#criessa monserra
randomhatthief · 1 year
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if none of his actual friends will comfort him, my other ocs will goddamn it
they all basically have the same trauma anyway
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rhtarts · 6 years
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A bunch of sheets on a Bleach OC
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arrancarwrites · 7 years
What Happens in Las Noches part 4
Two arrancar (OCs) live through the shenanigans that happen in Las Noches while creating some of their own. A mini series with random appearances of other arrancar/espada. Rui is mine, Criessa is @randomhatthief
Criessa snorted to herself, watching Di Roy and Yylfordt banter over who would be the one to put the rest of the drug into Ulquiorra’s tea. Upon watching though, she did smile and lean back against the sofa. She briefly wondered what Dordoni was up to. Yes, she did love spending time with Grimmjow and his Fraccion, but she still thought very highly of her former mentor. If she was being honest, she would go as far as to describe him as her father figure.
A finger held her place in a now closed book, and one hand had it’s fingers drumming against the hardcover as she watched. Eventually Yylfordt scoffed at Di Roy and pulled him into a headlock. She looked around to see Grimmjow sitting in his usual laid back position, absentmindedly swirling the vial in his hand around. He seemed bored but she knew he was anything but bored. The gears in his head were turning as he thought of his scheme to make Ulquiorra look ridiculous. The two Espada clearly did not get along.
Even if the two went head to head, she’d still back up Grimmjow if need be. She had nothing against Ulquiorra in particular, but Grimmjow had her respect and loyalty. Though he seemed to never express or admit it in the traditional way, he reciprocated that respect for her. Perhaps her respect ran deeper than just that, but for now she’ll accept what she has now.
“What’s wrong bro? Can’t fight your way out of this one?” Yylfordt mocked as he kept Di Roy in the headlock. The lanky arrancar squirmed in an attempt to get out of it. Criessa eventually shook her head and stood up, striding over to the two rather quickly.
“Okay pretty boy, let him go.” It took little effort for her to peel the blond man’s arm off Di Roy, who scurried over to her side. It was known in the group that Criessa took a ‘Mama Bear’ type of liking to Di Roy and tended to be protective of him. While it did provide more teasing from the others, they really rather not tick off Criessa. She packed quite a punch, and literally could maul someone like a bear.
Could it be kind of embarrassing for Di Roy at times? Sure, but the attention and someone willing to stand up for him made up for it. He wouldn’t complain about her squishing his cheeks and he liked laying on her while she read a book.
Grimmjow snorted at the scene, tossing the vial in the air before catching it. Her motherly habits that kicked in every now and then seemed to amuse him. Especially when he takes into account the amount of times she has wrestled people into the ground. Especially if they were twice her size. It’s why he liked her though, she wasn’t afraid to be rough but laid back.
Her dramatic tendencies she gained under Dordoni though...
Yeah that was a whole other story.
“You idiots can wait outside the meeting room and watch the show. Before this mandatory meeting,” he snorted. He hated Espada meetings and having to look at Aizen’s smug face. “I’m going to dump this in Ulquiorra’s tea. That way he’ll drink it during the meeting and then...well you know what will happen.” Not as satisfying as punching him in the face, but getting the guy to act out of his normally emotionless state and humiliate himself will be enough.
Criessa seemed to pout at first but shrugged. “Fine, but I’m getting my camera ready.” She frowned upon remembering something Szayel had told her and Yylfordt when he forked over the drug in the first place. 
The first dosage will make the subject hallucinate as if they were ‘stoned’, or however you wish to refer to it. A second dosage will do the same but will make the subject prone to extreme aggression, flaring up at the slightest provocation. So do be careful, alright? If you’re not, then know I won’t let your corpses go to waste~
“Rui, is it? You know I think I’ve seen you before. Didn’t you used to hang around Cirucci Sanderwicci?” Gin inquired quickly after she had entered the room. His eyes were closed as usual and he had a seemingly playful look on his face, though she knew better. Gin Ichimaru was a dangerous man but she wanted to know why he summoned her.
“Yes, she...” She wasn’t sure how to describe it. She wasn’t exactly her Fraccion when Cirucci was an Espada, but the two had a close relationship. “We’re friends.” she simply stated. “May I ask why you asked for me?” She asked as politely as possible.
Gin held his hands together and he still smiled, but there was something off about it. It made alarms go off in her head but she showed no sign of it. “Why, I just wanted to have a chat with a nice girl. From what I’ve heard, you like watching others, playing with Lilynette Gingerbuck, the occasional spar...hiding your strength. To me that sounds interesting enough.” The way he said the last part made her face drop.
“H-hiding my strength? I’m sorry but I don’t know-”
“The spiritual pressure given off by you as an Adjuchas was immense, even by my standards. But then after you arrived it disappeared. I thought maybe you lost power somehow but as it turns out, you’re suppressing it. On purpose you’re making yourself appear to be a weak, low ranking Arrancar.”
