#crimes of passion: the proposal
jerzwriter · 4 months
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This is part two of my rewrite of Chapter 1 of Crimes of Passion: The Proposal. This story is not part of my headcanon, but I couldn't let PB's version stand. Part 1 can be found here! And this is a wrap! 🌹
Book: Crimes of Passion: The Proposal Pairing: M!Trystan Thorne x Carolina Rose (F!MC) Characters: Marguerite Thorne, Ruby Webster, Luke Watanabe Words: 2,400 Rating: Teen Summary: Trystan is eager to share his news and gets a lesson. Meanwhile, Carolina tries to come up with answers before their day is through. A/N: Participating in @choicesmaychallenge24 - prompt - "who's a good puppy?"
Part One Crimes of Passion Masterlist Complete Masterlist
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Marguerie entered her office, delighted to see her big brother seated behind her desk, even if his feet were propped comfortably atop it.
“Trystan,” she grinned. “It’s always lovely to see you, but if you want that seat... you have to earn it!”
“I was just keeping it warm for you,” he winked, standing to pull the chair back so Marguerite could take her rightful place.
“What brings you here so early? After the flight back to New York, I thought you’d sleep until at least noon!”
“I could say the same for you.”
“True,” she replied, shuffling through her mail. “But I have a business to run. What’s your excuse.”
“I have a sister that to distract from running said business.”
Without further warning, Trystan leaned across the desk, extending his arm so the blue box that instantly gave his secret away rested just inches from his shocked sister’s eyes. Covering her gaping mouth, Marguerite’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. 
“Is that? Is... is that?” 
“Do you approve?” He beamed.
“Of the ring or the woman?”
“The ring, of course! I know you approve of the woman!”
“Yes... YES!” She shouted, quickly circling her desk to embrace him. “This is wonderful news!"
She grabbed the ring out of his hand to further inspect it, and she was pleased. Her smile grew by the second as she took it in.
“It’s beautiful! But I had no idea you two were discussing marriage yet!”
“Well, we haven’t... discussed it... that is.”
Marguerite shut the box so fast the gentle thud could be heard across the empty room. Placing the ring in Trystan’s pocket, she made sure to slap his arm when she was done.
 “Trystan! You bought an engagement ring without even discussing it with Carolina!”
“Yes... I want it to be special, and... discussing it isn’t terribly romantic now, is it?”
“Not necessarily, but,” she sighed, motioning for him to join her on a nearby settee. “Look... in Drakovia, particularly in our circles, people tend to become betrothed quickly. But it’s not like that here. Couples usually date at least a couple of years first.”
“A couple of years!” He blurted.
“Yes, and that’s not very long to get to know someone when you're planning something that you want to last for the rest of your life. Don’t you agree?”
“I suppose,” he faltered. “And Carolina doesn’t strike me as the type of woman who has had a secret Pinterest wedding board she’s just waiting to make public.”
“Big brother... Carolina doesn’t know what Pinterest is.”
Mags lovingly caressed her Trystan's back as he deflated before her.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You two have been through so much in such a short time. It's amazing that you're where you are! Just take time to enjoy each other and your love in relative peace. Carolina's not going anywhere.”
But when his head flung up, his face drawn, eyes bearing mirroring the scars of all he had lost before, Marguerite was painfully aware that Trystan’s motivation ran much deeper than she initially believed.  His voice was broken, barely a whisper when he replied.
“But what if... what if she does?”
“Oh, Trystan!" Marguerite consoled. "My dear brother! I’m so sorry I didn’t see. Of course you’re frightened. You've already lost so much, including the woman you once loved.”
“I can’t do that again, Mags.”
“I understand, and hopefully, you’ll never will. But if becoming engaged was a panacea that could prevent that, well...” She took a deep breath and turned his chin her way. “As painful as it is to admit, you’re right... no day is promised to anyone... but that’s not a reason to get engaged.”
“That’s not why I want to get engaged!” He answered defiantly. “I want to marry Carolina; I want to spend the rest of my life with her... I just don’t want someone, or something, to rob us of the chance to do so before we get the chance.”
Falling back against the settee, he slipped the ring into his pocket. “I feel so foolish.”
“You have nothing to feel foolish about!”
“I do. I have this ridiculously romantic day planned and everything. The proposal was going to be my grand finale.”
“Well, you don’t need an engagement to enjoy a romantic day!”
“You don’t,” he teased.
“Oh, Trystan,” Marguerite smirked. “You really do need to acquaint yourself more with American traditions. There is this thing called courting. I suggest you look into it.”
Trystan pulled away with feigned indignation. “I’m familiar with courting....” he mocked.
“American courting! Not our macabre Drakovian methods.”
