#cross guild agere content
wordy-little-witch · 16 days
Gonna slide in and slide out to ask for regressor Buggy sleepy hcs. Because I tend to regress when I’m sleepy and I just want to know wether he’d be a „I’m not tired!“ kid or a „Can you read me a bedtime story and cuddle me because l I’m afraid of the dark.“ kid, or anything inbetween
I think he's probably a little of both? It depends on the situation and how he's doing at any given point.
If he's still a little wired, or feeling prickly (/neg), then he's more likely to claim he isn't tired, maybe even kick up a fuss or throw a bit of a tantrum. It's hard to tell which way it would go, but if he's adamant that he isn't tired and doesn't want to go to bed, the next steps are offers to lay with him, a story, or let him stay up until he's dozing on his own.
If he's more amendable to bed time either initially or after being allowed to stay up a little, he's slightly more clingy. Being so tired, so close to sleep, he's lost a few more of his hard filters, so he's more open to asking for what he wants. Depending on who's there, he'll either ask for a story or just cuddles or sometimes even for the person to sing.
Story givers:
• Mohji
• Crocodile
• Galdino
• Mihawk
• Alvida
• Cabaji
• Daz
• Ritchie (it's... technically purring but shh)
Sometimes baby Bugs is just... having a hard time. Especially at bed time. The Bad Thoughts come most when he's quiet. Regardless of who's with him, sometimes he'll just lat his head on their chest or tummy and just say "talk". And they do. Doesn't even matter what it is, just them talking and giving him smth to split his focus between is soothing.
As for the dark, ironically, I don't think Buggy is exactly SCARED of the dark itself. Sometimes his trauma amps up the paranoia, but he's rarely fully alone anyway while regressed and asleep at night. So it's not often DARK, him ALONE. But he is a little.... uncomfortable in the dark and alone.
((He had a nightlight in his tent and he doesn't know yet but Mihawk and Crocodile also have gotten nightlights in their own tents as well. Just as a precaution.))
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wordy-little-witch · 19 days
Buggy should get to do Crocodiles nails and it should be a very comforting experience for both of them. For Crocodile because not only does he feel handsome in his body after transitioning to a point that made him comfortable, but he also now feels like this finally gives him the ability to enjoy something again that he had mixed feelings about when he hadn’t transitioned yet, beautiful, dark and harsh colors coating nails on a hand that felt too feminine in a way he couldn’t describe yet.
Buggy just likes to sit crosslegged between crocodiles legs on the couch, back touching his chest, as he instructs the man to lay his remaining hand to rest his hand in his lap and Buggy gets to debate with himself wether today a sharp crimson color or a more subtle, velvety plum kind of tone would be more applicable.
This originally was just about little!Buggy but honestly Buggy is such a fashionista that when he has finally widdled Crocodile down and proven that, yes, it actually DOES look really good, he probably could even convince him to do this once or twice a week
… That being said Buggy, age eleven doing Shanks nails with some polish they looted from the last marines and Roger walking into the room like “…. what’s going on here?” “C-Captain!?” “We… I … Buggy and I…. We were doing our nails- I ASKED HIM TO HONESTLY AND-“
“Me next.”
Cue Roger walking around with an incredibly amateurish and not specifically color matched manicure for the next few days or so.
Okay but honestly? I'm in love with this. Little! Buggy probably would have fun spa days with his crew, where they all do each other's nails and hair, and he's THRIVING there it's fun and he can stim and wriggle and laugh and it's amazing. Maybe the first time Crocodile caves is after a few times where he's joined them, maybe something about the gathering in question is Off or Buggy's struggling to drop. The Logia user makes a semi-rash decision.
"Here," he rumbles, reaching a hand out to tap Buggy's shoulder. "Don't make me regret this, brat."
It's the start of a frequent occurrence. Buggy, big or little, enjoys working with his hands and the focus can help him calm down and relax when he's a little too tightly wound. Sometimes Mihawk will give him a chance to do his nails, too - and Buggy hates that he thinks it, but he really prefers Croc's hands when he's regressed. The size difference and semi-gruff/semi-gentle way he offers it just takes Buggy to those precious few years when he truly felt safe and loved and it's only reinforced when they care about him so much. Mihawk is refreshingly new, but Crocodile is comfortingly familiar.
