#credit to Ansley on tiktok for inspo!
superhaught · 2 months
Guard Dog
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Pairing: Leighton Murray x Reader
Warning(s): None!
Word Count: 1000, Part 1/?
Just a little Leighton fic based on this tiktok.
You stirred your drink lazily and refreshed the app one more time just for good measure. 
No new messages. 
You turned your phone off and sighed then finished off your drink in one gulp. The bartender swung by and cleared your empty glass and offered you another and you shook your head, saying, “just water, please,” hoping to sober up before heading home and putting this failure of a Friday night behind you. 
A pretty blonde girl walked up to the empty barstool beside you and barked out her order to the bartender while preemptively handing him her ID, then she loosely directed her next words to you, “excuse me, is this seat taken?”
“Not anymore, go ahead.”
She raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything in response as she sat in the stool and began rummaging through her tiny purse, pulling out a compact and touching up her face of makeup.
“Did you have a date or something?” The blonde asked, not turning to look at you. 
“I don’t know if it was a date,” you replied, “but someone was supposed to meet me. I’ve been waiting for over an hour.”
She closed her compact and returned it to her bag as the bartender was sliding a cocktail across the counter to her. 
“And they haven’t messaged you, I assume?”
“Nope.” You responded. 
You shrugged, “I wasn’t that excited about it anyways.” 
The blonde nodded and sipped from her drink with an elegance that was both admirable and off-putting. You envisioned her taking family vacations to Napa, feeling comfortable on yachts, purchasing a new pair of red-bottoms every season. 
The woman’s attention had been captured by her own phone, and you started to long for your bed. 
You were waiting to flag down the bartender and get your bill when a random guy approached you, carrying two beers. You rolled your eyes without him seeing.
“Hey girl, you are looking fine, let me enjoy a beer witchu.” 
You began, “oh, I was actually just-”
The blonde woman interjected, “excuse me, do you like, know this man?”
The dude groaned and slouched, “aw, come on we were just talking!”
She held up an index finger in front of him, “silence, mouth-breather, I wasn’t speaking to you yet,” then she looked at you expectantly, awaiting your answer. 
You shook your head, “no, I don’t.”
“Do you want to know him?”
“Not really.”
She nodded and turned to the offending guy, “she doesn’t want to talk to you. Goodbye.”
“What the fuck? I was just trying to be nice!”
“Well, you’re not being nice, you're being a creep and she doesn’t want to talk to you anymore.”
“Fucking bitch,” the man scoffed at blonde. 
She crossed her arms in front of her chest and sat up a little taller, “yep. Now remove yourself from the premises before I have security do it for you.”
The man raised his hands in surrender and backed away slowly, glaring at your rescuer, before finally turning and storming out of the bar with two of his buddies right behind him.
You exhaled, “Jesus… thank you for that.”
She flipped her hair over her shoulder, “oh my god, of course. Don’t even mention it.”
The bartender returned and passed your receipt to you but the woman grabbed the slip of paper between manicured fingers and spoke to the bartender, “no, please put her bill on my tab. Leighton Murray. Thank you.”
“Oh you don’t have to do that.” 
“I know but I’m going to, you’ve had a shitty night.”
“It’s really not necessary-”
“Don’t worry about it, okay? It’s nothing.” The blonde was putting her foot down and you felt completely disarmed by her. She clicked on her phone, “you were leaving, right? I’m calling you and Uber and I’ll walk you out, I’m not having you leave by yourself. He seemed like the type to wait in the parking lot.”
“You’re… that’s really above and beyond, I can’t accept-”
“I insist. Now, where are you heading?”
You considered denying her. You considered saying, thank you, but no thank you. 
“Essex College.” 
She raised an eyebrow again, “are you a student?”
You nodded, “I am, yeah. Junior.”
She smiled, “oh, wow! I’m a senior at Essex. I can’t believe I don’t know you. Come on, let’s just head back to campus together. I’m Leighton.”
You returned her smile and introduced yourself. She echoed your name back and then took hold of your hand, you thought she was just going to shake it but instead she stood up and gently led you out of the bar. 
You glanced around the parking lot and didn’t see the group of guys, “seems all clear…”
“You can never be too careful,” she answered with a shrug, “do you want me to leave you be?”
You couldn’t help but look her up and down. She was stunning. Taller than you in heels, and likely without them, too. She was still holding your hand. Her skin was soft and you could smell her perfume. She used her free hand to run her fingers through her hair, pushing it back, and you were done for. 
You looked at her lips and unknowingly bit down on your own, “No. I don’t want that…”
She smirked. A black car pulled up beside you and Leighton gestured for you to get in ahead of her. 
You squeezed her hand and then opened the car door. She lightly touched your lower back as you got into the car and it made you shudder. 
You quietly looked out the window as the car took you back to your college campus. You found yourself thinking about how it wasn’t fair for women like Leighton to exist because your hands were shaking and she hadn’t even done anything. You balled your hands into fists and sighed, not meaning to make a noise when you did.
“Is everything okay?” Leighton asked. 
You were shocked out of your thoughts, “Yes! Well, no… I mean, yes, everything is fine, it’s just…”
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you met the blonde’s eyes, “I don’t want my night to end just yet.”
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