kriptoradar · 1 year
Dijital Gayrimenkul Yatırımı: Avantajları, Riskleri ve En İyi Platformlar
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Dijital teknolojinin hızla gelişmesiyle birlikte, geleneksel gayrimenkul yatırımlarına alternatif olarak dijital gayrimenkullere yatırım yapmak giderek popüler hale geliyor. Dijital gayrimenkuller, blockchain teknolojisi ile güvence altına alınmış sanal mülklerdir. #Cryptovoxels #Decentraland #DijitalGayrimenkul #DijitalGayrimenkulYatırımı #NFT #OpenSea #ryptoVoxels #SuperRare Read the full article
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newschurn · 2 years
Cryptovoxels Is Rebranding to Voxels – Press release Bitcoin News
Cryptovoxels Is Rebranding to Voxels – Press release Bitcoin News
press release PRESS RELEASE. Cryptovoxels, one of the most significant players in the metaverse space, is rebranding to Voxels. The rebrand will happen on May 3rd at 8pm EDT (May 4th at noon New Zealand time). One of Web 3’s most popular communities, Cryptovoxels is a metaverse on the Ethereum blockchain where players can own land, and build and develop online experiences. The user-owned virtual…
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metaverseconsultant · 11 months
Features of Metaverse Realestate Plaform Development
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Developing a metaverse real estate platform involves creating a virtual environment where users can buy, sell, rent, and manage virtual properties within the metaverse. Here are some key aspects and features to consider when developing a metaverse real estate platform:
Virtual Property Listings: Enable users to list virtual properties for sale or rent within the metaverse. This can include virtual land, buildings, houses, apartments, and other virtual spaces. Users should be able to provide detailed descriptions, images, and pricing information for their virtual properties.
Property Search and Filtering: Implement search and filtering functionality to allow users to find virtual properties based on specific criteria, such as location, size, type, and price. Users should be able to browse through available properties and view detailed information about each listing.
Virtual Property Showings: Provide virtual property showings or tours within the metaverse platform. This can involve interactive 3D walkthroughs, allowing users to explore virtual properties and experience the virtual spaces as if they were physically present.
Buying and Selling Virtual Properties: Enable users to purchase or sell virtual properties within the metaverse. This involves implementing secure and transparent transaction processes, including virtual currency or cryptocurrency payments, escrow services, and transfer of ownership mechanisms.
Virtual Property Management: Offer tools and features for users to manage their virtual properties. This can include options to customize and decorate virtual spaces, track property ownership, and manage rental agreements if applicable.
Community and Social Interaction: Foster a community within the metaverse real estate platform, allowing users to connect, interact, and collaborate. Implement social features such as messaging, forums, and user profiles to facilitate communication and networking among users.
Integration with Metaverse Platforms: Ensure compatibility and integration with popular metaverse platforms like Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, Somnium Space, or The Sandbox. This enables users to access and interact with virtual properties seamlessly within the metaverse ecosystem.
Virtual Economy and Monetization: Implement a virtual economy within the metaverse real estate platform. This can include mechanisms for earning and spending virtual currency, as well as opportunities for monetization such as transaction fees, listing fees, and premium property features.
Security and Trust: Implement robust security measures to protect user data, transactions, and virtual property ownership. Utilize encryption, authentication mechanisms, and smart contracts to ensure the integrity and trustworthiness of the platform.
Regulatory Compliance: Adhere to relevant regulations and legal frameworks regarding virtual property ownership, virtual currencies, and user data protection. Compliance with local laws and regulations is essential for the successful and sustainable operation of the metaverse real estate platform.
Developing a metaverse real estate platform requires a combination of expertise in virtual reality, blockchain technology, web development, and user experience design. Collaborating with developers, designers, legal experts, and industry professionals can help create a robust and user-friendly platform that caters to the needs of virtual property buyers, sellers, and managers within the metaverse.
