stxckinatrap · 1 year
🕯️( from @chaintrapped )
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"He's probably the only one aside from John I actually trust. A little weird but then again so am I. Glad he survived his test, his skills are useful."
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hiveruled · 2 years
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@creepkills asked: "this is one for the history books."
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" No shit. " A big smile creeps over the cult leader's face, looking upon their newest kill PROUDLY as if it were a finished piece of artwork they'd both collaborated on for months. The metallic scent of blood is thick in the closed off room, the scent of it briefly triggering a nauseating feeling in him that accompanies the excitement. He manages to suppress it before it can turn into a full blown CHURNING in his guts, turning to his still-masked partner.
" You really didn't hold back. I figured there'd be nothing left of his face by the time I came back up here. " Kai laughs breathlessly, GRIPPING the chin of Danny's Ghostface mask to pull it up enough to get a glimpse of his mouth. A gloved hand cups the other's face, slowly smoothing his leather-clad fingers over his jaw as he leans in to kiss him, welcoming the warmth of their mouths meeting. The cerulean-haired man keeps him in the kiss for a long moment, his tongue swiping along Danny's lower lip right before he pulls away, chuckling under his breath. " Let's finish this up so we can head home. " He winked at Danny, stepping back to the body where he gathers up blood on his fingers, picking an empty spot on the wall to SMEAR his staple smiley face on.
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seoulkill · 2 years
     *  @creepkills​​  sacrificed  an  offering     :     " I'm such a fan of your work "
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               the  knife  falters  in  his  hand  at  the  unexpected  presence,  the  piercing  cry  of  his  victim  reduded  to  nothing  but  a  gurgle  all  too  soon  —  an  ugly  note,  something  he  wouldn’t  be  able  to  find  a  use  for.  ugh,  what  a  waste.  jiwoon  wipes  his  blade  on  his  jacket,  having  half  the  mind  to  peer  over  the  top  of  his  mask  over  his  shoulder  at  whoever  his  little  intruder  is.  
               the  idol  tries  to  remain  indifferent,  though  he’s  internally  assessing  how  he  should  play  this.  the  ball  is  in  his  court,  and  it  would  be  in  his  best  interest  not  to  fumble  any  further  like  he  did  with  his  instrument.  oh  well,  if  things  go  sour,  he  trusted  that  he  could  hit  his  target  with  a  skilled  flick  of  the wrist.  
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               jiwoon  reaches  over  to  turn  off  his  recorder,  tucking  it  away  into  the  safety  of  his  pocket.  maybe  he’ll  be  able  to  find  some  sort  of  use  of  her  screams,  or  maybe  it’ll  just  sit  in  his  hardrive  for  god  knows  how  long.  ❝  most  are,  that’s  why  it  remains  at  the  top  of  the  charts.  ❞  narrowing  his  eyes,  jiwoon  starts  the  tedious  process  of  the  cleanup.  at  least  any  cleanup  that  rids  him  of  the  crime  —  the  authorities  can  clean  up  whatever  remains  tomorrow  morning.  ❝  ah,  you’re  the  reporter,  correct  ?  i’ve  seen  you  sleuthing  around.  it’s  not  wise  to  be  putting  your  nose  in  business  where  it  shouldn’t  be,  didn’t  your  mother  ever  teach  you  that  ?  ❞
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finalcuts · 3 years
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The room smells heavily of weed and popcorn as Charlie puts in the third horror movie of the night. It wasn’t often anyone would see a smile from Kurtz, at least, not anything close to a genuine one. Around his friend and with the assistance of the joint balanced between his fingers, however, the shorter-haired brunette was laughing and tossing a piece of popcorn at Charlie when he settles back beside him. 
“ Shut up, dumbass. “ He scolds in a teasing tone, leaning forward to scoop a small handful of popcorn from the large bowl sitting on the table in front of them. “ We could never reach the heights of Billy and Stu ship popularity anyway. “ Kurtz gives the other boy another smile before putting his face against the popcorn in his hand and munching it until every piece was in his mouth. When he’s properly chewed and swallowed down a decent portion, he finally speaks again. “ But wouldn’t that be strange, though? We do all this, they make a movie out of us, people write cringey fanfic. Guess we’ll know we’ve really made it to the big leagues, then. “ 
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werebtch · 3 years
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@creepkills         sent        👗        for        BJ’s        fashion        aesthetic.
