finleypark · 1 year
closed to: crue bishop! (@cruebishop ) location: crue's place
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"yeah, yeah, i was watching." finley raises both his hands up once crue realizes he was just standing outside her room with her door ajar as she was dressing up. the bodyguard just left his shift an hour ago, but didn't change out of his suit after, instead he went straight to meet crue and pass the time left with the other as he wasn't that much tired yet, regardless of the fact that it has been a long day. "i was gonna look away, but i know you know why i can't." he continues as he tries to hold back the smugness in his expression, once more, unashamedly staring at the blonde from head to toe.
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dakotaxatwood · 1 year
Dakota 📱 Crue
Dakota: Hey Dakota: How are you holding up over there?
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gabrielcastillo · 1 year
closed: @cruebishop
"So I think the only way we can make this fair is if we draw straws to see who picks the movie tonight, because otherwise I know you're gonna pick something like Mamma Mia to torture me and I can't go through that again," Gabe announced as he walked down through the foyer of Crue's house. He knew how close the blonde had been to Sasha and was attempting to distract his long-time friend, albeit probably poorly. "Where do you want these?" He motioned to the bags of snacks in his arms. "I grabbed just about every candy I could think of. The cashier at Ormonds threw me some line about Halloween not being for another two months."
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jovilevine · 1 year
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all posted during the day/at the time of the event.
ft. @brodymartinez , @dxtcheiks , @cruebishop , @bencolas, @thealexkingslxy
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thebrandxnharris · 1 year
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DATE: @cruebishop
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tatumxkeller · 1 year
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ft. @dallasparker, @cruebishop, @briellepercz, @rafelix & @montezphillips
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thebrandxnharris · 1 year
"Are you-- are you okay?" Brandon asked as he tried to see through the dark grey cloud of mental haze that seemed to be literally descending over his line of vision. It was like everything was spinning, the crowds of the suites were both miles away and directly underneath his skin all at the same time. He could feel how pale and clammy his skin was and every time he swallowed it felt like a thousand knives lacirating his throat on their way down. And all he could think about was Remington, about Dakota. She wasn't here tonight, and that was probably for the best. But she hadn't answered his text yet either and... What if the shadow had taken the whole Atwood family out? They were lawyers. It would make sense. Wouldn't it? But, he also knew he couldn't just leave Crue without checking on her. That wasn't who he was. "I--" he swallowed the thought - telling her he needed to go to Dakota seconds after asking if she was okay seemed selfish, a dick move. "You, um, you need anything?"
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thebrandxnharris · 1 year
Brandon hadn't really wanted to come to the ball tonight, and that was especially true after Remy went missing. But, as much as he loved Dakota, and as much as they weren't together anymore, Brandon could never so no to Crue, so when his ex had asked him to come and keep her company, he did. The suit she had picked out for him felt like something out of a dream, and whenever he looked in the mirror he couldn't help but wonder whether this was the type of thing he'd be able to afford himself if he'd stayed in New York, stayed in college, kept at his writing, became an author... Childish dream, really.
He hadn't noticed how quiet he had been, his mind racing from one thing to the next as he sat at the table with Crue and her friends. He hadn't even noticed that the friends had left them alone until the blonde spoke directly to him, causing him to inhale sharply and come back to the world. "I'm okay, I just..." He sighed softly. "It, um, it feels weird being a-at an event like t-this... Knowing she's not here, th-that she's not going to perform, you know?"
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tatumxkeller · 1 year
"Kinda feels weird not having Carmen around throwing insults my way anymore" she spoke before taking a bite out of her donut. The thought running wild in her mind, it was a strange feeling to have somebody there and then have them taken so suddenly. "She had a shitty attitude but I didn't think it was enough for somebody to murder her.. to murder her in such a horrid way too."
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