Her blood ran cold as he went on. How did he know? Did she let something slip? He saw the shocked expression on her face and chuckled. He found out her real strength as she once headed outside the canopy over Las Noches. He followed out of boredom and curiosity. Imagine his surprise upon feeling her real spiritual pressure. Definitely enough to be an Espada, though he wasn’t sure what rank she’d fit. “So tell me, who else knows?”
“Only two. Cirucci...and Ulquiorra but not on purpose.” Cirucci often yelled at her for holding back. Ulquiorra only knew because in one of her trips above the canopy he spotted her. Gin tilted his head. “...and now you I guess.”
It was kind of like a game. Everything she did was to hide her real power. When sparring she’ll go along, keeping up until she lets her partner land a hit. Purposefully she left her side open so that they would strike it. Purposefully she would let a blow knock her down. Purposefully she would make sure her movements were only slightly above average as to not arouse suspicion. Everything came down to her ruse of being a weaker arrancar. Just another face in Aizen’s army.
It let her stay hidden, it let her try and find the peace she craved for so long. She was lucky Ulquiorra was not one to run his mouth and Cirucci begrudgingly let this continue. She just hoped her luck did not run out. She was taken out of her thoughts by a pat on the head.
“My lips are sealed. But if the day comes when that little power of yours is needed...” His smile seemed more threatening this around. “That’ll be all, I just wanted to confirm something.” His face looked more mischievous this time around. “Unless, you don’t mind sharing some of your observ-”
A loud explosion interrupted him, making the floor shudder a bit. The two shared a quick look before looking in the direction of where the explosion must have come from. Then they became aware of mad laughter that they unfortunately recognized. Oh no, what did Grimmjow do? If he was laughing like that, then whatever he’s laughing at can’t be good.
“Ulquiorra why did you blow a hole in the wall?! I’ll do it too!”
“Yammy no!”
A loud bang sounded and what sounded like a wall crumbling could be heard. “It seems...that the Espada meeting is going rather well.” Gin awkwardly chuckled before clasping his hands together. Of course fun things like this happened when he wasn’t present in the meeting.
Ah well, he’ll just mess with Aizen later about it.
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randomhatthief · 1 year
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From this post, @doctor-bus I did iiit with a couple of my babes
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randomhatthief · 4 years
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A collection of unseen self indulgent Criessa doodles 
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randomhatthief · 4 years
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everyone’s havin a great time, ft. Rui (@horrorpostergirl) and Em (thekraziesreside)
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randomhatthief · 4 years
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randomhatthief · 3 years
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Decided to try to force myself to do something "painterly" for my digital illustration final. P proud.
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randomhatthief · 7 years
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Ya girl and her boys. <3
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randomhatthief · 7 years
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Y’all gonna have to pardon my self-indulgence some more, here’s Criessa as a kiddo! Link to her first Bio!  ʕ●ᴥ●ʔ And More Tidbits:  ʕ●ᴥ●ʔ 
Criessa achieved Vasto Lorde before Aizen approached her.
Her aspect of death is Longing; she longs, more than anything, for the mortal life she can’t remember. 
She’s part of the first handful of successful Arrancar, and served under Dordoni Alessandro del Sacchio when has was an Espada. She found her feet among this new species with him, and developed her mantra in these early years.
“This life is too long to take too seriously.”
This is when she meets and befriends Rui Nobeara, who hangs out with Cirucci. 
She thinks of Dordoni as a father figure (as close as she can get) and inherited her sense of drama and comedy from him. She’s always been a troublemaker, but thank goodness Dordoni just raised her to be goofy. 
Has served as his sound effects, back-up vocals, and wingman several times.
As newer, more powerful, more violent Arrancar were made and Dordoni and the other Privaron were demoted, Criessa lays low to avoid any backlash that she and her mentor might rouse. 
If Dordoni ever reclaims his place among the current Espada, Criessa has promised to be his fraccion. He (loudly) encourages her to join him as an Espada when they day comes.
Despite no longer being his Fraccion, Criessa and Dordoni remain close confidants, and will be there for each other if and when Aizen falls.
She respects his advice and will go to find with really difficult personal decisions. 
Despite how much he cares for her, Dordoni insists she fight her own battles. But he’s always right there! As intimidating back up and the world’s loudest cheerleader!
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arrancarwrites · 7 years
A New Start: Ambassadors of our Species! Part 2
AKA: Criessa You Dummy, Do You Know How to NOT Make Enemies!?
(( after binge-reading the last 200 or so chapters of Bleach, I’m trying to do this at least somewhat chronologically. Bare with me a few installments longer so we can get into the fun stuff! This one’s long I’m sorry( ;´Д` ))
“Who’s she talking to? Head-Captain is in his quarters like always.” Criessa’s ears twitched and she froze, chest puffed out. What did they say? She jerked back around to the man she’d ASSUMED was in charge. The dumb smile on Kyoraku’s face meant he could see the hesitation in hers. Sweat dripped down her cheek. The girl beside him was giving her an awfully disappointed look; Criessa could appreciate the pity. Obviously, she grit her teeth and forced a feeble smile, they know what’s going on….
Criessa spent too much time picking her intro music and forgot to actually find out who everyone was!!!