Speaking of familiar and the past, however, that bit with Shanks and Buggy? They really would. I have the weirdest suspicion they both swiped some bottles from the same place, and convened later on like "look what u got for yo-OHHHH!!!!"
They're up late, doing each other's nails by lantern light, trying to stay quiet but struggling between the giggling and excitement. And they both freeze when the door swings open.
"What are you boys doing up so late- oh. What's going on here?"
And Buggy chokes a little, so Shanks dives headfirst into babbling explanations, trying to take the prospective heat off of Buggy, both a little scared and-
Roger grins. "Can I be next?"
They blink, dumbfounded. But they nod. He settles down with an exaggerated groan onto the floor, complaining about his "old man bones", getting giggles from his boys. They look over the bottles, and Roger decides one can have a hand each - make it fair, he claims. Shanks does some solid color on each nail of his delegated hand, tongue out as he adds random embellishments. Buggy takes a few moments longer before he does a neutral coat, then carefully does his best at a mix between french tips and a wave pattern with white and blue. On the ring finger, he giggles nefariously to himself as he takes a toothpick and adds a red flower.
It's messy, not professional in the slightest but Roger wears it proudly, even if he choked on air when he saw Buggy's handiwork, threatening to noogie the kid when his nails dried.
((Bonus points, someone on the crew tried to make a snarky teasing remark to Buggy for his bright nails One (1) Time the next day. Shanks lunged into the exchange to gush about his own nails. Roger then got involved too, showing off his nails. Then he decided to "make it a crew bonding experience!!" The next island they docked at, he demanded they get "nail paints. All the nail paint!!"
"It's nail polish, captain."
"All the nail polish!!!!"
It's weird at first, but it becomes fun when everyone finally relaxes. Buggy turns out to be one of the best with the brushes, and the others let him practice on them frequently. It's a rare spot of harmless fun))
((Bonus points, the sentiment spreads to the Whitebeards too after one battle where Roger cries because the fight chipped his manicure and he begged Buggy to fix it. Sitting around the fire, Buggy just plops into his captain's lap, holds the man's hand in his own lap, and works on fixing it. Whitebeard chuckles warmly about it, and the captains make conversation about it. Newgate then drops a casual question of "do you accept new clients, little blue?"
So Buggy winds up getting passed over lap to lap, starting with whitebeard and including many others. Izou and he get into a spirited conversation about color theory and beauty tips.
He's very happy that Teach hard passed on it, and to this day he doesn't know if it was genuine disinterest or if the other declined due to the absolutely murderous waves of Haki coming from Shanks every time he got within several feet of Buggy. Regardless, he is grateful)).
Just. Buggy being a little fashionista and tiny Diva, Big or Little and the cuteness that ensues and just AAAAAAA
(Also whatever you do, don't imagine Buggy, regressed, laying on his tummy, kicking his feet and concentrating so hard while he carefully paints Ritchie's claws. Don't think about Buggy going Puppy's claws so they match and getting guavawani kisses during the whole thing which results in giggle fits and a messy but happy clown. Don't do it, buddy. You might die-))
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wordy-little-witch · 1 month
More age regression stuff for One Piece
Now with additional stuff!!!!
Buggy's favored activities while regressed are most definitely atypical. He doesn't have a set age range, given that he... honestly had to grow up so quickly even before Roger swept him into his fold, he doesn't know. All he does know is that sometimes words and coordination are harder, sometimes he'll be more stable, sometimes he's needy, but all the time he's ever so slightly on edge in some capacity. At best he's one mistake from a meltdown; at worst, he's a feral critter.
He really really really loves the trapeze. Big or Little, the motion and feelings are AMAZING. If Buggy is small and you can't find him, he's either hiding somewhere dark and small or he's high off the ground.
