the content feels rushed and half-baked at times, and could either fail to entice users or be too thin to persist as more than a fad. It has plenty of money and connections to find the talent necessary to improve the scenes, though. And if the avatars become something everyone wants, that could be enough in the meantime.
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mialipsky-blog · 8 years
Your Guide to Making Every Day Valentine’s Day
When it comes to celebrating the love of your life, we’re true believers that romance shouldn’t be reserved for just one special day a year. That’s why today we’re teaming up with The Registry at Bloomingdale’s to count down the ways you can fill your home with l.o.v.e. seven days a week, 365 days a year. From romantic meals to cozy Sundays, we’ve got you covered. Scroll for our top five tips below.
Nothing says romance quite like an evening spent snuggling at home, but when you add in an amazing meal, plus a few glasses of your favorite wine, it takes the amour to an an entirely new level. Sure, ordering pizza works, too, but to really show that special someone you care, we suggest going all out with fab place settings, flowers, music AND candles to really, really set the mood.
Things to Remember
Creating a romantic tablescape might seem daunting, but with The Registry at Bloomingdale’s, everything you’ll ever need will be right at your fingertips. We’re talking gorgeous china, beautiful flatware and those special champagne flutes you’ll need to “cheers” the one you love at the end of the evening.
You can’t make the perfect meal without a whole lot of help in the kitchen, which is why The Registry at Bloomingdale’s lineup of awesome kitchen tools is a definite must. Be sure to use their handy Registry Checklist, so you’re not missing out on that mixer or coffee pot.
 Marchesa By Lenox Imperial Caviar Rose Gold Flatware | Lenox Federal Gold Dinnerware | Nostalgia Kettle Popcorn Maker | kate spade new york Cypress Point Wine Glass
We all know about setting the mood, but when it comes to 365 days a year of romance, filling your home with beautiful details will have the same effect… we promise. Start with some gorgeous pillows and throws, then add sentimental pieces, like stunning picture frames with amazing captures of you and yours.
Things to Remember
Keeping your living space beautiful is key, but don’t forget all of the handy tools that will simplify your life, as well.  Think awesome vacuums, desk organizers and more (!) that will keep your space as tidy as it is pretty.
Need help narrowing down all of the items you’ll need to spice up your home? The amazing Personal Consultants at The Registry at Bloomingdale’s will help you organize your entire registry, making sure you don’t forget a single MUST.
Madura Sahel Decorative Pillow | UGG Sheepskin Throw | kate spade new york Pearl Palace Platinum Vase | Voluspa Japonica Limited Panjore Lychee Candle
Sunday mornings are meant for snuggling. And you can’t have a snuggle sesh with your loved one without a whole lot of bedroom must-haves. We’re talking lush pillows, luxurious bedding and a cozy robe that will basically become your weekend uniform. If it sounds absolutely magical, it’s because it sooo is.
Things to Remember
Getting that bed all beautified is one thing, but don’t leave out the decor your bedroom oh-so-deserves. From gorgeous canvas paintings to romantic candles, The Registry at Bloomingdale’s has it all.
Didn’t receive everything you need to create that bedroom sanctuary? No worries. With The Registry at Bloomingdale’s, you can purchase everything left on your registry at 10-20% off with their amazing Completion Offers. You’ll even receive a $100 splurge card when you spend $500 or more on your registry. How great is that offer? (Answer: VERY.)
Bloomingville Metal Table Lamp | Frette Hotel Atlantic Sheet Set | Mitchell Gold Bob Williams Malibu Bedroom 3-Drawer Bedside Table | Oake Agate Standard Sham
Guys, you don’t need to book an appointment at the local spa for you and your love to feel completely pampered. Nope, with The Registry at Bloomingdale’s, you’ll be kicking off those cozy slippers and soaking in a bubble bath in no time at all. I mean, who doesn’t want to look completely gorgeous during those date nights in… and it all starts with some relaxation right at home.
Things to Remember
After kicking back in your bath for an hour or so, get ready to impress your love with a little chicness from head to toe. With The Registry at Bloomingdale’s, you’ll receive 20% off clothing, intimate and jewelry purchases, so you can look amazing for your honey.
