#credit card processing texas
mintmodutile · 1 year
Welcome to our article on the importance of secure credit card processing in Houston. In this modern era where online transactions have become the norm, it is crucial for businesses in Houston to prioritize the security of their credit card processing houston whether you are a small local business or a large corporation, ensuring the safety of your customers' confidential information should be a top priority.
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nexinov · 2 years
You may be interested in accepting credit card payments for your small business, but have no idea how it works, where to start, and how to choose the best credit card processor for your business needs. If so, this credit card processing guide is for you. In this credit card processing texas guide, you’ll learn how credit card payment processing jobs, how it secures your credit card payments, how it can automate settlement, reduce manual processes, and accelerate cash flow so that you can maximize revenue and empower your staff to work more strategically. A payment processor is a company appointed by the merchant to process various payment transaction types between the merchant and the user. This service communicates transaction information between the merchant accounts and the customer’s banks. There must be sufficient funds and the transaction must be valid in order for the process to start. Along with checking all security measures, it also ensures the customer’s data is exact.
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cable-supplies · 2 years
You may be interested in accepting credit card payments for your small business, but have no idea how it works, where to start, and how to choose the best credit card processor for your business needs. If so, this credit card processing guide is for you. In this credit card processing texas guide, you’ll learn how credit card payment processing jobs, how it secures your credit card payments, how it can automate settlement, reduce manual processes, and accelerate cash flow so that you can maximize revenue and empower your staff to work more strategically. A payment processor is a company appointed by the merchant to process various payment transaction types between the merchant and the user. This service communicates transaction information between the merchant accounts and the customer’s banks. There must be sufficient funds and the transaction must be valid in order for the process to start. Along with checking all security measures, it also ensures the customer’s data is exact.
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steviescrystals · 4 months
just remembered an insane interaction i had with a former coworker once and i have to share (possible tw for gun violence unfortunately)
#it was the literal day of the uvalde school shooting and i was working the guest service desk with one other guy#i was 18 he was like 17 i think#and as i’m processing this woman’s return she says ‘did you hear about that shooting in texas all these little kids died’#and i didn’t know all the details but i had briefly seen something about it on my break so i said ‘oh i just heard about it it’s so awful’#but right then i was finishing up her return so i had to say ‘you’ll get x amount of money back on this credit card’ etc etc#so after she left i said to my coworker ‘the way she brought that up in the middle of a return was kinda awkward i didn’t know what to say’#and this is the insane part so prepare yourself#he turns to me and says ‘i know right like i don’t fucking care’#HEY WHAT THE FUCK#THATS NOT WHAT I FUCKING MEANT????#like i said it was awkward bc we were in the middle of a transaction that i had to finish up and there’s not a good way to pivot like that#what part of that made you think i was saying i don’t care about children being fucking murdered#‘it’s hard to have a conversation like that in the middle of work’ does not equal ‘i don’t want to talk about that bc i don’t care’ WTFFFF#literally could not look him in the eye ever again for the rest of the time he worked there it made my skin crawl just being around him#i have had MANY outrageous conversations with men at that job but this one was on another level entirely#lj.txt
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rabbitsrams · 1 year
memories -- jschlatt x reader
warnings: ANGST. that's all
wordcount: 1.2k
It's been two years since the breakup.
You were mostly over it, having moved all of your stuff out of your shared apartment and blocked him everywhere. The breakup was amicable but you had a feeling that 100% cutting him off would be easier for you.
You were now in the process of finally moving out of your parents' house (again) and into a new place. They let you move back in following the breakup and with that plus struggling to find a decent job, you were stuck there for a while. But this was a good sign, a sign of change. A sign of moving to the next thing.
As you went through your childhood bedroom for the last time, searching for anything that you may have left behind, you came across an old picture stuffed away in your desk drawer.
It was from that photobooth from the zoo. The zoo that you went to with Schlatt all those years ago. All of a sudden, memories began flocking back to you the more you stared at it.
The thing itself was a strip of four photos, four photos that made it seem like the two people in them were hopelessly in love. Which, at the time, they were. Two young, naive kids who were completely oblivious to what was going to come.
“Schlatt, come in here! There's a photobooth!”
”Wait, we don't wanna leave the group behind!“
”Come on! It'll be quick! I wanna have a memory from today.“
”Oh, alright.“
The photobooth was pretty small. You could only just fit together. Schlatt lifted your leg so it could rest on his and so you could be closer. The machine's garbled voice instructed the two of you on what was going to happen, telling you that four photos will be taken in intervals.
The first photo was simple, with the two of you smiling together. Schlatt had his arm around you and you leaned close to him. The flash completely blinded you two, so the second picture was of you covering your eyes, laughing at the circumstances.
The third photo had you kissing him on the cheek, his face crimson and a smitten expression on his face. And finally, the fourth one had Schlatt kissing you on the lips.
The machine was waiting for you to pay for the photos, asking in that same garbled voice for you to insert cash or a credit card. But you were too busy kissing each other to pay attention.
You eventually broke away when an angry father opened the curtain, demanding you two hurry up so him and his daughter could use the booth. You apologized to both of them profusely as Schlatt took his card out and paid for the photos.
You each got a copy of the photos, grinning at how good the pictures turned out. There was a permanent marker lying on the top of the photo dispenser. You grabbed it and wrote the date and drew a little heart with your initials on his. He took the marker from you and did the same.
You turned the strip over, seeing Schlatt's familiar handwriting. It got you wondering if he still wrote his e's like that, still added a little smiley face at the end of his notes, still had the photo like you did.
You wanted to throw it away. You wanted to completely free yourself from those memories. Memories that made you smile but hurt you at the same time. Memories of a relationship that was no more.
But there was something inside you that urged you to keep it, to bring it with you to your new place. It didn't have to be displayed on your corkboard or on your fridge. You could hide it away with your other hidden things and look at it if the urge was there.
You could still hold on.
Schlatt had returned to New York for a family party. It's been a while since he's been back after moving to Texas a few months after your breakup. His childhood room still looked the same and had a lot of old memories from his life.