“Obviously she knows the Captain can hear her! Don’t underestimate someone who snuck in so easily!” Another sweet Soul Reaper underling! Oh yeah, good save! Shunsui winked at her, and she gave him a thankful look. Back in action, she pointed her finger up at Kyoraku and yelled, loudly enough to maybe save some face.
“That’s right! Take me to your leader!”
“Wow you really weren’t prepared in the right ways, were you?” The lieutenant deadpanned, but Shunsui, charmer that he is, stepped in and offered her his arm. Somewhere in the crowd, someone asked someone else what she’d just referenced.
Criessa blanked, staring down at the hairy appendage offered.
“Alright then, Ms. Monserra, let’s relay this very important information to the Head-Captain.”
“Uhh, thanks. I’d prefer not to take your arm though, but the sentiment is nice.” He nodded and brought a hand to his chest, as if hurt; she kept on explaining herself before he could interrupt, “Honestly! It reminds me of the movies and plays I’ve read! Like Prince Charming!” She beamed, bouncing along while he escorted her.
He blinked. “Oh well that’s a heck of a compliment! Excuse my forwardness, again,” He smiled and held his palms up toward her, “Goodness, it seems I’m being a really rude host today! I’m not usually so mean!” He chuckled, “But how do you know about that?”
Criessa watched him carefully. He certainly was a charming guy -not her type, but still.
She raised an eyebrow, “Human things?” Kyoraku nodded and gestured for them to turn down a pathway. “I’ve always liked Human things; they’re colorful and fun. I like games, and Humans have good senses of humor. Entering their world isn’t as comfortable as here, but that’s where I’ve been hiding since Ichigo Kurosaki defeated Aizen.”
The First Division headquarters came into view, stretching up into the sky. Criessa paused at the bottom of the steps. Kyoraku put a hand on her shoulder and hid his smile underneath his hat, hand up to his mouth to stage-whisper. “Nanao and I will keep your secret about not knowing who we were.”
Criessa’s spiritual pressure bristled with her embarrassment. The red-head’s shoulders dropped and she buried her face in her hands. “Oh yeah, way to remind me how silly that was!” She peeked through her fingers towards Nanao, “You’re right I wasn’t really prepared for this.” She fluffed her hand through her hair, and shrugged, “I really just spent WAY too much time deciding on whether or not I wanted to use Welcome To The Jungle or not, I forgot to do any better observations! Well… I guess it won’t hurt, since you’re already keeping one dumb secret for me, I’ll admit it: I’m not anything close to an authority for my species, I sort of barrelled in here half-cocked, but it’s getting bad back home, and it’s not even safe for me to look for the people I’ve lost.”
A white-haired man met them, appearing a few feet away. She met his eyes as she finished her confession.
“I’m worried this is more than we can handle…”
To say that the real Head-Captain was upset by her presence would be an understatement. Some lingering primal part of Criessa’s brain was screaming how much she really shouldn’t be here, standing before Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto. She took a deep breath and straightened up. No worse than Aizen ever was. She furrowed her brows, eyes still closed. Man, this life after he was captured was making her soft -she never bothered with fear before, what was wrong now?
Olive eyes and freckles. A sweet smile. Blonde hair falling in her face. A warm body underneath hers. Pretty blue eyes.
Oh yeah.
“Arrancar.” Yamamoto’s voice boomed in the silence of the room around them. No one who had remained; Kyoraku, Nanao, or Sasakibe, who was apparently the first division lieutenant, hadn’t so much as breathed loudly since introducing her as, ‘the Arrancar who broke into the Soul Society’. She looked up to meet his gaze. “What is your name?”
“Criessa Monserra. An unranked Arrancar with no affiliations.”
“So be it. Why have you invaded our Courtyards? I want to hear about this nonsense in Heuco Mundo.” The old man never budged from his place, hands firmly on the top of his cane.
“Yes,” She nodded quickly, “Men calling themselves Quincies have arrived and abducted many weaker Arrancars. Anyone left will put up a fight, but Las Noches is carefully monitored. The Espada were our strongest, most reasonable soldiers,” She opened herself to him and frowned, “without them, against an organized force, Hueco Mundo can fall.”
“How am I to believe you know all this, when you say you’ve been hiding in the Human World?”
Criessa brought her hands forward to fiddle, shoving her fingernails underneath each other. “I’ve risked a few trips, long enough to see some old comrades fighting, and see their forces in formation. My last trip… I barely outran them, and have been avoiding detection since. This is my last idea before I risk going back for a blaze of glory.” She curled her hands into fists at her sides. “Honestly,” a smirk, “after Aizen, I’m not stupid enough to side with a losing team. I don’t think joining the Soul Society is a bad future-plan.”
Yamamoto pealed an eye open for her. She supposed it should be a sign he’s taking her seriously.
“You are a Hollow. Our enemy. I could never trust you to join us, who’s mission it is to save Humans, when you are, at your core, the creature that devours them.” She felt anger bubbling hot up her spine. How dare he! “If there really is an organization invading the house of our enemies why should the Soul Society interfere? The Quncies have been dead for 100 years. Whoever this is killing you Arrancar, I should just wait until they’ve finished.”
