mai-takeda · 5 years
You and Vylette are adorable, always a smile when you two post!
Awww THANK YOU hun on behalf of @vylette-elakha and myself! We really do appreciate hearing such a BEAUTIFUL thought and love it when others enjoy our girls just like we do! Hehe more shots incoming! I hope you are having a WONDERFUL time and that you keep shining! 
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kugane-bois · 4 years
Ace of Pentacles
★ Ace of Pentacles - how has your character grown since their conception? 
Tiwah’ra chuckled himself as he thought about the question, “I turned from a young brat of a child into a honed Samurai who lives by a code. A code that I’ve upheld to this very day. Even through my exile.”
( @creiyah )
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ceol-aen · 4 years
✪: Have they ever let a rare opportunity slip them by?
🥀 Fili: I think Fili feels as though they finally -found- that rare opportunity with the shroud, so if there were any before or after...they would not have noticed/recognized it now. Like they have their dream life living in the trees.❂ Yonah: Yes, but only because -another- rare opportunity presented itself. Yonah lives a life of adventure and travel, so rare opportunities are abound! She never feel like she’s totally missing out, because she gets to experience something unique to her journey☽ Nandin: I’d say...Yes, because Nandin has a habit of talking herself out of opportunities. Someone would recommend she volunteer/apply to a contest/job/internship and she’d at first be excited!....Then immediately find reasons to not apply, usually ‘they’ll find someone better’ or ‘I’m nowhere near what they need.’ are her go-to excuses.Thank you @creiyah for the ask!
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bishysnaps · 4 years
Send ✗ for my muses reaction to being grabbed by the front of their shirt/collar and kissed hard on the mouth
Send ✗ for my muses reaction to being grabbed by the front of their shirt/collar and kissed hard on the mouth
I already know who this muse was for, so I’m not even going to ask. xD @tankintrade! And let me tell you; these two are GONNA BE CUTE. Thanks for the ask, my dear! @creiyah
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It had been a while since they saw each other again, a while since Aly had grinned like she had that first night. And when they saw each other again, it had been by accident. But the accident was absolutely beautifully welcomed. Still dressed to attack, Aly’xis had offered to walk the woman home again. And like before, the walk had been quiet, inviting, as Reiyah held onto the Lieutenant’s arm so softly.
Licking her lips behind her mask, she used her metal hand to pull it down, showing off a more vulnerable side since she wasn’t too found of people seeing emotion on her face. Especially when she was aiming to protect. But her attention wasn’t on their surroundings; her eyes were solely glued on the gorgeous lady besides her, laughing over a story she had been telling.
“You’re beautiful,” Aly managed to mutter, catching the woman’s attention as a blush danced across Reiyah’s cheeks. A soft smile stretched over Aly’s features as she lifted Rei’s face upwards. “You really are.” With another smile, Aly then went to continue in leading her back home.
At least, she tried, only for hands to grab at her top and yank her back. Lips pressed against her own, making Aly’s eyes widen before closing soon after. Digits wrapped around the woman’s hips, tugging her closer, as she leaned in for more. She could feel fingers sliding up into her hair, holding on, as the Lieutenant wrapped her own arms around Rei’s waist. Nails lightly scraped the back of her head as the miqo’te pressed her mouth against the other’s more. She eagerly swallowed the soft moan that vibrated from Rei’s occupied lips.
She was sure their lips were going to be bruised, but Aly’xis welcomed it completely. Slowly, Reiyah pulled back, staying in the soldier’s arms, as a blush danced over her cheeks. “Thank you,” she whispered, Aly able to read her lips with them being so close.
Pressing their foreheads together, the miqo’te smiled down at her. “You’re very welcome,” she growled out, still affected from the kiss seconds ago. Clearing her throat as best as she could, grinning afterwards as the woman in her arms giggled at the affect she had caused. “Now let’s get you home,” Aly teased, her lips oh so close to the other’s, just barely brushing against them, “before I change my mind on being good.”
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rosettevaleria · 5 years
Rose sank into the steaming water of her bath up to her nose, staring at the wall opposite of her unseeingly. Her cerulean eyes were dull, a shade darker than normal and her eyes slightly bloodshot. Her freckles stood out against the pallor of her skin, her hands were blistered and burned, and every muscles in her body ached.
But, damn, was she making progress. Her manipulation with aether was starting to progress and her reaction times were becoming faster. She could feel it slithering through her veins when she focused enough. It was still difficult as all hell, but she could now bring it forward with more ease and use it to punch faster and kick harder. She and her sparring partners at the Pugilist Guild had all walked away with bruises, scrapes, and bloody wounds...and it had felt good. 