Bonus: it’s awesome to spend your day getting all pampered and pretty, but you can also use your luxe spa for a little “me” time after you’ve spent your day writing out those Thank You cards to all of your friends and family. (Hint: The Registry at Bloomingdale’s Thank You Manager can totally help with that.)
Matouk Brighten Bath Collection | Lauren Ralph Lauren The Greenwich Terry Robe | Waterworks Prism Glass Collection | Swahili Medium Hamper
FIVE: Don’t Forget Your Adventurous Side
Want to keep that “honeymoon” period going love after the “I do’s” have been said? Then grab your honey for some spontaneous road trips just like when you first met. Can’t take a random journey far, far away? Then pack a picnic lunch and head to the mountains for a day that is FUN and seriously cozy.
Things to Remember
The Registry at Bloomingdale’s offers some amazing in-store special events leading up to your Big Day, so grabbing your love and heading out to date night has never been easier.
Can’t wait to take that honeymoon of your dreams, adventurous activities included? Don’t miss out on the so, so awesome honeymoon packages through The Travel Siblings that will have you kickin’ back with a margarita in no time at all.
S’Well White Marble Bottle | Sunnylife Flamingo Float | Bric’s Firenze 22″ Cargo Duffel | kate spade new york picnic blanket floral blanket
To kick off your year of romance, visit The Registry at Bloomingdale’s today to make sure your abode is completely Cupid approved. Valentine’s Day has nothing on you.
Photography: Ruth Eileen Photography
© Style Me Pretty, 2017. | Permalink | Comments | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: Post categories: Sponsored Posts, The Blog
Your Guide to Making Every Day Valentine’s Day published first on their blog to my feed
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samboine123 · 8 years
Your Guide to Making Every Day Valentine’s Day
When it comes to celebrating the love of your life, we’re true believers that romance shouldn’t be reserved for just one special day a year. That’s why today we’re teaming up with The Registry at Bloomingdale’s to count down the ways you can fill your home with l.o.v.e. seven days a week, 365 days a year. From romantic meals to cozy Sundays, we’ve got you covered. Scroll for our top five tips below.
Nothing says romance quite like an evening spent snuggling at home, but when you add in an amazing meal, plus a few glasses of your favorite wine, it takes the amour to an an entirely new level. Sure, ordering pizza works, too, but to really show that special someone you care, we suggest going all out with fab place settings, flowers, music AND candles to really, really set the mood.
Things to Remember
Creating a romantic tablescape might seem daunting, but with The Registry at Bloomingdale’s, everything you’ll ever need will be right at your fingertips. We’re talking gorgeous china, beautiful flatware and those special champagne flutes you’ll need to “cheers” the one you love at the end of the evening.
You can’t make the perfect meal without a whole lot of help in the kitchen, which is why The Registry at Bloomingdale’s lineup of awesome kitchen tools is a definite must. Be sure to use their handy Registry Checklist, so you’re not missing out on that mixer or coffee pot.
 Marchesa By Lenox Imperial Caviar Rose Gold Flatware | Lenox Federal Gold Dinnerware | Nostalgia Kettle Popcorn Maker | kate spade new york Cypress Point Wine Glass
We all know about setting the mood, but when it comes to 365 days a year of romance, filling your home with beautiful details will have the same effect… we promise. Start with some gorgeous pillows and throws, then add sentimental pieces, like stunning picture frames with amazing captures of you and yours.
Things to Remember
Keeping your living space beautiful is key, but don’t forget all of the handy tools that will simplify your life, as well.  Think awesome vacuums, desk organizers and more (!) that will keep your space as tidy as it is pretty.
Need help narrowing down all of the items you’ll need to spice up your home? The amazing Personal Consultants at The Registry at Bloomingdale’s will help you organize your entire registry, making sure you don’t forget a single MUST.
Madura Sahel Decorative Pillow | UGG Sheepskin Throw | kate spade new york Pearl Palace Platinum Vase | Voluspa Japonica Limited Panjore Lychee Candle
Sunday mornings are meant for snuggling. And you can’t have a snuggle sesh with your loved one without a whole lot of bedroom must-haves. We’re talking lush pillows, luxurious bedding and a cozy robe that will basically become your weekend uniform. If it sounds absolutely magical, it’s because it sooo is.