How DARE he!! The young girl, standing before this pillar of power in their worlds, no more than a  match held to the Sun. But she burned all the same at his dismissal. She grit her teeth, baring her lower fangs.
“Don’t be a fool!” The tension rippled over her, from every corner of the room, “I’m sure you heard what I said earlier! And I’m an Arrancar; I haven’t eaten a Human soul in years.” She shook her head, trying to temper the fire in her chest. “And it would be a foolish decision indeed to ignore the army at your gates! Quincies or not, they’re amassing something!” The Head-captain, now thoroughly irritated, smacked the bottom of his cane on the floor.
Fuming, Criessa ignored his demand for silence. She was really starting to remind herself of Grimmjow.
“I’ve seen your Soul Reapers, Head-Captain! I know the caliper at which you operate! The standards you have set! I never expected you to believe me on my word, but I am powerless here! Check my information! Send me to your scientists! I’m an endangered species, and I doubt you’ll find another Arrancar to walk into your halls asking for permission to join. I thought you’d be able to see the value in that.” She dropped to one knee, and tossed her weapon onto the floor at her own foot.
Again, katanas aimed at her throat.
“I’m not going to be a part of whatever those idiots in white are doing, I won’t die like a dog! I came to you with good will! I’m ready to make this place my new path, but if you’re going to be stubborn about this just because of what I used to be, I was mistaken.”
Fire in her eyes, steam blowing out with her breath, Criessa stared into the awful eyes of her Juge and Jury.
“Lock her up.”
The darkness made time flow differently, but it wasn’t long enough until the door to her chamber slid open, and instead of Kurotsuchi coming to test more of her anatomy, his girl, Nemu, invited Criessa back into the light of day. She was being released far too early… Something must have finally happened.
“It seems you were telling the truth about the Quincy forces before.” Kurotsuchi bustled around, collecting and typing and moving things, talking over his shoulder to his former captive. One of his lackeys bumped into her, she apologized as she kept running, barely keeping the papers and little tubes in her hands as she dodged. The Captain was still blabbering, “I confess even I assumed you were crazed… or just stupid.” Criessa rolled her shoulders and shrugged. “I was excited to have a new test subject all to myself.” She swore his shoulders fell.
“I could see why. This was always a slim chance.”
“It’s interesting that you would even risk your existence for such a trivial matter. I don’t recall Arrancar being particularly hospitable.” He moved toward the exit, Criessa and Nemu in his coattails. He glanced over his shoulder with a wicked, knowing look in his eye. “Though, you did have quite the motive: Joining the Soul Society, as an Arrancar. Too bad you weren’t very convincing -yelling like that.”
“I don’t know what response you’re trying to pry out of me, Kurotsuchi. My morals align best here.”
“Interesting. What exactly do you define as moral?”
“That’s getting a bit too deep into my personal life, but why we fight is a big deal for Arrancar. We get in arguments about Ethics a lot. Some, who call themselves evolved, think that fighting should have a good, logical reason, like duty, honor, or information gathering. Maybe they’re right. Some just have that itch to do it. It’s instinctual -we’ve been clawing our ways to the top since we died in the first place.”
Criessa shrugged, blinking as they stepped out into the sunlight. She smiled. “I tend to fight for fun.” The odd, bulbous man watched her carefully as they came to a stop. “I know, I know, it sounds barbaric, but it’s not like that. Fun, like games. I don’t want to win, I want to play. I’m no good at laying waste anyway, so I stay out of the way.”
“Captain Kyoraku will be around soon to pick you up. I believe I have enough time for another question.” He turned to her, golden eyes bulging out of their facepaint. Briefly, Criessa struggled to pick one to stare at. “Obviously you don’t keep your head down as much as you say -since you’re here. What are your true motivations?”
The Arrancar kept staring into the left eye of this weirdo captain they’d given her to. Criessa loathed to think of actually hanging her head -she’d never cowered in front of anyone.The birds sang, the insects screamed, and she refused to say anything until her escort was visible on the horizon. But he didn’t need to know that. She leveled her gaze and started walking towards the Lieutenant. She snorted.
“No need in making him walk so far.” Pointedly without looking back, she finally answered Kurotsuchi. “Personal gain, Captain, same as yours.”
Trailing the coattails of the captain down the hall toward what felt like a big, intimidating meeting, Criessa giggled. Kyoraku glanced over her shoulder, eyebrows raised. She waved him off and rolled her shoulders back.
“I don’t do well under pressure, haha.” She shrugged. “Nervous laughter.”
Oooh, all the captains were gathered when she finally got to step in. They all looked pretty frumpy and serious. No fun. She frowned to herself.
“Head-Captain.” Her focus snapped back to the immediate situation when the pink kimono in front of her moved to his own designated spot, and she stood in front of the old man again. He didn’t say anything to her, and the atmosphere was stifling. Criessa let out a sigh and played with the back of her hair.
