#crepus ragnvindr x reader
mermaid-trash · 11 months
Dear Crepus
Crepus Ragnvindr x fem!reader
Summary: After being missing for three years, Master Diluc had returned to Mondstadt. The entire city was thrilled to have their beloved Ragnvindr home once again, but for you, his return brought back only bittersweet memories that you preferred to forget.
Warnings: slightly suggestive at times if you squint, angst, reader was in a secret relationship with Crepus and Diluc finds out after his return :/
Wordcount: 1.9k
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The city of freedom was once again buzzing with a sudden rush of excitement. Hushed whispers reverberated around the quaint cobblestone streets, every citizen seemingly taking it upon themselves to spread the word; after being missing for three years, Master Diluc had finally returned to Mondstadt.
He looked older, they said. More mature. They wondered where he had been, what he had been doing for three long years, each person coming up with theories that were more unlikely than the last. You couldn't bring yourself to participate in the speculation, however; wherever Master Diluc had been, you wished he had stayed there and never returned to Mond.
For three years, you had struggled to swallow correctly past the ever present lump in your throat. For three years, you had slept restlessly every night on tearstained pillows. For three years, you had tried desperately to forget the pain. Now, with the young Ragnvindr walking the streets of Mondstadt again, the wound that had just barely begun to heal had been torn open once again. Every glimpse of that painfully familiar scarlet hair was a sharp stab of pain to the gaping hole in your chest.
Thankfully, Master Diluc proved fairly easy to avoid. For weeks after his sudden reappearance, you remained determinedly focused on the peaceful life you had carved out for yourself in a secluded corner of Springvale. He never ventured out in that direction on his daily journeys between the winery and the city, and so your still new home remained untouched with memories.
Until one morning a month after his return, when a quiet yet firm knock at your door pierced the stagnant silence that pervaded your home.
There he stood on the doorstep, taller and broader than you remembered, yet his face still had that boyish look, and you were overcome with the sudden urge to wrap your arms around him, to hold the boy close and cry with him as you had never had the chance to- but you refrained, for despite the resolute set of his shoulders, he still looked as though he may run away at any moment. His eyes, red, so different from his father's, could not meet yours.
In one of his hands, gloved in leather and clenched by his sides, was a small bundle of parchments, folded neatly and secured with a silk ribbon. Instantly, you recognised them.
"Master Diluc," you greeted the young man as calmly as you could, despite the growing pit in your stomach, "it's wonderful to see you again."
It was your best attempt at maintaining a polite appearance, but the words felt hollow on your tongue. Of course, you were relieved that the boy you had loved was home and safe once again, but having him here, on your doorstop, was bringing the bitterest memories out of the shadowy recesses of your mind and into the harsh sunlight.
Then, Diluc finally met your gaze, and with that one look it was clear that you both already knew why he was here.
"May I come in?" he requested quietly. Without a word, you stepped aside, allowing the young nobleman to enter your home, to walk around your tiny kitchen and tarnish it with the dull ache you associated with the past.
Diluc stood in place beside your dining table silently for a moment, brows furrowed and seemingly deep in thought, while the dread in your stomach steadily fermented. Before he spoke, he cleared his throat gently, and your heart broke again for because even his cough sounded just like Crepus's.
"Forgive me for my sudden arrival, I won't take up much of your time." He began, and despite his nonchalant tone, you were sure that this would be an uncomfortable conversation for the both of you once he found the words to begin it. "I was sorting through some of my father's belongings in the winery. There was a locked drawer in his desk which contained…these."
He placed the bundle of parchment gingerly on the wooden tabletop, as though it were an impossibly valuable ancient relic. Or perhaps he knew that to you, they were. Scrawled across the pages was your own handwriting, the ink forming words which you could hardly recall almost five years after writing them. Crepus's responses, however, remained fresh in your mind, as though you had received them just yesterday. As though the pain of the last three years had never happened.
For several moments the room was quiet, Diluc unsure of how to proceed and you too embarrassed to know what to say.
"Did…did you read them?" You managed to ask weakly. The pink that tinged the tips of his ears gave you the answer that his thinly-pressed lips refused to voice. "Master Diluc, I'm-"
"Please," he cut you off with an almost exasperated sigh, "just Diluc."
With sudden clarity, you recalled a conversation you had had with his father years prior to this moment. Despite your connection to the Master of the family, you were ultimately still one of the common folk. Due to this unavoidable fact, you had insisted on referring to the two Ragnvindr boys as 'the young Masters', out of politeness.
"How have the young Masters been lately?"
"I bumped into the young Masters in the city earlier today."
"You look tired, Crepus. Have the young Masters been giving you trouble?"
Until one night in the Ragnvindr manor, amidst the impenetrable serenity that always enveloped your rare moments alone together, you had used their title. Then, loosened by the bottle of wine you had shared, Crepus had laughed at you, that charmingly handsome smile creating beautiful lines around his eyes.
"Dear, don't you think you know us well enough by now to refer to them by name?"
A bashful smile had bloomed on your lips at the gentle teasing, and with heat growing in your cheeks, you had teased back, "Oh no, Master Ragnvindr, the last thing I would want to do is offend such a noble family."
His responding laugh still rang in your ears now, as you suddenly remembered Diluc standing in your kitchen, watching attentively as you came out of your reverie. The sensation of roughened yet tender hands cupping your cheeks faded into familiar numbness.
"Diluc," you said, but the informality tasted even stranger after three years of unfamiliarity, "I'm very sorry you had to find out like this."
With trembling fingers, you reached for the letters, tracing carefully over the deep red ribbon fastened around them in an elegant bow. The paper was in pristine condition, folded and pressed into a neat bundle, obviously well-preserved in the empty winery for the past several years. Crepus had preserved these letters far better than you had preserved his, you realised with a jolt of guilt; his own letters, penned whilst he was away on business trips or vacations with the boys, were crumpled from falling asleep with his words clutched tight against your chest, and teardrops stained the paper and blurred the ink in places.
"I didn't know he'd kept them." You admitted quietly, ignoring the way your lip trembled.
By his sides, the leather gloves Diluc wore squeaked slightly as his fists clenched.
"I thought you might like to know that he had." Was all he said, before he made as though to leave.
Panic flared in you as soon as he turned to leave; despite having complicated feelings about Diluc's return to Mondstadt, the thought of him walking out of your life once again so soon made your chest ache.
"Wait!" you exclaimed, your hand reaching out to grab onto his arm and somehow prevent him from leaving, before shrinking back when he came to a sudden halt.
"I…I have his letters, if you'd like to…" you voice wavered only slightly as he cast a look over his shoulder at you, before tapering off into silence.
The young Master turned hesitantly, peering at you curiously with those intensely stern eyes. They were far less warm than his father's. The blazing red irises were fiery and passionate, yet lacked the softness that you considered home for a while. Just below the surface of his gaze, you recognised the multitude of emotions that he had not yet mastered the art of masking as well as Crepus had; or perhaps, you had spent so long watching Diluc grow into the man he was now, that reading his emotions was like second nature to you. It had taken years for you to recognise the emotions which Crepus chose to keep hidden- the subtle tightness of his jaw when he was irritated, the slight twitch in his lips when laughter threatened to break free, the soft creases around his eyes whenever his gaze fell on you.
In Diluc's eyes, bitterness swirled like a tempestuous wind, and with another guilty pang, you realised that you couldn't blame him for feeling that way. Perhaps it had been wrong of you to hide your relationship with his father for so long, even after the man's sudden death, but at the time you simply hadn't wanted the attention of the city on you as the new Mrs Ragnvindr. So, other than Adelinde, who had helped to smuggle you out of the winery before the family's breakfast could take place one too many times, no one in Mondstadt was aware of the extent of your familiarity with the nobleman. Then, after his death, the idea of coming clean felt…wrong, as though you would be trying to gain from your connection to the noble family. At least, that was what you told yourself.
Truthfully, you were just too much of a coward to deal with the questions that would arise. So, you kept the truth to yourself, and ignored the rumours that filled the city at your sudden despondency. The funeral had been a horrid affair; rows upon rows of Mondstadt citizens wore black and mourned the loss of their icon, the symbol of their home. You kept to yourself at the back of the congregation, and avoided the questioning gaze of the one remaining Ragnvindr, Kaeya. His one sapphire eye was sure to see through your half-hearted lies. So, you retreated to Springvale, and hoped that he would never question you on the rumours he undoubtedly heard.
He never did.
"No," Diluc answered eventually, meeting your gaze with an honourable certainty. "My father's romantic history is none of my business. You should keep those memories for yourself."
He hesitated for a moment, opening and closing his mouth once, before glancing away and selecting his next words with apparent carefulness.
"I am simply relieved that he was happy. And…should you ever need anything, you will always be welcome at the Winery."
And he turned to leave once again, departing the claustrophobic kitchen as quickly as he could and leaving you to choke on the knowledge that you and Crepus had been real. Time had worn the few memories you allowed to slip through into hazy, dreamlike sequences that you could not even be certain were real. But with Diluc's tentative validation, they seemed suddenly brighter, more clear. The red of Crepus's hair had been so like Diluc's.
You remembered now that amidst the secrecy and clever lies, the hushed whispers and hesitant touches behind closed doors, there had been moments of true happiness. Lying in each other's arms and basking in the glow of a lit fireplace on winter nights, bare skin pressed against bare skin as he made some excuse about 'conserving warmth'. Tasting the sweet headiness of dandelion wine on each other's lips as you danced around the kitchen late at night while the boys slept, unaware of the small piece of Celestia you were building in their home.
And for the first time in years, you wanted to remember. Perhaps Diluc was right, and those memories were best kept in pristine condition, locked away inside your heart, bundled together lovingly with a beautiful ribbon.
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fancyfeathers · 5 months
In my Normalized Yandere AU, having darlings is normal, so normal that people expect it to happen at some point in their life, so normal that many darlings come to quickly accept their situation after a bit of fighting, like Crepus’s darling. She is the mother of Diluc and adoptive mother of Kaeya and she loves the, they are her boys. Even if she doesn’t love her husband she has grown comfortable with him, he treats her well.
Soon her boys grow up and join the knights and she couldn’t feel prouder, a sentiment shared with her husband. Then on Diluc’s birthday, Crepus and the two boys are going out to the city and when her husband kisses her goodbye she doesn’t know it’s the last time she’ll see him.
She is alerted of Diluc and Kaeya’s return by the sound of fighting outside, she rushed out and saw them practically trying to kill each other. She yells at them and they stop and realize what they were attempting to do to the other. Kaeya doesn’t stay, going off to the city, but she guides Diluc inside and he starts just sobbing in her arms. She holds him and asks him what happened and before he answers she realizes her husband is no where in site.
“Father is dead”
She couldn’t remember what happened after that, the next few weeks were a blur as she spiraled into depression. Did she actually love him? Did she actually miss him? What was she going to do now? The maids of the house practically had to take care of her, make sure she bathed, ate, changed clothes, and so on. It wasn’t until Diluc left himself that she finally got a hold of herself. Crepus always told her that if something happened to him that he wanted her to move on, enjoy her life, and it finally happened.
Since Diluc had entrusted the staff to take care of the winery, she had no duties to take care of. So she packed up her belongings, all the dresses Crepus got her, all the jewelry, her books, and her belongings, leaving her life at the winery behind. With the help of Kaeya she got her life started back up in the city, opening her own business, a flower shop, or a book shop. She lived her life peacefully for many years, her sons coming to check up everyday or so on her, and a family photo, including her deceased captor resting on the counter.
Then the day comes where her sons have darlings of their own, beautiful things, but both clearly hating their circumstance. But the widow only smiles and tells them that they will get used to it and it’s not so bad, then looking at her boys and telling them how proud their father would be.
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jojomheffer · 2 months
Game Diluc.
These are some symptoms that I hc him having them. Also, this is something I have the right to say because I also have ASD (Autistic spectrum disorder).