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walledflower · 3 years
@creepkills​ said, 'how do you handle it?’ / from danny
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                            “ I . . . ” That was the question wasn’t it... How does one handle being exposed to things beyond the understand of a human being. The damage it does to opens one mind to both the supernatural and cruelty that could behold this world. Sullivan had done more than physically harm him -- he had burdened Henry with his own trauma as if it would cause him to kneel at the killer’s feet in submission to him. 
Henry would not sacrifice himself and Eileen to him, but the haunting memories of Sullivan’s past did not escape him in the worst of moments. How could one person experience so much tragedy in their life ? 
There were far too many layers to this misery stack he was left with from his traumatic experience of Room 302...
“ I ... Get on with each day ... I have routines to keep myself stable... ” Henry answers, hesitance within his voice, “ I ... Remind myself, not to be like him... To still be kind... No matter what I’ve suffered as a result... ” His trust for others had taken a hit -- he would not deny that. He could not see people the same way again and feared the harm they may bring...
But, he would not make himself cruel... Not like Sullivan.
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wolfkcst-archive1 · 3 years
eivor no its a trap
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        Suddenly they can’t read...
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hiveruled · 2 years
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@creepkills asked: "what do you think of this ? " he shifts his laptop over for kai to see, a rough draft of his newest article on the cult's activities was displayed on the screen.
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The CLACKING of Danny's keyboard intertwines with the quiet audio from the tv, creating a slight lulling effect on the cult leader as his head is tilted, the back of the couch cushioning it. For once, Kai isn't on edge and starts to give in to the BECKONING of sleep that he's deprived himself of for too long. Heavy lids start to droop when the other beside him stops typing entirely, interrupting the pattern that had started to become familiar in his brain.
" Hm? " Kai's eyes open fully again, taking hold of one side of the laptop and leaning forward slightly to read over the article. The blue-haired male's leg BOUNCES as he does so, partially in order to stay concentrated and another part to wake himself back up. After reading the words on the laptop screen more that twice in complete silence, he nods approvingly. " Good, really good as usual. " He'd been lucky that Danny was more than willing to write up articles on the murders. That without fail, every time, he managed to sneak in some sort of inference to how his candidacy would HELP prevent such atrocities from happening in Brookfield Heights. It was always subtle, never forced. Kai had to say, it was an admirable talent that the other possessed among his more MORBID ones.
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evlincarnate-a · 3 years
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@creepkills​ sent ; “You have blood on your cheek.” 
🔪               tilt   of   head   given   at   the   comment   unsure   ,   really   ,   why   this   seemed   to   be   an   issue   .   then   again   ,   michael   trying   to   blend   in   as   a   semi-normal   person   definitely   meant   he   shouldn’t   be   sporting   the   red   liquid   on   any   part   of   him   —   body   ,   clothing   or   face   .   a   hand   lifts   ,   back   of   it   brushing   along   his   cheek   as   he   rubs   on   his   cheek   ,   though   he   unknowingly   didn’t   actually   rub   it   off   due   to   being   dried   up   .   a   frown   as   the   one   blue   and   one   grayish   eye   move   to   meet   the   other’s   look   .   ‘   got   it   ?   ‘
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madeherchoices · 4 years
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@creepkills​    |    liked
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“    Do you enjoy just being a FUCKIN’ CREEP all of the time ???    ”    She had suspected that she was being WATCHED for quite a few days,  but finally catching a glimpse of the Ghostface was ALL SHE WANTED before she confronted him.  She tossed her wrench on the table and glared,  but her eyes caught sight of QUITE A FEW of Evan’s traps in his grasp.  Brow furrowed in confusion and she tilted her head to the side.    “   WHAT are those for ???    ”
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filthysmile · 4 years
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COLD HANDS, fumbled within the old worn pockets of a beloved leather jacket. Hastened by their need to satisfy a long standing craving. Relief striking nerves as calloused fingertips brushed against the freezing steel of the killer teen’s lighter as he trudged through the thick blankets of snow back to the lodge. 
A home & territory he had claimed with the help of his little -- Crew. But as blue hues locked onto an unfamiliar form, panic took root in the quickly raising rhythm of his heartbeat. Causing him to take a tight hold of his knife.
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❛❛  Well, well, you sure as fuck ain’t Joey.. ❜❜
@creepkills​ liked for a starter
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finalcuts · 3 years
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The haziness of sleep is still swirling in slow circles in Roman’s head when he hears Danny’s voice, not quite fully awake and certainly not asleep either. Brown locks of hair are sticking up in different directions as he lifts his head, yawning into his fist as he reaches his hand out, patting the nightstand helplessly until his fingers grasp onto his glasses. “ Someone’s in the house? “ He repeats his lover in a whisper, framing it in a questioning manner while he pushes his glasses onto the bridge of his nose. Roman had made sure to get a high-dollar security system installed when they moved into the house, any intruder bypassing it entirely must really want to get in. Or maybe the security system is actually shit. He’ll look into it later today.
