noirlevity · 7 years
Chapter 2: Bird Cage
Pairing: Mikayuu Fandom: Owari no Seraph Genre: Romance Words: 2,704 Summary: Yuu’s case. 
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Forgetting is an anathema to living; for forgetting is akin to killing a person. It means that person no longer exists in someone's world. He is considered dead.
Yuu didn't want to be forgotten. She wanted Mika to remember her always. Even if she becomes a faded photograph to him, he would always be larger than life to her. And maybe that was the problem. Maybe that was the reason he still clings to the hope that she would still see him again, no matter how impossible it is as of the moment.
There is no harm in dreaming. Just don't let expectations lure you into a delusion that will only break your heart.
Autumn, spring, and winter had passed. The same cycle; the same beginning and the same end; still no Mika. Yuu counted the days, the weeks, and months with her fingers and toes, trying so hard to keep track of the length of time since Mika left her. This was the only thing that could distract her from the constant fear and loneliness she felt.
The fear of being forgotten; the fear of dying; the fear of not being able to see him again; the fear of the future. These things were constantly on her mind. For someone that was left behind in such a cold place as Sanguinem, with no one to count on, she was haunted by the memories of their past; the good and the bad. The bad mostly. She could still smell the stench of blood of that time; sometimes when she closed her eyes, Mika's back and heaving shoulders was a movie on repeat in the theater of her mind. This had been going on for two years.
To pass time and to distract herself, Yuu spent her time watching the leaves fall, the trees rattle, and the color of the sky change from Mika's eyes, to Ferid's, and then to total darkness. But everything just brings her back to Mika-to those deep blue eyes of his and the warmth that she felt whenever she was with him when morning comes and patches of sunlight stream down her room which often felt like how Mika's hair did-soft.
Looking up her ceiling, Yuu wondered what kind of ceiling Mika gazed at. She wondered whether he was now able to eat as much curry as he wanted without thinking of giving something in return. Yuu wondered whether he was making a lot of friends. At this thought, she couldn't help but frown. She turned on the bed noisily; she curled her toes and bit her lip. The idea of Mika replacing her didn't sit still with her. It was a painful thing to be replaced. Even if it was inevitable, the fact is, it hurt seeing love slowly fade into apathy. She feared that she would see the same look in her parents in Mika's eyes when they see each other again.
Sadness enveloped Yuu's heart like a protective membrane just thinking of it. She batted her lashes and closed her eyes. There were a lot of things that happened right after they were separated. She was captured by the Vampire Queen—Krul Tepes, but Ferid somehow managed to convince her to give her to him, so Yuu ended up in his custody.
Because of what he did to her family, Yuu hated Ferid with a passion. Just thinking of him turned sadness into rage. Yuu furrowed his eyebrows in disdain and curled her hands into a fist. Ferid, the shameless Vampire who massacred her family and the cause of her separation from Mika, yet shamelessly, Ferid acted as if nothing ever happened. He would converse with her as though they were friends. He would ask her questions about her day at his estate, about random things about herself, which Yuu never really understood why he was asking them.
Their time together was short lived though. Ferid gave him to Crowley in the end. She was sent to Crowley's estate three months after the remorseless massacre of his family as though she was just garbage that Ferid wanted to get rid of. And that made her hate the vampire even more. Now she was going to put up with another noble-a noble she wasn't familiar with in the least. Despite this, Yuu still clung to the hope that she was going to escape from them and find Mika, even if this was merely lighting candles in the wind.
Yuu sat up, long raven hair spilling across her shoulders in a messy stream. She dropped her gazed at her hands and fiddled with her fingers. She glanced around the room and caught a scent of roses in the air. Before long, those roses inside her room would rot, and with it, the sweet scent of roses would turn into the scent of ashes and decay suffocating her, just like the way her days went in Crowley's estate.
Each passing day in Crowley's estate made her feel suffocated. It was odd that he kept her, despite him finding it originally absurd to keep a human with him. Yuu went outside to go to the room she would always stay whenever she felt like being alone. Her own room always made her feel uneasy. And she always liked watching the sunrise there.
When she entered, she sauntered to the window, sat on a large chest placed on the wall. She looked at the window and slowly leaned forward to rest her other arm on the window sill. Then, she perched her chin on the palm of her hand. Her locks of raven hair fell to her shoulders softly, following her movement.