He's also a stimmy baby. Textures and colors and lights and motions, he's thriving. But once he hits his input limit, he hits it hard and it's explosive. It takes time for him to realize when Enough is Enough. ((Mihawk is the one to clock that... maybe this is more than simple, typical sensory seeking behavior. Maybe it's self stimulation and self soothing as well. ((Mihawk, looking at Buggy: Fellow Autistic????))/hj))
Buggy has a Way with animals. Whether that way is Good or Bad varies seemingly on the most comical result, but Crocodile's fruitwanis have seemingly decided that Buggy is one of Theirs and it's as hilarious as it is adorable as it is mind boggling. ((Later on, the humandrills decide much the same to everyone's absolute exasperation and confusion.))
It actually took him a Very long time to be open to pacifiers. The concept was foreign to him and he made do up until that point anyway so why even bother? It only was actually attempted after Mihawk realized a lot of Buggy's quieter days coincided with gnawing on things like his toys or fingers or, on one memorable occasion, Crocodile's coat hem. The germs alone left the swordsman shivering in revulsion. First came a teether, which was wonderful. But sometimes he'd catch Buggy still Antsy and unable to communicate it.
One impulsive decision later, he is handing a box over to Buggy after a meeting with a comment along the lines of "I debated the logistics of this for a deal of time before committing - at any rate, here, I believe this may prove useful if you are amenable to trying."
And it's a soft lavender pacifier with little pastel circus designs painted and sealed on it. Buggy is stunned. Buggy is flustered. Buggy is confused.
He's not against it, though.
Turns out, once you get past the weird feeling of something new, it's Perfect. Buggy turns out to definitely be varied, but when he's on the smaller end so far as he or others can tell, he is definitely a binky baby.
That first one from Mihawk is definitely his favorite though.
Not that the rest are forgotten of course. Baby Bugs has a fan club and they fight for Bragging Rights /hj
His favorite - and, frankly, first age appropriate - toy for his regression came from Shanks who will lord it over everyone ever that HE was the first favorite for quite some time, barring a Captain Shaped Hole in both their hearts.
His favorite outfit is from Alvida, which is technically not an outfit at all and was initially a gag gift. It's women's pajama shorts - pastel pink with blue polka dots - and a sleep shirt a size or two too big, baby blue with pink comic sans font saying "Candy Queen" across the chest. Neither have tags and both are INCREDIBLY soft. Buggy loves them. Comfort for regressing is Required and he doesn't always have to have That One Outfit to be small, but he always wants soft clothes when he's little and, if given a chance, wants his "candy c'othes".
Cabaji and Mohji fight over it to this day over who gives the best books or stories. It's a tie, and nobody has the heart to tell them that Ritchie actually picks the best books while they argue loudly in the children's section of book stores.
Galdino faces no contest of best blanket giver. He knits them himself and only uses Buggy Approved Yarn, stolen ethically from marine bases. He also unofficially hosts the best tea parties. Yes, he's smug about it.
But Witchy, you may ask. What does that leave for Crocodile?
Buggy's favorite nap spot is Crocodile - or near him at the very least. It's difficult for him to explain no matter the headspace, but Crocodile is currently the closest and most familiar behavior to what he knows and remembers - in all of the good ways. Crocodile doesn't often raise his voice; he is firm but gentle when correcting something; he's big, warm, and he will not hesitate to scoop Buggy up like a toddler. He's also got that good, healthy muscle that is equal parts firm and soft, his sand is cozy, and he lets Buggy "steal" his coat for Mischief and also snuggles.
Mihawk is the best at surprise gifts, and, to the surprise of almost everyone - himself included - he's the best at games, snacks and actually getting Buggy to calm down or relax. If Bug's in a good mood already, Mihawk is the beat at keeping the mood up and keeping Buggy relatively safe and steady. On rougher days, the swordsman's efficient and quick actions are comfortably steadfast, and he handles Buggy's tantrums, meltdowns, etc with grace. And somehow, even on the worst of days, Mihawk is Buggy's PERSON.