He decided to do a little video for his second channel, giving his audience a little tour of the space they were familiar with before moving to a new space. It was going to be fun looking through old stuff from making videos at that time and
As he was going through a drawer by his desk, he saw a folded sheet inside. Putting his camera down, he took the sheet and unfolded it, surprised to feel it was camera paper as opposed to notebook paper. And he was met with quite a surprise at what the photo contained.
Seinor prom. He was dressed all nice in a tuxedo, smiling at the camera as his arms were around your middle. You were beaming, your dress being that same dress he helped pick out because it was his favorite shade of blue. You had a corsage on your wrist that he remembered the petals tickling your wrist every time you moved it.
You looked so beautiful.
He was surprised that he kept the photo, considering he made it a vow to get rid of everything. He must not have brought this photo with him when moving into that apartment.
He shut the camera off, planning to go back to recording soon. He exammined the photo, remembering that entire night.
He picked you up that night, sheepishly smiling as your parents gave him looks. Looks that would guarantee something happening to him if he ever hurt their daughter.
You looked so beautiful in your dress, in your makeup, with your hair styled so nicely. He almost forgot to give you the corsage because he could not stop staring at you.
The limo was also so nice, with you, him and your shared friends all chatting as loud music blared from the speakers. He loved how you made conversation with the driver after being dropped off, thanking them and apologizing if the group was too loud.
He dragged you to the line for prom pictures, to which you sighed because of how long it was. But the time went by fairly quickly because of how engrossed you were in a conversation.
He laughed at how cheesy the backdrop was, multi-colored fringe foil decorations barely covering the gymnasium door. The photographer, completely uninterested in what he was doing, simply told the two of you to pose and do whatever. He wrapped his arms around your torso, holding you tight as you both grinned.
"Ah! The corsage tickles!"
Schlatt folds the photo back up, this time stuffing it inside an empty pill bottle by his desk. He couldn't bring himself to get rid of the photo. He knew he still had some feelings for you even after all this time. He hated himself for hurting you so much and wished that things could have worked out.
He was hurt when he saw you blocked him, but he knew it was crucial for you to heal. And he hoped that you were doing well with everything you wanted to pursue. Your happiness was all that mattered.
He swore that he was over you, swore that he would be okay without you. But after seeing that photo, he wasn't sure if he was.
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wumblr · 10 months
running myself ragged in circles all nightshift thinking about my ex again... the tedium of the repetition is really starting to get to me, there's no new ground to be broken so i'm just compacting the dirt at this point, and i know it, but knowing it doesn't stop me. there's a vestigial remnant of him in everything that i'm doing, things that i put off starting, because i knew he wouldn't have the perspective to see past it, if i put on ten pounds eating enough protein to build muscle (the same ten pounds have piled on and fallen off several times since he left but i think he would have seen them when they're there and not noticed when they're absent, while also not recognizing the progress that i have made), if i made selective and obscure changes to my diet to methodically identify what's causing my nutrient absorption problems (you would think this is some kind of virtuous pursuit, right? but he didn't trust my relationship with food, he didn't believe in vitamin supplements, he didn't know riboflavin is a vitamin, he wanted to get all of his essential micronutrients strictly from whole foods, and he probably didn't believe me, or believe my ability to correctly identify a problem with my own body, when i said i didn't think i could process gluten), if i paid off my credit card debt (it's done, but he didn't like that i spent it failing to prevent a new age grifter's homelessness, and he really didn't like that she threw away a gift that i bought for him when i got it delivered to the wrong address, before she got evicted and went to texas, as far as i know. but most of all i think he didn't like that my parents do not have a summer home, and this brought him face to face with the deal he intends to strike with capital, to prevent becoming like me at all costs), if i tried making better music (his suggestion), if i finish the book (he changed toward me after he read the draft, as if it was so stupid and hopelessly pathetic that it was not worth explaining why and the only approach he could take was scorched earth. and anyway i'm working on a different book now)
and i'm having this tug of war like, these are things that would have made him see me as more of a person if i was able to complete them or if i already had, but he was not capable of seeing the midpoint of a process of growth. but even if i had done them perfectly, he wouldn't have stayed. he was never going to stay. because he didn't want me. he wanted a rubber fetishist, ten years younger, from money, looking like a michaelangelo. and that new age grifter threw away my rubber. and he thought being honest about this would prevent it from causing any pain. so we had a few conversations where i could tell he wanted to undo what he had done, but the method he took was by doubling down, and getting offended, and eventually fatigued, and then purposefully cruel, when it didn't have the desired effect, to make me say "oh, i understand everything now. you didn't mean to hurt me, so therefore you can't. my mistake." he would put on this diplomatic voice and say "i hear what you're saying, and that's valid, but this is what i want, so that's what we're doing." and the problem at the heart of it was that i was not, at the time, willing to see myself as worthless the way he did. but what was the point of holding onto my self-worth throughout that if it's gone now? all that for the same end result. and the thing i keep coming back to is that he could have gotten what he wanted -- rid of me -- without being needlessly cruel. all that for the same end result. so essentially i held onto a thing i was going to lose to withstand a thing that wasn't necessary. all that for the same end result. anyway that's what i've been ruminating on for twelve hours at the factory so i hope when y'all get y'all credit cards and gift cards and healthcare cards and shit this holiday they're imbued so strongly with this that they burn you
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dahliawolfe · 2 years
Sweet Pt. 1 Propositions
Original fic
“I just paid $1,500 last week!” I growl into the phone.
“This is a new course of treatment that I think Marian would benefit greatly from.”
I sigh. I can barely keep my own lights on. “Sure, you want to try this this week. What will it be next week?” I rub my temples, feeling a headache coming on.
“Ms. Winchester, I’m only trying to help your mother. You can decline the treatment, but I must say, I believe that this may be just what your mother needs.”
“Fine, I’ll have the money by the end of the week.” With that, I slam the phone back down on the receiver, and pick up my notepad again. Looks like I’ll need to put in overtime this week.
“Hi, I’m Sparrow, and I’ll be your waitress today. What can I get you to drink?” comes a softly lilting voice from above me as I take a seat at the diner that my client has chosen to meet at.