In behavior: aggression, self-mutilation, crying, lack of eye contact, shouting, hyperactivity, involuntary imitation of another person's movements, impulsivity, inappropriate social interaction, irritability, repetitive movements, repetition of meaningless words, meaningless repetition of one's own words or persistent repetition of words or actions.
I headcanon him having a lot of those in his childhood, mainly the repetition and imitation of things and hyperactivity. He lacked eye contact because of his disorder but he was taught to look people in the eyes when he grew up, yes that's possible, just like someone with ADHD can be taught on how to be focused and determined. He stopped doing it when he grew up because those are symptoms that catch mainly the kids.
The social interaction, the shouting, the aggression... all of the others, he still have them, but it's too subtle to notice. You can notice when you see other characters talking about him, and some others he might hide them.
Developmentally: speech delay in a child or learning disability
Bitch took YEARS to get used to his vision and when he got used to it, he left it at home to beat the fatui's ass.
In cognition: lack of attention or intense interest in a limited number of things
He fucking loves chess, is completely obsessed about it. He also loves creating new drinks and reading history books. Dont ask me, I just feel it from the deep of my neurodivergent brain.
Psychological symptoms: depression or ignoring the emotions of others
Do I have to say anything?
In speech: speech disorder or loss of speech
He has to think a lot to get to a phrase that makes sense, his brain just gets words randomly according to the situation and he has to think of a way of connecting them. It takes some time, but it is a game that we have to be quick so i headcanon that if we were there, we would have to take long in trying to get him to speak.
Also common: constant tiptoeing, anxiety, lack of empathy, sensitivity to sound or tic
He has tics in his eyes, where he looks to the side for bare seconds and then come back, it is due to the disorder lack of eye contact, but he was taught to do it so he automatically comes back to looking into the eyes of the person. Lack of empathy is not understanding people's emotions, not even his. He has to read a lot of books to get a conclusion of how you felt in a rainy day or maybe in a sunny day. Anxiety, I don't have to talk about it, it turns out into hyperactivity and he overthinks of 50 things at the same time. The tiptoeing he also did in his childhood, but stopped because of his development.
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lavendermage · 2 years
A Safe Place to Go
Characters: Child Diluc and Kaeya, Crepus
Genre: Hurt comfort, gender neutral child reader, not canon compliant.
TW: Child abuse, physical abuse, bruses
1.5k words
AN: A comfort fic I wrote for myself. Hope this helps someone else too. Remember that you deserve to be safe. <3
The cold night air stung your face as you ran. You didn't know if they had decided to chase you. You didn't dare look back to check. It usually took half an hour to reach the winery, but you had never run like this. You usually gave up halfway through your races with the Ragnvindr brothers, when you saw them running ahead of you, racing with themselves more than they were racing with you. Fear forced your legs to keep going, to keep pushing off the cold earth.
You only stopped when you reached the winery, scooping up a handful of pebbles. You craned your neck up to find Diluc's window and aimed. You threw pebble after pebble, trying to wake him up. 
The window opened and Kaeya's face popped out. 
You waved desperately. "Kaeya! It's me! Let me in."
He ducked back into his room and you ran around to the entrance. Diluc opened the door, Kaeya hiding behind him. The lantern in his hand lit your face and the bruises on it. He opened the door wider. Kaeya led you to the couch while Diluc locked the door. 
"Who did this?" Diluc half-shouted.
You flinched. 
"We're not angry at you." Kaeya clarified, recognizing the fear on your face. He understood, in a way Diluc didn't, in a way both of you hoped he never would.
"I messed up, you know how angry they get…"
"Your guardian?" Diluc said. Both brothers knew how volatile they were, they had seen it themselves. Even in public they barely hid their anger.
You nodded, just barely. It felt wrong to tell them, it felt unfair to your guardian. They had done so much for you. You could feel the anger flare in the brothers. 
"Can I touch you?" Kaeya asked, the glow of cryo gathering on his hand. "Father always puts cold on our bruises."
You nodded again and he gently pressed his hand to your cheek. 
Diluc just watched, unsure of what to do. He settled for sitting next to you. "Do you want hot chocolate?" 
"I don't want to bother you."
"It only takes a minute."
"Ok. Then can I please have some?" You fidgeted, uncomfortable with asking anything from the brothers.. 
He stood up and took a few steps towards the kitchen. There was another set of steps though. Heavy, adult steps. The door opened and your arms darted to cover your head. 
"Did Kaeya have another nightmare?" A groggy voice asked, a voice you were in no state to recognize. You had woken them up, you were going to be punished.
"Father, (name) is hurt." Diluc said.
Their attention turned towards you, your arms over your head and shaking. The man crouched in front of you, staying more than an arm's length away. Far enough so he couldn’t strike you.
"You're not in trouble, no one is going to hurt you." His voice was even and calm, nothing like your guardian. 
You peeked out from behind your hands. Crepus wasn't like your guardian. He was safe. You lowered your hands until they were clasped in front of your throat. 
Worry was clear on his face as he took in your injuries. "Could you tell me who hurt you?"
You shook your head. Telling your friends was one thing, they were kids like you. Telling an adult was different. It was not allowed, there would be consequences.
"You don't have to worry about being punished. I won't let them hurt you." 
He didn't know. You pulled Kaeya's hand back to your check and looked away. "You can't promise that." 
"I can. It's alright if you're not ready though." He stood up. "How about a midnight snack? We're all up anyway."
Diluc held out his hand to you. You accepted it. You walked hand in hand with Diluc, your other hand holding Kaeya's sleeve. 
Crepus pulled out a box of cookies and started heating a pot of hot chocolate. "Take however many you want." 
Diluc handed Kaeya a blueberry jam linzer and picked a strawberry flavored one for himself. "What flavor do you want?" 
"Anything's fine." 
He frowned at your answer but gave you a raspberry cookie. 
"Diluc, come talk to me." Crepus called his son into the hallway. 
"This is important." Crepus put his hand on Diluc's shoulder. "I know you know who hurt them."
Diluc looked away defiantly. 
Crepus sighed. "I understand you don't want to betray your friend but not telling someone is putting them in danger."
Diluc mumbled something. 
"I didn't hear that. Could you say it again."
"Their guardian did it." Diluc spit out, disgust evident on his face.
"I suspected as much. Seems like I'll have to pay the knights a visit."
"I could-" Diluc offered. 
"No. This isn't a child's problem to solve. You're smart and brave but you are still a child."
"I understand." The disappointment was clear on his face.
Crepus noticed and decided to soften the blow. "You can help them by offering them support. That's what they need from you right now."
"I will." He said, determination etched in his face. 
When Crepus came back you were in the middle of a cookie. Your eyes widened. Had you eaten too many? You glanced at the box. Only half remained. 
He watched your reaction sadly, recognizing it from when he had first adopted Kaeya, that fear that still lingered in his son's eyes. "I see you liked the cookies. I'll be sure to tell the cooks that it was a success."
You relaxed. "Y-yes. They were very good."
"Those cookies are meant to be enjoyed, don't be afraid to eat more."
Diluc sat next to you. "The cooks here are great. You'll see when we eat breakfast."
"Will I be here for breakfast?"
"Of course." Kaeya said. "Father won't make you go back." His brilliant blue eye stared into yours, trying to convince you.
"Really?" You looked eagerly to Crepus.
"It's far too dangerous to go home at night." And too dangerous to be at home, he left unsaid.
"Thank you Mr. Ragnvindr!" You smiled for the first time that night, rubbing the tears from your eyes. You weren’t used to this.
"They can sleep in my room." Diluc recommended. "My bed's big enough for me, Kaeya, and them!"
"'Kaeya, them, and me'" Crepus corrected. "And that sounds like an excellent idea. Is everyone ok with it?" You nodded. "Alright then. Everybody needs to brush their teeth again after eating."
Diluc groaned and you laughed. You liked it here, it was safe. 
"(Name), are you ready to talk?" He asked. 
"Alright. Boys, go up and brush your teeth while I speak to your friend." The boys left and you were left alone with Crepus. "Diluc told me your guardian is hurting you. Is that right?"
You waited, looking away before nodding. 
"I'm going to have to go to the knights with this information." 
You shook your head desperately. "No, they're going to hurt me!"
"Listen to me." His voice was firm but gentle. "I will not let them. I will make sure you are safe, whether it is my own men taking care of you or the knights."
You cried. Was it finally going to stop? 
"Do you want a hug?" He asked, careful not to scare you.
You dove into his arms. He was big and strong and warm and he felt like the dad you never had. You sobbed and he just held you, petting your back comfortingly.
"It's alright. No one's going to hurt you." He whispered. "Not while I'm here."
"Thank you." You mumbled.
He led you up the stairs, holding your little hand in his huge one. You walked to the boys' bathroom, the little step from when they were smaller holding open the door. Crepus gave you a clean toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. 
"The maids put out some spare sleep clothes, pick whichever ones you'd like." He gestured at the three cups by the sink, one red, one blue, one yellow. "The yellow cup is yours if you need a drink at night. Do not hesitate to find me or any of the maids if you need anything."
"Thank you Mr. Ragnvindr."
"It's nothing." He patted your back kindly. "I need to check with Adeline about breakfast."
You waved goodbye and looked through the pile of clothes, picking shorts and a soft hooded shirt with a turtle on it. 
Crepus came by his son's room to check in with the three of you. Diluc was right; the bed had plenty of room for all of you. 
Diluc had kicked off the blanket, a habit he had since he received his vision. He didn't touch you, except for your hand clasped in his. Kaeya curled into you, huddled in a pile of blankets, a symptom of his vision. His hand rested on your face, cooling it. Your face was relaxed, a content smile resting on your lips. 
Crepus felt a wave of pride, for his two wonderful, kind, caring sons who supported you, and for you, for being brave enough to come for help. He would do his job now and make sure you were safe. "Goodnight children, sleep tight, don't let the crystal flies bite." He closed the door, allowing a sliver of light in.
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sheepispink · 2 years
sagau idea:
you end up in teyvat under the windrise statue and after questioning if you lost your sanity you end up at the angels share looking for a job. so far this doesnt seem like a cult au so you end up explaining your story to the hot bartender:
“so you’re telling me that you went to sleep and woke up in an entirely different world”
“yup, i would’ve gone to the kof but idk they might freak out a bit”
“wait so why do you trust me”
“uhhhh someone told me about a red-haired bartender that has a compelling sense of justice and courage. so as long as you’re name is diluc all the boxes are ticked 🤷‍♀️”
“my name is crepus.”
“oh sh-“
real question is do you choose to save him and alter the timeline or let fate decide (which would possibly lead to diluc & kaeya finding out you could’ve saved their father 🤔)
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miko-magica · 1 year
I just want your love.
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♡ - Synopsis : In which teen Diluc falls inlove yet he isn't sure how to express his feelings, making it so that it comes off as if he dislikes you. // Takes place before Crepus' passing.
♡ - Contains : Tsundere Diluc(?) | Fluff |Angst |gn!reader | Knights of Favonius Diluc & you | Romance | Unsaid words |
♡ - Note : Inspired by my 3 am thoughts !! (no joke it's literally three am lord help me)| This was originally supposed to be fluffy and cute like my other fics but I still don't have Diluc and I'm almost ar 60 so :(
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"Hey! How'd your mission go? I heard you had to do it with Diluc" Kaeya said while putting an arm around your shoulder " Yes.. he was a bit rude. Maybe he just doesn't like me, I've heard he wasn't fond of new people.. but we've known eachother even as children." You say with a chuckle trying not to sound offensive towards Kaeya.