She glanced to the chronometer, noting the time and she leaned her head back against the tub. Some of her ebony hair had escaped from where it was pinned atop her head, the strands sticking to the damp skin of her face and neck. She was going to get looks at the meeting tonight; she looked like shit and she knew it. A little make up and her gloves would go a long way.
Well, maybe no gloves, she thought at she looked at her bruised knuckles and blistered palms. She flexed them and cringed, but gave a humorless chuckle. 
She settled them in her lap beneath the water once more, eyes closing. The carousel of her mind turned again as her thoughts shifted toward the current predicament: tracking down Saphyra.
Thanks to Murdock and Richart, they had pinned her location down in Limsa Lominsa and the underground fighting rings there. Their next move was to infiltrate, rig the brackets, and get Kayne and Arik to fight against her. Why the little Raen had gone there, it was unknown. Her retainers had lost her there -- but there had been reports of a new Xaela entering the rings. She had a suspicion, but she wasn’t going to make assumptions until she managed to catch sight of this ‘Xaela’, herself.
The more shocking revelation was that of Saphyra’s relations with the beast tribes and her Astrologian stone. The beast tribe portion explained Saphyra’s speech pattern slip-ups and the constant grubbiness she sported; branches, dirt, ruffled hair, and torn clothes...the young woman was certainly working with some fairly interesting friends. It shed a lot of light on some things. The Astrologian Stone...that was something of a mystery. She was quite curious why she entrusted such a stone to the little Sylph and where the Raen had obtained it. Time would only tell.
She would have Emeline and Jun get in earlier, maybe recommend some fighters be removed from the brackets or find a way to get them to throw the fight...or stack the odds in the favor of Kayne or Arik, perhaps both if there were team entries. She would leave the two towering male Xaela to handle Saphyra in the ring. 
Rosette continued to formulate the plan in her mind, knowing that she would need Catherina, Mafrea, and C’reiyah in the locker room to find Saphyra’s affects. Said locker room was warded with intricate magics to keep patrons and sponsors from tampering with the fighters’ affects -- the runners of the pit fights wanted equal and fair play. At least, on their terms. 
Her retainers were still gathering intelligence on the when, where, and what...but she had a faint idea in mind. Now, it was just the finite details and setting the wheels in motion.
She smirked, “Challenge accepted, Saphyra.”
mentions: @saphyra-tsuki, @oroete, @iname21, @blackmagesol, @creiyah, @healeremeline, @junakagane, @kayneblackfire, @aetherwatchsociety
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healeremeline · 5 years
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And now with our own problems and hopes for a future, Catherina decided it was time to start making alliances to call on. We met with Ser Anson Rockwell and his Knights of the Alliance. With Catherina at the lead, we explained our path and current issues.
Ser Rockwell pledged who he could and let us know, should the time come, we would have his martial support. It was a time to be thankful for friends.
I was also shocked by Mafrea’s ability to persuade a room and speak about magic with such tempered diplomacy.
Now we have those that will gather, those we know we can call from the skies and those from unexpected places. I do not think Alaric understands what he is getting into.  
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lydha-lran · 6 years
21. Favorite kind of weather?
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Kirei’s tail starts to wag feverishly side to side in excitement. “Yes! Let me tell you of my favorite weather.” she says as she bounces up and down. 
“I love those days in fall, after a big rain storm. Usually after that, the sun shines bright and casts big shadows on the ground, because the clouds are nice and puffy. There is a crispness to the air like no other. The flowers and plants, everything seems so calm.” 
“It is so specific, and the conditions rarely are perfect for such a thing to happen. So when it does...it is the most refreshing feeling in the world to experience, and I absolutely adore it.” 
Thank you for the ask @creiyah !)
100 OC asks here!) 
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clouded-vxle · 6 years
ACTS OF AFFECTION ❥ Running your hand over their arm and gently pulling them close.
Mismatched eyes looked over a shoulder - looking onward to the figure who’d run their hand along the smoothed, exposed skin of an arm, having caught it mid step. A quizzical expression emerged across her face, especially considering.. the woman who’d done so was not one of familiarity in the slightest.. Though it wasn’t all that strange for people to be grabbing for her attention - usually it was men who’d been denied her attention. Now.. This Seeker, she was lucky, really. Vale found the exchange.. interesting, amusing - even.. And with it, chose to see /just/ where it would lead, instead of retrieving a hidden blade or other weaponry she kept on hand. Moments later, she found herself slowly pulled close, not forceful in any manner, but one of delicacy. She made a mental note of that, for certain. She was no more than mere ilms away from the woman who stood a bit taller than her, though it wasn’t by much.. Iridescent globes twinkling in the light whilst taking a studious look to the miqo’te. Brilliant emeralds stared back at her - the first thing she -always- seemed to look to, eyes. They told stories that one would not. These ones, told her of simple interest, and of hints of naivety. 