“Uhh, let me get a sweet tea, please,” I request, my Texas accent stronger than normal due to lack of sleep.
“Sure thing. Are you ready to order or would you like a few minutes?” the girl asks, and I finally look up. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. Her skin is milky white, and her hair is a bright copper. Her eyes are large and green. Her nose is delicate and small, and her lips are peachy and plump. And holy shit, I’m just staring at the poor girl. I clear my throat and give an awkward smile.
“I’ll take a few, if that’s alright.” She nods, offers one more crooked grin, and leaves the table.
I watch her walk away and notice how light she is on her feet. She seems to flow through the restaurant, dodging patrons and other servers. She’s agile, and I can’t help but wonder where that comes from. My mind flies with the possibilities of where she gained those skills until she comes back to the table with my drink. She places it on a coaster in front of me, and before my brain can process what I’m going to say, I speak. “Are you a dancer?”
She looks taken aback, but she recovers quickly. I open my mouth to apologize when she smirks and teases, “Yeah, this is just my day job.” I smile. She’s quick. I like that.
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“Well, that’s quite cliched. You’re not from Manhattan, are you?” I ask, leaning forward, almost drawn to her.
“No. I was born in Dublin. We came here when I was six.”
“Ahh. Ireland. I’ve always wanted to go there. Tell me about it?” She looks around a little before shaking her head.
“I shouldn’t. I have other customers. Are you ready to order?”
“Oh, yes. I’ll have the daily special. You have a daily special, right?” She chuckles.
“Yes. I’ll put your order in.”
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The new guy in my section is nice. He’s got an accent. I guess that means he’s not from here either. He looks like he’ll be a good tipper, and I definitely need that. I have to make $500 by the end of the week.
I drop the bill off as I pass, making sure to give a smile to both him and his guest. I clean the remainder of my tables before returning to collect his payment. He offers me a black credit card and wolfish smile. He’s not bad looking. Maybe 30 or 35; greying dark brown hair; kind blue eyes; a day or two’s worth of stubble on his sharp jawline. He’s also large, probably over six feet and muscled. He’s impeccably dressed, definitely standing out from the blue-collar people we get in here. I drop his receipt off, wish him a goodnight, and continue about my business. The next time I come by, he’s gone, and he’s left me a crisp $100 bill as a tip. I smile and pocket the money.
It’s nearly 1 a.m. before I get off of my shift. I took another shift, hoping to make a little extra cash. I huddle into my jacket as I make my way to the back parking lot where my old beater is parked. I nearly shit myself when somebody calls my name.
“Sparrow!” echoes across the lot. I spin on my heel and see that it’s the man from earlier.
“Fucking hell, man!” I exclaim, clutching my chest.  “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” I demand, getting wary, finally realizing that this man has waited outside for nearly five hours on me. I clutch my keys between my fingers, shifting my weight to my toes in case I need to fight or run. He holds up his hands placatingly.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I just wanted to speak to you. I want to make you an offer.”
“An offer?” I question, backing away.
“I’m a very wealthy man. And you’re a very beautiful woman. I would like you to be my sugar baby.” That catches my attention, throwing me off guard. I stop in my tracks.
“Your what now?”
“Sugar baby. I’d pay you to…”
“I know what a sugar baby is! I’m not a prostitute!”
“What?! No! It’s not like that! Look, just think about it, and if you have any interest at all, come to Vancelli’s tomorrow night at 8. If you don’t come, I’ll understand, but I really hope you do.” With that, he walks away, leaving me standing in the middle of an empty parking lot looking like an idiot.
I walk away from Sparrow and cringe at myself. Maybe approaching her in the parking lot at 1 a.m. wasn’t the brightest idea. Good job, Collin. She probably thinks you’re psychotic now. But I know that I want her. I’ve had sugar daddy relationships before, and they haven’t worked out, but I feel like Sparrow is different. At least, I hope she is.
I haven’t slept all night. I don’t know why, but I’m considering his offer. Well, that’s not true, I do know why. Marian. My mother. She’s a paranoid schizophrenic. And I’m the one paying for her treatment. And I can barely make ends meet. Unless I come up with $300 extra this week, I won’t be able to keep my utilities on. That’s on top of the $350 I still need for her treatment. Fuck knows I have every right to just dump her on the state. Hell, she probably deserves it, but no matter what she’s put me through, I can’t do that. So, sighing, I make my way to my meager closet to try and find something nice enough for Vancelli’s.
I walk into the doors of Vancelli’s and immediately know that I’m underdressed, even though I’m wearing he best clothes I own; a black skater dress and black tights with black booties. I make my way over to the frowning concierge. “Hi, I’m meeting someone.”
“Uhh, umm…Well, I’m not sure who’s name it’s under, but my name is Sparrow.”
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“You’re Mr. Atlas’s date?” he asks in disgust, studying me with cruel eyes.
“Yes,” I say, trying to stay confident.
“Very well, follow me.” He moves away from his post, and I follow him to a private dining room, where Mr. Atlas is sitting at a large candlelit table. He smiles when he sees me.
“Sparrow! You came!” he greets, standing and striding over to me.
“Uhh, yeah, here I am,” I answer nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.
“You look beautiful. That’ll be all, Anthony,” he says, waving the concierge away and placing a hand in the small of my back and leading me to the table.
“Thanks. I’m sorry I’m not exactly up to par, but this is all I had,” I explain, suddenly feeling very out of place.
“Nonsense, you look great. I’m Collin, by the way, Collin Atlas.”
“Have you thought about my proposition?”
“Sparrow Winchester,” I reply.
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“Yes. And I need more information.” He nods and smiles.
“Ok. Well, you’ll have a weekly allowance, not counting the gifts I decide to give or you request. You’ll live in my apartment. You will travel with me. I will be the only man you see romantically, and you will be the only female I see. I will expect you to follow my rules, and we will discuss, if you agree, of course, your sexual preferences, as well as my own. But most importantly, I will be in charge.”
“$1,500 a week, and a bonus $2,000 at the end of every month.” I feel my throat close up. Holy shit.
