blackwatchzine · 7 years
Just applied and wanted to tell everybody good luck!
Yay, thanks for applying and for sending in a message in! Good luck, everyone!!
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crowache reblogged your post: Callout
oh my god yesSS! Also I really like Lucio and Rein?? Idk they’re cute
Oooooooo yes. Actually I like Lucio with 76 and Reaper too. Like put Mccree, Lucio, Genji, Hanzo, 76, Reaper, Reinhardt in a big old pile and I will shit any combination of this mess. Shit I even have a soft spot for Hog fucking up some tiny men!
Trash multishipper here, just give me what you got I will take it and enjoy it most likely! >D
I had to reblog by the way. I am so completely tired of anti harassment and bullying. All those talented artists and writers do not deserve bullying and hate they get. I’m just glad some people handle it well enough to keep these ships going (rarepairs and all).
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blackwatchzine · 7 years
How does the choosing system work???
Anonymous asked: If I only have one drawing on my tumblr/twitter does that make my chances go lower to be chosen?
We’re looking for consistent, quality works and a demonstrated ability to create finished pieces. Unfortunately, Anon, that does mean you’ll probably have a lower chance of being chosen. :(
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