Things to Remember
Getting that bed all beautified is one thing, but don’t leave out the decor your bedroom oh-so-deserves. From gorgeous canvas paintings to romantic candles, The Registry at Bloomingdale’s has it all.
Didn’t receive everything you need to create that bedroom sanctuary? No worries. With The Registry at Bloomingdale’s, you can purchase everything left on your registry at 10-20% off with their amazing Completion Offers. You’ll even receive a $100 splurge card when you spend $500 or more on your registry. How great is that offer? (Answer: VERY.)
Bloomingville Metal Table Lamp | Frette Hotel Atlantic Sheet Set | Mitchell Gold Bob Williams Malibu Bedroom 3-Drawer Bedside Table | Oake Agate Standard Sham
Guys, you don’t need to book an appointment at the local spa for you and your love to feel completely pampered. Nope, with The Registry at Bloomingdale’s, you’ll be kicking off those cozy slippers and soaking in a bubble bath in no time at all. I mean, who doesn’t want to look completely gorgeous during those date nights in… and it all starts with some relaxation right at home.
Things to Remember
After kicking back in your bath for an hour or so, get ready to impress your love with a little chicness from head to toe. With The Registry at Bloomingdale’s, you’ll receive 20% off clothing, intimate and jewelry purchases, so you can look amazing for your honey.
Bonus: it’s awesome to spend your day getting all pampered and pretty, but you can also use your luxe spa for a little “me” time after you’ve spent your day writing out those Thank You cards to all of your friends and family. (Hint: The Registry at Bloomingdale’s Thank You Manager can totally help with that.)
Matouk Brighten Bath Collection | Lauren Ralph Lauren The Greenwich Terry Robe | Waterworks Prism Glass Collection | Swahili Medium Hamper
FIVE: Don’t Forget Your Adventurous Side
Want to keep that “honeymoon” period going love after the “I do’s” have been said? Then grab your honey for some spontaneous road trips just like when you first met. Can’t take a random journey far, far away? Then pack a picnic lunch and head to the mountains for a day that is FUN and seriously cozy.
Things to Remember
The Registry at Bloomingdale’s offers some amazing in-store special events leading up to your Big Day, so grabbing your love and heading out to date night has never been easier.
Can’t wait to take that honeymoon of your dreams, adventurous activities included? Don’t miss out on the so, so awesome honeymoon packages through The Travel Siblings that will have you kickin’ back with a margarita in no time at all.
S’Well White Marble Bottle | Sunnylife Flamingo Float | Bric’s Firenze 22″ Cargo Duffel | kate spade new york picnic blanket floral blanket
To kick off your year of romance, visit The Registry at Bloomingdale’s today to make sure your abode is completely Cupid approved. Valentine’s Day has nothing on you.
Photography: Ruth Eileen Photography
© Style Me Pretty, 2017. | Permalink | Comments | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: Post categories: Sponsored Posts, The Blog
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dailyaudiobible · 8 years
01/25/2017 DAB Transcript
Genesis 50:1-Exodus 2:10 ~ Matthew 16:13-17:9 ~ Psalm 21:1-13 ~ Proverbs 5:1-6
Today is the 25th day of January.  Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible.  I'm Brian and it's great to be here with you today.  I'm thrilled that we have another day to take another step together through the Bible this year.  This week we’ve been reading from the Contemporary English Version and following in the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis.  His father Jacob has died and we’ll get a peek into the customs of the time.  Then we’ll be kind of moving into the next chapter of this family, the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who is Israel and their children.  So congratulations because today we will conclude the book of Genesis and move into what comes next in the book of Exodus.  So today, Genesis 50, verse 1 through Exodus 2, verse 10 and we’ll do a little flyover of the book of Exodus when we get there to understand the territory that we are moving into in our journey this year, but first, let's finish up the book of Genesis.  
Introduction of a New Book (Old Testament)
The book of Exodus, which is where we’re headed now, is the second book in a collection of books known as the Pentateuch, which is the first five books of the Bible as we know it now.  Most scholars will attribute in some way these writings to Moses. Obviously, Moses couldn’t have written all of this down.  Some of it happened before he was ever around, so he is collecting together the story in a way that preserves the story.  