“When you say you’re in charge?” I ask, trying to stop my mind from reeling.
“In every way. I will control you in the bedroom, and you will be my little girl outside of it as well. I’ll expect you to call me Daddy at some point, when you’re comfortable enough to do so. But only in private. In public, you can call me Collin.”
“Is there a contract or something?”
“There will be, yes.”
“And what about when you get tired of me?” I can see the hurt flash through his eyes.
“I would make sure you were secure before I left you. And you would receive a $10,000 severance payment.”
I take a deep breath and lay my head back against the tall chair.
“Look, let’s enjoy dinner, and you can tell me your decision after dessert, alright?”
“Yeah, ok. Can I get a drink? Think I’m gonna need a drink.” He laughs.
I study Sparrow as she absolutely devours her chocolate soufflé. She’s quite adorable. I sip my espresso and ponder my chances of walking away tonight with a new sugar baby. I believe they’re high, but I suppose I’ll soon find out.
After finishing her food, Sparrow wipes her mouth and clears her throat, taking another sip of her apple martini.
“Ok, let’s talk,” she says, sitting up straighter. I nod and do the same, leaning slightly into her.
“Your terms sound good. But I need an advance on my first payment. I have some business that I have to take care of by the end of the week. Also, might I suggest a one-month trial period? That way we can both feel each other out.”
“I like that idea.”
“Good. But about moving in with you. If we decide it isn’t going to work, where will I go?”
“Your severance will still apply, and you will have more than enough to find an apartment. But let’s focus more on the moment, shall we? Should I take this as a yes?”
“Yes.” I beam.
“Wonderful. Now, I need a way to contact you. What’s your phone number?”
“I don’t have a phone. I can’t afford it. You could call my job, I guess.” I’m stunned.
“No, we’ll get you a phone tomorrow. Now, I’ll call and make an appointment at Legacy Medical in the morning, I want you to get tested, as well as have a physical and pap smear. What birth control are you on?”
“I’m not on any.”
 “Hmm, well, we’ll work on that. Now, I’ll send movers by your place tomorrow. What’s your address?”
“Uhh, 113 West 49th, apartment 3B.”
“That’s a bad neighborhood. Are you safe there?”
“I make do.” I nod, not liking the answer, but knowing it’s the best I’ll get.
“Tell me, you’re how old?”
“20.” My eyes grow wide. I assumed she was a little older. She seems so mature.
“You just made me break the law, you know? Ordering you that drink.”
“It’s not my first drink,” she replies, looking at me evenly.
“It’ll be your last until you’re of age.”
“I…I’m Irish. Ma gave me my first drink when I was 14.”
“Maybe so, but Daddy won’t.” I can see her pondering just what in the hell she’s gotten herself into.
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americamortgages · 11 days
How Can Hong Kong Citizens Get Mortgages in the U.S.?
The U.S. real estate market has been one of the strongest property markets globally with no signs of slowing down. If you are a Hong Kong citizen looking to diversify your portfolio or simply get the most out of the booming U.S. economy, now is the time!
According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), China (including Hong Kong) emerged as the top country among foreign buyers in 2021! Between 2010 and 2021, they purchased an average of $18 billion worth of U.S. property annually, acquiring around 27,000 units each year.
Can Hong Kong citizens buy property in the U.S.?
Yes, Hong Kong citizens can buy property in the U.S.
There are no limitations towards any foreign nationals mortgage to purchase real estate in the U.S. If you are ready to invest in U.S. real estate simply apply for a mortgage as a non-citizen.
We’ve noticed an uptick in foreigners from various Asian countries investing in U.S. real estate owing to better housing prices. If you are considering obtaining a mortgage in the U.S. but are cautious about the process, you are not alone.
There are significant differences in how the mortgage system works in Hong Kong vs the U.S. So let’s clear them out. We’ll share the ins and outs of obtaining a U.S. mortgage as a Hong Kong citizen.
How do home prices in the U.S. compare to Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is notorious for its sky-high property prices. In fact, it’s one of the most expensive real estate markets globally. Let’s take a look at the average prices per square meter for comparison, Hong Kong is USD 28,570
In contrast, some major U.S. metro areas have significantly lower prices:
San Francisco, California: USD 7,180
Miami Area, Florida: USD 2,660
Orlando, Florida: USD 1,940
New York Metro Areas: USD 3,070
Austin, Texas: USD 2,620
Types of U.S. mortgages available for Hong Kong citizen
Foreign National Mortgage
A mortgage that is designed for foreign nationals, or non-U.S. citizens. So if you don’t have a U.S. social security number or a green card this is the perfect option for you. A Foreign National Mortgage generally has a down payment of 25% of the property value and requires proof of payment and substantial financial reserves.
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) Loan
This loan is based on the property’s income potential and not the borrower’s income. This means that even if you don’t have a high personal income or a strong credit history, you can still qualify for a loan if the property itself is profitable. It’s a great option for investors who want to leverage rental income to finance their property purchases.
Bridge Loans
Bridge loans are a short-term loan used to bridge the gap between purchasing a new property and selling an existing one. They are ideal for acting quickly and seizing the investment opportunities but haven’t yet sold your current property yet.without waiting for your existing property to sell.
Portfolio Loans
These are mortgages that lenders keep on their books rather than selling on the secondary market. Since the terms are customizable these loans offer more flexibility.  Portfolio loans are especially great for high-value properties, unique properties, or borrowers with unconventional financial profiles.
How Can Hong Kong Citizens Get Mortgages in the U.S.?
America Mortgages helps foreign nationals obtain U.S. mortgages. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out to us at [email protected] or visit our website at www.americamortgages.com.
Additionally, if you’d like to schedule a commitment-free meeting with one of our U.S. loan officers to explore your U.S. mortgage options further, you can do so using our 24/7 calendar link.
