#crushing sense of inadequacy and impostor syndrome + apparently a bigass nerd
trans-cuchulainn · 9 months
i am rereading catch-22, which I originally read as a teenager and haven't read since. parts of it are SO FUNNY, parts of it give me secondhand anxiety, and parts of it are so wildly misogynistic that it gives me whiplash because five seconds ago i was laughing at something and now i feel like someone threw a bucket of cold water over me. so, you know, it's an experience
i do think it's very good and i think the humour would really work with certain flavours of online people but the misogyny (and the use of slurs etc) would not fly with the No Nuance Classics Cancelling online culture so i would hesitate to recommend it to Very Online people even if i thought they'd enjoy aspects of it lol
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