A smirk slowly began to form along her lipsticked lips, licking them briefly before she chose to speak out. “Well hello there, darling. To what do I have the pleasure, mmn?” The trio of tails swished idly behind in some form of slow, elaborate dance. “I presume it was mild curiosity, that brought us to.. this, was it not?” The xaela mused, giving a sly wink in turn. “–Good. Be curious, often. Just don’t be /too/ curious.. As the saying goes..” Her tone shifted to something more sing-song, “Curiosity killed the miqo.~”
((Thank you dear. And sorry this took so long ;A; @creiyah ))
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avwalya · 4 years
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Smiles from Costa Del Sol with @creiyah @furyofthetrinity @kazukanekaisuri @yuki-yukichan @sentryna @bombshell-gunners and @shinnoni !
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furyofthetrinity · 4 years
I Wanna Dance
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All I ever wanted was to dance I wanna dance
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I've always played my part All these gloomy days I just watched them pass
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When all I ever wanted Was to dance, move my feet Go on rocking to the beat
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I missed the awful through I'm wasting all my time Just working for the man When all I ever wanted
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But it's never too late I'm gonna turn this ship around when I get paid I'm gonna leave this goddamn job and finally Just listen to myself Don't care 'bout nobody else but me
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I wanna dance tonight I wanna dance All night
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Ft. @bombshell-gunners​ @yuki-yukichan​ @creiyah​ and Ai who doesn’t have a tumblr.
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mai-takeda · 4 years
Even during the worse of days, can always count on Mai "aesthetics" to bring out a smile!
Hehe what did I do??? :-p Though truly if I do anything to help anyone smile then that immediately makes me smile because I want everyone to enjoy themselves and to smile! Nothing better than helping someone get through their day if you ask me. We all have enough stress and things to worry. Let’s have more reason to smile! 
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blissfulxivarchive · 4 years
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ceol-aen · 4 years
✢ I like your characters ✦ I like seeing you on my dash ✪ You seem like a cool person ❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s) ☓ We should talk!
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bishysnaps · 4 years
Send ’ 🎉 ’ to kiss my muse at midnight on New Years Eve.
Send ’ 🎉 ’ to kiss my muse at midnight on New Years Eve.
Okay! So after asking via message, I was given the opportunity to choose who of my muses gets kissed! So I think I’m going to choose my lovely Flame Lieutenant, Aly’xis, who happens to be on the blog @tankintrade! Hope you enjoy! And as always, thank you for the ask @creiyah!
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A blind date, for her? Aly’xis didn’t think she’d ever need one. With how good she had once been with flirting, the Lieutenant never expected one of her soldiers to approach her about a blind date. Said the girl was full of life and was learning magic. What really intrigued the woman was the blind date was supposedly much shorter than her, which was a plus on her end. 
And yet here she was, waiting outside of a bar for some girl to show up. Leaning back against the wall, she only relaxed for a moment before a finger lightly tapped her shoulder. Deep violet snapped open as she looked in the direction, arching an eyebrow curiously. Where once was nothing, now there was a female standing there with a nervous smile on her face. “Aly’xis, I presume?” Reading the girl’s lips, the Lieutenant gave a nod before pushing herself onto steady feet. “I’m Reiyah,” the female finally introduced, offering a hand to shake.
Taking said hand, Aly brought it to her lips and gave a chaste kiss, eyes gleaming under the outdoor lighting. A faint blush spread over Rei’s features before Aly smiled, allowing her hand to drop now. Turning, she held the door open for the lady before following after.
The date itself had gone quite well. While Rei had been surprised to discover Aly was deaf, she seemed fascinated in learning sign language. And so most of the date was spent with Aly and Rei sitting close, the Lieutenant teaching the female hand motions that were simple enough. But that required touching the other’s hands, while also getting up close and personal. This also brought questions up about her bionic arm, since it was mostly all metal. 
And as the date came to an end, Aly offered to walk Reiyah home instead of going by herself. The female had gladly accepted the offer, slipping her arm around the Lieutenant’s. All in all, Aly’xis had to admit that her soldier had picked out a good girl for a blind date. “This is where I live,” the woman finally spoke, breaking the comfortable silence between the two. Glancing down at Rei, the fighter smiled and nodded. 
