#creepy dark rusty atmospheres are boring just a normal home but something is wrong is better
nthflower · 6 months
I love subtle horror so much more than other kinds of horror. Like things you would not notice when you are not giving any attention but when you notice it's so creepy and you literally can't ignore it.
Like I love it when there is something creepy in the background and stays in the background always. You just start to realise it more and more.
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barefoot-joker · 5 years
Yandere!Professor Pyg X Reader One Shot
Hey, guys! Welcome back to another Yandere!Gotham One Shot featuring Professor Pyg! I went with the route of Pyg loving music so this might not be what you’re expecting but enjoy it anyway!
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I smiled as the streets of Gotham were busy, it being a good sign for me. Deciding on the street corner on Main Street I set my guitar case down and opened it. Inside my mahogany wood instrument contrasted with the green velvet of the black leather case, the beautiful possession being an heirloom from my dad. Pulling it out I pushed the strap down over my head and allowed the guitar to sink into a comfortable position. Getting my hands into the right posture I exhaled and began to play, the soft tune being swallowed by the crowd. Quietly I began to sing in hopes somebody would stop by and drop some money into my case, the money going towards my rent for the month. It was hard being a street musician in this city as many people would come up and either steal my hard earned paycheck or turn away and scoff at both my skills and appearance. I'll admit I'm not the most attractive woman or have the most fancy clothes but I think what threw people off was the lack of multiple fingers and multiple scars on my hands. My dad had said it was because my mom had taken some pills she shouldn't have while she was pregnant with me and I would have asked her up front about it except for the fact that she ran off never to be seen by the two of us again. I closed my eyes and allowed my body to sway to the music, my eyes opening when I heard clinking in my case. I looked down to see a couple of quarters had been thrown in along with a dollar. You have to start somewhere. And so there I stood playing and singing, people throwing in money every once in a while. Around noon I moved to a different spot and continued my routine. By 1:00 I had made about $30 but I knew I needed to go to a different spot. As I was walking down the sidewalk someone bumped into me and in their rush took my guitar case with them. "Hey! Get back here!" Quickly I rushed after the man who had taken it, people cursing at me for pushing them. Rounding a corner I was close to catching the thief but he instantly vanished, the only thing telling me he was there being a few dollars I had made. Desperately I looked around but I couldn't find my beloved guitar anywhere. No, this can't be happening! In defeat I picked up the money that was on the ground, it adding up to $5. There was no way I was going to be able to pay rent now. With a saddened sigh I made my way to the GCPD, praying that they could help me. As I walked down the sidewalk I passed by a food stand, the employee shooing away a homeless woman. She seemed desperate as she pleaded with the young man but he was having none of it, him eventually smacking her. My eyes followed the defeated lady, knowing fully well that could be me. Looking down at the pocket of my jacket I knew what I had to do. "Excuse me, sir." "Oh, hello there! What can I get for you?" "I'd like one bowl of soup please." "Of course!" The young man worked quickly at pouring the vegetable beef soup into a Styrofoam bowl before plopping a slice of bread and plastic spoon in. "That'll be $5." I handed him the rest of my cash as he gave me the bowl, I nodding my head at him. "Thank you and please come again!" I turned away and spotted the woman, quickly heading over to her. "Excuse me, Miss. Here, you forgot this." I held out the foam bowl and I could see the hunger in her eyes. "Thank you honey, but a growing girl like you should have it." "No please, I insist." She was hesitant but took it in her hands anyway, thanking me once more. "It's no problem." "Bless you, child." She hurried off and I made my way to the GCPD. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I huffed angrily as I stormed out of the white building, anger evident in my soul. The cops I had talked to said there wasn't any need to help me as I was just a low life. In my rage I had yelled back and had possibly thrown a punch or two but was simply escorted to the front doors, the two cops watching me leave the premise. Scumbags. I fluffed my jacket and walked away, knowing fully well that if I saw another cop I would lash out. I decided it was time to head home and maybe listen to some cassette tapes to calm me down. I sighed as I looked up at the sky, grey clouds masking the Sun. Such a beautiful day ruined. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and continued my way till I reached my small apartment in the Narrows. Stomping up the rusty stairs I reached my apartment and unlocked the door, the dimly lit one room greeting me. Turning on a lamp near my bed I took off my boots and flopped onto the mattress. Sighing, my hand found my cassette player and I hit the play button, my dad's voice echoing in the room. My lip curled slightly as it played my favorite cover by him, the one he played before he left. I never understood why he left me to fend for myself at such a young age but I've overlooked it. My eyes closed as his guitar strumming lulled me into sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had been a few days since I had informed the police of my theft but they still hadn't given me any information about my missing instrument. I was starting to worry that I would never see it again and the note of one week till eviction on my apartment door didn't help at all. So in an effort to get rid of bad thoughts I took a walk around the city to clear my mind. Tonight the streets seemed barren as I roamed about, homeless looking at me like I was of the high society. Better start making friends. I rounded a corner and found myself near the Green Zone, cars parked everywhere along the sidewalks. Must be a couple of parties tonight. Stopping in the street I looked up at one of the windows with the lights on, my eyes following the silhouettes in the room. Classical music poured out of the window and I couldn't help but smile at the sound of Mozart. Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my waist and before I had time to scream a rag covered my mouth. "Shh, my little piggy. Pyg has got you." I thrashed around in fear but the chemicals on the rag began to slow me down and before I knew it my vision had faded to inky black. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I groaned as my eyes fluttered open, my head pounding like never before. My surroundings were a bit blurry but after blinking a few times everything became crystal clear. I could heart my heart beat loud as I tried to stand, only to find my wrists were tied tightly to the arms of a chair I was seated in. Panic thrilled through my veins and began to freak out, my breathing becoming erratic as I struggled against my bonds. "Careful, my little piggy. We wouldn't want your skin to get chaffed." I froze as that voice came right from behind me. Hands laid themselves on my shoulders and I couldn't help the squeak that slipped out when the person sniffed my hair. The person let out a hearty chuckle and made their way into my vision, my eyes widening when I saw the person up close. They were a man with a pig's mask covering most of their face, his chin and mouth the only things exposed, and he seemed to stand proudly tall in his brown dress shirt and cream apron, the multitude of knives in it's front pocket making me gulp. "It's so nice to see you up close, Y/n. Watching from far away was starting to get a bit boring." He snorted which sounded like a pig, it adding to the creepy warehouse atmosphere. "W-Who are y-you?" "Professor Pyg at your service, my dear." He gave a bow and I couldn't help but gulp, fear crawling further through my body. "Why so afraid, dearest? I'm not going to harm you." "L-Listen, I think y-you have the w-wrong person. T-There are l-lots of Y-Y/ns here in G-Gotham!" "Oh I have the right person alright. There's no other Y/n that has such great taste with music." His gaze made me uncomfortable so I tried to curl up but my bonds wouldn't allow me to. I could see the anger in his eyes at my actions but he simply smiled and pat my leg. "I know something that'll cheer you right up." I watched as he walked away and into the darkness, returning a few moments later with a black case. "I know how much you've been missing this as it was your father's and it meant a lot to you so I recovered it just for you." The man opened the case and I couldn't help but gasp. Inside laid my dad's guitar all polished and shined up. It almost looked as if it was brand new. "W-Where did you find it?" "A dirty cop under Penguin's wing had it. Naughty boy. He should know better than to mess with something that isn't his." I was taken back by the possessiveness of that sentence. Who exactly was this guy? "I simply can not wait to hear you play! It will be nice to be the only one to hear you!" He squealed in excitement, it being an oink. "W-Why am I h-here, exactly?" "You, my dear, are here for your own good. I've seen the kindness you share with this city, the way you earn your living, the place you stay at. I've watched you play so many times, in fact every day I try and find where you are just to listen. You are so pure and yet nobody respects that. They all take and take and take but never give! Well it's high time that you get what you deserve...some gratitude!" He slammed the table I was seated in front of with his hands and I jumped, I not going to far because of the bonds. Suddenly my stomach growled and a pink hue overcame my cheeks. "Ah yes. The starving artist comes to light. You haven't eaten in a quite a while, have you dear?" I shook my head and he chuckled. "Well it's a good thing I made dinner. Wait right here~" He ran off and I took the time to try and get my wrists loose to no avail. The pig came back and set a plate of some kind of pie down along with a fork and knife. Looking at it the pie seemed normal but because of the situation I was in it didn't seem trustworthy. Professor Pyg picked up the utensils and began to cut into the dough, the smell of grease wafting into my nose. Done cutting he stabbed a piece of dough that also had some meat on it, him bringing the fork to my mouth. "Open up, dear." I shook my head and turned away. He growled and grabbed my chin before forcing the fork in my mouth, the food utterly disgusting. I attempted to spit it out but he quickly clamped a hand over my face so I couldn't breathe. Struggling to get air in I swallowed, the hand coming off which allowed me to gulp in oxygen. "What was that?!" "Simply the man who stole your guitar." I choked on my saliva. Did he say what I think he just said? "W-what?!" "He hurt you, dearest. You and this city. It was high time he got what he deserved and what better way to make him useful than for him to feed you." "Y-you're sick! L-let me go this instant!" I pushed and pulled against the ropes around my wrists, desperately trying to get free. "Now, now, my little piggy. You eat this lovely meal I prepared just for you and then afterwords you and I can make sweet music together."
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