#crunchyroll please just settle on a translation
russenoire · 2 years
words from mob psycho 100, ch. 100: 告白 (the confession), part 2
いっぱい乱読しているんでしたの… because i've been skipping around [in this book] quite a bit...
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ここにこの一連の記事の第一弾です。 part 1 is here.
これ言葉が単行本16巻、43〜61ページですから。 these words appear in volume 16 of the manga, pages 43-61.
本章からまだ学ばなかった語彙 words from this chapter i hadn't yet learned:
届く 〖 とどく 〗 among other meanings: to reach, to make an impression; to be delivered.
止むを得ない 〖 やむをえない 〗 an expression conveying a sense of inevitability, resignation or futility; 'it cannot be helped'. see also しょうがない・仕方がない。
保護(する)〖 ほご 〗 to safeguard, protect, preserve.
収まる 〖 おさまる 〗 to fit into; to settle down (into); to subside (in this meaning, also spelled 治まる).
拘速(する)〖 こうそく 〗 restraint(s), restriction, binding, constraint.
には an emphatic version of the particle は, here used to show respect towards the subject of a statement.
頼り切り 〖 たよりきり 〗 overreliance, overdependence. from a noun-y form of the verb 頼る (related, of course, to 頼む and 信頼) and 切る, meaning to cut, slice, truncate, end…
こそ used after a word or phrase, emphasizes it. think 'especially ~' or 'very much so ~'.
凡人 〖 ぼんじん 〗 ordinary, average or mediocre person. for some reason, translated in crunchyroll's english localization for MP100 as 'commoner'... this word has almost no positive connotations in my native tongue.
向き合う 〖 むきあう 〗 face off against, confront.
努力 〖 どりょく 〗 effort, hard work, striving.
避難(する)〖 ひなん 〗 taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation. you may recognize 難 from 難しい。
関係ない 〖 かんけいない 〗 unconcerned, unconnected, irrelevant. 関係 can mean connection, relationship, concern...
災害 〖 さいがい 〗 calamity, disaster, misfortune.
中心部 〖 ちゅうしんぶ 〗 in medias res; in the heart of, central part of.
発作(する)〖 ほっさく 〗 fit, spasm, seizure.
例文(れいぶん)のを読み続けてください。 example sentences below the cut.
言葉が届いてない…? my words aren't getting through to him...?
止むを得ない… 保護するよ。 there's nothing else to be done. i will keep you safe!
力が収まるまで… このまま拘束。 until your power subsides... this will hold you. (literally: until [your] power subsides, in this way restraint.)
影山君には… 大事なことを教えてもらった。 kageyama-kun-niwa… you taught me some important things.
この”力”に頼りきりの僕こそが凡人だってコト… that i, too dependent on these powers, am just an ordinary person… 超能力の無い自分と向き合うことの大切さ……難しさ… that confronting the me without psychic powers is necessary… and difficult… (literally: psychic powers-without-self confronting-thing importance of... difficulty of...) 僕は知ってる。影山君はその努力をしている。」 i know. you are making that effort. (literally: i am knowing. kageyama-kun [teru is directly addressing ???% here], that effort...)
まだ避難していない人がいるよ…  there are still people here who haven't evacuated… って関係ないか今のキミには… does that mean nothing to you right now… ?
避難してください!! いまここが災害中心部です! please evacuate!! you are now in the middle of a disaster area!
影山君…それは発作か何かなのかい? kageyama-kun… are you having a seizure or something? (literally: kageyama-kun… this, seizure...)
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bergeronprocess · 2 years
Gundam the Witch from Mercury Episode 1: Okay so once upon a time in about 1999 or so, a young girl who was already into Sailor Moon and Pokemon discovered another anime show, one that was a bit more mature, one that featured a quintet of cute boys and big giant robots. She and her school friends watched the show together, each picking a favorite from the quintet, and read stuff about them on the internet and stayed up to watch the uncensored version of the show where everyone said damn and kill instead of blast and destroy. Obviously, that was me, and that was Gundam Wing, and that was more than 20 years ago.
I haven't watched any other Gundam series since then. It just hasn't really come up - well, not until now. I keep meaning to rewatch Wing as well, but I think that will have to wait, because The Witch from Mercury is here! And it's great!
Reviewers from my 2 trusted sources, Anime Feminist and Anime News Network, have been raving about this show and even calling it "Space Utena". As someone who enjoyed Utena, that piqued my interest even further.
And y'all. It really is Space Utena.
I skipped the prologue because AniFem said that was fine to do, so I jumped right in to episode 1, which introduces us to the school with a big establishing shot that looks exactly like how we first see Ohtori Academy. There's the Utena character, our stuttery protagonist Suletta, and the Anthy character, the cold white haired Miorine. There's the Saionji, whose name is Guel Jeturk, making it very easy to say more like Guel THE JERK! The Wakaba character might be Nika (love her hair). I'm sure we'll meet plenty more characters who fit Utena roles. Though I hope to God there isn't an Akio. Shudder.
Suletta doesn't know the customs of this school she's at now, or that they settle everything with duels (okay Glove Slap! Lol), or that by defeating Guel she becomes engaged to Miorine - which isn't something two girls really do back on Mercury. She just has her Gundam, which she refers to as family, and no familiarity with educational institutions whatsoever.
If you liked Utena, you will absolutely like Witch from Mercury. I enjoyed it a lot and I'm already excited for episode 2!
The one issue: Crunchyroll doesn't translate the on screen text identifying locations! That seems an obvious thing to translate, so I hope it was just a mistake for this one episode. Crunchyroll please pay your people better so they don't feel so rushed and can go back and translate on screen text.