“It would be INSANELY rude to say ‘I told you so’ but all things considered, Head-Captain…” She dropped her arms by her sides and blatantly ignored the guffawing at her insolence; staring, unflinching, daring the man in front of her to ignore her advice again. Hadn’t he already lost his lieutenant?
“I will take that and we will consider the apology I owe you null, Criessa Monserra.”
She broke out into a beaming, toothy smile. “Yes sir.”
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arrancarwrites · 7 years
What Happens in Las Noches (part 3)
Two arrancar (OCs) live through the shenanigans that happen in Las Noches while creating some of their own. A mini series with radom appearances of other arrancar/espada. Rui is mine, Criessa belongs to @randomhatthief
“Is there a reason the two of you are hiding under my bed?” Rui sat on the floor and stared under her bed where Criessa and Yylfordt had taken residence. She just wanted to try and sleep but it turns out fate had different plans for her today. “Wait…does this have something to do with you drugging Ulquiorra?”
“Yep! So it turns out, he knows we were behind it. He’s pissed, so we’re going to be hiding until he gets over it.” Criessa poked her head from underneath and rested on her stomach. 
Yylfordt followed shortly. “My bro snitched when Ulquiorra interrogated him. He figured Szayel had something to do with the drugging.” He shrugged as Rui face-palmed. She wasn’t too surprised Szayel didn’t hesitate to sell out his brother in order to not deal with the Fourth Espada.
“Why in my room though? Go hide behind Grimmjow!”
“Aw, admit it girl, you like having a guy like me in your room.” Yylfordt wiggled his eyebrows making Rui just stare at him blankly. Usually yes, statements like that flustered her, but she really was not in the mood. Criessa snickered and laid her head in her palm.
“I’d sooner let Charlotte give me beauty tips.” He squawked at this making the other girl in the room starting laughing at his face. “Alright, you two can stay I guess.” Rui just got done playing a two hour game of tag with Lilynette (that may or may not have destroyed a wall, that girl takes it too seriously) and was depleted of energy. She just grabbed a book though as she didn’t feel comfortable sleeping with Yylfordt in the room since she barely knew him.
“Speaking of which, Charlotte was going on one of his beauty rants yesterday. I swear, he should do what the humans call a beauty guru if it will get him to shut up.” Criessa grumbled before her and Yylfordt got into a game of arm wrestling. Yylfordt cringed at that and Rui just hummed in response.
A knock at the door made everyone alert and Rui got up to answer it. The two went back into hiding as the quiet woman cracked it open. “Oh, hello Ulquiorra, how may I help you?” The two hiding flinched and had the feeling of oh shit pass though them.
His face was stoic as always but there was a layer of irritation under it. Oh yeah, he wasn’t a happy camper. “Rui Nobeara. I understand Criessa Monserra occasionally can be seen with you. I also understand she is frequently seen with Grimmjow and his Fraccion, which leads me to believe she has company with Yylfordt Granz. I would like to know if you had seen her and Yylfordt Granz recently.” He asked though it really was more of a demand.
“N-no I haven’t.” She gave a polite but shy smile and gripped the doorknob nervously. His gaze could really be intimidating. “Is everything okay? If you need help finding them-”
“That won’t be necessary.” He turned to leave before pausing shortly. “Oh, and Gin Ichimaru requires your presence.”
“What for?” Oh no, if that fox-like man wanted to see her then that couldn’t be good.
“He neglected to tell me. If you find Criessa Monserra and Yylfordt Granz, inform me of their location.” he said with icy irritation towards the two before leaving. An awkward silence fell over the room before Yylfordt groaned loudly. Criessa crawled out and dragged him out before staring up at the ceiling.
“We’re so screwed, dude we’re going to die by Ulquiorra’s hand.” She then grinned. “Not that I regret drugging him though. I would do it again and again!”
“Criessa!” Rui cried out before burying her face in her hands. Yylfordt only snickered.
“Nah, we’re fine. He won’t kill us-”
“No, he’ll just maim you!”
“Aw, Rui I knew you cared!” Criessa swept the slightly smaller girl into her arms and spun her around, making her squeak. She kicked her legs around and squirmed, flustered with the attention. Laughing, Criessa eventually set her down. “We’ll go bother Grimmjow now. He’ll never pass up the opportunity to screw with Ulquiorra after we tell him what happened. By the way, thanks for hiding us.” she smiled and slapped Rui’s back in a friendly manner before moving to the door.
Yylfordt went to follow before stopping to ruffle Rui’s hair. “Yeah, same. You’re not too bad.” He smirked and even winked before following Criessa out of the room. Even more flustered than before, Rui turned and collapsed face first onto her bed. After several minutes of just contemplating her life decisions, she reluctantly left the comfort of her bed and room.
Well, time to see what Gin Ichimaru wants.
Grimmjow’s almost maniacal laughter was the only thing that could be heard for miles. “You fucking drugged him? Ulquiorra, the guy who has a stick up his ass, was stoned?” He even had to wipe away a tear at just the thought.