"Huh, Rude you say? I mean he's occasionally harsh here and there but rude? Care to give an example?" He said removing his arm around your neck while tilting his head and crossing his arms "Well, for starters.. he started saying quite rude things to me earlier such as; You're gross, You're insufferable or even swearing at me sometimes. I feel like I already have small to no chances of even being friends with him ever again, he's changed ever since I came back from Liyue. "
Kaeya let out a chuckle "Oh, Diluc. He just isn't good with these things but... Trust me he still likes you." He continued as he pats your shoulder then walks away "I'm pretty sure the last time he talked about you was him saying he wanted to be with you everyday, I don't think he hates you one bit .. you're both so dense." He whispered— barely audible, you couldn't hear him properly yet you managed to make out the words " hates and dense "
"You're so bad at making a move aren't you, Diluc." Kaeya asks with a sarcastic tone, Diluc turns his head towards his brother "...What do you mean?" He asks with a confused face even though he seems to know what Kaeya meant "Hm really? Your 'insufferable' knight? No?"
His face flushes,almost as if his face replicated his hair but his eyes were also filled with panic " Ah.. so what— They ARE insufferable—! I mean they almost got hurt and they still went for the kill how stupid! I.." he didn't finish his sentence and sighed heavily
"Already having fights? I thought we agreed in 'no fighting' when you became a knight." Crepus' voice scared the two boys who quickly faced their father. "Oh if it was a fight then I would've told you father—" Diluc starts " —But he's inlove" Kaeya cuts Diluc off with an energetic tone
With a quite shocked face, Crepus chuckles to himself "..Then you really shouldn't be saying those things if you're inlove with them. You might push them away Diluc." He sighs " No— I don't like them! Father..." Diluc retorts with his face heating up ever more slightly
"Young master Diluc? Your friend is here! They're looking for you. It seems quite important." Adelinde interrupts their conversation while Diluc nodded and excused himself
"Ah.." if it wasn't the person he was all flustered over, the person who he sees in the midst of the crowd— despite the commotion; your voice is the only thing he hears. " I brought you some of my cooking, I wanted to apologize for troubling you earlier in our mission. I know it was a foolish move, thank you for saving me, Diluc." You say with a gentle smile which he seemed to despise— but in his eyes you were more than beautiful, his brows furrowed even more trying to conceal his redness and embarrassment.
"..is something wrong? If you don't want it maybe Kaeya and Master Crepus would enjoy it? Apologies I wasn't really sure if this is still your favorite food, I remember you saying it was your favorite food a long time ago—" he takes the meal from your hands and opens his mouth to talk but no words escaped his mouth, he could barely utter a word Infront of you when your eyes shone perfectly with the sunset. With no further warning he nodded slightly and shut the door in your face.
He leaned on the door, the food against his chest with his face redder than his hair and his heart beating out of his chest. Adelinde was about to tell him how rude it was to shut the door in your face but Crepus and Kaeya stopped her, the three watched the redhead unable to muster up a word enough to thank you for your gift but he also felt bad for making you feel as if you were a burden and that an apology was in order, he opens the door quickly again only to see that you've wandered off.
A week passed and Diluc never really approached you, he avoided all contact with you. Sometimes you'd get a good look at him and feel like he doesn't really hate you, that he somehow has at the very least affection or liking for you, but that was nothing but delusion in your eyes, he avoided every single interaction. He acted as if he hated you, your guts, you as a person and no matter how much Kaeya reassures you that you're liked by Diluc in some way, he still makes you feel as if he's disgusted by the thought of you.
Your last mission with him came, Kaeya and Diluc became your partner for your mission. It was clearing out a camp of abyss mages. They've gathered up in one place and it has become a very huge inconvenience to people. You came to the scene and with ease, they were dealt with. Or was it? There was barely anything audible to you, you felt as if the man you have always adored saw you as a disgusting person— hell, he probably sees you as those type of people who throw themselves at him for his money and fame.
Going back to the headquarters, Kaeya had a lot to say, he tried to make you two talk. He tried to make Diluc muster up any bit of compliment just to keep your eyes bright like before. In truth, he wasn't the only one that noticed your eyes had gone dark. Everyone did, especially Diluc, he thought you hated being with him after how he's treated you these past few weeks. It was a never ending cycle, he makes a mistake, you try to make up for it, he doesn't tell you how he feels, you get distant, he wins you over and you go back to being yourself once more and then it repeats.
A day has passed since your mission, your things were packed, you visited the winery to bid goodbye to the man who treated you as his own child and the man who supported you with every small dumb decision you have ever made— and the most important man you have ever met, the man that changed your life, your view of love and affection.
Unfortunately, Diluc stood quiet during your goodbyes, he was behind Crepus and Kaeya who gave you a hug and bid Goodbye. He stood in the shadows unsure of what to do next, he stood unknowingly shedding a tear.
"Diluc, can we talk? Just us." You say as he nods and steps out of the winery with you, he stares at you with his ever so dead eyes.
"I have longed to tell you how I felt, how I always felt the need to impress you and how I—.. I want to tell you that you are the only reason I came back to Mondstat, the only reason I became a knight. Diluc I adore you, If I may—; love, even. Diluc I love you, I have for a very long time. All I ever wanted was to tell you yet you manage to somehow make me aware of your dislike of affection. I understand, I really do. It won't stop me from how I feel for you, but Diluc Ragvindr.. there is no point of me being here if it wasn't with you, if It wasn't by your side making you feel happy— if it wasn't with you, there is nothing in this world- in the whole of Teyvat that matters. So in other words, this is goodbye. Diluc, I hope you live a happy life and love someone you truly think is worthy and may they treat you how you deserve to be treated and may they love you as much as I do."
You waited for a brief moment for a response, you hoped.. atleast a bit, atleast a little bit that he would say he felt the same way yet he stood quiet. You chuckled to yourself as you felt your eyes welling up. "Goodbye, Diluc." You walk away with your things and your tears running down your face while Diluc stood in regret, his mouth could not conjure up anything, his body was frozen, his tongue was tied. His words were trapped in his throat and there was no way to get them out. He watched you walk away— you were too far, too far away from his reach. He felt his eyes water, and soon his tears were unstoppable, they felt like fire in his eyes. He wanted to chase after you, he wanted to move his body yet he was frozen in place, he was gone— you, were gone. And it was solely because of him, him not being able to express his love, his emotions.
To this day, he wishes that you would walk into his tavern, that you would come back and say you missed him. That you still loved him, but who was he to ask for that when he had long received your wedding invitation. Who was he to long for the love of someone he hurt and who was he to wish for you to ruin your perfect life with your partner now. He can only wish for you to live a happy life, much like what you wished for him though he knows deep down that no one could ever compare to you.
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diludae · 2 years
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"As long as Master Diluc is well, I'm sure Master Crepus' spirit up above will also be pleased."
screenshots by diludae
weinlesefest 10/11/22, springvale
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honoriotsusuki · 1 year
Diluc x Reader (ROYAL AU)
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The Midday light shone through the polyester curtains like a moth to flame, kissing the many blankets that lay over her sleeping body, her eyes were shut tight like screws to a wooden doll house, her hair was messy and spread across the pillow like stray thread on the tassels of a a new curtain. Her eyes began to flutter open as the light kissed her cheeks, she yawned and stretched her arms letting the silk nightgown comfortably sit around her body.
She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as the blur left her eyes, she slowly slipped out of her bed and delicately placed her feet on the floor walking over to her mirror, she looked into it and looked at her horribly messy hair and shrugged putting on her slippers and opening her door, she was immediately met with yelling and panicking staff who ran around the halls like mice who had been caught, before she could ask she felt hands grip her shoulders like vices as they shook her around. “My lady, why are you not dressed?!” Joel asked, he had been assigned as one of her personal staff when she was young and would run around all day.
“Joel, is something wrong my friend?” She asked, her voice still raspy from her sleep, “Is something wrong?! My lady, are you sick? For this is not a matter to joke about!” He huffed, Y/N pried his arms off of her shoulders and looked at him strictly, “Joel, stop fraying and tell me what has made you this hysteric.” She commanded, Joel sighed and looked up at her. “You’ve woken up four hours before our guests arrive, that's barely enough time to get you ready!” Joel expressed. Y/N looked up at him confused, “Ready for what? Do I not already wake at this time?” She asked, confused. Joel groaned, “Have you truly forgotten my lady?” He asked, “I suppose I have.” Y/N confessed, Joel rolled his eyes and pinched his nose bridge. “Our guests from our fair neighbor Mondstadt, they arrive today for the ball, you are meant to be ready to greet them.” Joel explained. Y/N’s eyes widened as she began to spiral, “Oh dear, has the date come this soon?” She asked in disbelief. “Yes my Lady it has. Now go and get the maids to get you ready, you must look presentable for the Ragnvindrs.
Y/N sighed and closed her door, she was hoping she could just run away for one day avoid her responsibilities, it could all just dissolve and leave her for one day and let her rest, she would be eternally grateful to the lord of anemo, she would serve him all of her measly life if he gave her one day to rest, one day to relax and be free.
However as hard as she prayed that was not her fate, her fate was to be a princess, a princess with no control over what she would do as that fell to her parents, she just hoped this would not be the day that their mercy runs out, that they decide to shackle her to a prince who she does not wish to be with. For a fate without freedom was a fate worse than death.
As the hours flew by she was pulled around the castle by staff, insisting on her attire, how she should greet them and the most official posture she should use. She never understood the manners she was meant to show, of course she knew her basic manners, say please and thank you, always be polite to hosts, take your shoes off upon arriving in a home. However she never understood the rules she was made to follow, using the correct fork or her posture. How could her posture show how she felt? It was all so confusing.
The dress she ended up wearing was actually rather nice, the Maids had to show her over thirty different dresses until she agreed on what to wear, either it was too itchy or far too big, she was never one for poofy dresses, as they made it so she would have to lean down to get something from a table so her dress would not hit against it.
She felt bad for her maids as they were just doing their job, she would talk to her parents about giving them a bonus on this month's check because of this fiasco. Once everything was finally finished there was only thirty minutes until the family arrived, she sat in her throne uncomfortably as it offered no comfort, why not add cushions on the idiotic gold chairs? They were far too showboaty for her taste and made her feel as if she was yertle the turtle.
Her parents sat in the chairs on each side of her, their chairs were taller than hers making her look tiny, she hated it. She hated how they looked so stoic and silent, she always empathized with her mother the most. After all, she was forced into a marriage she couldn't stand and was forced to bear children, that's why their relationship was so strained, she couldn't blame her mother. If she was forced to have a child she would feel apathetic to it as well. And her father was far worse, it felt as if any time she looked away he judged her, prying his eyes deep into her skin like an angry shark.
“Y/N shall you drape such clothing around your body?” Her father asked, venom in his voice that seeped into her like a viper. “Fritz, you speak venom and blasphemy, let the poor girl wear her dress.” Her mother bit back at her father, her mother would defend her occasionally, though she acted cold she always had moments of kindness towards her. “Romi tape your mouth shut, for this does not require your presence.” Her father seethed looking over at her mother, Romi didn't even flinch, she had gotten used to his rude tones and awful attitude. Y/N sighed as she sank into the chair, it always seemed so hopeless to try and stop their arguments, they would start back up again, what was the point.
Suddenly the doors to the throne room opened, Y/N looked up to see a group of three men walking in, the tallest was a man with bright red hair, King Crepus. She had heard of his endeavors in his kingdom, truly honorable. Beside him were two boys, one was the spitting image of Crepus, just slightly younger and less smiley, the other was the exact opposite. He had dark skin and dark blue hair, and he wore a sly smile. It was odd, were they siblings? Y/N had always wanted a sibling, but her parents only needed one heir so it was never even a thought.
“King Heinrich, I am humbled at the sight of your palace, it is an honor to bask in your presence my lord..” Crepus spoke smoothly, kneeling down. Fritz put out his hand, “Sir, please call me by my first name, my honor is not to bespoke thee.” Fritz spoke, Y/N huffed silently, he wore his honor like a badge, he was just showing off. Crepus smiled and got off his knee, “my sons, Keaya and Diluc.” Crepus signaled to the two boys behind him, they both bowed. Fritz nodded and moved his hand to point towards Y/N. “Y/N my child.” Fritz introduced her, she felt her cheeks heat up like she had hot coals inside them, her father only ever spoke so kindly in the presence of a guest. Y/N knew it improper but she wished he would show his impish language to the guests, show the horrors that lie beneath the mask of king Fritz.