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noctilucentstorm · 4 years
Digimon Adventure: Review
Episode 14: The Kings of the Insects Clash
Koushiro’s laptop stops working, but Taichi’s team push ahead through a maze of canyons.  Unfortunately, a new enemy is waiting to hunt them down.
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It’s no secret I prefer the dynamics between Sora’s team and this episode highlights their strengths over only a few minutes.  The digimon have been trading off between carrying the children and other partners so they’re covering more ground and keeping everyone well-rested.  It’s a good strategy and Jou’s insistence that Yamato gives up his lone wolf persona is really endearing.
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We finally get an update on the Human World and I’m assuming it’s still the evening on Day 1, which I’m guessing means under 12 hours has passed assuming Taichi and the others left around late morning or early afternoon (Sora must’ve had a bit of time to do some shopping).  We don’t have a great sense of how much time has passed – it feels like either we’re skipping night in the Digital World or the days are much longer than the Human World, because otherwise the kids are accomplishing a lot in a very short amount of time.  
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I like the visual of everyone’s phones gradually powering down, but also… it’s 2020.  Doesn’t anyone carry around a portable charger?  Also who uses the elevator when there are rolling blackouts of unknown origin?  I realise some people would be short-sighted enough to do that (if Covid-19 has taught us anything, it’s that people don’t always think logically during disasters), but I still think it’s a strange thing to focus on.  Are we not worried about hospitals running out of fuel for their generators? Or is that a little too scary for kids?
Meanwhile, Mimi stumbles on some funhouse-like mirrors.  It’s probably the most childish we’ve seen her act and it’s a different side to how we saw her in her focus episode when she wanted to push on as soon as possible. Koushiro tries to analyse the rock, but his laptop has completely stopped working and Tentomon picks up on his distress even if he doesn’t say anything.
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Their break is cut short when a swarm of Kuwagamon attack.  Although the digimon all manage to evolve to Adult, they are prevented from evolving further by the relentless attacks by Kuwagamon.  Even running doesn’t turn out well as they stumble across Okuwamon.  Retreating again only ends with them being separated. This is the first time in a few episodes where the Chosen have been so thoroughly outmanoeuvred and does a good job of upping the tension.
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Without his laptop to help him analyse, Koushiro can’t calm down enough to think clearly.  However, Kabuterimon’s words snap him out of his fear, and Koushiro’s strategy saves them.  
AtlurKabuterimon’s evolution feels satisfying and well-earned for the episode. It is also a nice change that it happens outside of the fight.  I did find it a little funny though that Koushiro gave Taichi and Mimi a really good strategy and then said this:
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To be fair, all the other evolutions have also had head-on fights and in terms of type, AtlurKabuterimon should have the advantage.  It was just a bit funny after all the talk of strategy up until this point.  It’s a good fight scene though and I don’t feel like the above took too much away from it.  It’s definitely a cool moment for Koushiro and AtlurKabuterimon.
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Oh, now the laptop starts working again! But with an upgrade.  I imagine we’ll be finding out what that entails soon enough.
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Final Thoughts:
I really liked certain aspects of this episode: the dynamic between Jou, Sora and Yamato; Koushiro’s strategizing; and the tension from Okuwamon and Kuwagamons’ attacks.  I do feel that this episode could’ve had a better build-up though. We don’t actually see much of the trio heavily relying on Koushiro and his laptop – in fact, he was almost a hindrance in episode 12, insisting on analysing runes that added nothing to the plot (so far) and wasting time that led to Mimi getting separated.  It also didn’t really sit well with me that Koushiro had been putting all this pressure on himself and yet the rest of the group doesn’t acknowledge or address it even after the fact.  Instead, Koushiro’s laptop gets an upgrade (presumably from the Perfect level evolution), and Taichi just says how awesome he is, which almost seems to paper over the conflict of the episode.  Hopefully we’ll see Koushiro using a bit of strategy without his laptop again in future episodes, or at least being a bit more aware of his surroundings while doing so.
