#crowd sourcing this bc i cant decide. their names are all so good. shout out to me for that lmao
handsomegentlebutch · 29 days
So I'm working on the next big arc for the Monster of the Week game I run once a month for some friends.
It's still bare bones rn, I just know I want some kind of murder mystery involving a rising to fame local band, gang ties gone wrong, and internal issues with the band surrounding money, drugs, fame, and jealousy, with some kind of magical/monstrous twist of course. The arc will be titled "Musical Murder Mystery Tour" or something similar.
So. Lgbts that live in my phone. Pls vote on which (FAKE- I invented these names for the purpose of my game) bands is about to get into some serious trouble. The game takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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