Criessa and Yyfordt stood smugly as they relayed everything that happened. Di Roy was cracking up from the side though Shawlong seemed to look disappointed as he shook his head. “Yeah, he kept picking up random objects because they were pretty.” Criessa grinned remembering it. She pulled out several photos she had taken of him and gave them to Grimmjow.
Di Roy scurried over to get a look as did Edorad out of curiosity. Nakeem and Shawlong stayed where they were. The Sexta Espada snorted at the dazed and almost childish look on Ulquiorra’s face in the pictures. He definitely had blackmail material and was so going to rub this in the emotionless man’s face.
“Yeah, but now the bro is out to kill us.” Yyfordt shrugged before pausing, as if he just remembered something. He got a odd glint in his eye as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a vile. “…I still have some.” Grimmjow reached and quickly snagged the vile. He brought it close to his face to examine it before a sinister grin formed on his face.
“You know…Ulquiorra is a pain in the ass with how uptight he is. I think he needs more of this.”
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arrancarwrites · 7 years
What Happens in Las Noches pt 2
Two arrancar (OCs) live through the shenanigans that happen in Las Noches while creating some of their own. A mini series with random appearances of other arrrancar/espada. Rui is mine, Criessa belong to @randomhatthief
Rui, for probably the third time that night, stared up at the ceiling of her small room. Her legs were loosely tangled in the sheets and her hands were resting on her stomach. Every time she would try to sleep, her eyes would be closed for only a few hours at most before waking up again. She was so used to only sleeping for short bursts due to the hostile environment of Hueco Mundo. It seemed to have followed her, even if she was no longer an Adjuchas.
No matter how peaceful she tried to be, or how she kept herself under the radar, she could never truly rest in peace. Her guard was always up and ready to defend herself. It was a good thing she supposed, but the desire to be able to actually sleep was too strong. With a drawn out sigh, she rubbed her eyes before getting up. If she couldn’t sleep, she may as make use of the extra time. She pulled on her shoes rather quickly and grabbed her sword before making her way out the door.
She was always so quiet in her movements, so observing the few who were awake wasn’t too difficult. She had a good psychological evaluation of a lot of the residents in Las Noches. It may seem useless to some but anything that could satisfy her curiosity and help her in a fight was useful to her. 
When not doing his daily rounds, Ulquiorra could be found drinking tea and/or reading. She never got close enough to see what he read though. Shame, she enjoyed a good novel every now and then too. Harribel usually kept an eye on her bickering Fraccion but as a fellow girl, Rui tried to not eavesdrop on her private time. Nnoitra had a habit of walking around dragging his ludicrously large weapon as if looking for a worthy opponent. Tesla followed dutifully as always. For reasons, she kept away from Nnoitra. Szayel was doing god knows what in his lab, and Rui had no plans to find out what. She already had trouble sleeping as it is.
She was just about to check to see what Barragan’s Fraccion were up to when she felt a presence not too far away from her. “Hey! What are you doing?” The voice of a young girl made her turn around. Imagine her surprise seeing Lilynette Gingerbuck, hands on her hips and leaning forward slightly. Her eyes were narrowed as if she was trying to decipher the woman. 
Rui bowed her head politely though nervous. “I’m...just going on a walk.” Not a lot of people would understand her if she said she was making her daily rounds of observing people. They would loop her in with Szayel or Nnoitra. She didn’t do it for malicious reasons, she was genuinely curious of others. She rather not draw attention to herself either, she rather liked her ability to blend in and not be seen.
“Sure you are. I only caught you on the roof watching Grimmjow and his Fraccion the other day.” Lilynette said, checking her nails as if inspecting them for dirt. She then looked up. “So what’s the deal with that? You got a closet crush or something?” Lilynette was obviously bored, and decided that for today terrorizing Starrk out of sleep wouldn’t keep her entertained enough.
Rui actually cringed at that. “No, god no. I do not have a...thing for them.” Lilynette snickered. “I was just...curious.”
“Whatever you say. I’m bored, so entertain me.” Rui’s eyes widened briefly in surprise but she relaxed. It didn’t seem like she was trying to antagonize her. 
“Tag?” She figured that would be a game she’d like. The girl didn’t even answer, she just settled for lunging at Rui. 
Eventually after a game of tag (that may or may not have destroyed a wall or two), the two were on the floor sprawled out tiredly. Lilynette had seemingly an endless store of energy while Rui’s agility made it hard for the girl to land a blow on her. If anything, it had been an eventful game. “Can we do this again tomorrow?” Lilynette asked, excited with the prospect of having someone who would be willing to play with her. Rui gave a small soft smile.
The two had gotten up and headed to the kitchen, since Lilynette decided she wanted to raid it for sweets. It was a rather nice moment...until they actually walked inside the kitchen to see Criessa and Yylfordt dying of laughter. It was confusing until their eyes went to Ulquiorra, who appeared to be in some sort of daze. It was so weird to see the normally emotionless man staring wide-eyed around the room as if he was seeing things. “What, what are these colors?” he whispered in awe. His facial expression was child-like and there was wonder in his usually stoic eyes.