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ryuutchi · 5 years
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Dearest Yulegoat [Mirrored Yuletide Letter] 
To start with, if you're writing fic for me, I love you. I'm going to be happy just to be able to share my fandom love with someone. You'll notice I throw a lot of ideas out-- feel free to take one, take many, take none. I know how hard it can be to settle on an idea once the assignments come in. So I'm offering a bunch of options that I will enjoy. None of these suggestions are hard and fast requirements. They're here to give you an idea of what's going on in my head and what my preferences look like. My current blog is ryuutchi, over on Tumblr. I can't promise it will be helpful, but in the interest of helping with the stalking process, feel free to check me out over there. I like: Plot, adventures, banter and dry humor, happy endings, over the top AUs (steampunk, noir, organized crime, rum-runners, harems...), casual physical intimacy, emotional interdependency, bad decisions and poor coping mechanisms, hurt/comfort and whump-with-comfort, loyalty and morality confusion, worldbuilding, identity porn, questionable healthy attachments, seeking out physical affection, accidentally caught feelings,  power-play, porn, gen, slash, femslash, het, any rating you feel comfortable with (for violence and/or sex), bittersweet things that are heavy on the sweet, Happily Ever After/Happily For Now endings I don't like: Deathfic, gratuitous angst, character-bashing, introspective character pieces, five times fics, mommy/daddy kink, A/B/O universes, contemporary social issues as the main focus/issuefic, sad or hopeless endings. (Also the standard DNWs: scat, watersports, necro, mpreg, homophobia, transphobia, etc) No Game No Life - Kamiya Yuu: Sora, Shiro The Series: They are both NEETs and Hikikomoris… but on the internet, the genius gamer siblings Sora and Shiro are known as the undefeatable “__” (blank). Sora and Shiro’s talents and skills are so abnormally good they are considered as urban legend.  One day, they are challenged by the god of games to chess and are victorious. As a result, the god summons them to Disboard, a reality which revolves around games. Intent on maintaining their reputation as the undefeated gamers, Sora and Shiro plan to conquer the sixteen ruling species and to usurp the god of games... NGNL is a series of light novels, of which 6 have been translated (PDFs can be found here, or bought legally at any online bookstore). The No Game No Life anime can be found on Crunchyroll here. Request: The fact that Shiro and Sora literally cannot be separated from each other is one of the dynamics that I like about the series. I really enjoy codependent siblings as a Thing. So I would be happy if you played with that dynamic. Plotty gen for this series would be great-- it's always fun when one of them is much better than the other or they have to separate and execute plans while relying solely on the intuition of what their sibling will do. Alternately, someone kidnapping Sora and Shiro having to play a game to get him back while they both battle their inability to get anything done alone... I'd love background on them, where they tried to separate or were forced to separate and failed to function, or where one or the other tried to interact with other people (maybe a gamer who tracked them down) but were either terrible at it, the other one quietly sabotaged the budding relationship,  or the third person got way too freaked out by the way Sora and Shiro act around each other. Future fic would also be great-- King/Queen Blank or even the Gods Blank, after they've beaten Tet. What does that look like? What kind of world are they making for themselves and each other? I ship them, but do not expect other people to, so if you want to write shippy fic (with aged up Shiro!!!) for them, I will be surprised but happy. I will happily admit to wanting kinky sex games. Extra Details: For reference, I've read through volume 8 of the light novel, watched the anime and the movie. I am not precious about spoilers for this series, so feel free to use later information. I know this series isn't everyone's cup of tea, with the sheer amount of fanservice and Sora's utterly otaku personality and the pseudo-incest thing with the 12 year old. Personally, as is probably obvious from the request, I'm less interested in the fanservicey characters, and much more about the dynamics of Shiro and Sora's relationship. I love the way they know exactly what the other is capable of and trust each other completely and whole-heartedly. Whether you write something small and domestic or big and plotty, for me the core of NGNL is that they love, care and respect each other in a way that is beautiful but also extremely unhealthy. If you want to go the shippy route, again, Shiro needs to be aged up appropriately-- it's always been interesting to me that Sora understands that it is inappropriate to sexualize his underage adopted sister, while Shiro goes out of her way to help sexualize other women for Sora's entertainment. There's a part of me that wonders if she's planning ahead for when she is old enough to be an "appropriate" (in age, if nothing else) sexual partner and is trying to get Sora to lose his virginity ahead of time. selector infected WIXOSS: Aoi Akira, Igarashi Rumi | UlithThe Series: WIXOSS is a popular trading card game in which players battle against each other with fighters known as LRIGs, using cards to support them. Certain LRIGs are able to communicate with their owners, and the girls chosen to wield them are known as "Selectors". Selectors are given the chance to have any wish granted by winning battles against other Selectors, but should they lose three times, their wish will be reversed into a curse instead. The main series, selector infected WIXOSS, follows a girl named Ruko Kominato, who becomes a Selector after receiving an LRIG that she names Tama. As she and various other Selectors battle it out for the sake of their wish, Ruko finds herself drawn into the dark, sinister world of WIXOSS, discovering that, win or lose, there is always a price to pay. The anime can be found on Funimation here Request: So, you know how in my "general likes" I said I don't like "gratuitous angst"? In this fandom, there is no such thing as "gratuitous". Darkfic is absolutely welcome here. The thing I am most interested in here is the manipulative, awful relationship that Akira has with Ulith-as-Iona. Like, I love them all, and for some reason in this fandom, that comes out to "please break them". Exploring their adult lives and how their relationships and the Wixoss game affected them in the future would be amazing. What else happened to them? What are their careers like? What are their home lives like? Are they... living together? Does some sort of magic continue to be a theme in their lives? Feel free to write in-universe plot or no-powers universe, or some horrible Madoka or Yurikuma Arashi  or other magical girl thing, where they can all be horribly manipulative lesbians together because that's magical and wonderful. OTOH, if you want to write codependent-but-vaguely-functional adult Akira and Iona/Ulith being horrible assholes and having adventures of some sort (magic, detectives, idk) that is ALSO A+. I mean, I like happy endings, and if you can come up with something heartwarming (or "heartwarming") I'm not going to complain. Extra Details: Evil lesbians are Problematic, I know. But Akira was one of my favorite characters from the word go and (if you're paying attention to my fandoms as a whole) I really really like codependent or unhealthy relationships. I love her love/hate relationship with Iona and with Ulith, and the way those two characters sort of get mixed up for Akira specifically. If you want to play with Iona and Ulith's personalities and interactions as well, that would also be pretty fun. I'm also down for other types of AUs, like they have to get their shit together and track down someone who is killing Selectors, or they become selectors as adults and not girls. I know they're young, but given that this is a super-fucking dark canon, I am totally cool with dubiously consensual sex either on or off-screen. FANDOM: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors (Shuu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fang, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri) The Series: Ronin Warriors, known in Japan as Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (lit. "Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers"), is a Japanese anime series and manga adaptation created by Hajime Yatate. It's the story of five teenage boys, given mystical armor to protect the world from the evil Arago. 