“I’m acquainted with American culture, too! I’m practically a native New Yorker by now!”  
“Really?” Marguerite chuckled, glancing at his feet. “Those horrible cowboy boots tell me otherwise. Just... go talk to Carolina, I promise you. You’ll feel better.”
Grabbing his sister's nose between his two fingers, just like when they were children, he smiled. “You're right.”
“Of course I am,” she chuckled, pushing his hand away. Then offered one more reassuring hug before he left.
“I love you, Trystan.”
“I love you, too, Mags!”
“Call me later... I’m dying to see how everything goes!”
Trystan had carefully planned his arrival at the Drunk Tank for the late afternoon. This way, Tommy would be bound to be busy, and small talk could be easily avoided. Normally, he enjoyed chatting with Carolina's uncle, but today, he felt a sense of urgency to make things right... even if Carolina had no idea they may have been wrong.
When he flung the door to her room open, he was surprised to see her cuddled up on the couch beside an adorable cocoa-colored fluffball who looked every bit as happy to be at Carolina's side as he was.
“That’s new,” Trystan smiled, pointing at Carolina’s canine companion.
“This my latest solved mystery,” she beamed. “And my cutest one, to boot!”
“You found her so soon?” he asked, taking the seat beside her.
“Don’t sound so shocked!” She replied, nudging his shoulder. “I’m good at what I do! And dognappers? Nuh-uh. Not on my watch!”
“That’s my girl,” Trystan cooed while the overjoyed poodle relished the tummy rub he offered. "Who's a good little puppy? You are!"
“Now, are you proud of me or little Coco here?”
Gazing at his Carolina with an impish grin, Trystan gently placed the Coco on the plush rug at their feet.
“You,” he insisted, sealing his proclamation with a kiss. "Always you.”
“Good,” Carolina smiled. “Then, after Nina shows up to collect her pooch, maybe you can show me just how proud you are.”
Believing he'd like that idea, she was surprised to see him sit back with a sigh.
“You just use me for my body, don’t you Carolina?”
“Nah,” she giggled. “I use you for other things, too. So, is it a plan?”
This time, she received the reaction she had expected when Trystan beamed. “It’s a wonderful plan!"
She rested her head on his shoulder, and he lovingly wrapped an arm around her.  A comfortable silence filled the room, and little Coco, sleeping happily at their feet completed the scene of domestic bliss.
“Look at us,” he droned. “We’re like an old married couple, with our little dog and all!” 
He hadn’t planned to use those words, but while his intent was innocent, he didn't miss the way Carolina went still when the "m" word was mentioned. 
“Or... you know...” she laughed nervously. “Like a disgustingly happy couple in love in New York... with a borrowed dog sleeping at their feet.”
Carolina’s heart raced when she glanced up at him, but the calming look in his eyes quelled all her fears. Trystan knew the time was now.
“I know it’s early, and things are new between us, but I have always believed when you know, you know... and I wondered.... have you ever thought about us... one day... getting married?”
Carolina jolted into an upright position, turning toward her lover like a deer caught in the headlights. She wasn’t used to this sensation... nervous, unsure of what to say or do... a million thoughts filled her mind, and as many emotions flooded her heart. Her mouth went dry, which was just as well, since she couldn’t find the words she wanted to say anyway. Then Mafalda’s words echoed in her mind:
“I always say, if people in a relationship are honest and love each other, they’ll get through anything.”
She was right. Honesty was the only way to go, and if anyone could be trusted with her heart, it was the man sitting before her.  With a cleansing breath, she spoke with newfound clarity.
“I have... before I answer, you should know that marriage isn’t extremely important to me. I’ve never understood how a piece of paper changes anything. I know so many loving couples who are unmarried, and I’ve known plenty of married ones who are anything but.”
“True,” Trystan acquiesced. “I don’t think a piece of paper does anything, either. But there is something symbolic about standing before the people we love most and pledging ourselves to each other for eternity.  Promising to be there in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, and all of that.”
“I agree,” she jumped in. “And I’m not minimizing that. In fact, I have thought about us... getting married... at least a couple of times.”
“At least a couple?” He grinned, even as fear began to creep around the edges of Carolina's heart once more.
“I have,” she declared, raising her hand to tenderly caress his cheek. “I would love that to be in our future. But right now, I’m just enjoying what we have.  It’s new and wonderful and unlike anything I’ve experienced before. It’s precious to me, Trystan... and I want to let it grow and evolve organically. I’m looking forward to everything we can be in the future, but I want to enjoy the here and now as well.”
