crownmeleo · 4 years
A Leo’s love language is simple. 
Attention. Appreciation. Point out the good qualities of something we're working hard on. Cheer for us. Care about your appearance. Always represent us well in social settings by respecting yourself first and caring how you come off around others. Show us a side to you in private that you don't show anyone else. Sexually adore us in bed and mean it. Don't be negative, don't be ungrateful, don't go silent, don't demean us, don't make a joke out of us publicly or privately.
Love us how you want to be loved.
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crownmeleo · 6 years
Don’t you love how Leos refuse to accept or even to recognize limitation? Their whole attitude towards challenges is hopeful and determined - once over their initial inner doubts. After that, you really can’t convince them that they can’t win all the chips in the game whether the game the Leo is playing is business, friendship, romance or any other goals.
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crownmeleo · 6 years
I don't think a Leo can fully get over anyone. They can pretend they are and convince everyone they don't care and even try to convince themselves they don't care but, if you really meant a lot to them, I mean the most to them ... they always kind of do. Eventually, they find someone else...  they always do but, there's a lot of masquerading true feelings when it comes to Leo’s. They can put on the most extravagant faces and be very well composed however they do make the best actors after all.
I forgot to mention,
Just because Leo’s #LETGO game might be weak, be reminded, their #STAYGONE game is strong- a bridge you don't wanna burn.
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crownmeleo · 7 years
💜 Leo
Positive natural tendency
self-assured and progressive warm and sincere affectionate in love protective cultivated and refined artistic and expressive inspired by universal love
Misuse or exaggeration of trait vain and self-seeking falsely modest lustful and hedonistic dictatorial extravagant and opulent braggart and show-off purely egotistical
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crownmeleo · 7 years
Leos love beginnings, but they have a hard time following through. You may have a great, romantic date with a Leo, and never hear from them again. Leos are romantics at heart but without the follow-through.
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crownmeleo · 7 years
Do not poke the lion when he/she is mad, don't do it. It just makes us more angry and agitated. Leave us alone when we are pissed, end of story. When we are ready to talk to you again we will talk to you, usually like nothing happened...
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crownmeleo · 7 years
Leo: take a deep breath and count to three before you speak when you’re heated. I know don’t mean to be hurtful, passion gets the best of everyone, but not every action needs a reaction.
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crownmeleo · 7 years
One thing about Leo’s .. we are very approachable, even if we’re being standoffish. Don’t judge us so quickly, we are not afraid of the truth and you could always approach us with anything and get warmly received
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crownmeleo · 7 years
Leos love to create myths and stories concerning their self. They are highly idealistic and envision a world where good is purely good and bad is purely bad - they don’t really see grey shadows or the subtleties of human nature. The lion wants to be the hero or the heroine, anyone really who is respected, looked up to and appreciated. Their dreams are full of romanticism and love they pour into their beloved subjects/children/objects of affection and about the tenderness they receive in return. 
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crownmeleo · 7 years
Q. What is the process/signs of a Leo woman moving on and getting over you?
A. This may not pertain to all Leo women, because no two of us are the same but, we all have very similar ways and styles of getting over people and moving on. A Leo woman if they feel the relationship is at a point of no return- WILL stop trying. A Leo woman would then likely start to analyze what went wrong and why, not necessarily for reconciliation but to accept what is, find the lesson and just let go. With Leo pride in tact and fear of it being lost or continuously beaten, it may look like its easy for her to you but it’s actually SUPER HARD and super painful. You have to have pushed her to the edge. A Leo woman in reality will only only give so much of themselves no matter how much you two shared. She will cease all contact, she will turn colder than you've ever felt, she may drop from the face of your earth, and when/if you see her again she will look great and it won’t be obvious the pain she endured. But it’s there. She knows that if she stays (and diminishes her own self worth in a toxic relationship) eventually she risks a look of desperation, depression, loneliness and dependence - and nothing or no one is worth her looking like that.
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crownmeleo · 7 years
Don’t chase a Leo woman/man. They’ll enjoy it but they won’t respect you.
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crownmeleo · 7 years
There is what the Leo thinks, and what the Leo wants you to know. They can be a master of deception.
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crownmeleo · 7 years
Leos can fully commit or even be submissive to you but don’t ever let them feel like they are being owned. Telling a Leo what they should or shouldn’t do, possessiveness and invasion of privacy is a really bad move. A little display of jealousy is flattering because it shows that you care, but once you get into an argument with a Leo as to why you saw them flirting, or getting mad that they’re receiving attention from others, Leos response will be naturally be defensive. Freedom to shine is extremely important and necessary to keep them happy. Depriving them of such you will find a Leo who completely shuts you out and your relationship on the rocks.
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crownmeleo · 7 years
A Leo is rumored to be one of the easiest to commit signs of the zodiac, this is some of the time true. We love love and love loves us, so sometimes we move quickly and passionately. A Leo is very good for long term partnerships, friendships or any good give and take relationship really but don’t be completely mistaken, Leo’s also hesitate towards or fear commitment in a sense. If you find that you’re dealing with a Leo and they seem to have one foot in and one foot out it’s because it’s not like a Leo to act of need for anything. We want the best of everything, know we deserve it and don’t mind waiting for it. We won’t fully commit until we are sure you’re not just in it to take. Typically, when drawn to love it is because a Leo has seen that you have an extreme amount of love for ones self, but if you come off needy for external love, insecure, or selfish you will find a Leo who resists.
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crownmeleo · 8 years
Leo is far more complicated than we will ever let on. Behind all the dramatic displays, many thoughts go through our minds that you wouldnt know anything about. We also over analyze like no other and if we care about you, one small remark or strange behavior will have us wondering whats going on with you. Leo always trys to stay one step ahead, reading actions and reactions closely is second nature.
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crownmeleo · 8 years
If you think a Leo is overly superficial with no depth, you’re wrong. A Leo only opens up to those we feel hit every note. Emotional depth isn’t enough, mental stimulation isn’t enough, physical intimacy isn’t enough, we need all three. If you want to see a Leo’s deep side, we must know you are our equal. We must feel that we won’t burn you out. Sure you may be able to have deep discussions of the heart, but can you stay up at all hours of the night with us too? Are you fun? Will we be intellectually and physically stimulated at the same time? This is what we’re looking for (hence why we tend to lean toward other fire and air signs).
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