1000 years ago, Arago nearly succeeded in taking over the human world when Kaosu managed to defeat him. Although Arago's soul is banished to the demon world, his armor is left intact. Kaosu divided the armor into nine separate armor suits. Each armor will choose its bearer, and together they will fight Arago. At least that was the original intent... Although Arago manages to corrupt four sets of the armor, the last five remain safe. It's a bit like Power Rangers, only grounded in more serious traditional Japanese cultural trappings. Being created in the 80s, the art style is a little wonky, but it's an enjoyable thriller and is somewhat more focused and serious than a lot of sentai shows. The anime can be found on Crunchyroll here Request: I love Shuu/Shin with Shin being snarktastic and Shuu being smug and solid and dependable. I used to frequent the Minkland archive back when this fandom still kinda existed, and was forever disappointed that the skinny pretty boys got tons and tons of fic and Shuu was just sort of there in the background. (If you used to read Mink and Jink's fic, I will be so happy I could cry if I got that sort of cracked-out porny fic with Shuu, okay. Due to that formative influence, if you want to GO FOR THE AU, GO FOR IT WITH GUSTO. I've always wanted nanshoku/samurai AU. Or, you know, hooker fic, or dark!troopers fic, or harem fic or something like that. I also like found-family fic, gen-ish mysteries and adventures-- more fighting Massive Cosmic Evil, and curtainfic. Futurefic is also awesome, where they get on with their lives, maybe together or maybe trying to keep their friendships intact when there's no massive Cosmic Evil to keep them close. Extra Details: If you used to read Mink and Jink's fic, I will be so happy I could cry if I got that sort of cracked-out porny, possibly AU fic with Shuu, okay Fics I especially enjoyed from that archive: The Grand One The Clit Club Chronicles The Harem Vinyl Wagashi Cherry Zima Threesome Theater of Magic Due to that formative influence, if you want to GO FOR THE AU, GO FOR IT WITH GUSTO. I've always wanted nanshoku/samurai AU (see this image). Or, you know, hooker fic, or dark!troopers fic, or harem fic or something like that. My usual ships are Shin/Shuu, Shin/Ryo, Touma/Seiji and Ryo/Nasuti. But I multiship and am willing to run with anything-- I'm a Sex With All Teammates sort of person, so fivesomes and alternate pairings are not a problem for me. Dragon Prince Trilogy - Melanie Rawn: Ianthe of Princemarch, Sioned of River Run The Series: To blatantly steal someone else's review on Amazon: "Melanie Rawn created a world and a people that gives everything you could possibly want in a fantasy world. It gives love, hate, peace, war, magic, royalty, commoners, children to take over the next generation and best of all; dragons." I want to say "if this wasn't the matched fandom you should go out and read them right the fuck now', because I have read these books So Many Times.  They're high fantasy novels about politics and the prince of a desert and magical people who communicate via sunlight and can conjure fire. AND DRAGONS. Also a lot of interpersonal and romantic maneuverings. It's a high fantasy politics and romance romp of somewhere ~550 pages. If that sounds interesting to you, pretty much every used bookstore I have ever been to has at least one copy of these books. I think they spawn on bookshelves or something. The books are also available in ebook form here (Kindle) and here (Nook) for 3 bucks. Please read them. (TW for rape in the first book) The Request: I love everything this series chooses to be. It's fun and cheesy and fantasy, which the best thing in the world. I've always thought that Ianthe had a serious hate-crush on Sioned and part of the reason she was so vicious and fucked up was that whole "you must marry a guy and expand the empire or your useless" thing when maybe she didn't want to do that. Ianthe's always been one of my favorite characters because she's brilliant and ruthless and clearly takes joy in clever plans that go well. Of course, being the villain in a cheesy fantasy, she got no depth whatsoever, aside from that whole sexually liberated, taking male consorts thing (which is AWESOME, okay.) Sioned is also awesome and brilliant and kick ass. Her hesitance in the first book while she decided what she really wanted to do was pretty great, as was the fact that she promptly made friends with Tobin and pretty much every character not designated "villain". It seems like up through Ianthe's death, they're playing a game of brinkmanship. (Which isn't to say I don't like Sioned and Rohan together. They're bookTP and totally awesome.) As for prompts, I normally prefer plotty fic to introspection. I feel like the whole sunrunner thing lends itself well to espionage, so political thriller, or murder mysteries or something would be great. If you want to do plot-what-plot involving these two-- either sex or just the sort of dancing around/pigtail pulling that would be great. Threesomes with Rohan-- also acceptable! Hell, if you want to do an AU where they end up together instead of Sioned marrying Rohan-- or alternately, an AU end to the trilogy, where Ianthe never died in the fire and ends up taking over as High Princess and making the Desert monarchs' lives hell and discovering her powers. Or something where she knew about her powers all along. Or Sioned, I don't know, realizing she kind of did think Ianthe was attractive. I also really enjoy Pandsala, but I didn't find her dynamic with Sioned and Rohan quite as engaging, even though she also did some bad-ass stuff in the long run. Her weird push and pull backstabby, politicized sisterly thing was interesting, though. Extra Details: Okay, like I said, I think this series is the cheesiest fantasy series in the WORLD and in a lot of ways it's one of my first nostalgia fandoms. If you haven't read them, they are kind of ridiculously long (Like, GRR Martin-long), but they're quick reads despite that and rather less depressing than a lot of high fantasy. It's silly in the way that "adult fantasy" that takes itself way too seriously can be. A lot of the main protagonists actively enjoy each others' company and that's as much integral to the book as the politics and dragon-slaying. That said, I kinda asked for a semi-serious plotty story. But if you want to run with the "it's cheesy fantasy" and want to write about Ianthe rescuing princesses or Sioned running away to be a knight and abducting Ianthe away from her toxic father, or something silly, I say get down with your nerd self and run with it. I've only read parts of the second trilogy, and the second generation aren't really very interesting to me. If you want to write future-fic, I would prefer that it continues to focus on the original generation (no matter how much I love Andry, Pol just seems like kind of a jerk).