Reference: https://www.americamortgages.com/how-can-hong-kong-citizens-get-mortgages-in-the-u-s/
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Processing: thoughts & feelings
I just spent the night hanging out with all my cousins and now I'm all wound up and idk how to decompress this energy I feel like I need to run laps around the house and scream a lil bit
I love my cousins and I wish I lived closer so I could spend more time with them
I just got in bed and my legs are doing that natural casual thigh gap and I love it so much
Thinking about what's coming next (TX gig and then either FL or Colorado /something familar and predictable or something new and different???? how to decide?) -> ((Apply for the CO position and see if they get back to you before you start making plans for it)) ... Thinking about arranging an Airbnb for TX and all of that; $1.7k on the credit card from the past couple months, yikes, wasn't expecting it to be that high but also kinda spending willy nilly and not paying attention; grateful that I have money in the bank to cover it but sad to see that number in the bank drop so low all at once lol but grateful that the next gig will replenish it plus double maybe; if I take the next 3 gigs with this company I'll for sure end up with an extra $5k by the end of it, not sure how many hours the CO gig would provide and idk if they do overtime or any of that, but it would be a new experience gaining new skills and working in a new environment, what's more valuable, straight dollars in the bank or life experience on top of maybe less dollars but still getting paid + housing etc ? Thinking about, I'd spend the whole winter with D, last time we worked together it didn't really go well but we've both grown and changed since then, but have I really changed that much ? ; vs my next chance to see L would be the FL gig if I take it; plus my mom lives in FL so I was planning to visit her between gigs, vs being in CO from Oct - March basically. Wondering if the van can even handle the mountains + winter environment; (gotta take it to the mechanic before driving to TX and I should've called last week but I didn't and now I'm gonna be stressed about it next week) (its gonna be fine it's all working out) ... Give it time to unravel and see what feels right. If CO has less hours of work, that's more hours to go out snowboarding haha. Alternatively, should I just work all winter in jobs I know are going to pay me well, and take more time off next year having fun ?? (No bc I know this job is gonna pay me and if I have the opportunity to make a bunch of money for the next couple months shouldn't I take advantage of that?) Idk. Let it simmer, see how the path unfolds.
Relax. Breathe. I'm here right now, I'm spending time with my family, I have options. So grateful to be here and now !!!!!!!
I can hear the waves and feel the salty humid breeze through my open window; the bugs and frogs are chirping, the air is calm. I love my life. Soon I'll be in Texas and everything will be different. (3 weeks before I get there, going camping with D in New York first, visiting my brother and grandparents after, then casually meandering halfway across the country). Same gig as last year but different circumstances; nice to have a bit of familiarity plus a bit of change, keeps things interesting, who knows how it's gonna go :)
Might go smoke some actual bud so I can relax and go to sleep lol it's 1am and we gotta be back over there at like 10 am for breakfast; I love my family I'm so glad I'm in town for this gathering bc it sounds like I might not be here for thanksgiving and that's usually the only time I get to see them throughout the year; I guess I could make more effort at other times of the year... Idk. Breathe, relax. I'm glad to be here. Life is so good.
Thinking about: I gotta call R and talk about our relationship bc I'm not being fair to him and it's weighing on the back of my mind. Thinking about: I only want polyamorous relationships going forward and I need to be more clear about that before I let a man get so attached. Thinking about, wanting to call M and talk to him for some reason... Thinking about, if I end up taking the Miami gig in December I need to go reconnect with his mom lmfao. Thinking about: I'm so god damn grateful for my fucking family bro like that is so uncommon and I don't even know how to express my gratitude that every single one of my family members is an A+ standup human!!!! I love them so much!!!!! It's beautiful and amazing and my life would be so different if I didn't have so many amazing wonderful individuals making up this weird crazy web of love and connection!!!! Thinking about, yeah I want a partner eventually but I'm also grateful for this journey being single floating around following all my whims and desires. Thinking about how small and confined my life felt 4 years ago and how wide open it is today. Thinking about M talking about depression on his ig story earlier today, thinking about reaching out to him soon and checking in, wishing I could go visit and reconnect but I feel like that would be weird but I really wanna sit down and talk about life all night and I really wanna see the cat again... But I don't really wanna go to NYC lmfao so idk.
Thinking about the Airbnb for ACL and getting to connect with new friends if we can get it to work out.
I keep hitting the nicotine vape and it's 1am and maybe I should smoke weed and put the phone down and sleep lol. Sit outside and listen to bugs and feel the breeze and let my brain slow down. Tomorrow is another day with the family, all week really; one day at a time. Relax & breathe :) life is good and it's unfolding and right now I'm here and in another week I'll be somewhere else.
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What Happens To Your Credit Card Debt After Death?
courtesy of https://myfinancialweekly.com
Do you know what happens to credit card debt when you die? Any unpaid debt after death requires settlement using the assets of the deceased. Find out more details today.
Credit card debt is known as unsecured debt, which means it isn’t linked to collateral assets like a house. The debt is paid through the deceased’s assets. An executor settles debts through the estate before the assets are distributed to beneficiaries. The assets are considered insolvent if the estate isn’t enough to repay the debt.
The authorized users aren’t held accountable for the card debt after the user’s death. This indicates that family members aren’t responsible for settling debt unless it was a joint account. However, some states assign the surviving spouse the responsibility to clear the outstanding debt.
Who Is Responsible for Credit Card Debt?
Relatives or authorized users are not responsible for clearing the deceased’s debts. The responsibility for paying credit card debt after death depends on the nature of the account. A person is accountable for the debt if it’s from a joint account or cosigned for a credit card. This criterion makes a user responsible for repaying the credit card debt for their loved ones. Some states hold spouses responsible for paying debts to their partners. 
Such states include Arizona, California, Texas, Idaho, Nevada, Louisiana, New Mexico, Wisconsin, and Washington.
Assets Protected From Creditors
Creditors can’t use some assets to settle credit card debt after death. These assets include life insurance benefits, retirement funds, brokerage accounts, and assets in a living trust. The living trust helps beneficiaries avoid probate processes.
All assets are held and owned by a trust, which distributes the estate according to the deceased’s instructions. This approach protects the assets from creditors and gives flexibility in asset distribution. The trust eliminates the hassles of spending time and money on probate. It also gives beneficiaries the power to negotiate with creditors in resolving unpaid credit card debt after death.