Exodus in its original language means departure.  True to its name, the book is the epic retelling of God's deliverance of his people from slavery and it is in this book that we’ll meet this guy Moses. He becomes an actual part of the story.
So as we completed Genesis, we read about Joseph and how his being sold into slavery was ultimately used by God to save his family and the land of Egypt from famine and starvation.  Joseph's family was ultimately brought to Egypt where they began to prosper and multiply rapidly.  And as we move into Exodus, we’re fast forwarding now over 400 years and Joseph, obviously we read in the last paragraphs in the book of Genesis, has died at the age of 110, but this family who came into Egypt, under 100 people who came into Egypt to be protected by Joseph, over the course of 400 years, they have multiplied  dramatically.
So Jacob, or Israel's family line remains in the land of the Egypt over these centuries and they’ve become enslaved to the Egyptians.  The story of the children of Israel enslaved, Moses becoming their leader, and the dramatic way in which God humbles Egypt and sets his people free covers the first third of the book of Exodus.  Then the central portion of Exodus chronicles the drama in the desert as the children of Israel learn to trust God the hard way.  And then the final portion of the book describes the Tabernacle and its many utensils as well as the modes of sacrifice in the offering of worship to God.  So what we’ll be seeing is the formation of a cultural norm that has begun and we’ll have a front row seat to God's remaking of these people and it's a front row seat to the way God remakes our identity.  
And so we begin with Exodus chapter 1.  
So we have this fascinating story that just pops up out of the book of Matthew today.  Jesus starts telling his disciples what is going to happen to him in Jerusalem.  And then six days later he takes Peter and James and John up a mountain where the strangest thing happens.  He's changed.  And Moses, who we’re just getting to know in the book of Exodus, who we just met today as an infant, is there.  And the prophet Elijah, who we haven’t met yet in this revolution through the Bible this year, is also there.  So theologically this is known as the transfiguration.  Now, if you put yourself in the position of Peter, James, or John, it's a disruptive moment.  So Simon Peter speaks up.  He is often the first to speak.  And he speaks up.  And he is like, “This is awesome.  It is good that we’re here.”  And then he thinks about what he is supposed to do, what they are supposed to do. They are supposed to make three tents to commemorate the moment, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.
It is so interesting how God can move into our lives, we can feel him speaking, we can feel his presence, we can feel his leading and it can be overpowering at times or dramatic at times or it can be still and small at times, but we know it is the Lord.  So we’re immediately thinking ‘who do I tell about this?  What do I need to do with this?’  That is kind of what Peter is doing, but he hadn’t noticed this cloud that was hovering and moving in on them and from the cloud there is this voice. “This is my own son and I'm pleased with him.  Listen to what he says.”  So when the disciples hear the voice out of the cloud, it is like too much and they fall flat on the ground out of fear.  And I read that story and I'm like, yeah, I get that.  I can see fight of flight reactions moving in during an encounter like this.  And Jesus comes to them and touches them and says, “Get up, get up.  You don’t have to be afraid.”  So when they get up off the ground they only see Jesus.  
What is interesting is the instructions of God from the cloud.  The Father is certainly affirming Jesus, saying “I'm well pleased with my son,” but that is not all he says.  He also gives direct instructions to the disciples. “This is my own beloved son in whom I am well pleased.  Listen to what he says.”  So God doesn’t say, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased and, yes, you should make the tents.  We need to build something here.  We just had a magic moment and we need to commemorate this.”  He simply says, “Listen to what he says.”
This is a really good reminder in our lives because we go thrashing about all the time about all kinds of things, and even when God moves in and brings margin and balance and shalom and direction and clarity, we’re usually thinking about what we’re supposed to do next.  What we’re supposed to do next is to continue to listen to what Jesus says.