House of M - New X-Men: Academy X: Any The Series: I'm surprised it took me so long to nominate and request this fandom. I love New X-Men and was GUTTED when Decimation forced them into killing off so many of the characters. If you've never read it, New X-Men: Academy X was an X-Man title in the mid-00's, focusing on entirely new students at Xavier's Academy, being taught by the more established characters. Some of the New X-Men have managed to escape and become general Marvel characters in their own rights (David Alleyne, for example), but for the most part, they were just teenagers at school who rarely got caught up in larger plots. 616 New X-Men were about teenagers fighting, and coming to grips with the fact that they're being raised and taught to go sacrifice themselves for a Greater Goal. They're all wonderfully, horribly traumatized teenagers with powers. The plots were fleshed out and realistic, and when they weren't they were still interesting or fun. This request isn't technically for that. It's for the House of M megacrossover from 2009. Wanda Maximoff, mutant reality shifter and sometimes-crazy-lady, decided that mutants should run the world. SO THEY DID. And suddenly the lives of our young students become very different. Half of them after still "New Mutants", working towards peace, and the others are "Hellions", SHIELD trainees in a violently anti-homo-sapien state system. I've always felt that House of M as a narrative concept has been dismissed too easily by Marvel fans, because there are so many pieces of worldbuilding left unbuilt. I'm most interested in seeing it from the eyes of younger participants who are being trained or have been trained for their places. What does that world look like? New X-Men: Academy X can be found online here: https://viewcomics.me/comic/new-x-men-2004. The House of M crossover runs for issues 16-19. The Request: There's a lot here to play with because the authors never really got to play in either the Academy X OR the House of M sandboxes long enough to do all of their ideas justice. So I'm going to lay out some of the stuff I liked most about NXM in general and HoM in particular. The nom is for HoM, but I think HoM is most interesting in conversation with the standard 616 universe, alongside having the fun YA action stuff and the complicated interpersonal relationships. For example: in 616 Josh joined the Reavers and pretended not to be a mutant until he was confronted with Laurie nearly dying. I can imagine a bunch of different scenarios for House of M that would lead to where we see Josh and Laurie in the HoM comics (Laurie undercover with the New Mutants, and Josh working as an interrogator alongside Kevin). Laurie's introversion in 616 juxtaposed against her brazen treachery and clear control over her skills in HoM. HoM shows Kevin in a full decontamination suit, but we know in 616 that his ability is blocked by wearing synthetic fibers (I imagined this to be a interrogator scare tactic, but it could be any number of other things). Kevin and Josh's relationship in 616 is fraught, especially with Josh's previous experiences with anti-mutant activists and the fact that Kevin killed his father when his powers manifested. But they seemed to work together well in HoM. And speaking of Kevin-- how did his powers manifesting actually pan out in a universe where mutants aren't seen as a threat? I have to wonder whether there's some concept of "acceptable casualties" because some peoples' powers clearly manifest first in dangerous situations. Alternatively: Fluffy Josh/Kevin with a backdrop of torture, murder and state violence. I ship mostly Josh/Kevin because rivals-to-lovers and boy-who-kills-anything-he-touches/boy-who-cannot-be-killed is Great For Me. I also love the abuse of powers and manipulation involved in being interrogators/torturers(/murderers?) for the House of Magneto. They work together, they hurt people together, but maybe they also... smooch? THAT SAID! Adding Laurie to that ship is always a great way to fuck up and destabilize them! Especially in HoM, where we know she's already keeping secrets and can and WILL use her pheromones to fuck with people. And David! OH, DAVID. The only real New Mutant in this request. Does he have previous relationships with Josh and/or Kevin? I don't mind David/Noriko, but I also ship David with Kevin and Josh, and also Tommy and Teddy from Young Avengers, if you feel like exploring other parts of the HoM world. I have never considered David/Laurie before, but if you want to give it a whirl, I'm down. As for David-- His responses to state violence (as evidenced by the Hellions and SHIELD) are clearly different from the rest of the requested characters, and it would be interesting to explore David and his experience of this universe. Are his powers still restrained the same way? I know he supposedly dies at the end of the HoM mini-arc, but we never see them die, so feel free to write David managing to crawl off and plan to take down everything and everyone. A specific DNW for this fandom is Josh/Rahne. I don't mind the relationship having existed and impacting the characters, but only as a past relationship.