Paying Credit Debts After a Death
Credit card debt after death is covered through the estate. Any asset categorized under the deceased’s estate is used to pay creditors. Credit debts are settled before the wealth is distributed to the respective heirs according to the deceased’s will. Two instances occur in solving credit debit cards: the deceased has an insolvent or solvent estate.
Insolvent Estate
An insolvent estate has assets that can’t pay for debts, funeral expenses, and other liabilities. Assets available are used to pay debts in the following order:
Funeral and administration expenses
Creditors with secured loans
Preferential pending debts, such as tax and social insurance
Ordinary debts, such as credit cards and personal loans
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marylcna · 27 days
5 Simple Steps for Hassle-Free CNA License Renewal: A Comprehensive Guide
**Title: 5 Simple Steps for Hassle-Free CNA License ⁣Renewal: A Comprehensive Guide**
**Introduction** Are you a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) looking to renew your license? License renewal⁣ is a ⁢crucial step in ‍maintaining ‌your‌ eligibility to​ practice as a​ CNA. However, the process can⁤ sometimes be confusing and stressful.‍ In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through 5 simple​ steps‍ for hassle-free CNA license⁣ renewal.⁣ By following these steps, you can ensure that your license remains current and valid, allowing you ‌to continue your ​career‍ in healthcare‌ with peace of mind.
**Step⁢ 1: Check Renewal Requirements** Before ‍starting the renewal process, it ⁣is important to ​familiarize yourself with the specific requirements set forth by your state’s nursing board. ​These ⁣requirements may ​include completing‌ a‍ certain number ⁢of continuing education hours, submitting a renewal application, and⁣ paying ‍a renewal fee. Make sure to ‍check the deadline for renewal ​to avoid any late fees ⁣or penalties.
**Step 2: ​Complete Continuing Education** Most states require CNAs to ​complete⁣ a certain number of continuing education hours as part ​of the ​license renewal process.​ These hours are⁤ designed ⁣to help you stay up-to-date on the latest ⁣developments in nursing and provide you with valuable skills to enhance your practice. Make ⁣sure‍ to choose courses that ⁣are approved​ by your state’s nursing ​board ⁣to ⁢ensure they count towards your renewal requirements.
**Step 3: Submit Renewal Application** Once you have completed your continuing education ⁢requirements, it is time to submit your⁢ renewal application.‍ This‍ application can usually be completed ⁤online through‌ your state’s nursing board website.⁢ Make sure ‍to double-check all information before‌ submitting to avoid any ⁢delays in the renewal process. Some states may​ also require you to provide proof‍ of current employment as a CNA.
**Step ​4:⁢ Pay Renewal Fee** In addition to submitting your renewal application, you will⁢ also need to pay a renewal fee. The⁢ fee amount‌ varies by state, so make ​sure to check the ​specific amount required by your state’s⁤ nursing board. Payment can usually ‌be made online using a ⁢credit or debit card.⁢ Keep a ​record⁢ of your payment confirmation for your ​records.
**Step ⁤5: Receive Renewed ​License** Once ​you⁤ have completed ‍all the⁢ necessary steps, you will receive ‌your renewed CNA license from⁤ your state’s nursing board. This license⁤ will indicate that⁢ you are eligible to practice as a CNA for‌ another period ‌of time, typically‍ 1-2‍ years. ⁣Make sure to keep your renewed license in a safe place⁣ and provide ⁣a copy to ​your⁤ employer if‌ required.
**Conclusion** Renewing your CNA⁤ license doesn’t have ‍to be a stressful experience. By following ⁢these 5 simple steps, you​ can ensure a hassle-free renewal process and maintain your eligibility to practice as a CNA. Remember to​ stay informed about your state’s‍ specific requirements, complete your continuing ⁤education hours, ​submit your renewal application on time, pay the⁢ renewal fee,⁤ and receive your ‌renewed⁤ license promptly. By​ staying on top of your renewal requirements, you can continue your career in healthcare with confidence and peace ‍of mind.
By following these steps, you ⁢can ⁣ensure that ‍your license remains current‌ and valid, allowing ⁣you to continue ‌your career in healthcare ‍with peace ​of ⁣mind.
Table: | State‌ Requirements | Continuing Education Hours | ⁢Renewal Application ⁤Deadline | Renewal Fee‍ | |———————|—————————|——————————-|————| | California | ​48 hours every 2 years ⁢ | 60 days prior to expiration ⁢ | $75.00 ​ | | Texas ​ ⁣ ⁣ ⁤ | 24 hours every 2 years | 30 days prior to ​expiration | $65.00 ⁢ | | ⁣New York ‍⁢ | 30 hours every 2 years | 90 ⁣days prior to expiration | $50.00 |
Remember, ⁣renewing your CNA⁣ license is crucial for your‍ career in healthcare, so don’t ⁤delay in completing the necessary steps. Good luck!
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texasapproval · 28 days
Title Loans Online Without Title | texasapproval
If you're in need of quick cash and considering title loans, you might be wondering, "Can you do a title loan online without a title?" While traditional title loans require you to have a clear title to use as collateral, there are ways to navigate financial challenges even if your car is not fully paid off or you don't have the title on hand. This article will explore your options for title loans online in Texas, including how to handle a car that isn't paid off and alternative solutions.
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Can You Do a Title Loan Online Without a Title?
The short answer is that most traditional title loans require a clear title to the vehicle. This means you must own the car outright to use it as collateral for a loan. However, if you don't have the title because your car isn’t fully paid off, or if you're looking for alternatives, there are still options available.
How Do You Pawn Your Car Title?
Pawning your car title typically involves providing the title as collateral to secure a loan. Here’s a general overview of the process:
Evaluate Your Car: The lender will assess the value of your car to determine how much you can borrow.
Provide Documentation: You’ll need to present the car title, proof of identity, and possibly other documents.
Loan Approval: If everything checks out, you’ll receive the loan amount based on your car’s value.
Repayment: Make timely payments to avoid losing your car to the lender.
For cars that are not fully paid off, this process might be more complex as the title may not be clear.