This is how we get ourselves into all kinds of problems.  We feel the leading of the Lord and we’re like right into action rather than walking with God.  It is about being and not so much about doing.  Although there is plenty of doing, we are offered this margin.  We are offered this bubble that we get to walk in with God.  There is plenty to do, but often when we have an encounter with God, we just move into the doing and leave him behind.  Like, he just spoke to us, he's done speaking to us, so we’ve got to go move into doing something to commemorate the moment rather than just understanding that life is a rhythm of walking with God in all things, at all times, in all places. That includes plenty of things to do as he guides our steps, but the primary important thing is to listen to what he says and not go doing things without the full picture and full clarity.
So lots of times we go running off doing things that we think are part of whatever God is leading us to do without just walking with him.  And we remove all of the margin in our lives by going into things half-cocked or half-baked so there is so much cleanup that has to happen that never had to happen.  Sometimes we get into those kinds of stories and we look back and it's like, this is not working out how it was supposed to work out, and then we get mad at God.  It's like, you told me to do this.  Slow down. Slow down.  Just like the example we see here in the story of the transfiguration.  “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.  Listen to what he says.”  
Father, that is what we want.  Yeah, we’re guilty of all these things.  We’ve walked with you and we’ve been led by you, but we’ve rushed into activity when maybe you weren’t done talking about it.  We come to you often for instructions rather than for relationship, we’re looking for the next step rather than falling deeply in love, to the point that we are willing to waste time just to be with you, which of course is not wasting time.  Help us to slow down.  Help us to not be so frantic.  Help us to learn the lesson that we just learned by reading the story of Joseph. There is more going on here and we need to be in lockstep fellowship with you.  This is what we were created for.  This is all you want, too.  This is not about doing as much as it is about being with you.  So come Holy Spirit, we pray.  Give us margin in this, we ask.  In Jesus’ name, amen.    
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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if you're finding that this is life-giving to you, then thank you for being life-giving so that it can continue to exist.  The link is on the home page.  If you use the Daily Audio Bible App, you can push the More button in the lower right-hand corner or if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to dial.  
And that's it for today.  I'm Brian. I love you.  And I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.  
Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
Hello Daily Audio Bible.  My name is McKenzie.  I'm 13 and I live in California.  I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for three years and I just really want to say that it has blessed me in so many ways.  I'm actually calling after having a night-long anxiety attack which was wonderful.  It will be great at school today.  I get those quite often and they are just terrible.  I’ve been struggling with anxiety for as long as I can remember and I just want it to be over.  I pray all the time that it will be over and the Bible says that if two or more people pray for something, that it will eventually happen as long as it’s, you know, within reason.  So I could just ask you guys to pray for me.  Also a shout-out to Autumn, the 11-year-old girl who called from Arizona. I'm basically you two years in the future.  My grandmother actually passed away when I was 11 and I just want to tell you that no matter how negative the situation seems right now, positive will come out of it. So many positive things came out of that terrible situation, especially my relationship with God has become a lot closer.  I just want to say you inspired me to call.  I'm praying for you.  You don’t have to go through this alone.  Alright, thank you guys.  Bye.  
Hi, this is Lisa, the Encourager.  I was calling tonight to encourage Jessica.  She called in about her husband and his church that he is attending and looking at going through some transition and was needing his leadership and they were having some real struggles with what was going on.  So I just want to pray for you tonight, Jessica, and your husband and the leadership team and all the decisions they are going to have to make and also to encourage your husband through those decisions and that the Lord will give you peace.  Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you so much for allowing me to pray for Jessica tonight.  I pray, Lord Jesus, that you will help her husband who is pastoring a church and he is dealing with some real confrontational issues regarding the leadership in the church.  I pray, God, that you will give him wisdom, give him guidance, and give him discernment to know what to do.  Help Jessica to just pray through every bit of it, pray without ceasing and just continue to give her husband all the support he needs through a very difficult situation.  I pray that you will help her to be able to also have wisdom in making some of the right decisions for their family and what they need to do and whether they need to stay or go or whatever it is, Lord Jesus.  I also pray that the leadership in that church will be led by you and that their hearts will be softened to the realization of the stress that this is…
Hi, this is Troy from Flint, MI.  I’ve been on the Daily Audio Bible now for about three weeks.  I travel on the road and I see a lot of different things. I just want to say how blessed I am. A friend of mine, who actually married Brian and Jill, I’ve known since my early days of church back in Flint, MI. But anyways, I am so, so blessed to be listening every day when I'm on the road and listening to God's word. Brian, I appreciate you, Brother. Yeah, I’ve __________ but I was given it again by a few of my friends, but you’re a true blessing.  I love the way you speak.  I feel like you’re next to me like we’re talking __________.  A little prayer request.  I had a little problem though with my boss.  __________, but he tends to micromanage me and sometimes I wonder where his actions are and what his beliefs are sometimes towards other people.  I pray for him daily.  I know he's praying for me daily, but we’re trying to work it out but we can’t seem to find our balance head to head.  I’m just looking for balance and looking for, like you guys say, the rhythm.  Just wanted to __________, you know.  I'm a believer in God and I’ve __________ all my life and I just want to say thanks guys.  I hope we talk.  By the way, I like __________.  It's awesome. __________ that way because I have a twin brother, but hey, you all have a great day.  God bless and we’ll talk again soon.  Bye-bye.  
