#crepe cant take compliments in any setting
monards · 6 months
pretty girl in class textign me. imm too lesbo for this
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lostdisclosure · 5 years
Formally, a stranger
I was going to respond on your IG post, but I couldn't wrap my head around writing something short and sweet. After I read your story, I couldn't help but ache at the thought of the struggles you've experienced throughout your life. I know you didn't post that for an ounce of sympathy from anyone, but instead to acknowledge the pain and face your inner emotions. I commend you for your strength and want to express how much I respect you as a person. I'm sure all this may come as a surprise to you and I have to apologize ahead of time for writing so much. There's just so much I wish I could actually talk to you about, yet the platform we're on only allows our friendship to achieve surface levels. So in a sense, this is my way of letting you know the impact you've had on me in the short time we've known each other. Also, it should show you my intentions of being around even after surpassing the lifetime of my presence on twitch (but don't worry I'm not going anywhere lol).
First of, I need to tell you about my experience of getting to know Cres. As you know, I tend to stay up late. Before I met Cres, I would find myself falling asleep around 4am at the latest. Then one day, I stayed up to raid with Lynn and she brought us to Crescentine. I could not believe how amazingly engaging she was with everyone. From that moment on, I couldn't get enough of her. As she emitted so much positive energy, I couldn't help but find myself staying up just to hang out. Before I knew it, I felt like I was part of the amazing community she has built over the years. Getting the chance to get to know Cres is a gift in itself, for she is like a delectable crepe cake. She is made out of so many layers of talent and beauty, and whenever I think she couldn't get any more amazing, she surprises me. She's smart, independent, driven, goofy, loving, kind, entertaining, I could go on for hours complimenting Cres, but I won't. I can't express enough how influencial she is to me and to everyone that watches, but theres a part of her that's even more impressive than the person I met on stream at 5 in the morning....
Christine. She is the real inspiration in this story. Christine is not just the brains behind Cres, but also the heart and soul. The determination she has to succeed and provide herself with a fulfilling life bleeds over everything she puts herself out to do (jk its strawberry jam). As someone who came from our native homeland and now lives in the country she set out to live in, as a tri-lingual entrepreneur, you can't deny that she has achieved success in every aspect of her life. Of course her growth is never ending, for you can't stop a moon from ever rising.
Very recently, Christine had exposed a side of her that doesnt often come to light, if ever. She expressed how she is left with the longing of her family and the struggles she deals with on the regular. As the community from twitch can stand in as moral and emotional support, the lack of physical presence from the ones you love most, takes a huge toll on our livelihood. We can really get into our own heads when we're deprived of comfort and joy that we cant help but to dwell a bit. I have to admit, I fall into that hole more often than not. As for Christine, all I can say is that she is the most incredible individual I have ever met. I can't understand how one person could be so beautiful inside and out, that it radiates so bright that every person she ever meets in her lifetime can see how pure of a human being she is. I'm sure I can speak for many people, but we can't help but be enamored by her entire entity. I just hope she knows how much she is loved and when the opportunity arises, we all will make it a point to be there for her in any way and every way she possibly needs. Especially me.
I've rambled enough. I'm sleep deprived. Bottom line is, I can't deny that I've fallen in love with an amazing girl from home, that lives over the pond. I hope she knows how special she is. A perfect moon flower. One that's blooms in the darkest times, smells good (probably), and is toxic. Lolol jk.
Whether I ever get the chance to get to know Christine on a deeper level, or not, I just want her to know she is loved. <3
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