Extra Details:
SENSORY DETAILS. When it comes to magic and meta powers-- especially ones that aren't battle-oriented-- is what they feel like. What does it MEAN for David to be able to know anything someone else knows? What does the emptiness and fullness of it do to him? Josh's powers are all tactile and his body actively changes after trauma (in 616, first by turning him gold, then by creating black spots on his skin after he kills someone for the first time). Does his power always alter him, but usually in unnoticeable ways? What can he know and feel from a touch? Same for Kevin-- does withering sate a hunger, or make him feel worse? What would it feel like if he touched Josh? And Laurie... I'd love both her thought-process and the sensory details of what she's doing. Can she smell her own pheromones? Do they ever affect her? What does she feel like when she's manipulating people so subtly that they barely notice a passing smell? If you want to bring in other 616 knowledge and see what it looks like in HoM, that's cool. So is bringing in other HoM storylines. There's a throw-away line in Luke Cage's HoM crossover that the Runaways are known as an organized crime group. Cage himself runs a resistence cell (and given the end of the NXM crossover, David seems like he'd be willing to throw in with that lot). Young Avengers, the other New X-Men who weren't given much screentime in the HoM crossover-- I'd love any of that. Young Justice (Comics): Match, Tim Drake
The Series: Comics are confusing! This request is for the late-90s version of Young Justice by Peter David, which consisted of Robin, Impulse, Superboy, Arrowette, Secret, and Wonder Girl, along with others. It's very much a young-heroes-trying-to-make-their-way. Unlike the newer show, this Young Justice tended to be left on their own without much of a guiding hand. It was a very 90s comic, with very 90s fashion and a lot of nod-nod-wink-wink in-jokes. I love it because it's a series that always wore its humor on its sleeve. It's an affectionate look at young superheroes, and allowed them to react to teen problems alongside the more standard superhero tropes. There's the possibility for angst and darkness (and once they graduated to Teen Titans especially, that came up more), but they were allowed to be both hurt and upset AND fun and cheerful. The comics weren't available collected until last year (it took them TWENTY YEARS JFC), and it's well-worth buying from your local retailer, but you can also find them online here. The character I'm requesting first appeared in Superboy's solo series (starting in issue #35), which can be found here and again in the first volume of Young Justice: Sins of Youth. The Request: SO! I have always loved Match in the original YJ and Superboy comics, and the writers gave him really short shrift. We have a clone of Kon, who is as smart, if not smarter, can pretend to be Kon for extended periods of time— but every time he tries, people get hurt or die. I’ve always wondered how Tim felt that he literally couldn’t tell his best friend from an imposter. And then Match went and ran off and disappeared and no one ever seemed to consider what he was doing, after thousands of his/Kon’s siblings/clones were murdered essentially in front of him and the Agenda fell apart. (I’m not entirely surprised that Kon didn’t pay attention to all of those clones of him dying, but think about it from the standpoint of someone for whom those were supposed to be an army of his siblings. What a way to get survivor’s guilt.) Did Match go to Lex? It doesn’t seem like it, but given that as Kon’s clone, he’s technically Lex’s son too, it’s a possibility. Or alternately! He got himself out of the superhero game and did something else! What was it? I’d also love for a story about him wanting to be a super and have that family that Kon and Clark have, but being shut out of that world because he’s a “villain”. Or him getting that family after so long. Or him showing up at the Kents’ place because “fuck it, if Kon can have this, so can I” and it goes… well or poorly, depending on you. Or him finding his own family in a place that is separate from the who superhero thing, and Kon or Tim or Clark stumbling on him. Or Lex trying to use him— whether or not it works is up to you, although I’d love for it to touch on Match’s need to be part of something larger— after all, he was built and trained to be the vanguard for an army that was summarily murdered in front of him. Tim's refusal to even vaguely hint about his real identity during this time is fun too-- we have two boys who are both hiding their identities in different ways. It makes me wonder if Tim COULD have figured Match out, if the Sins of the Youth plotline didn't happen or was delayed somehow, because he seems to have all of the pieces of information. Or maybe Match-as-Kon was the only person Tim revealed part of his real name too, and has to deal with the ramifications of trust. Actually, Tim and the Issues Of Trust is the YA novel that I'd love to see Tim and Match (and Kon and the rest of YJ) star in. Bring back Mr Sarcastic (PLEASE bring back Mr Sarcastic) and Alvin Draper. Bring back the way that Tim hides by burrowing under identities and performances, and collects information on everyone he knows. I love detective stories and, out of all the Bats, Tim has always struck me as one of the best actual detectives, rather than crime-fighters. So Tim getting lost in a mystery will always make me happy. There's also something interesting about a group of young teens fighting for their own autonomy and identity. At this point in Tim's story, I think he was still thinking of the Robin thing as almost an extracurricular, and probably grappling with how hard it is on him physically, as well as mentally. So, I guess struggling for a coherent snse of self and agency are really interesting touchstones in this fandom. ALSO, MY DEEPLY HELD RARE PAIR FROM THE 90s: Tim/Match! See above, re: Match being present for Identity Crisis instead of Kon. I’d love Match to be trying to follow Kon’s footsteps re: Cassie, and being way more into Tim, which leads to Tim being confused and into Kon. Also any of the above prompts can include Tim (maybe Tim tries to help cushion a meeting between Match and Kon or Clark! Or maybe he just ends up Match’s sugar daddy. I’m down.) Although this request is ripe for dubious identity weirdness with Match pretending to be Kon, I'd really prefer that you focus on Match getting to be his own person, even if there's some pretending-to-be-Kon in there. Extra Details: This has been a lowkey love of mine for literally decades. My absolute favorite gift of all time was original pages from one of the Superboy issues where Match appears for the first time. And as I've grown older, my love for this rare, obscure character has deepened. Also, as I've grown older, I've begun to want more adult!Match, or growing up!Match just because the idea of growing up in the margins of superhero culture after everything that happened to him is really interesting. He was straight-up groomed and brainwashed, and then the Agenda was gone, so how did he cope? What is he doing now? What kind of adult does he make? This request is specifically for the mid-90s comic, so feel free to stick to that. But if you read the 2010-era Teen Titans and want to explore some later story choices-- like Match becoming Bizarro-like, Slade making him part of Titans East, or his fear that Jericho would hurt the Titans in his body, or save Match from Superboy-Prime, I'm not going to complain. (Personal headcanon time: I think Slade was trying to mind control Match with the same stuff he used on Rose, and it caused the Bizarro-like symptoms). I also love Elseworlds and mirror!verse stuff too. As I've said elsewhere in the letter, I really prefer Happily Ever After/Happily For Now stuff, and I prefer my bittersweet fics heavy on the sweetness. Please give Match the love and affection he's always deserved. But also, please feel free to make both Match and Tim HURT first.