Crowley's estate was always quiet, eerily quiet. This was because the vampire didn't keep children in his estate, unlike Ferid. This room in particular was quiet. Must of old books and dust wafted in the air. It made Yuu feel stuffy, but she didn't mind. She didn't mind because whenever she gazed outside to look at how the sun rose and how its light spills over the greeneries, she feels somewhat free, having such a sight to herself.
Looking at the sky made him think of Mika's eyes. She felt she was with him whenever she did this. Missing him was dreadful, but the sky made her remember him. It made her feel less caged and more free. As her thoughts were occupied, she didn't hear someone come into the room.
Crowley just got back from his travels, so he wanted to be somewhere away from the girls. The girls were constantly chatty. They were sometimes too noisy, so from time to time, he liked to be left to himself.
Crowley opened the door, he was surprised to see Yuu there. She was wearing her human garb-white gown with black stripes. The sun streaming through the room made her appear brighter than she really was. Crowley found it awkward for him to be with her in one room. It may seem ridiculous, but it was because
Ferid pushed Yuu's custody on him just to test him. It was just for fun, Ferid said. Crowley didn't understand Ferid's taste in games. He didn't understand what pleasure it would give him if he kept Yuu.
Yet, despite this, he had no energy to say No to Ferid. So he agreed in the end. And from that day on, he had been conscious of Yuu. Crowley entered, his gait like that of a knight. It was reminiscent of his being a crusader as he sauntered towards Yuu. He scanned the room just to somehow distract himself from Yuu's image: folded knees, skinny arms draped over them protectively. Yuu's breathing, the sound of blood rushing through her heart was troubling.
The door clicked as it closed. Its sound made Yuu turn around. When she noticed Crowley, she was surprised. She stood up in attention immediately, cautious of him.
Yuu hated how servile she felt. But it was safe this way, at least. Crowley was a strong vampire. She knew after what happened two years ago that she was powerless against monsters like them.
"Raise your head." Crowley said smiling slightly.
Somehow, the red-head vampire found Yuu amusing, especially that look in her eyes that always gave her feelings away: that she hated him. This habit of hers, even though it was the first time he found her languishing idly in this secluded room, was quite warming. No, Crowley didn't like sweet stuff. No, he didn't like things that were made to move the heart. He was a vampire, feeling was a remote thing that would forever remain a memory to him. The feeling he was feeling was the feeling of conquering something feeble, as most strong men liked to indulge. He wasn't really the type to rejoice in petty wins like obvious discrepancy in power like this. Yet the look in Yuu's eyes, the fierceness in her gaze thrilled him.
"What are you doing here?"
Yuu bit her lower lip so much that Crowley feared he might see blood stream down her mouth. It would be a sight to see, but he wondered whether or not he would be able to hold himself back from drinking her blood if that happened. Since he kept Yuu, Ferid told him that he had every right to drink her blood directly from her neck. The silver haired vampire often prodded him to try it just once. Crowley never trusted him though. Sometimes his games were fun, yet it was always a pain in the ass.
"You don't need to pretend you like me." Crowley shrugged. They were both just in this together because of Ferid's schemes, so things like propriety and pretensions were useless. Yuu will not gain anything by trying to please him.
He turned to Yuu and walked closer to her. Yuu backed away like a cornered animal. Her green eyes locked at Crowley, fearful, but all Crowley could see as he gazed down at her, was her craned neck—that soft, slender neck that he could grab right then and there and press, and press until life faded away from Yuu's thrashing body. It amused him how this girl of fourteen had such power just by looking at her eyes, just by looking at how her hands clenched at her sides. Crowley licked his lips and gazed outside of the window. He perched his hand on his hips and wondered what Yuu could have been doing in this room alone. What did girls do when they were alone?
"It's none of your business!" Yuu interjected, harsher than she originally intended. Embarrassed at her outburst, she was about to run, but Crowley grabbed her by the arm preventing her to go. She struggled. Fear was creeping up to her and was making her feel cold all over. Seeing the look in the red-head's eyes, she swallowed a lump in her throat.
Looking at the vampire's eyes was like looking at a void. There was no soul to their eyes, no life, only an ancient and empty gaze. Yuu was trying to free herself from Crowley's grasp but he was very strong that Yuu feared that if she continued to struggle she would hurt even more. Crowley on the other hand, was overcome by a strong need to suck her blood.
