#crimson and waste probably were friends poor overworld probably never knew them
cagedblocks · 1 year
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Piglin Brutes
From left to right
Crimson - Waste - Overworld
I’m still unsure how Brutes come to be, but I do like the idea that they develop terrible eyesight in some way. Probably happens before they become a Brute while still in their youths. Probably the thing that takes their path off the classic Piglin route and onto Brute path idk
Probably a big celebration happens when a shoat begins their journey as a Brute.
Overworld Piglins (or Pigmen) were rarely ever Brutes. After all they were created rather then born in most cases. But in the rare chance they were to become a Brute, they developed double tusks, and grew larger then their normal Pigmen kin. Probably nominated to a leading position if they did happen to be in a Pigmen community.
But they for sure weren’t stronger, oh no they never received the same training a normal Brute would. All they had as an advantage was size.
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