Unfortunately for them, they picked the exact wrong house to break into.
Roman steps out of bed, quiet on his feet as he grabs a knife on his way towards the closed bedroom door. Well, Danny wasn’t messing with him, there’s definitely something out there, he can hear rustling in the living room area. Whoever it was, they weren’t exactly doing an amazing job hiding their footsteps. Amateurs. He creeps back to the bedside, unscrewing the cap off a bottle of Fiji water and taking two big gulps, the expression on his face seemingly unbothered by the intrusion they were currently faced with. 
“ You wanna go take care of it with me, sweetheart? “ Roman asks with a smile, setting the bottle of water down and examining the knife in his hand, checking to make sure the blade is sharp enough with his thumb. “ Or are you going to stay in here and try to get more shut-eye? “ 
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trshmouth · 3 years
@creepkills​  said:  ❛    there’s  something  wrong  here.    ❜  
                            ❝   okay?  and?  no  shit,  man,  it’s  derry.  grass  is  green.  this  house  is  creepy  as  shit.   ❞    he  stands  parallel  to  jed,  bumping  him  lightly  at  the  forearm.  and  in  some  ways,  it  anchors  him.  or  at  least,  it  keeps  him  from  violently  backtracking  to  his  parked  bike.  ❝  …what  the  hell  do you think  is  in there?   ❞    it’s  mostly  like  going  through  the  motions  of  the  conversation;  if  jed  wanted  to  explore  a  weird  fucking  house,  they  were  both  going  to  be  exploring  a  weird  fucking  house.  richie’s  already  stepped  up  along  the  edge  of  the  property,  curling  fingers  around  a  loose  piece  of  metal  fence,  and  ripping  it  out  of  the  dead  grass.  he  wields  it  at  his  side  loosely.
his  gaze  flicks  up,  as  if  for  the  first  time  taking  in  the  austere  shape  of  the  old  neibolt  house.  the  autumn  seems  to  curl  around  it  peaceably,  the  same  as  the  dead  leaves,  the  same  as  the  grey  fixtures  in  the  fog.  he  frowns  at  it  expectantly,  challenging  it  to  lurch  at  them,  or  perhaps,  more  preferably,  disappear  in  the  mist.    ❝   … if  you  get  bit  by  a  homeless  guy  and  die,  i’m  only  gonna  say  mean  shit  at  your  funeral.  i’m  serious.   ❞    he’s  curling  fingers  in  jed’s  sleeve,  not  particularly  sure  who  he’s  trying  to  hold  in  place.
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ndeadahead · 4 years
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satan   ⠀prayer   ⠀-   ⠀ghost.   ⠀♡   ⠀@creepkills
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❝   ⠀the   ⠀uncreator   ⠀of   ⠀heaven   ⠀and   ⠀soil   ⠀.   ⠀.   ⠀.   ⠀❞   ⠀ricky’s   ⠀distanced   ⠀from   ⠀the   ⠀customer,   ⠀but   ⠀can   ⠀tell   ⠀by   ⠀where   ⠀the   ⠀stranger   ⠀is   ⠀standing   ⠀that   ⠀he's   ⠀lingering   ⠀in   ⠀the   ⠀satanic   ⠀section.   ⠀one   ⠀of   ⠀ricky's   ⠀favorites.   ⠀❝   ⠀need   ⠀any   ⠀help?   ⠀❞
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wolfkcst-archive1 · 4 years
Starter Call. || @creepkills​ -Jed
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     She turns her head slowly to look towards the masked man, knowing full well who he was. Eivor rolled her eyes, turning to face him with hands on her hips.                  ❝Take that mask off. You look ridiculous.❞
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hiveruled · 2 years
which death would you experience ?
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You die at the hands of the person you love most. Maybe there are tears in their eyes as they drive the sword into your chest, maybe there is none. There are certainly tears in yours. Your mouth will open to ask 'why' only to spit blood instead. You will die never knowing if they loved you at all, wondering if you could've done something to prevent this, or if it was always going to end this way.
Tagged by: @langdhon <3 Tagging: @creepkills, @noblecide, @occultst, & whoever else sees this and wants to do it!
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