Y/N nodded and got up, giving the guests a small curtsy before sitting back down on the uncomfortable throne, it hurt her back to sit. She never understood how her mother was able to bear sitting on these chairs all day, as her mothers chair had even less cushioning than hers. Her fathers chair was comfortable, it had a pillow slung on every side. Whenever Y/N asked why their chairs were so much worse her father would always give the same response,
“Quiet child, be grateful for your gold and jewels, for you have no choice in this matter, you are the same as the woman who brought you into this world, ungrateful and hysterical.”
She despised the man that called himself her father, he was nowhere close to being her father. After the greetings had finished Y/N got up and excused herself to her room, she wished not to be part of the festivities and food, for it only brought more sadness to her heart. She stayed in her room, sitting on the balcony and watching as the sun moved through the sky like a shattered clock.
She was knocked out of her trance as she heard a small knock on the door, she slowly got up and found her mother waiting on the other side. For the first time in Y/N’s life she saw her mother as her- well as her mother, not as a looming figure of perfection or an acquaintance, but her mother. “Mother I implore thy words why are you at my chamber door?” Y/N asked, her voice still hoarse from her weeping. Romi looked at the girl with a sympathetic frown. “My dear i am sorry for the odd arguments that took place today. I wish you were not there when we fought.” Romi sighed, Y/N frowned and looked away, straying away from her mothers sympathetic gaze. “This is far from the first time I have seen you and father fight. However it seems you are always far too entranced in each other's faults to notice I sit right in front of you.” Y/N spoke coldly. Romi sighed and cupped her daughter's cheek with a smile, “My dear i can not imagine the things i must make up for, but please, come down and join us in the ballroom. Try to make some friends my love.” She sighed, kissing Y/N on her forehead.
Y/N was conflicted, on one hand her mother had just shown her genuine affection, something her soul craved beyond no other, but her head was yelling at her to contain her anger, to not give into forgiveness, it was a complicated feeling. Nonetheless Y/N nodded and softly shut the door on her mother, she fixed herself up and walked down to the ballroom.
It was full to the brim of dancing men and women, twirling and turning in a beautiful pattern like the cogs of an eternally functioning machine. Y/N sighed and stepped down the stairs, she could feel some eyes that had drawn towards her. She had long gotten used to the stares of judgment from others, however she still hated them. The glares and comments of children never fully left her. Being part of a royal family came with issues such as being associated with any sort of drama. It was exhausting.
As her foot finally stepped over the last step she felt her shoes come in contact with the hard cold ballroom floor, she took a deep breath and quietly made her way to the corner of the room, she was attempting to strengthen her relationship with her mother, her mother never said anything about staying in corners. Y/N sighed as she stepped onto one of the hidden balconies of the ballroom hidden behind the large intimidating curtains. It was nighttime now, it was beautiful, the lower down you were in the city the more underwhelming the nights would be, barely able to see stars and planets, but from the high altitude of the castle you could see it all, it was always so mesmerizing. Joel used to tell her tales of her childhood when she would sneak out of her room after her bedtime and marvel at the stars above. She had always felt an obsession with them, how could she not? They were wondrous.
She heard the clacking of dress shoes behind her and whipped her head around, she looked back and was shocked to see Prince Diluc, well there goes her relaxed time. “You don't like parties either, I take it?” He asked, Y/N looked over at him with shock, his voice was so… casual. She was always spoken to like it was a riddle, and she spoke back in turn. It was so refreshing to hear a regular sentence. “I've never liked them, they make me feel like I've caught a cold.” Y/N sighed. Diluc chuckled and stood beside her resting his elbows on the banister.
“Your father seems upset.” Diluc mused, Y/N chuckled. He was good at hiding it in front of guests. “He's probably not too pleased that i'm not in there with him, he never liked me being too far.” Y/N sighed in annoyance, her fathers overprotectiveness came off as charming to most people, but to her it was a vice, just another negative trait of his that she could add to the pile.
“I'm sorry he likes that.” Diluc sighed, there wasn't much he could say, after all words could only bandage so many wounds. “It's not your fault.” Y/N sighed looking over at the red head. The two sat in silence for a while as they looked at the stars.
“What is it like in Mondstadt?” Y/N asked abruptly. Diluc thought for a moment as he stared at the skies above, “It's peaceful, free, calm. It feels like home even if you've never been there.” Diluc explains, Y/N nods and pictures the land Diluc described in her mind. “It sounds amazing…” She sighs dreamily watching the stars.
“Yeah you are.” As the words left Dilucs mouth he looked away in embarrassment, “Hmm? What did you say?” Y/N asks, snapping out of her daze, “I-uh- I said, yeah it's pretty amazing!” He sputtered out words in a panic, Y/N looked towards him and chuckled. “Maybe you could take me there someday.” She asked, looking towards him. “Yeah, that would be nice.” He sighed.
Y/N peered back into the ballroom and noticed that the group inside had begun the waltz, a small lightbulb went off in her head as she extended her hand to Diluc, “Hey, wanna dance?” She asked, he looked at her with a flushed face. He pretended to cough as he cleared his face and took her hand. “That would be lovely.” He responded happily.
Y/N dragged him into the ballroom as the two danced, one foot in front of the other as they swayed back and forth like pieces on a music box, as they danced away they felt right, at peace together as they swayed. Y/N looked up into his eyes only to notice he had been staring, they both looked away in embarrassment, it was nice. Just the two of them moving back and forth.
For once Y/N couldn't feel the eyes prying into her back, it didn't matter if she didn't care or if they were really gone, she felt happy, for the first time in ages, she felt happy! Is this what being a princess was meant to feel like? If so, she felt cheated, she could stay in the cycle forever, moving back and forth with the prince as he giggled and blushed. She felt so happy, so…right.
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Word count: 2611
I actually kind of hate this, but I needed to post something.
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the-daiz · 2 years
Where I stand | Kaeya
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Genre: hurt/comfort, angst
Pairing: Kaeya x sibling!reader
Younger sibling reader
Warning(s): Diluc backstory spoilers, um, running away?
Side note: inspired by: In a house, Not a home. I rushed this ☹️ hope y'all enjoy
Posted on: 2/ August/ 2022 (oh my god its already August????)
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Day 3. Today marks the third day of your escape. Your escape from the shackles of the warm abode you once called 'home'. Dawn winery, the house you lived in with your family, your caring father, and your two much older brothers, who both adored you more than anything else. That house is the chamber of your childhood memories, holding the most sacred and secular reminisces of the joyful past with your dear spouses.
Now that place was no longer home, it didn't feel like home anymore, only a lavish prison where all you did was cry in your lonesome bed. There was no loving father there to console you anymore. Oh, how you wished he'd suddenly appear out of thin air and offer solace. Pull you into his chest and hug you tightly while his gentle hand combed through your hair. Hushing you and whispering words of reassurance in your ear, not letting you out of his embrace until you've finally calmed down. Like he always did, like he always used to do.
It wasn't only your father who had disappeared. But your brothers as well. As you wept and wailed in his bed after witnessing his death, Diluc and Kaeya were out in the rain, surrounded by the gloomy forest and a suffocating atmosphere. The menacing glares they exchanged radiated a call for battle, urging them to draw their blades and end this fateful night with a signature occasion of despair and sheer regret.
It was only Diluc who returned back home that night. You hadn't the slightest clue where Kaeya went, however, you knew he was gone, you knew he had left, and you knew that you weren't going to see him for a good, long while.
Then it was Diluc's turn to walk out the door, to seemingly vanish from your home. From your life. You didn't even get the chance to exchange a brief glance with each other, and he had already bid his farewells to Mondstate. Leaving you. Alone.
You had practically lost your whole family that dreading night, a night where you all were supposed to be celebrating Diluc's coming of age together.
Elzer, Adeline, and the staff were much too busy taking care of the work Crepus had left behind and had little to no time to comfort you. Though, they did feel immense pity for you, having your life fall to shambles at such a young age... They couldn't even hope to imagine how you felt. So they tried to shower you with gifts instead, but it did nothing, all the gifts were left untouched at the foot of your bed, long forgotten.
You had spent most of your time in your father's room, sleeping on his bed and sobbing into his pillows, trying to convince yourself that he wasn't dead, that it was all but a long night terror. Alas, no matter how hard you tried to fool yourself, the fact still stood that he was gone.
You wanted to leave your house, it felt suffocating, it reminded you of the old days, when everything was fine. When you all lived happily together. It felt agonizing. But you weren't allowed to, Adeline had made it painfully clear. She was scared you might get hurt all on your own, and there was no one to accompany you. You tried to stifle your desire to leave by walking around the city of Mondstate, but it only made the ache in your heart worsen, with the way everyone glanced at you with sorrow flashing in their gaze, murmuring and Whispering words of pity amongst themselves. What made you shutter, however, was Kaeya's obvious and desperate attempts to avoid you. You really had lost everything.
That was the day you decided to put an end to your drowning. The day you decided to run away.
Now you sat down on the moist grass, your back against a sturdy tree as you examined the forest beyond the cliff. Capturing virtual images of every detail you eyed. The pigeon huddled with its children on a branch. How one of the branches on a tree was twisted unusually, resembling a heart. A group of three knights with oil lamps clutched in their probably cold hands, using the illuminating light as a guide to look for something someone.
You leaned your head back against the tree and smiled to yourself, relishing in the soft breeze brushing against your face. Those three tranquil days you spent venturing around the layouts of your home region, running around freely, and sleeping under the watchful gaze of the moon, were the best three days you've ever experienced in your life.
You couldn't feel the invisible hands squeezing your throat anymore. You felt like you could breathe again. You finally felt free.
"Excuse me?" A bright light shined from behind you, inching closer, in sync with the loud footsteps. You knew who it was, and you didn't mind. It was time for you to return anyway, you'll get another chance like this soon, you were certain.
"Yes?" You murmured, peering up at the tall Knight who now stood beside you, raising his lamp high, hence to get a clear look at your features.
"Are you (Y/n) Ragnvindr, by any chance?" He asked. After a few moments of wordless staring, you spoke, tearing your eyes away from the Knight's curious stare to look across the luscious green field one last time.
It was quiet. Eerily quiet. You're not sure what you had expected from the residence of the knights of Favonius, but you hadn't thought it would be so void of sound, especially these troublesome days where monsters were at every corner of the land.
You let out a soft exhale as you waited for something to happen. The same tall knight that found you earlier was now sitting before you, glancing at you from time to time.
"Um... when do I get to leave?" You muttered, wrapping the blanket tighter around you.
"A carriage is coming to escort you back home, soon." He replied, sending you a curt nod. You hesitantly nodded back, peering over at the office's window. 
You both snapped your head in the direction of the door when you heard the sound of the main doors slam open, followed by frantic footsteps approaching master Jean's office, the one you currently sat in. The knight stood up with his hand clutching the heft of his sword.
The door slammed open, revealing a panic-looked Kaeya, panting heavily with lines of sweat tainting his face. Once he locked eyes with you, he leaped forward and wrapped his arms around you, securing you in a captivating hug. Your eyes dilated as he squeezed you tight.
"Oh my god. You're ok. You're ok. Thank Barbatos you're ok." He whispered, cradling your head with one of his hands. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Your arms slowly raised to reciprocate the gesture, your eyes now brimming with tears.
"I'm sorry I worried you." Your voice wavered.
"Don't apologize, please don't apologize." He inhaled sharply. "Just... don't scare me like that again."
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pearlywritings · 8 months
I could also imagine that Crepus' admirers, nobles and commoners alike were mostly in for his wealth and status, some were too young for him but their family members tried to set them up, or widows with children older than his kids who could dispute the cash but who knows. Perhaps part of him was afraid if his dealings with the fatui were exposed, but genshin never cared to elaborate why he had a broken delusion, if some fatui member just gifted him that under the order of the doctor or if he had shadier dealings with them.