((And, on days where things are a little fuzzier, when Buggy's lips are a little looser, he confesses how Mihawk reminds him of Rayleigh in the good ways, how Crocodile reminds him of Crocus, how Shanks reminds him of Roger - how each of them have all the good, safe things he associates with that time without the ickier bits.))
Buggy is spoiled, because he DESERVES to be ((and because I wish I was, so blorbo is next best thing-))
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wordy-little-witch · 2 days
Oooooughhhh. Two Random One piece regression hcs because I had a bad day pls enjoy:
Usopp: Love that you mentioned him as someone who is Robins chosen storyteller ™️, because that boy is just SOOOO big brother coded. Revels in it really. Big and small kids alike are just immediately drawn to him and he’s lowkey proud of that. The cool caretaker that lets you do cool stuff when you’re little. Genuinely, I love him, I can’t not imagine him as just one of the best people to look after someone that’s regressed. Just radiates comfort.
Perona + Buggy: for some reason can easily imagine her getting spooped and accidentally using her devil fruit powers on Buggy by accident…. Which makes him regress immediately because he was already slipping and getting a face full of bad thought ghost isn’t helping. Perona does not know Buggy regresses. PANIC. Full blown panic. Like “Crap! I emotionally scared this yonko!” Crocodile and Mihawk enter the room utterly confused to a stressed out pastel goth trying her damndest to somehow calm down their husband with a bunch of plushies and toys and making funny faces at him. It only helps a little, mainly because Buggy is more confused than anything tough.
She’s glad when things get cleared up and she learns that she DIDNT traumatize Buggy so hard he perma regressed. Very apologetic about it as well. Often offers to help out as a secondary caretaker for him, but rarely ever gets to do it, because she is a bit much for little Buggy. He loves her but she can easily go from “Fun spooky ghost” caretaker to “Way too much and in his face” caretaker by accident, so it’s best when someone’s there who can remind her to give the clown a little bit space. Whenever their energy matches they both get on like a house on fire. She probably loves when he looks an after her when she regresses, even though she usually is a very independent kiddo and doesn’t necessarily want someone to take care of her. But Buggy just knows how to handle her specific brand of chaos and actually encourages it. Mihawk kind of hoped he’d encourage her to calm down a little…. Pff
1) baby doll I hope your day gets/got better bc if not I'll find anyone who was ever mean to you and i'll make them snort their bone dust like coke ily mwah mwah apply to forehead
2) i!!!! Love!!!! Getting!!!!! Regression stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) Usopp is criminally underrated and he'd be the BEST caregiver or at the Very Least Babysitter ever and I'll die on that hill happily. He's the type to kiss booboos and tell stories and match energy and keep you happy, safe, and hit that perfect sweet spot of Encouraging You and Not Be Overbearing. Perfect mans. I don't always love snipers but when I do it's Usopp Only. I'd trust him to give me open heart surgery but he might slip a rubber duck in there. I'd be fine with it.
Robin absolutely feels Safe with Usopp. It's. Hard to explain. But he manages to hit every single Comfort Person Point she has, and if Franky is busy and Robin is regressed, she's with or near Usopp.
((When Luffy eventually feels comfortable and safe to regress, he's clingy and quiet. And Usopp just likes having a captain shaped backpack, giving him snacks and preening with each and every giggle he can get out of the other. And when Robin is little too, it's a wonderful mess - in a literal sense. Who doesn't love fingerpainting on a deck literally covered stern to starboard in paper?? Trick question, everyone does.))
4) Perona+Buggy just!!!!! Yes!!!!!!
I'm caught between the idea of Buggy being mostly unaffected by her ghosts and him just. Getting the hit and not really responding much.
But when he's already teetering and that ghost pulls everything to the forefront like a sucker punch, he is absolutely Not Prepared.
Frankly. I could see the situation along the lines of them having a mild argument. Perona gets mad, and just fwoosh sends her little guys out. It's knee-jerk. It's just A Thing She Does. It's likely not even the first time she's done it specifically TO Buggy. The last few times just resulted in a semi badass semi depressing moment á la Lapis and Blue Diamond from Steven Universe.
