heyy! so i'm making a proper taglist since there's quite a few edits and headers i'll be posting these next few months. i know not everyone is in every fandom so earlier i was trying to only tag people who i knew were in the fandom that the edit was related to. but that isn't really working out anymore... so i'm making one taglist regardless of who is in which fandom so please feel free to dm if you want me to remove or add you
the only downside is you'll get like a post every couple weeks about a fandom you aren't part of so it doesn't sound like too bad of a deal to me 😅
@hazelavenders @fighting-god-69 @jisbon-rocks @jesse-is-spiralling @aqueerembrace @spaceflower113 @spaceeacee @sassychaostrash @bluebirdflyingtoyou @chaoticnessoverload @viere @catboypranparakulisaro @learningshelfcontrol @delightfullytheo @gayshipsandanxiety @quietgirl1998 @crookedcollectortimemachine13 @dean-is-love @gayforcarstairsgirls @the-ghost-in-your-attic @ultravioletmorning--light @basicallydistasterstruck @stevensgus @everythingwow @the-ethereal-aura @thechangeling @chaotixalex @taylorjamie
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praximeter · 7 years
Hey! you may have already answered this or something similar (and also, it deviates a bit from the more serious nature of most of the asks you've answered) , but I was wondering if you think that there were adaptations of The NIght War? like, I'm picturing really melodramatic and sexual-tension-filled movies but also decent documentaries explaining all the battles etc. IDK, just a thought...
Hey friend! Thank you from writing in! And as to your question – I love asks. All asks. It is the best part of tumblr. Sometimes people come up with questions that make me go, “you know, I never did flesh that out” and then I get to, on the spot. It’s wonderful. Serious asks, silly asks, “what is your preferred flavor of seltzer” asks, I’m down. So don’t worry about it. 🤗
I did answer this question a little in this ask I received a few months ago: who narrates the audiobook and how many versions are there?
But the two films mentioned in that answer – Hunter with Harvey Keitel and The Charge with Kurt Russell – are not the only films made about Bucky or inspired from The Night War!
Note – I say inspired from because the actual book has never been properly adapted. It’s considered unfilmable – do you rush right past all the lead-up to the Howling Commandos? Do you try and squeeze in every single mission? What about Geneviève? What about Friedwald? – and the family has never sold the film rights!
That said, there have been numerous movies made, because Bucky is a public figure and certainly the Commandos exploits are well known – and so long as they’re not lifting dialogue straight from the book, it’s not going to run afoul of any copyright issues. Most of the best-known films were made in the 70s because so much confidential documents and materials were finally declassified. One of those was Skullhunter, a horribly panned action movie that was a weird love story set during the Battle of the Bulge (???), where Bucky spent most of his time sniping Germans who were holding a fictionalized Geneviève Marcel captive. Her estate sued!
There were also some films in the 80s – one about the liberation of Friedwald that was criticized for being a little too “Yay! Go Us! We stopped the Holocaust!” in that hyper-MURRCA! REAGAN! FUCK YEAH! era, and another one that was a caper film depicting the events of Operation Chaplin – the Paris mission, where the Commandos worked with the French Resistance. That was a French film, and it was called (fittingly): Le train, and starred Emmanuelle Béart as Geneviève (she won a César for it!). 
In the early 2000s, after Band of Brothers, there was a massive push to adapt The Night War in a similar fashion – a ten-part miniseries. Sadly, it never materialized, though trust that there are gonna be some petitions that start going around by the time Cap is thawed.
Funnily enough, Bucky Barnes actually had a cameo in the Bastogne episode! 
Basically, three soldiers were sharing a foxhole in late December when a German artillery blast basically exploded right next to them. Two were killed immediately but one of them–Arnold Case–wasn’t, though he was severely injured, and Bucky Barnes came to his rescue – this was during the Schädeljäger Counteroffensive, and he was on his own. Bucky gave Case some basic medical care and then carried him through the shelling back to the town of Bastogne, where Case received medical treatment and ultimately lived, though he lost both his legs.
In the episode, the medic who helps Case when Barnes brings him to the makeshift hospital is Eugene “Doc” Roe. There’s not necessarily a lot of evidence for this, as unfortunately Roe died in 1998 before the Band of Brothers producers could ask him about it, and while several members of Easy Company did meet Barnes at one point or another, only Bill Guarnere (“Wild Bill”) ever went on record saying that Roe claimed to have met Bucky. So it could have happened, but nobody really knows and it’s probably pretty likely that the scene was written for dramatic effect.
This question was so fun. Thanks! ❤️
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vivalamusaine · 8 years
Thoughts on courf/jehan? Like I know you ship Jehanparnasse but? I'm curious to know what you think? (Also I didn't realise you were Australian, ayyy me too)
Ahoy hoy fellow Aussie!!! (Did you see that vid of the South Australian premier absolutely roasting the federal government over their treatment of renewable energy yesterday oml I swear I was reborn)
 I can definitely see the appeal of Courf/Jehan and it plays to a lot of really sweet tropes (Friends to lovers, introvert/extrovert, etc). I’ve enjoyed reading it as a side pairing in many ships (World Aint Ready for example, be still my beating heart) and I’ve even written some CourfJehan when prompted. 
It’s not my go to pairing for either of the characters, but I am certainly not opposed to it, and would not turn down a prompt to writing it!
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fairskyabove · 8 years
can you do 10, 14, 17 for the musical thing
10. how do you feel about hyped up shows like hamilton, les mis, and rent?
i love them, most of them are amazing (except for cats) but don’t focus completely on them! there are so many underappreciated shows out there that are just as good and sometimes better!
14. have you ever been paid to act onstage or on camera?
17. favorite stage actor?
already answered this one :)
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@isaksflower @snowflakeprouvaire @crookedcollectortimemachine13 @kasspn
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staryoon-blog1 · 7 years
i was just thinking about kpop and i realised how much it had and continues to change and shape me as a person,,,,,,, and now i’m like crying in a public library??????? help
but really, thanks @crookedcollectortimemachine13 for introducing me <3
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so me and @crookedcollectortimemachine13 made a thing…take it as you will
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