As much as I don't like Crepus pushing Diluc to fulfill his dreams in his stead, I still can't deny I find his character very intriguing (and he is also a hot dilf who we haven't even seen eyes of)
But I bet that the person he could've ended up with should be truly extraordinary to spark his interest. I think biggest green flag for him would be his potential future wife's interaction with the kids, fully accepting not only his bio kid, but also the adopted one and being OH SO PATIENT with shit the two used to pull when they were little and in teens.
I think it'd be a funny combo though how she is not that much interested in money, but he showers her with gifts when they finally on the further steps in a relationship.
"I assumed you wouldn't like someone enjoying what your wealth can provide?"
"Well, I am glad to know you enjoy it despite all those times you told me 'it's unnecessary to give me this'. And you phrased it not quite correctly: i wouldn't like wrong people chasing after my wealth, I'd like to spend it on the right one."
it's unclear how he got that delusion and I am not sure how his now wife would react if she found out - but I know she will eventually. But I strongly feel like the first thing she'd do is sit him down and demand him tell her everything. And listen what reasonings he has to share. And then, given what personality you'd give your reader, it could go different paths.
That's why I love such complex characters like him hehe
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micheya · 1 year
Platonic Scaramouche / Wanderer x reader
A low quality Scrap out of the blue daydream clearly with a story but I'm only interested in posting it out of context
College/Modern Au
"I wanted to be his friend, but I need a reason to approach him"
Gathered around the kitchen counter as you had spoken those words, a notification pops up, "Oh, speak of the devil, he messaged me...two days ago, oh." you winced, "How did I not see this?"
Upon replying to his initial 'oi' he was quick to respond.
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You visibly took a pause, your friends turning to you in curiosity, "..As.." you forced down a chuckle, "in the fruit?"
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"What's got you tickled?" After what he (and the others) assumed to be a voice note was sent, Kaeya leant over, his body leaning on yours as he took a glance at your messages.
"Okay, but that doesn't explain...?"
"Diluc, I'll take whatever scraps I can get, he's funny ok"
Both Kaeya and Diluc's eyes squint in confusion, Aether's mouth opens as if to say something, but he ultimately keeps it shut.
"Well, I for one think he's not all that bad, he's got some rough edges, but-"
"See?!" Before Venti can even finish his sentence you exclaim in agreement. "Besides, I told him to message me if he needed anything, this must be the 'anything'"
"..." Diluc raises a single eyebrow staring into your eyes, before taking a glance at Kaeya who ultimately gave him a nonchalant shrug.
"Come on," you elongated the latter word, "He's got a nice voice."
"Is that all you think abou-"
"Yes." You began to pick up your bag and put on your shoes, "I'm going to head out now, I need to catch the bus." Heading towards the staircase you yelled a good bye, "Crepus, thanks for having me!"
"Oh you're already leaving?" Hearing the door open he waltzed down the stairs to see you off among the others, "Did you have fun?"
"Good. Have a good evening."
"Bye guys." You smiled again, waving to the four boys, "See ya on Monday." Before closing the door behind you.
With you gone, they exchanged looks towards each other, "Venti, Aether, you two are social butterflies and have talked to Scaramouche." Diluc whispered waving to his father who smiled at them before heading back to his office,
"You want us to talk to him some more?" Aether asks, Venti smiling already well on board with the idea.
"Oh wow, Diluc." Kaeya lets out a cheeky smile, "A recon mission? Maybe you've watched one too many- Ow."
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herrsherofsorrow · 1 year
Chapter One
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This is a slow-burn love story between Crepus Ragnvindr and Male Reader. The reader will be overpowered but it comes with a cost. Diluc and Kaeya are in their teens if I remember correctly and a part of the Knights of Favonius.
Warning: There will be slight spoilers to the Genshin Impact mangas and will be taking place before the game's events. This story will be mostly focused on Crepus, Diluc, Kaeya, and the Reader. Also, this will be taking its own path with the plot of the manga being mentioned at the end of the story.
This book was inspired by a music playlist on youtube called "POV: You are dancing with Howl but He's slowly falling in love with you." created by Krimson ツ.
Ursa the Drake, a dragon that terrorized Mondstadt for thousands of years stood tall in front of Diluc who was frozen in fear and pain. His father, Crepus, moves to face the dragon wearing a glove with a pyro delusion attached without a single hesitation. Chains sprout from Crepus' wrist successfully capturing Ursa. All was still, no one dares to move until Ursa's behavior suddenly changes and becomes aggressively violent. Breaking the chains around itself, Ursa raises its claws to lay a blow on Crepus, who was preparing for the worse.
Cepus was forced on his butt next to Diluc only suffering a grazed cut at his side. "Father?!M/n?!" Diluc called out rushing to Crepus' side.  M/n stood in Crepus' place holding Wolf's Gravestone tightly in his grip as he used the greatsword to bock the claws. His teeth were clenched and heavy breaths escape through his nose as he feels blood seep through the rips decorating his clothing in red. M/n lowers the weapons and lifts one hand to free the claps on his cape and grasping one side pulling it off his shoulders. Keeping his feet forward, M/n slightly turns, ignoring the pain in his side, to look back at Diluc and Crepus before tossing his cape in their direction giving them a final warm smile that was soon replaced with a look of determination as he faced Ursa once more. Dulic and Crepus eyes widened as they obverse M/n back. A delusion... no delusions, attached to his clothing alined down his spine: Pyro, Cryo, Hydro, Electro, Anemo, and Dendro.
"I... I was never blessed with a vision," You let out a breathless laugh, your hand brushing the geo visio-delusion at your hip before continuing, "Each one of these was given to me by those who traveled by my side until their last moments..." You held your hand towards the sky, dark clouds surround the area. You slam your arm, multiple lighting stricks flash down from the clouds hitting their target but they don't deter the dragon heading towards you.
"...I told them my promise..." The cooling feeling of raindrops on your face creates a smirk. The raindrops around you come to a stop in mid-air swift reforming similar chains around Ursa holding the dragon in place although it continues to struggle free and inch closer. "...So they asked me to carry them out with them by my side..." You return your grip onto the handle of Wolf's Gravestone as the water chains being to freeze spreading over Ursa's scales.
"...Each time, each one... I was weak and helpless..." The wind picks up at a rapid pace pushing Ursa back all while peeling the ice that tears its scales off. "...Even with these delusions, I'm a failure, a curse... I bring nothing but death to those who follow my promise..." To replace the ice, thorned vines sprouted from the ground while Cecilia flowers flourished underneath Crepus and Diluc, both of their injuries healing.
"...Then I realized my fears, my hesitations, my guilt..." You took a few steps towards Ursa, twirling Wolf's Gravestone in hand. Before stoping raising the greatsword and embed it into to ground. "...Cost many lives... I have a promise... No... I have promised..." Geo spikes shot up aiming at Ursa who let out a roar. Once again Ursa struggles just as before slowly managing to break the vines and leftover ice. "... And I will... ACHIEVE THEM!..." Flames burst from your body and Wolf's Gravestone blade. "...SO LONG AS THIS WEAPON NEVER BREAKS!..." A red wolf symbol appears before you with a faint howl you charged at Ursal. "...AND THERE IS A WIELDER TO ACCEPT THE BURDENS IT CARRIES..." A pillar of Geo spouts out from under your feet launching you into the air. "...NOTHING WILL STOP THE PROMISES... TO PROTECT THE ONES WE LOVE!" 
Growing more fierce, the tip of Wolf's Gravestone blade to your fingers and finally down to your elbows was covered in flames. The flames lick your cheeks as it cases your hair into waves of fire. You can feel the flames burn through your clothes and your skin starts to heat in pain. But, you simply lifted Wolf's Gravestone above your head. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Your scream and Ursa's roar filled the air sending chills down Crepus and Diluc's bodies. Due to the brightness of the flames, Crepus and Diluc look away and cover their face with arms. The flames could be seen miles away, those who see from a distant question in fear except for one whose heart is filled with worry.
"Father! Diluc!" Kaeya cries out upon seeing them in the distance with a few knights following closely behind him.
~ Months Ago ~
Humming a familiar tune to himself but an unknown tune to others. The adventurer with his eyes closed sat comfortably in the back of a wagon. His humming soothes passengers as they travel from Liyue to Mondstadt. The mother is thankful towards him for calming her two youngest children as others were thankful for feeling at ease. The wagon carried a Father who steered the horses, the eldest daughter, and eldest son, a mother holding a newborn, a young boy who reset against his sister, and an adventurer with a few resting creates near him. The family was kind enough to allow the adventurer to join them in return he was to protect them from harm seeing as he wielded a vision. The young boy with curiosity moves away from his sister and towards the adventurer. Such movements caught everyone's attention although the adventurer simply continues.
The young boy takes the chance to get a better look at the stranger. The adventurer had (hair color) hair, dressed in strange clothing, black gloves, a black cape attached to the collar of his top it was long to the point he sat on it. There was a geo vision, on top of his left thigh, attached to a belt around his waist. 
"Hey mister, what song are you humming? I never heard it before," the younger boy asked. The adventurer stopped humming as he opened his (eye color) eyes and looked towards the boy, a joyful smile raises on his face.
"It's a song my father song towards my mother when he proposed to her. It was a song he sang on their wedding day and their anniversaries. One day, he came to me and taught me how to sing it so I may share its love." The adventurer couldn't help but chuckle when the young boy made a disgusted face as love was mentioned. The two eldest join in the fit of laughter and decided to join in asking the adventurer questions.
The eldest son asked about the adventurer's weapon to which he carefully summoned a greatsword. "His name is Wolf's Gravestone, I was told he survived greater battles and he never fails to protect his wielders and what they fought for. He originally belonged to a close family friend, who was an uncle to me. That old man gave Wolf's Gravestone to me for two reasons; he wanted this weapon tale to be remembered and to continue until the very end of time, the second reason was Wolf's Gravestone deserves a dedicated wielder whose goal could be shared with him and his burdens are trusted upon them." With a flick of his wrist, the greatsword disperses into thin air. 
Next was the daughter who asked for his name and his reasoning for traveling. "Hehe... M/n L/n 's the name, and well Tayvat has many places to offer. The breathtaking views, many challenges, and battles to endure on the way. Besides I have a promise to keep after all."
Once again the younger boy wonders what places besides Liyue and Mondstadt have M/n traveled to. M/n cupped his chin thinking to himself. "Hmm... I have been to Sumeru: Never thought sand could be my greatest enemy, Snezhnaya: I nearly froze to death on multiple accounts, Inazuma: although it was short-lived I plan on going back when the time is right-" The wagon came to a sudden stop cutting off M/n and drew confusion. The mother moved to push back the cloth but was stopped by M/n who motion all of them to move further in the wagon before stepping out himself. 
Carefully, you moved to the front of the wagon to see the father had stepped down from the driver's seat and stood in front of the horses. He was talking with two men dressed in armor, you notice the symbol on their chest plates identifying them to be a part of the Knight of Favonius. You looked around the environment see that both sides present a wall of rocks, ahead there was a cliff that stretches above and over the pass meaning they were under Windwail Highland.
"Is there a problem, sirs?" You asked standing next to the father giving the knights a sharp look. You were familiar with the Knight of Favonius as they are with you. Frenemies is what you like to call your relationship with them, there were many reasons as to why. But, know isn't the time to reminiscence about it.
Both the knights stiffen when you spoke, the father turned towards you and replied, "Ah! Traveler, it seems that we might need to take another route." You raise an eyebrow looking to the knights gesturing them to explain.
It took them a moment for one of them to answer, "W-well, there's a camp of hilich-" the knight that spoked was elbowed by the other stopping him midsentence. "What I mean is that this path is temporarily blocked off for the time being?" You rolled your eyes and sighed, not surprised by the poor attempt to hide information.