His everyone.  My name is Karen and I'm a first-time caller to the Daily Audio Bible.  I’ve been listening for about four months now and it was recommended by a friend of mine who is here in St. Louis.  I'm really grateful for your ministry, Brian.  I find that your commentary has great wisdom. I'm also very sorry about the loss of your mom.  I have numerous friends who have lost their parents and spouses in the last month. I'm so moved and encouraged by the fellowship of the saints who share in the grief and are mobilized to comfort. So I just pray that you’re sensing that, Brian, and that you would live in that hope that you will see her once again. I was moved to call because I was listening to the Joseph story and, gosh, you know how God uses it all for his redemptive purposes.  I have an urgent prayer request for my nephew Todd who is now in a mental health wing in a hospital here.  He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder two years ago after being taken to a drug rehab mental health facility here because he had been smoking dope and having delusional episodes, but he was also led to read the Koran.  He had been introduced to Islam from a foreign exchange student that stayed with my brother and his family four years ago, but this behavior really was coming to a head a couple years ago.  He had these episodes right after the holidays.  Some of them have been violent.  He actually was very antagonistic towards me and my sister and brother and a friend who went over for Christmas, just going after certain verses in the Bible. I feel that he is being coached, but again, I'm having tons of people praying for him and praying for my brother and his family and I'm just wanting to ask my brothers and sisters in Christ here at the Daily Audio Bible to storm the gates of heaven and contend for Todd's soul and also for healing for his mental health issues.  But I'm also praying that my brother and sister-in-law and Todd's brother would also come to know…
Good afternoon family.  This is Kimberly K. from Albany, NY calling again.  Been calling quite a bit lately.  I think this is addictive.  The reason I'm calling this time is because I heard the message from Bob from Michigan who was recently diagnosed with throat cancer.  Bob, your message truly humbled me because despite the diagnosis, what you’re asking for is that you could be a great ambassador for God throughout your illness and your treatment and this trial.  I have a feeling, God, that Bob has been an ambassador on your team for many, many years, that his witness is bold and I ask, God, that you would continue to allow Bob's focus to be on you and that his future is known to be safely in your care.  I ask, God, that you would heal Bob's illness and as his illness is healed, that miraculous occurrence will simply illuminate the bold witness that Bob brings to everyone who has been involved in his care so that, as Blind Tony says, even when walking by, a light can be seen and those are drawn to Bob and Bob has the opportunity to give blessings and thanks to God, the Father of all creation, the Father of our healing, of our heart, of our soul.  Bob, bless you as you go through your treatment. I pray that you will be a bold witness and that we hear from you again and let us know how you are.  
Hey DAB family.  I just wanted to ask for your prayers.  This is Tim out of New Mexico.  My wife and I, Carissa, we found out yesterday that we lost our baby.  We would just love some words of encouragement if you guys get a chance and just lift us up in prayer.  It is our first pregnancy and it has just been really hard the last couple days.  Thank you guys for all that you do.  We love you guys and we just appreciate all of you from all over the world.  I know you guys are great prayer warriors.  So thank you so much.  Again, it's Tim and Carissa out of New Mexico.  Bye.  
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