A knowing look crossed Trystan’s face, and he brushed a tendril behind Carolina’s ear before pulling her into a kiss. The kiss lingered, not because either feared the words that they'd have to speak next, but because Carolina was right. They needed to enjoy every precious moment they shared along their journey, and this one deserved its due.  When they reluctantly pulled away, they held each other close, relishing the warm embrace that felt like the universe melding their souls together.
The moment of tranquillity was perfection. Then Trystan whispered:
“You found the ring. Didn’t you?” 
Carolina jumped back, her eyes wide, and playfully slapped his arm before covering her face behind her hands.
“TRYSTAN!” She yelled.
Carolina may have been mortified, but Trystan was nothing but amused.
“It’s OK,” he laughed. “Really, it’s all right!"
“No, it’s not!” she countered. “You were planning on proposing to me... and I went and knocked the wind right out of your sails! Please, Trystan, you have to know how much I love you... and I absolutely want us to be forever...”
“I do know that,” he interrupted. “And we don’t need an engagement to believe that's true."
“So, you’re not mad?” She asked sheepishly.
“No.  Well, maybe a little... at myself... for planning to propose without discussing it with you first."
“You just wanted it to be a surprise,” she shrugged.
“That was my first foolish move. I’m in love with a brilliant detective! How did I expect to get anything past her?”
“Speaking of which... what the hell were you doing leaving that ring in the kitchen drawer. Please tell me you’ll put it in a vault for safekeeping.”
“That is an excellent idea.”
Coco began to fidget and happily jumped up on Carolina’s lap as the couple nuzzled closer together.
“You know, I’m glad you figured out that I knew,” Carolina stated.
“Why? Because it proves I’m becoming as good a detective as you?”
“What? Hell no! It was a lucky guess on your part. But... I don’t like having secrets from you. It was really eating at me. I’d much rather have this out in the open.”
“I like it better this way, too."
“But I want to know, why was it important for you to ask me now... it is a little soon.”
He paused for a moment, thoughtfully choosing his words.
"Quick engagements aren’t uncommon in my world... but beyond that... I know what I want, and I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life. I’ve been in love before and had it ripped away, and I...” his voice cracked as it trailed off.
“Oh, Trystan,” she replied. “I never stopped to think that....”
“Shhhh,” he interrupted. “We can’t let fear control our every move.”
“You’re right," Carolina agreed. "But is it important to you to have something to show the world we're together?"
“We... we don’t have to...”
“It’s OK if you do, Trystan. But engagement isn’t the only way to do it. Would you like to do something else as a sign of commitment?"
“Other than showing you off every chance I get?” he grinned. “I wouldn’t mind... do you have something in mind?”
“I just might," she grinned.
Three days later...
Ruby gazed at Carolina’s hand with the excitement of a child staring at a counter full of candy. She reached out but stopped just before touching her friend's wrist.
“Can I?" she asked. "Does it hurt?”
“You can,” Carolina nodded. “It hurt a bit at first, but it’s fine now.”
“See, that’s because you’re not Drakovian,” Trystan winked. “I felt no pain at all.”
But the loud whimper that escaped him when Luke promptly slapped Trystan’s left wrist told another story.
“OUCH!” He jumped to his friends' amusement.
“You were saying?” Carolina teased.
“They’re perfect!” Ruby beamed. “Rose and 'Thorne' tattoos... what a great idea.”
“On infinity symbols,” Trystan pointed out. “It was all Carolina’s idea.”
“Well! I love them!" Ruby approved. "Luke! Maybe we should get tattoos!” she declared as her boyfriend looked on in horror.
“Orrr... uh... we could... just... get engaged.”
“Do you seriously think that would be less painful?” Ruby asked.
Luke slid up next to his her and looped his arm around her waist. “How about I take you on a really nice date instead?”
“Make that a double date, and you’re on!”
Luke turned to Carolina and Trystan with pleading eyes. “Well, what do you say?”
“What do you say?” Carolina asked Trystan.
“It sounds delightful..." he replied. "As long as we’re not out too late. I want to get back home to my gorgeous girlfriend, after all.”
“Ah, she’s a lucky woman!” Carolina beamed.
“You know what... let’s just get tattoos,” Luke sighed. “It has to be less painful than watching them act like this all night."
“Too late!” Ruby grinned. “You already promised! Now, let’s go pooh-bear.”
“Oh, God," Luke groaned. "Do you see what you started?”
Trystan opened the door to allow his friends to pass through, shutting it slightly when it was Luke's turn.
“Just wait, my friend! The night is still young!” 
In case you're curious, this is what the tattoo would look like. Carolina's is on the side of her right wrist, and Trystan's is on the inside of his left.