Rui’s jaw dropped. “YOU ACTUALLY DID IT? OH MY GOD DO YOU WANT TO DIE?” she panicked, gripping the sides of her head. Lilynette soon joined in on the laughter, ignoring the normally quiet woman having a freak out. “I can’t believe you actually drugged Ulquiorra!”
“Ru-Ru, calm down. He’s fine, Szayel said he wouldn’t remember a thing.” Criessa calmed down still grinning. “We just slipped it into his tea, it’s not like he’ll automatically suspect us anyways.” She waved her hand before giving a high five to Yylfordt. “Props to your brother for actually agreeing to this.” Well, Szayel wouldn’t pass up the chance to screw with Ulquiorra. Whether for his own sadistic purposes or for research, no one knew or wanted to know.
Rui just stared...and stared...and then proceeded to bury her face into her hands in defeat.
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arrancarwrites · 7 years
What happens in Las Noches...(part 1)
Two arrancar (OCs) live through the shenanigans that happen in Las Noches while creating some of their own. A mini series with random guest appearances of canon arrancar/espada! Rui is mine, Criessa is @randomhatthief
“What’s this? Rui Nobeara actually left her room to risk...socialization?”
Criessa gasped, walking into the kitchen of Las Noches. Rui sighed from her spot at a table, setting down the novel she was engrossed in along with the still warm cup of tea. A corner of her lips though quirked upwards in a small smile though as she looked at one of her few friends. “Very funny Cress. I do leave my room you know, you just don’t see me.”
The red-head grinned as she slid into the seat across from Rui. “Oh, I know. You have your stalking habits.” She teased before stealing her fellow she-bear’s cup of untouched tea. Seeing her face, she laughed. “Just joking. But I keep hearing from some of Grimm’s fraccion that there’s a girl watching everybody but she runs off before they can get a good look at her.” Criessa didn’t need evidence to know it was Rui and even flashed a mischievous wink.
The latter flushed with embarrassment and her hands unconsciously began to wring. “I-I’m not good with social interaction, and it’s not stalking! I just like...people wa-watching.” She then looked up with a amused smile of her own though. “Grimm? I didn’t realize you were on such good terms with the Sexta.” Of course she knew, if she was a malevolent being she would have mounds of blackmail to use against others.
Criessa’s eyes narrowed. “Shush you. He’s fun to wrestle with and he ain’t a creep. I don’t like people who have sticks up their asses.” Rui’s amused smile didn’t leave her face but she closed her book, sliding it across the table to her friend. “Oh, you’re actually reading it.” She recognized it as one of her own, it being a horror mystery story with a twisted monster as the protagonist.
Rui nodded. “It’s quite pleasant to read. I like the author’s way with words.” While they were both different in personality, the two females both enjoyed reading good quality novels. Criessa often commented they were different subspecies of bears but Rui was just glad for non-violent company. “Oh, did you hear that Szayel is working on a new experiment?”
“Since when is that whack job ever not working on something new?”
“Criessa. Apparently he’s making more...edible subordinates but with different effects when he eats them.” Rui shivered.
“Wait, are you serious? I know there was a rumor he was a cannibal but shit, I didn’t think he actually ate-”
“Yo, what’s going on in here?” Yylfordt walked into the kitchen and paused seeing the two. “Sup Criessa and...I don’t know your name. Wait, you kind of look familiar...” He squinted at the quieter woman as if trying to remember where he had seen her before.
Rui gave a half smile and shy wave. “We haven’t met. I’m Rui.” She side-glanced Criessa who got the message saying before he remembers, cut in before I get interrogated and leaned forward in her seat.
“We’re just having a chat about the Espada. You know, girl talk.” she mocked slightly, giving a relaxed laugh seeing Yylfordt chuckle as he pulled up a chair.
“Girls and your gossip. Alright let me in, I’m bored.” Criessa gave another grin as she promptly dragged him into a conversation where the three gave their opinions on the Espada. Rui kept the attention mostly off her with the conversation and hoped all of a sudden the male wouldn’t remember her as the arrancar occasionally watching everybody spar. She rather not endure anymore teasing.
“Yammy?” (Rui) “Ugh, he’s annoying.” (Yylfordt) “He’s fun to mess with though.” (Criessa) “Criessa.” “Calm down Rui, I know when to quit before he bashes my head in. Or at least when he tries to...” “Ulquiorra?” “Oh, he’s not so bad.” “Ru, you’re too nice. He’s frustrating.” “Agreed, bro needs to take a chill pill. Maybe my bro can drug him?” “Oh my god, I would pay to see Ulquiorra stoned!” “That is not a good idea!”
Criessa and Yylfordt seemed to be infatuated with the idea of the emotionless Espada drugged and looked as if they were making plans to even execute the idea. No doubt if they told Grimmjow, he’d be in on the plan too. Rui’s face pretty much showed her opinion. She rather not piss off the fourth strongest, and it’s not like she had anything against him. “Okay okay, calm down Rui.” Criessa snickered seeing her face and leaned back into her chair. “Let’s move on.” her and Yylfordt shared a glance knowing the two of them weren’t going to forget this. “Harribel?” she offered.