Personal Loans Without Car Title
If you cannot provide a car title because your car is not paid off, or if you’re seeking a loan without using your vehicle as collateral, personal loans might be a viable option. Unlike title loans, personal loans are typically unsecured, meaning you don't need to pledge an asset to get the loan.
Types of Personal Loans Include:
Unsecured Personal Loans: These are based on your creditworthiness and income.
Payday Loans: Short-term loans with high interest rates.
Credit Card Cash Advances: Borrowing against your credit limit.
While personal loans do not require a car title, they often involve more stringent credit checks compared to title loans.
Car Title Loan for Car Not Paid Off
If your car is not fully paid off, you can still explore title loan options, though they may differ from standard loans. Some lenders might offer a loan with a lien on your title or allow you to use your car as collateral despite the outstanding loan balance. This is known as a “title loan on a car not paid off.”
Steps to Obtain a Title Loan on a Car Not Paid Off:
Check Your Car’s Value: Understand the current market value and the outstanding balance on your car loan.
Find a Lender: Look for lenders who accept cars with existing loans.
Negotiate Terms: Discuss the loan terms, including interest rates and repayment schedules.
Complete the Application: Provide necessary documentation, including details about your current car loan.
Car Title Loans Online Texas
For Texas residents, Car Title Loans Online Texas can be a straightforward way to access cash quickly. Many lenders in Texas offer online title loans, making the application process easy and convenient. If you're looking for title loans in Texas, you’ll find that online applications allow you to get started from anywhere in the state.
Key Benefits of Online Title Loans in Texas:
Speed: Fast approval and funding.
Convenience: Apply from your home without visiting a physical location.
Flexibility: Various lenders offer different terms and amounts based on your needs.
Title Loans Mission TX
Residents of Mission, TX, can also benefit from local title loan options. Title loans in Mission, TX, provide an accessible solution for those in need of urgent funds. By visiting a local lender or applying online, you can secure a title loan based on the value of your car.
Steps to Secure a Title Loan in Mission, TX:
Research Local Lenders: Look for reputable lenders in Mission or nearby areas.
Gather Documents: Prepare your car’s information and any other required documents.
Apply Online or In-Person: Choose the method that suits you best for applying.
Receive Funds: Once approved, funds are often available quickly.
While traditional title loans require a clear title, there are various options available if your car is not fully paid off or if you don't have the title. Personal loans offer an alternative for those who cannot use their car as collateral. For Texas residents, including those in Mission, TX, online title loans provide a convenient and fast way to get the cash you need.
If you’re interested in exploring title loan options or need more information, visit Texas Approval for assistance and to start your application process today. Whether you need a title loan on a car that isn’t fully paid off or a personal loan without a car title, there are solutions tailored to meet your needs.
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sideshow-tornado · 1 month
I lost my wallet earlier this week and the holes you have to jump through in order to get a Driver’s License replaced in Texas are ridiculously complicated. Especially when all documents used to prove I am who I say I am are with my legal name, JON-MICHAEL, from my birth certificate to SS card to IRS Tax records; but the Department of Public Safety in Texas doesn’t recognize hyphenated first names so my DL has always been incorrect as they force me to go by First Name Jon, Middle Name Michael.
Coincidentally most debit cards and credit cards I’ve had in my life do the same. Wonder if I can challenge any debtors by claiming the person they issued the card to doesn’t not officially exist? 🤔
Of course I won’t even know how much more trouble this is going to cause me until I can get in for an appointment to have my license replaced, which is a few weeks away. If they really cared for how important it is have a physical copy of the DL, maybe it shouldn’t be such long and annoying process to get one. 🤷🏻
I just know my wallet is going to turn up as soon I get everything replaced. It only had my DL, my medical insurance card, and my debit card. I haven’t cancelled my debit card yet, but I’ve been monitoring my account to make sure no one uses it. I don’t think anyone has my wallet. It either fell into my bedside trash can and got thrown away or it’s hiding in some small crevice of my home or car that I keep missing despite daily multiple scourings.
But I can’t live too much longer without access to my bank account, lot of good my book of checks is doing me. So I need to see if the bank will replace it without me having a photo ID.
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debtloanpayoff · 1 month
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williamsmith12 · 2 months
How Mobile Apps Are Enhancing Tax Refunds and Payments: Efficiency and Convenience
In the rapidly evolving world of finance and technology, mobile apps are transforming how we manage tax refunds and payments. The convenience and efficiency offered by these apps are revolutionizing the tax experience for both individuals and businesses. From simplifying the refund process to streamlining payment methods, mobile apps are making tax-related tasks more accessible and user-friendly. In this blog, we'll explore how mobile apps are enhancing tax refunds and payments and how leveraging mobile app development services in Texas can further optimize these processes.
Enhancing Tax Refunds with Mobile Apps
1. Faster Processing Times
Efficiency: Mobile apps accelerate the tax refund process by allowing users to submit their returns electronically. This speed reduces the time spent waiting for refunds compared to traditional paper filing methods.
Example: Users can file their taxes through a mobile app and receive notifications about their refund status in real-time. With electronic filing and direct deposit options, refunds are processed more quickly and efficiently.
2. Real-Time Refund Tracking
Convenience: Mobile apps provide users with real-time tracking of their tax refunds. This feature allows users to monitor the status of their refunds, ensuring they stay informed throughout the process.
Example: A mobile tax app can display updates on the status of your refund, including when it is being processed, approved, and when you can expect it to be deposited into your account.
3. Automated Refund Calculations
Efficiency: Many mobile tax apps come equipped with built-in calculators that automatically determine the amount of the refund based on the submitted data. This automation reduces manual errors and ensures accurate refund amounts.
Example: By inputting your financial information, the app calculates potential deductions and credits to provide an accurate estimate of your refund.
4. Streamlined Documentation
Convenience: Mobile apps simplify the process of submitting required documentation for tax refunds. Features like photo capture and document upload allow users to easily provide necessary documents without needing to visit a physical office.
Example: Users can take pictures of their W-2 forms or receipts and upload them directly to the app, speeding up the documentation process and reducing the chance of errors.