This time Buggy goes very still and she's still throwing a fit until she realizes there's no sound, no clap back, nothing. And she looks up. And Buggy's completely blank faced with tears streaming from his eyes. He's nit even moving to hide them or wipe them away. This isn't the first time she's seen him cry, not by a long shot, but it is the first time she's seen him like.... this.
Somehow, she thinks through the panic, she's almost prefer outright wailing.
She's trying desperately to fix it, both because Oh My Bats I Just Scarred A Yonkou and OH MY GODS I JUST SCARRED MY DAD'S CLOWN SPOUSE
She's doing everything she can think of. Cute things make her feel better, so those should help. Right?? A-And soft things! For cuddling!!! That's good for bad moods. Maybe a snack? What does Buggy like. She tries everything. She's spiraling. She's losing it. She even tries to antagonize him into anger - a comment on the nose should work!!
It doesn't.
It makes her panic that much harder.
Shit shit shit she broke him-
And then Mihawk walks in, Croc on his heels. She's crying. Buggy's still crying, ominously blank faced. She's certain Mihawk's gonna kill her (or ground her, which might be worse-), but he just stiffens, takes one look, then nods once.
And Perona watches as that glacial exterior melts into smth vaguely familiar, as his voice takes on that One Special Tone for when she's regressing and- oh.
Ohhhhhh that might be worse, actually.
Crocodile wordlessly pulls out a comically large plush wani toy, sets it down nearby as his sand drags a small chest from under their bed. Then he takes Perona by the hand and leads her to the kitchenette.
"I... I didn't mean to...."
"I know," the logia user offers in a short response, tone a normal level of cool but also somehow gentle. "Stuff happens sometimes. Lil' brat is usually unexpectedly tough, but sometimes that armor is a little looser than usual."
"Did I hurt him?"
She whines softly, burying her face in her hands. Another hand, far larger and far warmer, plops onto her head. She peeks up at Croc. He sighs around his cigar.
"Shit happens, kid. You made a mistake. It was an accident. All we can do now is work with things and get better moving forward. Understand?"
She nods hesitantly. "I... I want to help. I couldn't help, but I want to."
"You were doing fine."
He hands her a small little basket - it's full of small baggies, a few juice boxes, and a few apples. One of the fruit has a knife stuck in it. She tilts her head, uncomprehending even as he nudges her back to the main room. "You scared him," he says simply, "and instead of screeching like a little banshee or hiding, he stayed still. Was he responsive?"
"His eyes would follow me when I moved. But he just didn't.... emote. Like at all. It wasn't cute at all. It was.... like a bad kind of scary."
"He was aware, he was scared, and he stayed with you. Look, Bug is stronger than he seems, and he's more vulnerable than he lets on, but that chucklefuck is not stupid by any means. Even terrified, even regressed, even in a bad spot mentally, he trusted you enough to stay. He knew you were safe. What's done is done, pinkie. Now let's go get some snacks on out there and salvage this evening."
".... okay."
And obviously once things chill out enough, I think it would be adorable if Perona, stressed and fidgety, starts slipping herself. Playing with Buggy once he's calmed a little is actually really fun, even if the kid is semi-verbal. He's mostly self sufficient, and she genuinely enjoys the time they spend sitting together on the carpet while Hawkeyes and Crocodile watch over them. They make a very super duper extra ultra cute block castle, and eventually when Buggy manages to doze off, it's with his head on her shoulder. She just smiles and snuggles closer.
((There's absolutely copies of the picture then taken))
Usually Perona is a little more hyper than Buggy. Big or Little, she's a pastel little whirlwind. When Buggy's up for it, he is THERE and he is THRIVING.
But when he's not, they really do need that buffer lest someone get bitten.
((Bonus points, Perona and Buggy, while they do often look after each other, occasionally regress together at the same time. Whenever that happens, Buggy is smooshed within an inch of his life. If he had a berri for every time a florid haired person who sometimes regresses decided while regressed that he's now their baby brother, he's have two berri, which isn't a lot but it's odd that it happened twice.))
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