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asexual-hugger · 4 months
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Crimes of Passion: The Proposal
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vivalgi · 5 months
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gaiuskamilah · 5 months
just played crimes: the proposal and maybe its just me not really giving a shit about trystan but idk what you guys are talking about. apart from some weird narration (like "appointment" instead of "apartment" etc) it seemed fine to me. from the reaction in the tags i was expecting an mc going "t-trystan >w< omg UWAAA I LOVE YOUUUUUU" at the proposal but they're freaking out and lowkey terrified and that seems in line with rose so far. so i have no idea what the complaints are about that isn't about typos or lack of proofreading
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choices-ceri · 5 months
Trystan's appointment...
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zhoumeyourlove · 5 months
so I’ve read through the first chapter of Crimes: The Proposal twice, and here are my thoughts:
First, let's start off with the...not so good.
Why did the narration say Trystan’s full government name every 2 seconds for the first half?? Trust me, I’m PAINFULLY aware that they’re a Thorne at this point, that was the whole point of book 2 💀
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Thankfully they cut it out once Rose left the apartment, but honestly, that's even more confusing. Did they just not proofread the first half???
This thing has so many typos it's looking like a chapter of My Immortal ☹️
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Bonus points for that second example also having an unnecessary surname!
Disappointed but not surprised that apparently there were gender mistakes where female Trystan was referred to as male (I don’t have this problem since I do the MLM route, but MLW and WLW solidarity!!)
IMO, it seems out of character for Rose to want to marry someone after only a few months?? Like yeah obviously they and Trystan have had experiences most couples haven't, but still, it's been less than half a year 💀
Speaking of out of character, some of the dialogue seemed a bit...off, for Rose. Honestly, I was expecting worse - all the choosable dialogue options at least had something I could easily see Rose saying - but it's still kinda disappointing that Rose's characterization is a lot weaker than in Book 1.
Now, onto the stuff I liked:
How every place Trystan took Rose down memory lane would have been an awful place to propose (because of the Funny Factor). Only place I think would be better (funnier) is the greenhouse.
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Those stupid cowboy boots
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Obviously this isn't how New York is, but I think that's on purpose as a joke. Honestly, it's not too far off, either. Someone once asked me if I said yeehaw since I'm American. I live in Connecticut.
My favorite pieces of dialogue:
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Now there is the Rose I know and love.
And finally, for my predictions:
Bird stealing the ring was absolutely set up by Trystan.
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Really? Not even hiding his face? This is either amateur hour or he's doing this on purpose. So, because I love this series, I've convinced myself it has to be the second one. Trystan set this all up so that their proposal to Rose would be a mystery to solve. I think that's both adorable and in-character!
Mafalda is definitely in on it. Ruby is probably in on it. I think Luke was left out of the loop 💀 but tbh I wouldn't trust him to keep the secret either lmao
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moominofthevalley · 4 months
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thosehallowedhalls · 5 months
Okay, a few things now that I finished chapter 1:
The dialogue is a disaster
No way in hell would Emma be disappointed that Trystan didn't propose after ten minutes of dating
You're telling me that Mr. Wears A Suit Every Day would randomly choose cowboy boots?
Since when is Trystan obsessed with American culture?
Why do they keep calling him Trystan Thorne? Everyone knows his last name, relax
Again, why do they feel the need to keep reminding us he's a prince? We know!
I knew it was coming and I still mentally yelled noooooo when he proposed.
Well, it was every bit as much of a cash grab as it seemed. But I still gave them that cash, so joke's on me.
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Bitch, shut the entire fuck up. You known damn well you ain’t made that shit accessible 😒
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miilkyrolls · 5 months
idk why but the book and characters repeatedly referring to trystan by his full government name just threw me off 😭
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jerzwriter · 4 months
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That was it? REALLY?
They were the 2 most useless chapters in PB’s history. This was such a horrible cash grab… horrible.
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If you read Crimes: The Proposal, gimme the dirt 👀
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saibug1022 · 5 months
So um. I don't wanna be the writer who cried AI but...Crimes of Passion: The Proposal kinda felt like it was either written or heavily assisted by AI , either that or its such a lazy cash grab Pixelberry has reached new lows. The dialogue is so awkward and stilted, I noticed so many typos, and even with my trying to keep in mind my personal headcanons for my MC aren't immediately canon, Rose felt SO out of character and tbh the rest of the characters did too? I don't even know if I'm going to read chapter 2...
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cassie-thorne · 5 months
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choices-ceri · 4 months
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zhoumeyourlove · 4 months
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decided to reread crimes the proposal and WE ARE NO LONGER INSIDE TRYSTAN’S APPOINTMENT 🎉🎉
we do still call them by their government name every 3 seconds though ☹️
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