“She’s hot, but kind of scary.” “She is the third...”
Criessa nodded at the both of them before laying her head on the palm of her hand. “...Starrk?”
“I mean he’s cool, but kind of lame to be honest bro. All he does is sleep.” Yylfordt shrugged. The only Espada he really cared about was Grimmjow. Rui’s eyes seemed to flash for a second as she sat up a bit in the chair and started to smile warmly.
“It’s kind of admirable to be able to sleep so much and still be strong like he is. From what I’ve seen though he’s pretty laid back and calm and-what?” Rui asked seeing the weird look exchanged between the both of them. Then Criessa started to giggle uncontrollably. “What?!” Rui demanded, feeling her ears turn red. Yylfordt had to lean on the table laughing as well.
“Holy shit girl, you got a thing for him!” He replied first as Criessa kept cracking up holding her stomach. Rui’s cheeks started to burn as she stared wide-eyed.
“I d-do not!” she protested, shrinking into her chair a little bit.
“Rui’s got a crush! Rui’s got a crush!” 
At this point, the shy woman grabbed the book still on the table and got up. She used a sonido to get out of the room leaving the laughing duo behind. “Oh, she’s going to kill me later.” Criessa wiped a tear away before crossing her arms at her male friend. A silence fell as they collected themselves again, the both of them still having grins on their faces. Yylfordt turned to her and raised a eyebrow.
“So...you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Oh yes.” A cackle left her as they both made plots that would certainly make life in Las Noches...certainly more interesting.
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arrancarwrites · 7 years
For @randomhatthief!
A oneshot of @randomhatthief oc Criessa Monserra. I’m excited to write for her, especially after that beautiful drawing of Rui. I linked the bio in her name, so please check her out when you have the chance!
She strode into her room, a happy grin upon her face and a somewhat heavy sack clutched in her hand. After she kicked her door close, she headed over to her bed. She then proceeded to dump the knick-knacks she gathered from her brief visit to the human world. Sparkling pieces of jewelry and glittering gemstones made a small pool on her bedspread. She picked through some, holding a few up to get a closer inspection of it.
Criessa absolutely loathed how bland everything was in Las Noches, or just Hueco Mundo in general. Everything was white or black from the buildings to the damn uniforms. Maybe it was supposed to be symbolic, like the world was lifeless so the inhabitants were supposed to be the spots of color and life. Eh she thought with a shrug. Her room was definitely not void of detail. With her trips to the human world, she grabbed things that stood out to her. Her bedspread and sheets were her favorite color. There were things hanging from the walls and ceiling to make her room more lively.
Shelves with miscellaneous items like little figurines she found herself liking lined the walls too, and anything else she wanted on display. Criessa found herself collecting a little bit of everything. It didn’t matter what, as long as it interested her and wasn’t so void of detail she wanted to claw her eyes out.
Seeing a gemstone she liked in particular, she plucked it from the pile and set it aside. She always did like to spruce up the hilt of her sword. Before she could go about putting everything away, her door opened abruptly. Her eyes flickered towards the door and raised a brow in amusement seeing a head with bright blue hair. “Sup Grimmjow?” she asked casually.
“Where the hell were you? Gathering shit like you’re going into hibernation or something?” he said, hands in his pockets as he walked in as if he owned the place.
“Aw, did you miss me?” she teased before laughing. While Criessa was definitely a people person, her blunt and overall laid back persona made it easy for many to communicate with her. Particularly Grimmjow, who always hated people with ‘poles up their asses’ and who ‘can’t take a fucking joke’. “I was bored, decided to yes, hoard shit like I’m going into hibernation.” She gave a broad grin before shoving her collectibles off to the side. “What’s up?” she punched his arm before plopping onto her bed.
The hit on his arm didn’t even phase him as he walked in front of her. “I’m bored. Entertain me.” His statement made her snicker as she brought up her fists and cracked them as well as her neck. A few dull pops sounded as she also rolled her shoulders. She flashed one more signature grin, showing her sharp lower canines. She then lunged at him, ready to begin one hell of a wrestling match.
Interacting with others was fun. While of course she never let her guard down, this was Hueco Mundo after all, Criessa liked socializing. It was hard to find those she didn’t get along with unless it was Szayel. He freaked her out a little too much for her tastes especially with all the bugs and cameras around the damn place. Grimmjow, though having a tendency to be a douche, was fun to hang around. He wasn’t afraid to be blunt and that was refreshing. 
After their little wrestling match, she hung around him and his group of Fraccion (if she wasn’t around them, she was around the Tres Bestias) casually before eventually going off on her own. She did of course enjoy her moments of being alone, what girl doesn’t? Stretching out in her room with a new book she also collected from the human world, she briefly eyed all of her new and old treasures and smiled in content.
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randomhatthief · 7 years
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@arrancarwrites made my OC Criessa an aesthetic and was sweet enough to let me post it! I’ve never been so happy it’s so perfect!! This is so inspiring it makes me want to work on her more! 
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