"How long may I ask? I may be able to help the process." You asked before innocently adding, "It would be a real shame to travel at night or camp out, especially with a newborn on board." You internally smirk seeing the knights contemplate before giving up and explaining how a hilichurls made camp on the path ahead. They and two other knights on the other side were instructed to redirect anyone until reinforces came to deal with the camp.
You looked to the sky and glace at the sun's position. If you were to take another route the time you reach Springvale the sun would be set so that wasn't an option. "I deal with the hilichurls, sir please wait here...and knights watch over them for me." You walk past the knights and down the past, you been itching for a fight.
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Windblume Festival
Something I wrote as backstory to Nighthawk (which I don’t think I’ll ever finish, my bad lol) but the side stories I had written were some of my favorite writing I’ve ever done and I do want to share them.
Aurelius is a character I made up in place of Diluc’s mother (whom in the game we never hear about at all) This is simply some backstory of her and Crepus.
The wind blew softly through the air as the sun shined down on the city of Mondstadt. The cheers from citizens were louder today as streamers and flowers were paraded around the plaza. Food vendors set up shop, and marketers began lowering prices as they all got ready for the Windblume Festival.
Most would think the son of the winery owner would be working hard, trying to learn the ways of business and marketing. Possibly creating new recipes to quickly empty the pockets of passing drunkards. But alas, here he was, standing on the porch of a woman’s house. A smile on his face as he looked at her, a woman he had grown well accustomed to over the years... in a few different ways.
“Crepus, I’ve been standing here for two minutes. What is it you want to say?” Aurelius spoke, seemingly irritated for being interrupted from the adventurous tale of star-crossed lovers that she had been reading.
“Are you still reading that book?” Laughing, the redhead snatched the book from her hands. “I don’t know how you can read such nonsense.”
With a quick movement, she plucked it from his grasp. “Love isn't nonsense, I happen to like it a lot.”
“From experience, darling, I know.” He winked.
The apples of her cheeks turned red as she averted her gaze from the man in front of her. “Just tell me what you came here to ask.”
“I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the Windblume Festival.” He folded his hands together, giving her a smile.
“Shame you didn’t ask earlier, Crepus. I already have a date.”
“I doubt it. Who else willingly would want to put up with you?” He leaned against her door frame, a smirk on his face. There was no harshness in his words, she knew that. Even if there was, gazing at how his bangs fell in his face, or how his eyes seemed to hold the stars in them... she could never think to be mad at him.
“How rude of you. I guess I’ll truly say no to that handsome face of yours.” She huffed, giving him a side glance.
Laughing he gave her a shrug. “I guess I’ll have to find another woman to share my mint jelly with.”
“Ah, tempting offer.” Aurelius pretended to think about his offer. “I’m in, I’ll go with you.”
“Quite hurtful that the only way to convince you to spend time with me is when I bring you food.” He crossed his arms with a scoff.
“I am a lady with simple needs.” She shrugged, giving him a small smile.
“Simple needs indeed, but I’ve seen the things you do. You are hardly a lady.” Crepus winked, raking his eyes over her form.
“Then that makes you hardly any gentleman.” She threw her arms around his neck, leaning in close. “I doubt most men would ever beg for a woman like you do. Pleading on your knees like a dog, you’re lucky I indulge you.”
The tips of his ears turned red as he sputtered, “That was one time, Aurelius.”
“One time still counts.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “Meet me at the gates at six.” Pulling away and smoothing out his coat, she fixing his shirt collar.
“Okay, gates at six.” He repeated, nodding his head. “Got it.”
“Wonderful, see you then.” She smiled softly, leaning against the door frame.
“See you then.” He tilted her chin up, kissing her sweetly. He returned her smile and turned, walking off her porch.
Aurelius shut the door and let out a gentle laugh.
What a pain in the ass that man was.
Aurelius wasn’t exactly the richest person in Mondstadt. If anything, her family landed somewhere in the lower class region.
Food was scarce amongst them, her father was a Bard, but one of the many bards who wandered the streets late at night and ended up passed out with a barrel of ale as his pillow. He wasn’t able to make a lot of money, but she supported her father no matter what. After all, he did buy her the most gorgeous dress he could afford for her 16th birthday.
It was red, reached down to her ankles, small vines of golden fabric swirled up the sides and around her bust. She thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, she hoped Crepus thought the same thing.
Aurelius spent an hour in the bath, scrubbing her skin to make sure it was spotless, lathering her hair in soap to make it smell nice. She swiped her mother’s red lipstick on her lips, and put a little on her cheeks, mimicking how the older women of Mondstat do it.
She slipped on her dress and shoes, grabbing a small pouch of mora which she’d saved for such an occasion, and began making her way downstairs.
“Papa?” She called, dashing over to where her father stood. “I’m leaving to meet Crepus for the festival. Are you going to enjoy it with Mother?”
“Your Mother and I will be staying here tonight, enjoy yourself with Crepus.” He sent her out of the house with an amicable grin. “Don’t come back too late, and if he tries anything let me know. He may be rich but if he hurts you, I’m not afraid to knock some sense into him.”
Aurelius laughed, “He won’t try anything, I promise. I’ll be back a little after sundown, okay?”
“Stay safe.”
“You too.”
She ran out towards the gates, hoping she wasn’t late. She saw a familiar ponytail of fiery red and knew it was Crepus; who else had such a wonderfully unique hair color?
“Crepus!” She called, jogging up to him with a smile. “You look handsome!”
He turned at the sound of her voice, smiling at the sight of her. “You look gorgeous. Was this the dress your father gave you? He has good taste.”
“You flatter me,” she winked, grabbing his hand. “Well, come on. Take me around the festival, don’t stand and stare at me.”
“You look so devilishly tempting…” he trailed off, his eyes racking over her figure.
“I know, you said that.” Aurelius teased, blushing lightly as she continued on. “You look good yourself, handsome even. Yes, handsome is the word. You look incredibly handsome in your coat.”
“Now who’s embarrassed, hm?” He teased back.
“Ah, come on!” She elbowed him. “Impress me with this date, Crepus.”
“I won’t disappoint.” He grabbed her hand.
“I believe you.”
He led her up across the bridge, the sound of music filling their ears as he laced their fingers together.
“So, why did you ask me to the festival with you? Hoping to get some afterwards?” She raised a brow.
“We grew up together, why wouldn’t I ask you? No one else gets along with me as well as you do.”
“That’s all? Not because you love me?” She looked up at him, “Did I spend all that time with you for nothing?”
“If I took you places just because I loved you, I’d be taking you everywhere I go.”
“You do.”
He squeezed her hand with a laugh, she gazed at him with soft eyes, watching his nose crinkle in amusement and his tongue slightly poke out from his teeth.
The streets of Mondstat were painted with white and blue flowers, dandelions floated through the air as people bustled in crowds. Children munched on the sweets of the festival, many women tasted the new wines offered just around this part of the year.
“Aurelius.” Crepus spoke, gently grabbing her attention. “Do you remember when we came here as children?”
“Of course, they’re the brightest memories I own.”
“I want to make wine again, like we did when we were younger.”
“Our wine tasted awful, and yet your father owns the most successful winery business in Teyvat. How come you didn’t have some kind of knowledge about how to make good wine, hm?”
“I was twelve.”
“So? I could play lyre at twelve.”
“Wine and Lyres are very different. We’ll make a good wine this time, we won’t shove every ingredient into it”
She laughed, “Yes, perhaps we should leave the slime condensate out of our brew.”
“How about a dandelion wine? We could try and find a good recipe for my father to try out.”
“Sure, we can attempt a dandelion wine, but I doubt the ingredients given to us are as good as the ones your father buys.”
“It could be a prototype.”
“You really want to impress him, don’t you?”
“I want him to know that I’m responsible enough to take over the business. He’ll be giving it to me soon, I just want to ease his worries.”
“You’ll be a great owner, it’s in your blood.” The blonde hummed thoughtfully.
He sighed, squeezing her hand lightly. “Thank you, Aurelius.”
“This wine tastes disgusting.” Aurelius muttered, spitting the drink back into the cup she had taken a sip out of.
“Well I told you that you went too heavy on the wolfhook. It’s not something you should abuse.” Crepus muttered, looking down at his own cup.
“I hardly abused it.”
“I think four cups of it is abuse, do you want to try mine?” He gently held out his cup.
“Oh no, I’m alright.”
“Not even a sip?”
“No, I think I should try and drink less wine.”
“...are you feeling well?” He questioned.
“Yes, Crepus, just because I don’t want to drink wine doesn’t mean I’m sick.”
“It’s just odd is all.”
“Am I that much of an alcoholic for you to say such things? You wound me, darling.”
He laughed, “I guess maybe I am being harsh, come, let’s see what else there is to do.” He placed an arm around her waist.
“I can serenade you if you wish, I’ll sing about my eternal love for you. I’ll praise your name as if it were an Archon’s.” She whispered, gently moving in front of him to brush a strand of hair behind his ear, she wrapped an arm around his waist. “I’ll sing of our nights together, tangled limbs out in the fresh grass under the moonlight.”
Crepus blushed, “As much as I would love to hear you sing of such things, does your voice not hurt from singing to me last week? You reached quite a high pitch.” He teased, “You seemed quite hoarse afterwards.” He whispered, gently kissing her nose.
She smacked his chest, “I’m trying to be romantic, you bastard.”
“You brought it up first.” He squeezed her waist, a teasing smile on his face.
She blushed, “Not right now, there are far too many layers on this dress.”
“I could make quick work of them.”
“Not right now.” She repeated, “Please?”
“Of course, I’m only jesting, Aurelius.” He kissed her forehead and pulled her further into the festival.
They spent the day laughing, holding each other in their arms as they felt a sense of peace between them. A feeling of true enjoyment in life, staring into the eyes of someone who looked at you like you were their entire world. In this case it was true, an example of true love, you could say.
Aurelius leaned her head on Crepus’ shoulder, their backs against one of the pillars behind the cathedral. The sun was slowly going down, a gentle breeze brushed against them as they shared a small cup of juice.
“The sky is gorgeous tonight.” Crepus spoke, looking up at the soft orange and pink hues.
Aurelius hummed in response, her eyes more fixated on the loose string on her dress.
He looked down at her, “Are you alright?”
“...no.” She whispered. “I haven’t been completely honest with you.”
“Aurelius?” He questioned.
“I’m sorry, Crepus.” Tears welled up in her eyes, she grasped his hand in hers, “Please forgive me for what I’m about to say.”
“Aur—“ He tried, once more.
“—I’m pregnant.” She choked out, a feeling of nausea rushed over her. Anxiety began to crawl through her skin as she stared at the man in front of her. The anticipation of his words made her want to vomit.
He couldn’t speak, the words settled at the bottom of his stomach. His eyes seemed twice the size, he turned from her. He swallowed hard, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
He fumbled with his hands for a minute, before shoving his hand in her face. Between his fingers was a ring, his ring. It shined brightly as the gentle sunlight hit it, his hand was shaking.
“Marry me.”
“Marry me, Aurelius.” He grasped a hand in hers, “I know this is not a proper ring, but it’s all I have at the moment. Please, say yes. This has me thinking, about us, you getting pregnant only makes the next step easier. I love you, and I want to have this baby with you.”
I love you.
The words rang in Aurelius' head as she stared at the pleading man; he was anxious, she noted. Seeing his hand shake in fear of rejection, in fear that if she declined that his title would be destroyed by the birth of a bastard child.
No, no, Crepus could care less of his title, this was real emotion.
He loved her.
“Yes.” Was all she could manage to choke out in that moment, she felt his lips press against hers as her back hit the pavement below them. She smiled gently, tangling her hands in his hair as she kissed him passionately. “I love you.” She whispered, cupping his face. “I love you so much, more than you could ever know.”
He smiled brightly, laughing gently. “You fill me with an indescribable feeling, one that even love can’t explain. It’s bigger than anything I’ve ever felt, and I hope it never goes away.” He slipped his ring onto her finger, it was big, of course. She moved it to her thumb, hoping it wouldn’t slide off.