And just as she went to turn away, a hand pulled her back before lips pressed against hers abruptly. Deep violet orbs widened as Reiyah pulled back, blushing from her sudden choice. A softer grin stretched over the Lieutenant’s lips as she reached out, placing a finger under Rei’s chin.
Tilting her head just the slightest, the tall female miqo’te leaned down and gently brushed her own lips against the other’s. It was soft, yet just enough pressure to remind the other exactly what they had. What they could have. “Goodnight beautiful,” she growled out, deep violet connecting with emerald green, before she pulled away. “I’ll see you again?” she questioned out loud, as well with her hands, only to smile brightly when Reiyah gave a simple ‘yes’ in hand motion.
This blind date was definitely better than she had imagined.
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rosettevaleria · 5 years
Every End...
It was just past dawn as Rose slipped out of C’reiyah’s home and quietly closed the door behind her, her bare feet walking through the dew laden grass as she walked through the yard. She pulled the throw blanket she had lifted from the couch a little tighter around her shoulders, using it like a shawl to ward off the morning chill.
So much had changed in such a short period of time, but it was a change that was needed and one for which she was thankful for. She had received word that the musical instruments and such had been moved from the ship, Murdock and his people getting things to storage in his usual efficient manner. She lifted her face to the cool morning breeze as it sifted through the beds, her eyes closing as she inhaled. She was grateful that it was something she needn’t worry over.
Sleep was hard to come by in the last week, nightmares from retrieving Jun plaguing her at least once a night. Mirrors were still hard to look into and she had to fight down an impulse not to cringe every time someone said ‘hello’ or ‘goodbye’. Saphyra hadn’t left her side the first night, the Raen a silent companion in the room and had watched over her.
The winds of change were beginning to blow...and no longer were they beholden to the Black Garden. There were a few she would miss, like Kayne and Katalin. It was always a joy to work with them, knowing that they would always have her back. Those two and her family were bright spots in her time with the company...but, if she were honest, she had been unhappy for quite some time. Her morals and ethics hadn’t fit with them, not since it seemed like things had taken a darker turn.
After a few incidents, she had come to distrust several on the Rocinante...but she stayed to guard her family’s back and tried to keep them safe. It had nearly cost her life on more than one occasion and Rosette had grown tired of bleeding for nothing. Her tired gaze drifted over the gardens and the rooftops of the Beds, her eyes half-lidded with weariness. It was over and passed, now it was the future she had to look to -- however uncertain or rocky it may be.
She crossed her arms as the sun began to peek over the eastern horizon, the light sifting through the boughs and branches, the light dappling across her wane face and shadowed eyes. She took a deep breath and the corners of her lips lifted in a faint smile.
...Marks a New Beginning.
mentions: @saphyra-tsuki, @junakagane, @oroete, @healeremeline, @blackmagesol, @creiyah, @arik (whom doesn’t have a Tumblr), @kayneblackfire, @katalinhunter
OOC: My time with the Black Garden Company has come to a close. It was a bittersweet end to a chapter in Rosette’s story...but I am really excited to see where our new path takes us! There are many that I miss already from BG and the crazy shenanigans in VC, crazy traditions with map runs, and the adventures that we all went on. I’m sure I’ll see you all around in game and in RP.
The Aetherwatch Society is still largely in concept, but the crew and I are brainstorming like crazy and preparing wonderful adventures. My posts may be slightly more infrequent with work hitting our busy season, Shadowbringers dropping, and working with Emeline, Catherina, and friends to create our new home. Stay tuned for more shenanigans!
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healeremeline · 5 years
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It begins simple enough....
14th Sun of the Third Umbral Moon
I am Emeline Tousart-Akagane. 
This is my new beginning. I hold no titles for all but sister-in-arms to those closest to me. I have no duties. I have no paperwork. I woke today and made breakfast in Gridania. It felt good. I smiled and I cannot remember the last time I did and meant it. 
I took my class to the front this week with an escort from Kayne, Arik, Rose, Mafrea, and Jun. Reiyah went with myself and my delightful students Vi, Klara, and Brogan. Remus found us too and that was a hard talk. 
Reiyah and I went shopping for supplies and gifts, Catherina came along for a bit. It was the first I had done that in months. I got a cactus for Catherina, a simple collection of herbs for wounds and a bunch of candy to share with Jun. Reiyah procured a gift for the others, hiding it as a surprise. I still have not given Mafrea his puppet yet. 
My biggest priority is trying to figure out why Jun’s eyes have turned white since his recovery. I miss the blue. That and trying to help find a safe place to work. 
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