Streamlining Tax Payments with Mobile Apps
1. Secure Payment Options
Efficiency: Mobile tax apps offer secure payment options, such as credit/debit card payments and electronic transfers. These methods ensure that payments are processed quickly and securely.
Example: Users can pay their taxes directly through the app using a secure payment gateway, ensuring their payment information is protected and minimizing the risk of fraud.
2. Easy Payment Scheduling
Convenience: Mobile apps allow users to schedule tax payments in advance, helping them manage their finances more effectively and avoid last-minute payment rushes.
Example: A mobile app can enable users to set up automatic payments for estimated taxes or balance due, ensuring timely payments and reducing the risk of penalties.
3. Integrated Payment Reminders
Efficiency: Mobile apps can send reminders and notifications about upcoming tax payments and deadlines. This feature helps users stay on top of their payment schedules and avoid late fees.
Example: Users receive push notifications or email alerts about payment due dates, providing ample time to prepare and make the payment.
4. Detailed Payment Records
Convenience: Mobile apps provide users with detailed records of their tax payments. This feature helps users keep track of their payment history and simplifies the process of reconciling payments.
Example: Users can access a comprehensive history of their tax payments through the app, including dates, amounts, and transaction details, making it easier to manage and review their payment history.
Why Partner with Mobile App Development Services in Texas?
Integrating these features into a mobile tax app requires specialized expertise and technology. By partnering with professionals in mobile app development services in Texas, you can benefit from:
Custom Solutions: Tailored app development that meets your specific needs for tax refunds and payments.
Advanced Security: Implementation of robust security measures to protect sensitive financial data.
User-Friendly Design: Development of intuitive interfaces that enhance the user experience and simplify tax management.
Ongoing Support: Access to expert support and maintenance to ensure the app continues to perform efficiently and securely.
Mobile apps are revolutionizing the way we handle tax refunds and payments by offering enhanced efficiency and convenience. From faster processing times and real-time tracking to secure payment options and detailed records, these apps are transforming the tax experience. By partnering with mobile app development services in Texas, you can ensure that your mobile tax app leverages the latest technology and features to provide a seamless and efficient user experience.
Embrace the future of tax management with mobile apps and enjoy the benefits of improved efficiency and convenience in handling your tax refunds and payments.
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roomchailimited · 2 months
Road Trip USA: A Bangladeshi’s Journey Across America
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Embarking on a road trip across the United States is an adventure that promises diverse landscapes, vibrant cities, and a rich cultural tapestry. For travelers from Bangladesh, this journey offers a unique perspective on America's vastness and diversity. From the bustling streets of New York to the serene beaches of California, this road trip is an unforgettable experience.
Planning Your American Road Trip
Choosing the right travel agency is the first step to ensuring a smooth journey. Roomchai Limited, along with competitors like Obokash and ShareTrip, provides comprehensive services including flight bookings, car rentals, accommodation, and visa assistance. These agencies are instrumental in helping Bangladeshi travelers prepare for their road trip across the USA.
Start by booking a flight from Dhaka to a major US city such as New York or Los Angeles. Roomchai Limited can help find the best deals and flight routes. Upon arrival, renting a car is essential for the road trip. Opt for a reliable car rental service that offers a wide range of vehicles. Securing a US visa is another critical step, and travel agencies like Roomchai Limited provide guidance throughout the application process, ensuring all documentation and interview preparations are in order.
East Coast Adventures: New York to Washington, D.C.
Begin your journey in New York City, the epitome of urban excitement. Explore iconic landmarks such as Times Square, Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty. Enjoy the city’s diverse culinary scene, from street food to fine dining, reflecting its multicultural population.
Drive to Philadelphia, a city steeped in history and culture. Visit the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Don’t miss a chance to enjoy a classic Philly cheesesteak. Continue to Washington, D.C., where history and politics take center stage. Tour the Capitol Building, the White House, and the Smithsonian museums. Explore the city’s monuments and memorials, such as the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
Middle America: Discovering the Heartland
Head west to Chicago, known for its impressive architecture and vibrant arts scene. Visit Millennium Park, the Art Institute of Chicago, and Navy Pier. Try the city’s famous deep-dish pizza and take a stroll along the Chicago Riverwalk.
Drive along the historic Route 66, which stretches from Chicago to Los Angeles. This legendary highway offers a nostalgic journey through small towns, quirky roadside attractions, and stunning landscapes. Make stops at notable sites like the Gateway Arch in St. Louis and Cadillac Ranch in Texas.
Southwest Explorations: From Deserts to Cities
Venture into Arizona to witness the awe-inspiring Grand Canyon. This natural wonder offers hiking, breathtaking viewpoints, and unforgettable sunsets. Continue to Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world, where you can experience the vibrant nightlife, casinos, and dazzling shows.
In New Mexico, explore the rich cultural heritage of Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Enjoy the unique blend of Native American, Hispanic, and Anglo cultures. Sample local cuisine and shop for traditional crafts.
West Coast Wonders: From Los Angeles to Seattle
Arrive in Los Angeles, a city known for its glitz and glamour. Visit Hollywood, Santa Monica Pier, and the Getty Center. Take a scenic drive along the Pacific Coast Highway to San Francisco, where you can explore the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and Fisherman's Wharf.
Head north to Seattle, a city surrounded by natural beauty. Visit the iconic Space Needle, Pike Place Market, and the Museum of Pop Culture. Enjoy the vibrant coffee culture and take a ferry ride to explore nearby islands.
Practical Tips for Bangladeshi Travelers
Understanding currency and money matters is essential. The US dollar is the currency, and credit cards are widely accepted. It's advisable to carry some cash for small purchases and tips. Language won’t be a barrier as English is spoken everywhere, but learning a few basic phrases can be helpful. Safety and etiquette tips include being aware of your surroundings, following local laws, and respecting cultural differences.
A road trip across the USA is a journey filled with endless possibilities, from urban excitement to natural wonders. For Bangladeshi travelers, this adventure offers an opportunity to explore new cultures, meet diverse people, and create lasting memories. Choosing the right travel agency, like Roomchai Limited, ensures a smooth and enjoyable journey, turning the dream of traversing America into a reality.
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