“We have to tell our parents. Everyone.” She laughed, “I want to scream it from the roof that I’m engaged to the most wonderful man that the Archons could give me, the one I am allowed to call mine for the rest of eternity.”
“Let’s go home.” He pulled her up off the ground. “We can tell your parents first, I should apologize to your father for not asking for his blessing first. Though, this was quite a situation.”
“Let’s not mention the child at first, I would rather him not drop dead at the thought.” She laughed.
“Good idea.” He nods, grabbing her hand and rushing towards her house. She laughed, smiling at him with an immeasurable amount of glee, one that soon was replaced with a frown as a hand covered her eyes.
A shaky voice beside her, Crepus, wasn’t he just laughing? Why was he scared? Why wasn’t she laughing anymore?
Drip. Drip.
She felt tears hit her neck, the hand around her eyes was shaking. “Don’t look, Aurelius, please.” His voice was desperate, it screamed of fear and disgust.
“Crepus…” she reached to take his hands off her eyes, only for him to pull her out of the house.
“Please, Aurelius, your parents…” he gasped out, “I’m so sorry…”
She stood still, she took note of the slight splotch of red on Crepus’ boot. “No…”
“—No!” She yelled, pushing past him and running into the house. Her eyes widened as she dropped to her knees, she heaved, feeling like she was going to wretch. She gagged, placing a hand over her mouth.
They were both covered in red, the house was splattered in the damn color. She could see the inside of her father’s stomach laid across the couch. The head of her mother was laying feet from her body. She didn’t scream, she couldn’t, she just stared in horror at the grotesque scene before her.
She felt herself be hauled up, the hand returned over her eyes as Crepus tried to get through to her. He yelled her name, she was rigid. She choked on her words, her legs felt like jelly. Crepus took his hand off her eyes. “Aurelius…”
She let out a sob, she collapsed into his arms. She was crying so hard she had begun to feel nauseous. Crepus picked her up in his arms, “I’ll take you back to the Winery, I’ll alert the knights.” He whispered. “I’m so sorry, Aurelius.”
She could only cry in response to his words, tears fell down his face as well. They were like parents to him, a mother and a father who didn’t push him to act a certain way. Freedom is what it was, they gave him what he longed for.
Crepus carried Aurelius to the Winery, informing his parents of the circumstances. They took Aurelius in, making sure she would be okay. She couldn’t move, she gripped the fabric of Crepus’ white shirt tightly, her knuckles beginning to match the shade.
“Crepus…” she cried, “Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not going to leave, I’m right here.” He held her tight, “I’m not going anywhere.” He whispered.
“Why them? They were harmless…” she sobbed.
“I don’t know, darling, I don’t.” He picked her up. “Let me take you upstairs, wash you off.”
“Okay…” she whispered, nodding her head. “Mhm.”
He turned to a maid, asking her to get a warm bath started. He carried Aurelius up the stairs taking her into his bedroom to find clothes for her to wear...ones that weren’t covered in blood.
He placed her on the bed, taking a step back to go into his closet when he felt a tug on his arm.
“Don’t leave.” Aurelius begged.
“I’m stepping away to the closet, that’s it. I’ll still be in the room.”
“Crepus please…” she cried.
He took her hand off his sleeve, “Of course…”
He helped her up back onto her feet, moving her towards the closet. He grabbed a sweater, something that would hopefully bring her some warmth and comfort. Aurelius shook with every step that she took, her eyes not focused on anything but her feet.
“There’s blood on them,” she whispered, “On my shoes, on your boots.”
Crepus followed her gaze down, then put a finger under her chin, tilting her head up to meet his eyes. “I’ll have them cleaned, I promise. Just focus on me right now, okay?” He whispered, voice choking quietly.
Without another word, he led her into the washroom, dismissing the maid and beginning to unlace her dress. Once the fabric pooled around her feet, he guided her to sit in the bathtub, kneeling down beside her.
“Crepus?” She whispered, bringing her knees to her chest.
“Yes, darling?” He responded at the same level, wetting a small towel to wipe the blood off her hands.
She gulped, letting out a small cry. “Thank you.” She sniffled loudly, turning her head towards him. “Thank you…”
He stood on his knees, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her head. “I’m here with you as long as you need me…after you’re washed…I’ll lay with you in bed. How does that sound?”
“That sounds nice…can I wear your jacket while we do?”
“Of course, anything you want.” He gave her a small smile, though the tears in his eyes betrayed his happy look. He put on a brave face for her, not wanting to overwhelm her anymore.
Crepus washed her down, placing her in the comfy sweater and a soft pair of pants he tied a ribbon around to keep hold around her hips. He took off his jacket, placing it on her shoulders. He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly.
She looped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his chest. “All I have left of home is you.”
“I’m sorry, Aurelius…I grieve them as much as you…”
“They loved you…just like a son…my father was always grateful for your kindness towards me…his…” she choked on her words, gripping the back of his shirt, “…his little nightingale.”
“You can let it out, my love, I won’t judge you for it. Just scream, cry, kick, I don’t care…let it out.” He encouraged, giving her hip a reassuring squeeze. “I’m here for you, every step of the way.”
“Can we move to the bed, please?” She whispered, “I’m just…very tired. My brain is screaming but my body can’t move.”
Crepus led her over to the bed, laying her down and pulling the covers over her before laying on the other side. “Sleep as long as you want, I won’t wake you for breakfast.”
“But you’ll save me some, right?”
“I’d never let you starve.” He smiled softly, wrapping an arm around her. “Now rest, please, you need it.”
“Goodnight, Crepus…I love you.” Aurelius muttered, burying her face in his chest.
“I love you too.” He kissed the top of her head, closing his eyes.
Feel free to reblog, I’ve got a shit ton of other side stories if this one peaks anyone’s interest.
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lavendermage · 2 years
It’s not hard to be nice to you.
Hello! I would like to request smth if your taking requests :)
That one thing you did, ‘A safe space’ or smth with the Diluc and Kaeya? Could you do smth similar except Reader is more… emtionally abused? 
thanks :)
have a nice day :DDD
Characters: Child Diluc and Kaeya, Crepus
Genre: Hurt comfort, gender neutral child reader, not canon compliant.
TW: Child abuse, emotional abuse, breaking glass, food shaming (just learned that’s a phrase)
A/n: I finally filled my first request! (I actually copy pasted the request here to save it. I heard of stuff disappearing, and I wanted to make sure I had it.) And yes, requests are open and details are in my bio. I’m sorry for how long it took, my organizational system sucks. Tws are pretty specific, but I think they’re common triggers? Idk. Mildly concerned that my most popular fic is about abuse. I hope you’re all taking care of yourselves.
1.5k words
You, Diluc and Kaeya were perched on the bridge to Mondstadt proper, throwing bread to the birds. They crowded around under the bridge, swimming around to catch the food. The wind was cooling as the sun set. It would be time to go home soon. 
"I need to go back." You sighed. “You know how they get.”
"Your guardian isn't very nice to you." Kaeya said abruptly. 
You froze. "It's not a big deal." 
"It is." Kaeya insisted.
"They're just tired." You tried to explain.
“So are you, and you’re not like that.” Kaeya pointed out.
"We could have a sleepover! Then you don't have to be with them and they get a break." Diluc suggested.
"It's too much trouble. I don't want to bother you." You sighed.
"You won't. Our father is very nice." Diluc said.
"He is." Kaeya agreed, nodding.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes!" Diluc said.
You brightened. "OK! I'll ask my guardian." You discussed the details quickly before running back home. It was getting dark and you didn't want to get in trouble.
Your guardian's vice-like grip crushed your shoulder. It was possessive and made your skin crawl. They spoke in that fake-friendly voice they used in public. "Are you sure you want to deal with them?"
"It's no issue. From what I've seen they are a wonderful kid." Crepus said, a friendly smile on his face. "They're only staying the night, and the staff is used to kids."
"Not my kid. Can't do anything without messing up." They laughed. 
You felt your face flush. Not in front of him!, you wanted to scream. Mr. Ragnvindr was cool, you wanted to be like him when you grew up. You didn't want him to think you were useless. You kept your mouth shut though, even as tears stung your eyes.
Mr. Ragnvindr noticed your discomfort. "My own sons can be a handful too sometimes. They're still learning."
"Alright, but if they burn the house down don't say I didn't warn you." They laughed again, a cruelness undercutting it. It was harsh on your ears and it took everything to not flinch.
“We have a pyro vision in the house. It wouldn’t be the first time something caught fire.” He joked and he looked at you as he said it, trying to reassure you.
"Dinner’s spaghetti!" Diluc eagerly pulled you into the house. "The cooks make the best tomato sauce!"
The delicious smell greeted you as you walked in the door. Your mouth watered just thinking about how good it must taste. 
Kaeya had sat already, waving excitedly for you to sit next to him.
Crepus appeared holding three wine glasses in one hand and a bottle of grape juice in the other. "Welcome! Take a seat." He gestured to the seat next to Kaeya.
You did and Diluc sat on your other side. 
“Can I pour the juice?” He asked. 
“Of course.” Crepus handed him the bottle. 
You watched as Diluc uncorked it and poured it carefully into each cup, twisting the bottle after each pour. His brows furrowed in concentration as he did it. As soon as he finished he set down the bottle and looked for his father’s assessment.
“That’s my boy!” He smiled proudly. “You’ve learned so much. You’ll be a bartender in no time.”
You should be happy, but jealousy tugged at your heart. Why wasn’t your guardian like that?”
“Let’s eat!”
You dug in. The food was so warm and the pasta had the perfect bite to it. “Al dente’ or whatever Diluc had called it. You didn’t know how to describe food the way he did, but it was delicious. You scarfed down the whole plate in seconds. You froze, fork in hand. He was going to yell at you. You had eaten too fast, too greedily, and he was going to yell at you. Pig. 
But he didn’t. All he did was ask if you wanted seconds.
“Am I… allowed to?” You asked nervously, waiting for the rant about how greedy you were.
“Of course. Eat as much as you want. You need to eat so your body can grow. The boys eat enough for five men, it’s incredible.” He laughed. 
Adeline brought another bowl and whisked the empty one away. 
You ate slower this time and your eyes kept darting up to monitor Crepus’s face. He caught you once and just looked back sadly. 
“Are you enjoying your meal?” Diluc asked, a serious expression on his face. He was practicing his host etiquette.
You panicked slightly, your mouth was too full to talk. You swallowed quickly and nodded. “It’s really good.”
“Tell Adeline, it makes her really happy when Diluc and I like her food.” Kaeya added.
You nodded again. “I will.”
Dinner ended soon after. You made sure to thank Adeline when she came by again.
“It’s no problem. I’m glad you enjoyed your dinner.” She smiled sweetly. “Diluc, Kaeya, please collect the plates.”
“Can I help too?”
“Of course. Just stack the cups and put them at the head of the table.”
“Ok!” You did as you were told and collected all the cups. As you walked to the head of the table to put them down, you tripped. You caught yourself but the cups fell out of your hands and shattered on the wood floor. It was silent. Not for long, you thought, readying yourself. You fell to your knees and reached to pick up the shards of glass, trying to reduce the punishment.
“Y/n, stop!” Crepus’s loud voice broke the silence.
You did, fear freezing the blood in your veins. Tears pooled in your eyes and then slipped down your cheek. Apologies spilled from your lips. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I promise I didn’t mean too, please don’t be angry, I won’t do it again.” Your words were interrupted by your own sobs and sorries. 
Crepus carefully walked up to you and crouched at your level. “I’m not angry. I don’t want you to touch the glass because you’ll cut yourself.” “It was an accident, I swear, I’ll pay you back-”
“I know it is. You don’t have to pay anything.”
Kaeya’s cold hand rested on your shoulder and Diluc stood a little to the side.