"Yuu," Crowley breathed, licking his lower lips. Yuu's eyes grew wide. She knew what would happen. Crowley had never drank her blood up until this point, but she knew that, considering their nature, he would sooner or later.
Yuu struggled. She didn't know this only thrilled Crowley to the bone.
"I wouldn't hurt you." Crowley said in his normal tone feeling a little bit bashful at how strange it sounded coming from him. This made Yuu blush. Mika came to her. She wanted Mika to save her, but Mika wasn't around. If she cried it would only fall on deaf ears.
Crowley didn't listen. He looked at her with cold eyes. When Yuu stopped struggling, he twined her arm around his neck, wrapped his arm around her waist, and lifted her. Yuu gasped as a response. As Crowley sauntered towards the window sill, she could feel his ice cold skin burn her. It made her blush despite how wrong it was. Crowley sat her on the window sill and pressed her against the glass. He buried his head on Yuu's neck and breathed on its soft flesh. He ran a hand down the slight curve of Yuu's maturing body, making the other feel weak. It was her first time being close to a man like this. Even if Crowley wasn't really a man, it was the closer she could be to a man, and a man that was buff and handsome as her master. Crowley ripped her clothes off to further expose her neck so that he could clamp his fangs comfortably on her skin. The sound of ripping fabric filled Yuu's ears and it made her want to cry.
"Stop it!" She pounded Crowley's chest. The feel of Crowley disgusted her, but it gave here a weird sensation that made her heart beat frantically against her chest and made her knees weak. She was starting to feel dizzy so that it was almost difficult to breathe.
Crowley didn't heed to her pleas. Crowley had never been this thirsty. He had never needed to drink someone's blood like this. Yes, it was true that he liked drinking blood from strong opponents, but it was a wonder why he felt like if he could drink Yuu's blood it would be akin to conquering something that was beyond him.
Yuu kicked Crowley, making the other wince. They broke apart. Yuu wanted to run away while she still can, but Crowley stopped her. He spread her legs and pinned them down using his strong hands. The feel of Crowley's hand on her thighs made a mess out of Yuu. It made her feel things, weird things that she had never felt before.
When she finally felt a sharp ache on her neck, she froze in place and stopped struggling. The fangs clamped down on her skin oh so slowly as if Crowley was savoring every bit of this moment with her. The scent of old roses wafted in the air as a warm thing sluiced down Yuu's shoulder blades.
Crowley's lips brushed against her skin, moving slowly, as if he was sweeping away the loneliness that filled her heart by replacing it with heat. Crowley ran a gloved hand on Yuu's girlish thighs and stopped at the juncture of her hip, lifting her clothes in the process, making it bunch up at where he guided them. Yuu was embarrassed: smooth skin turned gooseflesh as she felt her skin tingle. She was flustered. She didn't expect even the coldest of touches could make her like this. She didn't expect the feeling of being bleed was a sensation like no other.
Hearing Crowley feed on her made the experience even more depraved. Him brushing his lip against her skin; him pressing her thighs out of pleasure from the taste of her blood, made Yuu feel something weird. The pressure of his body against hers and the pleasure that ran through her while Crowley drank her blood made her grab on his vampire garb for dear life.
Crowley's mouth and fangs tarnished Mika's memory. Yuu saw invisible iron bars trapping her. Like a caged bird, she wanted to sing a song that he wished the wind would carry to Mika, to let him know she was alive. Make him remember her if he forgot. But all she was able to muster was a moan and a breathless, "Monster!" as she weakened.
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seance-vent · 5 years
so in crowyuu crowley bottoms huh 😏😏 interesting 😏😏😏😏
naturally! in what universe would he not?