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imitranslates · 6 years
Fukigen na Mononokean Ch. 57
A familiar face, some cute scenes, and a sharp Ashiya~ What answers await us next month? I wonder!
Please remember to check out the official English release when it comes out, preferably on Crunchyroll if you’re able to!
The newest chapter can be read on the official website by clicking the yellow button labeled 読む!
FYI, next month’s translation might be a day or two late (or it might not!).
Fukigen na Mononokean Chapter 57 – Sprouting Secrets
Page 1
Sakae: I'll exorcise you, too.
Sakae: ...Disappear.
Page 2
Ashiya: ...
Ashiya: Haa...
Ashiya: Haa...
Ashiya: Haa...
Page 3
Ashiya: Haa... haa...
Ashiya: ...Haa...
Ashiya: Haa—....
Ashiya: ...Another one.
Ashiya: A dream about killing a demon with my influence.
Page 4
Ashiya: How many times does this make it...
(Ashiya: My alarm...)
Ashiya: ......
Ashiya: Today's November 2nd, huh...
Page 5
Joumatsu: Delicious! I haven't had this flavor in awhile!
Page 6
Joumatsu: Ashiya! One more!
Ashiya: I see you're still an impressive drinker!
Abeno: Has Anmo-dono been well since last time?
Joumatsu: Yes! The princess is as lovely as ever!
Her easily charmed nature hasn't changed, but... it’s lessened a bit from how it was before she closed herself up in that shell. I'm relieved!
Joumatsu: And compared to when we were in the mundane world, we fly together in the sky much more often!
Joumatsu: In fact, I went on a sightseeing flight with the princess in the forest a short ago!
Joumatsu: Since we came to the Underworld, every day has been full of joy!
Joumatsu: You have my gratitude for exorcising us!!
Abeno: ...That's excellent.
Ashiya: (What a completely doting story...)
Page 7
Mononokean: How sweet!
Ashiya: I'm relieved that you're getting along well.
It's been so long. I wish I could have seen Princess Anmo as well~~
Joumatsu: (Hmm...) Unfortunately, I couldn't bring the princess here...
Ashiya: Why's that?
Joumatsu: That is... Well... The reason for me visiting the Mononokean a second time is...
Joumatsu: Because I wanted your help with the princess.
Joumatsu: I was thinking that...
I would like to give the princess a gift!!
Ashiya: A present for Princess Anmo?
Page 8
Abeno: Would this be a "congratulatory gift"?
Joumatsu: No... It's nothing like that...
Ashiya: Abeno-san... Don't ask such a silly thing.
Joumatsu: T-that said, I'd like to give the princess something she'd be enjoy!
Ashiya: Uh-huh.
(Abeno: What's with that knowing smile...)
Joumatsu: Since we're from the mundane world, I was thinking I'd present her with something from here...
Ashiya: It'd be nice if she had something from the mundane world to keep with her in place of Joumatsu-san.
Ashiya: What kind of gift did you want to give her?
Joumatsu: Ah, yes...
Joumatsu: I have not decided that yet...
Joumatsu: I thought that if I hadn't settled on anything before I arrived,
Since the Mononokean is well informed about the mundane world, I would come to ask your advice for any good ideas. (I can't give her something that she might fall in love with, either.)
Page 9
Abeno: (Rather than worrying about it, isn't it more effective to ask the person directly?)
(Abeno: I see...)
Ashiya: (I have the feeling he's going to say, "Just ask her directly.")
Abeno: Why don't you just...
Ashiya: UMMM! That's right! How about some flowers!
Abeno: !?
Ashiya: My place is a flower shop, so if you give me a bit of time, I can prepare something!
Joumatsu: Flowers, huh!
Certainly, the princess did love looking at flowers!
Joumatsu: This is a wonderful idea!
Page 10
Joumatsu: Now then! Let's make haste over to Ashiya's home!
Abeno: Joumatsu-dono, by Underworld law, you can't enter the mundane world from here.
Abeno: We shall go and make the preparations, so can I ask that you wait for a brief period?
Joumatsu: Hmm... If it's like that, I have no choice.
Ashiya: By the way, do you happen to know what Princess Anmo's favorite color, or favorite flower is? (I'd like to have a reference for when we make the flower arrangement!)
Joumatsu: I see~~ Then perhaps~~
Page 11
Ashiya: Excuse me...
Ashiya: Could you make me one fluffy and sparkly flower arrangement?
Nara: Sure thing. Fluffy and sparkly, huh~
Oh! Welcome, Abeno-kun!
Nara: Thanks for helping me the other day. (For taking me to the hospital...)
Abeno: It was nothing...
(Ashiya: Come inside, come on.)
Nara: Could it be... You're the one who wants these flowers, Abeno-kun?
Nara: A present for your girlfriend, maybe?
Abeno: Yes. (Please make it with a girl in mind.)
Nara: I knew it!
Nara: You must be popular, huh, Abeno-kun?
You know, when Hanae was in middle school...
Ashiya: AAAAH, MOM!? Can you not say anything unnecessary?!
Abeno: ?