“You know what, I’ll show you how little of a problem this is. We’ll clean it up together. Kaeya, Diluc, get the broom and dustpan from the pantry.”
“I can-”
“You don’t know where it is.” Diluc pointed out.
“My sons can handle this task, no need to worry. I’m just glad you caught yourself.”
You stared at him blankly, confused.
“It would have been worse if you got hurt instead of the glasses.”
“It… would?” 
A pained expression crossed his face. “Of course.”
“I’m sorry I made you sad.”
“I’m an adult, it’s not your job to worry about me.” He rested his hand on your head and started petting your hair when you didn’t flinch.
“We’re back!” Diluc held a broom in his hand while Kaeya held the dust pan.
“Thank you.” Crepus turned his attention back to you. “I’ll hold the dustpan and you’ll sweep the glass into it, ok?”
You nodded and Diluc passed you the broom. Your hands shook as you swept but you finished up quickly. “That’s all?”
“Yes, see? It’s not a big deal. Now who wants ice cream?”
Both boys raised their hands.
“And you?”
“Aren’t I being punished?”
“Of course not. What flavor do you want?”
“You got it!” Adeline appeared out of seemingly nowhere and took everyone’s orders.
Three little bowls of ice cream came out, each with beautiful little spoons. Chocolate, raspberry, strawberry. You ate yours, still sniffling from your tears earlier. 
“Do you want to taste some of mine?” Kaeya lifted a spoon of raspberry.
“If it’s alright…”
He plopped a spoonful into your bowl.
“Mine’s a little soupy, but you can still try.” Diluc poured a little of his ice cream soup next to Kaeya’s raspberry. His pyro had melted it.
You sniffed and rubbed at your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad.” Diluc panicked. “Is it because the ice creams mixed?”
“You’re so nice.” You sobbed.
Crepus put a hand on your shoulder. “It’s not hard to be nice to you, and even if it was, it would be worth it.”
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java-lava · 1 year
Once Upon a December
part; 2
(If you want me to make this a series, let me know!)
(Colored text indicates who’s speaking;
Diluc is red
Crepus is green
Kaeya is blue
Y/n is purple )
If Diluc Ragnvindr had a mora for every time that his father brought home a random child and announced that he would be adopting said child, he would have two mora, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice. These were the thoughts running through the young red head as Adelinde had taken the child to a spare bedroom to help her clean up and change into some new clothes.
“Father, did you kidnap a little girl?” Diluc said half jokingly
“Of course not! I found her half frozen on my journey, I sent some of my contacts to find out where she came from but so far, we can’t find any information on her identity. So I’ve decided that she’ll be staying with us until we can reunite her with her family.” Crepus replied
“Father you know I hate to think of the worst case scenario, but what if she has no family or what if you are not able to find them?” Diluc said to his father. The truth is Diluc didn’t even need to ask that question, he knew the answer by the look in his father’s eyes.
“We’ll, you did always say that you wanted a little sister, right?” Said the elder man
“I wonder what Kaeya is going to think about all of this…”
“Think about what?…”
While Kaeya was still being filled in on what had transpired by their father, Diluc thought about the fact that Kaeya was going to regret being late to everything one of these days.
“You what?!?”
“I brought you both a new little sister.”
Before anymore questions could come out of anyone’s mouths, a new voice was heard by all three males
“H-Hello…” said a sweet little voice that pulled in the heartstrings of all three Ragnvindr men.
“Hello little one, do you remember me?” Crepus said in the most gentle voice he could.
“Yes… you are the man that brought me here.”
“Yes I am, you already told me your name, do you think you can tell me where you are from?”
“I don’t remember, the only thing I can remember is my name… I’m sorry” the little girl started shaking like she was holding back sobs. At the sight of this, all three men silently promised to themselves to protect her.
“It’s ok, don’t cry…. We’ll figure it out together ok?”
“Of course, but even if we can’t find your home, you can stay here and I promise to protect you.” The man said it so earnestly that the girl instantly believed him. For the rest of his life Crepus kept his promise to the little girl, but then again, nothing lasts forever.
Note; this isn’t a longer part as I don’t have much time at the moment, I’ll try to make the next one longer, it will also be a time skip of about 6 months from this part. And if you wanna be tagged let me know.
Btw; thanks to @mis-disaster for requesting this part!
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miko-magica · 1 year
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♡ Synopsis : In which Kaeya and Diluc never lost their father Crepus and the uncrowned king knight of Mondstat starts to be interested with a certain painter from Liyue.
♡ Contains : Fluff | Family fluff | Romance | Ragbros | Playful Diluc | Brother Ajax !? | Proud dad Crepus | Love at first sight | Diluc crushing |Might be OOC <<<<<<!!!!!!!!!!! | Crack
♡ Note !! : Sorry I need Ragbros and Diluc fluff, It's 12am rn so don't expect anything too good when it comes to words. Diluc in this fic is still a bit like himself now but he's cheery and closer with Kaeya. Ajax (Childe) is your brother because I love him and I think it'd be a funny conversation to have. Crepus is a friendly man in this fic and I can't tell you otherwise, he is a FRIENDLY MAN (I'm a hyv employee fr)
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A beautiful Monday morning. Your brother, Ajax decided this time of day would be a good day to have a drink in Mondstat's Angel share. "Ajax, if we were truly related I would question how." You say taking a drink of your Dandelion wine that you both ordered. " Well, I would question why you drink only one glass of this amazing wine Master Crepus here have given us!" Ajax said with a chuckle sharing a kind grin towards the man who returned the favor with a chuckle.
Crepus wasn't really fond of the Fatui himself but you being a big help and a well known painter as well as his associate— he grew fond of your brother. "Well I can't exactly take all the credit, my sons did help me with brewing that drink. It was their idea in fact." He said in a cheery voice, Ajax seemed to be enlightened by this news; He seemed to have gotten the instinct to adopt another sibling. "Ah! Yes I remember seeing a knight with red hair, I don't remember another though?" You say with a smile on your face taking another sip of your wine.
"Ah you've probably seen Kaeya, he doesn't look much like me. The blue haired knight with a Cryo vision. He's a remarkable fighter and though he is quite fond of drinking he's very reliable. Diluc is the one you saw, he's very serious and snarky yet he's really cheerful around his brother. They're basically inseparable!" Crepus replied as the doors of the Tavern opened revealing two tall knights "Good morning Father!" The two said in sync as they walked over to master Crepus. "Ah! Speak of the devils." He chuckled.
Ajax saw the two and never took his eyes off of them, on the other hand.. the boys also had their eyes glued onto your brother. "Hello, you must me Kaeya and Diluc? I'm glad to have finally met you both!" You say in an attempt to break the tension, Diluc turned his head towards you and paused to open his mouth for a moment but he only bit his inner lip and blinked several times while Kaeya snickered. "Hello, you must be the painter our father has been talking about! You're even more stunning than father had warned you to be." He said nudging his brother with a chuckle, you laughed from his statement— a statement your brother seemed to not have appreciated.
"What do you mean by that?" Ajax said putting his drink down and staring Kaeya dead in the eyes "oh! I didn't mean anything like that, apologies I was just teasing." Kaeya chuckled apologetically while Diluc nudged and whispered something to his brother then cleared his throat "Welcome to Mondstat, I heard you were from Liyue? How've you enjoyed your stay so far?" He asked with a smile on his face as he sat down on the barstool next to yours. "It's been great, I enjoy the scenery here a lot. The people of Mondstat are also very welcoming and kind, I'm quite glad I've come here again." You say as you took another drink of your wine which seemed to have never run out.
"Ah.. yes. I see— yes.." Diluc silently says while Crepus gave a little chuckle, as you turned to them you see that Kaeya seemed to have whispered something to him. "Huh? Have I missed something.." You ask with confused eyes, Ajax laughed through his drink while shaking his head ever so slightly almost as if he was mocking you.
— Two weeks
"Kae I don't think you understand! Have you seen their eyes? They're gorgeous— not just their eyes it's- it's them as a person! I- oh my archons what's happening to me." Diluc says catching his breath "Yeah 'luc you told me 'Kae.. this one's mine..' in that tavern when you first met, it's crazy to see the great knight Diluc fonding over someone like this... Wait til' Jean hears about this!" Kaeya said teasingly, while Diluc sat on his chair helplessly. Everytime you looked at Diluc, he started to get lost in your eyes, every small contact with you had him almost melt into a small puddle.
"Kae you can't blame me— they wrote letters ! See-! These letters! Their handwriting- choice of words I- just everything! Do you see!? Kae I can't— what am I compared to them? All I have is my honor and my tolerance for pain! How can I —" Diluc said fumbling over his words while he showed the letters to his dear brother who seemed to have been getting a kick out of his brother's misery "Hm..you're definitely— Ah! HAHAHA! OH DILUC! You're crushing so badly I have to tell father!" He says with an overly happy tone.
"What— no! Kae you can't do that!" The redhead said with a huff but Kaeya seemed to not have listened since now Diluc is watching Crepus walk across the room to you— stone faced you were. By that time he thought 'I'm through' , the nights he received your letters, the time when he'd look into your eyes and he'd drown in them. Crepus said nothing about Diluc liking you but he did hint that he knew you felt the same way.
He was helpless when your smile was as bright as ever, your eyes shining ever more brighter than it ever did. The more he stared the more he felt himself slowly melting and fading away into nothing but liquid. The more he thinks of your beautiful smile the more he falls for you, the more he thinks of what his father could've said that brought you that much joy, the more he succumbs to the gentle feeling of being around you. When you looked back at him he looked away immediately while he grabbed Kaeya's arm and started to chat with a random topic and a bright red face.
— One month later
God, he was drowning in your presence,he finally had the guts to ask you out. You two ate in a fancy restaurant, his whole being was frozen the moment he had a conversation with you going on for hours on end. When he picked you up, when you ate, when he sent you home. You chatted almost endlessly, he wished for it to last forever. Diluc was melting everytime you wrapped your arm around his, everytime he saw his father and brother in the corner of his eye cheering him on. The moment you held his hand to bid goodbye, he was melting inside and each moment he couldn't help but feel so warm that it physically made him weak.
— Two months later
Ajax grew fond of Diluc upon seeing how much weaker he seems when he's with you, how he sees his hands tremble when you hold his hand to guide him, when he sees Diluc's face heat up in a way that it could be hotter than his pyro vision. "Treat them well, I don't want to see them cry." Ajax said patting Diluc's shoulder while Diluc just nodded firmly. Even though his face was straight, he was bursting with joy inside.
— Seven months later
He met your family, Teucer grew fond of Diluc almost immediately, a new side of Diluc was unlocked whenever your siblings came close to him. He wasn't really fond of children but your siblings were too sweet for him to ignore. It's actually really rare to see him like this.
"Your family sure is something, they bring out a side of me I can't really explain. Teucer confides with me and Ajax tried to Fight me." He said with a smile plastered on his face, you can't help but smile and chuckle. This man beside you, he could be yours if you just say so. But do you really have the courage to do so? Teucer was going to go home with Ajax to Snezhnaya tomorrow, you have bigger matters to attend to.
— Half a month later
"REALLY?" Kaeya yelled, it echoed through the whole winery. Crepus and Adelinde hurried up to Diluc's room upon hearing the commotion. They saw Diluc as flustered as ever but this time he's smiling more than he ever had, Kaeya was chuckling and nudging Diluc while small "congratulations" escaped his mouth. "What happened?" Crepus asks, Elzer who followed to see what was happening could be seen behind the two also confused by the matter.
"They're together !" Kaeya exclaimed as the three took a pause and cheered, Diluc was more than embarrassed now. Adelinde asked Diluc to tell her everything while Elzer watched on the sidelines as Diluc stuttered and fumbled. It wasn't over though, Diluc was teased the whole day— it even extended to the next day, Crepus and Kaeya never stopped talking about how red and happy he was to finally be with you. Though he's embarrassed, he seemed to be more than glad to be with you. More than happy to enjoy your touch and your presence everyday.
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