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theholyyuunoaduck · 6 years
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Otp questions
1. Ultimate otp:
Yuunoa definetly im super obsessed im not sorry
2. A ship you'll always love:
3. Current obsession?:
You mean will always be obsession? Yuunoa
4. A ship you'd never thought you'd like?:
5. A ship you don't like anymore?:
I mean i still like it? But yuumitsu was my first otp in ons just that yuunoa takes the spot in my heart sorry mitsu
6. A ship you think should be cannon?:
Yuunoa, guremahi (theyve both been through so much already)
7. A cannon ship you hate?:
I don't hate any ship well except anything with ferid/lacus since i hate those two with a passion
8. A ship youve shipped for years?:
Yuunoa yuumitsu kimitsuba
9.a ship everyone loves but no one cares for?:
Mikayuu obviously
Ferid in general
10. Favorite rare pare?:
kimitsuba, mitsuyoi, gureaoi, guresayuri, guremito, yuunoa x no hate/bashing, mikakrul, narumi/shusaku x that new girl from chapter 71, narumi and rika, mikane (mika x akane
Tagged by @ichinose-s
@anchenflower @crystalhearte @mint-x-lavender any one else who wants to join in im too sleepy
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190-critical-blog · 8 years
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noirlevity · 7 years
Pairing: Mikayuu Fandom: Owari no Seraph Genre: Romance Words: 860 Summary: Separated because of the war between the Vampires and the Humans, will Yuu and Mika meet each other again? 
 A/N: I wrote a Mikayuu fanfic. Requested by Shiranai Atsune. The prompt came from the ONS plots she provided me, which said, that what if it was Mika who escaped instead of Yuu, plus that plot where Yuu was supposed to be giving blood to Crowley too. Shinoa and Yuu are genderbent here because she wanted it to be genderbent. And it is a modification of this.
It was not supposed to end this way. Mika thought as he firmly held Yuu's hand. They were supposed to escape; they were supposed to be finally free. But everything was for naught. Like rats trapped inside a labyrinth, they struggled, fought to get out of the maze, but in the end, they were only running in circles. The fact that it all appeared to be going well made them believe that freedom was near when the truth was, they were just playing along with their master's schemes and were mere chess pieces to his game.
When Mika and the others neared the exit after surreptitiously leaving their abode and avoiding being spotted by their Vampire guards, Ferid appeared to greet them. His appearance felt like a punch in the gut. He appeared like a plot twist out of a mystery novel. Mika wished he could forget what happened, pass it off as a nightmare, but you forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget. And because of that, the memory of Mika's loss was like a scar. Even though it was hazy, a blurry fragment of time, it was still an ache that lingers in his heart. It was a cross that he carries with him.
Gunshot and cries were his lullabies. And even in his waking hours, they still ring in Mika's ears, reminding him of that time, reminding him of how hope could turn into despair in just a blink of an eye. The screams of Akane and the others still haunted him in his sleep. But what troubled him the most was what Yuu said to him,
You have to survive Mika! Leave me..
Yuu's girlish voice always trembled as she pleaded every time the memory of it came back to Mika. The feel of her delicate fingers clasped around his skinny arms burned him over and over again. Sometimes, even though it was painful, he'd like to be trapped in this nightmare just to feel her again, just to see her again, despite her pleading eyes that brimmed with glassy tears, breaking his heart.
But the last bid of farewell had already been said. And what should come next is supposed to be forgetting—forgetting Akane, forgetting Yuu.
Mika wanted to forget everything about what happened. But Yuu. He could not let himself forget Yuu. He didn't want to forget the feel of Yuu's soft skin pressed against him; the scent of her long, messy hair which he always liked running his fingers through; her beaming eyes and the delicate curl of her ruddy mouth.
Go Mika!
Yuu shouted as tears blurred her eyes and run in streams from those pretty emerald eyes of hers. She shot Ferid in the skull. Ferid fell like a corpse on the cold ground, unmoving.
They heard footsteps and a rising hubbub of a company marching towards where they were. The Vampire Queen was close.
Afraid and tired, Mika just stared at Yuu's figure for a while. He saw pain in her pleading eyes, the blood streaming from the wound on her arm was ghastly, and her heaving chest manifested how difficult it was to breathe. Yuu could no longer stand. She was pale and her weak arms and legs would only result to both of their capture. They both knew this.
Go. Yuu mouthed. Her eyebrows furrowed in pain; her cheeks were red with disappointment and frustration. Mika clenched his fists, wiped the tears that streamed from his eyes, and then... he ran away, without ever looking back.
And that was what Mika regrets the most.
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Bad Ozzy
While the loving fan girl in me wants some MikaYuu for the next chap the sicko in me is craving some CrowYuu. Ever since Crowley called Yuu cute I've been obsessed with that ship omfg xD like he better call Yuu cute or something or imma scream
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190-critical-blog · 9 years
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crowyuu  (。・ω・。)ノ♥
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