Page 12
Nara: Ah, yes!
Nara: Since you're here, why don't you try making it yourself?
Ashiya: !
Nara: If it was made by Abeno-san, I'm sure she'd be happy.
Nara: Of course, she'd like it if I made it, too. ...What do you think?
(Joumatsu: Flowers that are fluffy and sparkle like the princess!)
Ashiya: Sure, if we made it ourselves, it would probably be more convenient.
Since we know what Princess Anmo looks like.
Abeno: How would we convey that? There's no way she'd think the recipient is songbird-sized, either, huh...
Abeno&Ashiya: (In that case...!)
Page 13
Abeno: Allow me to accept your proposal and try to make it myself.
Ashiya: If it's a simple arrangement, I can help make it!
Nara: If Hanae's with you, you'll be okay without my teaching.
Please use my work bench.
(Nara: If you have any problems, I'll be in the back, so just call for me.)
(Ashiya: Let's get started!)
(Ashiya: This basket should be good.)
Page 14
Ashiya: Abeno-san! This should be a good size for putting it in!
Abeno: ......
Ashiya: Yikes!
(Ashiya: What's wrong?)
Ashiya: This is the first time I've seen a customer choosing flowers with such a demonic expression... (The flowers might wither.)
Abeno: Which flower is fluffy and sparkly...? A double flower in a really bright color...?
Abeno: Would a cotton flower be fluffy? But it's not sparkly...
Ashiya: (Has this abstract request triggered a mild panic...?!)
Ashiya: It's fine if you don't think about it that hard.
Whatever you choose with that sort of feeling is OK!
Abeno: Whatever has... that sort...
Page 15
Ashiya: When I imagine Princess Anmo, I think starting with a pink base would be good.
A carnation has a kind of fluffy, sparkly feeling to it~~
(Ashiya: The gerbera and rose is good, too~)
(Ashiya: And the dahlia is in season and fresh~)
Ashiya: Next is gypsophila to increase the volume!
The caper bush should be on the inside...
Ashiya: Ah, here it is! After that, I should put in some green...
Abeno: !
Abeno: .......
[Funeral altar flowers.]
Page 16
Ashiya: Abeno-saaan!
Ashiya: Abeno-san, which color looks more fluffy?
Ashiya: Right? Left?
Abeno: .....Left?
Page 17
Ashiya: .......
(Ashiya: What's wrong this time?)
Ashiya: Abeno-san, please just insert it...
Abeno: This is the first move. Wherever I place it will become the cornerstone...
Ashiya: Is this shougi?
(Ashiya: F... First, why don't you try putting it in the center?)
Abeno: ......
Ashiya: ...!?
Abeno: ......
Abeno: (Haa...) The rest of this... you do it...
Ashiya: Alright...
Ashiya: (To give up after the first move, he must be really bad at this...)
Page 18
Abeno: November 2nd...
Page 19
Ashiya: The day Sakae vanished...
Ashiya: It's the anniversary of Sakae's death, huh...
Page 20
Abeno: ......
Abeno: ......
Ashiya: Did... I say something to bother you, Abeno-san?
Abeno: Huh? No... What are you asking all of a sudden?
Page 21
Ashiya: The crease of your brow seems to indicate, "I'm troubled... What should I do..."
Yeah! Today is the death anniversary, but! It's not like my family does anything special in mourning, so you can just ignore it!
(Abeno: My brows indicates...?)
Ashiya: Though... In the first place, I can't really tell my family,
So can you not say anything to my mom, either?
Abeno: You're not saying anything?
Ashiya: ...I won't say anything.
I mean, it's not like I can explain it.
Ashiya: If I knew the reason he died, or the circumstances, I might be able to tell them, but...
Even though Abeno-san investigated for me, it was over before we found out anything...
Page 22
Abeno: ...Well, I guess that's true.
Ashiya: That wasn't a complaint or claim just now, though?!
You looked through every nook and cranny during your investigation, so I only have gratitude for you!
Ashiya: Your investigation into Sakae is worth the 1 million yen added to my debt!
Page 23
Abeno: That additional debt... I'll writing it off.
Ashiya: !?
Ashiya: ...Eh?
Abeno: The investigation request I accepted from you to find out about "the last moments of your father," but I still don't know.
I don't have anymore clues, so searching beyond this point will be difficult.
Abeno: The work I did isn't enough to receive the request fee of one million... That's why I don't want it.
Page 24
Ashiya: No, no... No matter the result, the fact that you did your investigation doesn't change...
Abeno: I said I don't want it.
(Ashiya: It... it's a million, you know!?)
(Abeno: Don't want it.)
Ashiya: (He's refusing to take it?!)
Ashiya: ...Then,
Ashiya: I'll accept your kindness...
Ashiya: (That said... I'm glad my debt decreased, but...)
Ashiya: ......
[Why did he only "write it off" at this moment?]
Page 25
[If he thought that investigating more than this would be difficult...]
[Why didn't he say that when he gave me his report?]
[By writing off the debt...
[He's saying he's "giving up any further investigation..."]
[But, Abeno-san...]
[Until now, has never given up on a request...
Not even once.]
Page 26
[If there was another reason for it...]
(Could he know something he can't talk about?)
Ashiya: ...!
(And that's why he decided to give up the request?)
[Just what about my father...]
[Does Abeno-san know?]
Page 27
Abeno: ......
Ashiya: ......
Ashiya: Um... I'm going to ask you about something else, but...
Abeno: What is it?
Page 28
Ashiya: There's something about Sakae...
Ashiya: That you're hiding from me, isn't there?
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