Know more : https://shamlatech.com/metaverse-real-estate-development/
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【How To Take Advantage of P2E 】
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Gamers can earn assets within the game, because of advancements in blockchain technology. receive prizes that have real-life worth, plus gain the ability to purchase and transact virtual assets and other items via blockchain markets. 有很多方法可以在游戏中赚钱,使用NFT、游戏以及Decentraland和Cryptovoxels等平台为玩家提供了各种潜在的收益机会。然而,您赚取的金额可能因游戏的本币、您投入的时间以及您应用的游戏技术而异。 -游戏中,铸造是玩家赚钱的各种方式之一。 -区块链P2E游戏奖金(例如Axieinfinity) -赌注,锁定代币以获得奖励被称为赌注。 投资的时间和使用该平台开发的技能越多,能创造的收入就越高。 #gamefi #p2e
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tradermeximas · 20 days
O Metaverso é uma tendência que define o desenvolvimento de plataformas sociais, indústria de TI e arte para as próximas décadas. Não é surpreendente que à terra no Metaverso tenha uma demanda tão alta. Exatamente um ano atrás, um terreno padrão na Decentraland foi vendido por US$ 1.000, enquanto agora o preço chega a US$ 13.000 e esse não é o limite. Analistas, por exemplo, Olivier Acuna, o Co-Fundador da AdLunam, acredita que à terra metaverso é mais lucrativa do que à terra tradicional já em 2022. Comprar terrenos metaverso agora mesmo é um investimento muito promissor, e não há dúvida sobre isso. A questão é como fazê-lo nas melhores condições possíveis, porque se você digitar algo como “quanto custa um terreno metaverso?” na barra de busca, você receberá milhões de respostas e nem todas elas serão relevantes. Além disso, um grande número de plataformas de venda de terrenos virtuais operam de forma não oficial e não podem ser confiáveis. Portanto, criamos um guia detalhado para a compra de terrenos no Metaverso. Neste artigo, você descobrirá as razões pelas quais se promete comprar terrenos e propriedades virtuais, como ganhar dinheiro com eles e, o mais importante, como comprar terrenos metaverso com garantia, diretamente e sem sobretaxas injustificadas. O que é terreno no Metaverso? Tecnicamente, qualquer plataforma virtual, onde os usuários interagem de qualquer forma, pode ser chamada de metaverso. Estes incluem redes sociais, aplicativos de mensagens, MMORPG, projetos que empregam a realidade virtual e a realidade aumentada. Entretanto, nem toda plataforma tem terrenos e imóveis que possam ser comercializados. Há um número bastante grande de Metaversos que oferecem esta opção, mas existem apenas cinco oficiais - Decentraland, The Sandbox, Somnium, Cryptovoxels, e Upland. Todos eles são regulados pelas Plataformas Meta. Por que alguém compraria e venderia terrenos virtuais? Este terreno não existe fisicamente, apenas no espaço digital criado pelos computadores de alto desempenho da Meta. A nuança é que os negócios estão mudando gradualmente do mundo físico para o espaço digital. Isto se aplica não apenas as lojas e mercados online. Por exemplo, líderes de mercado como Gucci, Nike, Coca-Cola e outros já têm seus próprios terrenos no Metaverso. Como eles os utilizam? A resposta a isso é limitada pela imaginação do proprietário do terreno. Discutiremos este assunto abaixo com mais detalhes, mas as grandes marcas usam seus terrenos no Metaverso para implementar vários projetos, realizar shows de suas novas coleções, promoções e eventos corporativos, para se comunicar com os consumidores e obter feedback. Muitas empresas têm escritórios no Metaverso, onde seus funcionários de todo o mundo podem se comunicar como se todos estivessem em uma única sala. Portanto, o terreno do Metaverso é um conglomerado de uma infinidade de lotes de espaço virtual que qualquer pessoa ou entidade jurídica pode comprar. Por que existe uma tendência clara que continuará a ser relevante? Primeiro, os titãs, como Meta, que planeja injetar USD 24 bilhões no projeto, e cujas ações já caminharam 18% este ano, estão envolvidos no mesmo. Segundo, ao contrário da terra tradicional, à terra virtual é ilimitada. Seu valor não é determinado por sua natureza limitada, mas por seu potencial de rendimento. Em terceiro lugar, os espaços virtuais são descentralizados. Em Nova Iorque ou Moscou, quanto mais próximo do centro da cidade, mais caro é o terreno, mas não há centros no Metaverso — cada terreno está no centro aqui e você pode ter acesso imediato a qualquer um deles. [su_panel background="#e3f4f9" color="#135165" border="1px solid #18799d"][su_icon_text color="#5f5f5e" icon="https://forexbinarias.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/info_48px.png" icon_color="34bfa3" icon_size="30"]Luis Carranza, CEO e Fundador da Fayre, prevê que o rendimento potencial de um terreno virtual será medido em dezenas de milhares de dólares. Portanto, se você está pensando em comprar um terreno no Metaverso, agora é a hora de fazê-lo.
[/su_icon_text][/su_panel] Por que o terreno Metaverso é um bom investimento? A Grayscale é a maior empresa de investimento do mundo. É difícil até imaginar o quanto está investindo no Metaverso, pois os dados oficiais não foram divulgados. Entretanto, há uma análise aberta da Grayscale, segundo a qual os terrenos da Meta Platforms trarão a seus proprietários um rendimento total anual superior a 1 bilhão de dólares nos próximos anos, esperando-se que o valor continue a crescer. Ao considerar se a compra de terrenos metaverso é um bom investimento, é importante entender uma coisa importante. As empresas do nível da Coca-Cola não investem em projetos dos quais não podem lucrar. Caso contrário, elas não teriam sido líderes da indústria. É como a decisão de Zuckerberg de adquirir a Instagram e depois a WhatsApp já foi considerada discutível. No entanto, as ações do Facebook, e agora da Meta continuam a subir (embora tenham caído significativamente logo após a mudança de marca). Como os terrenos metaverso são descentralizados e todos os terrenos têm as mesmas propriedades, qualquer pessoa pode se beneficiar deles. Você não precisa de um negócio multimilionário para isso. Na verdade, você não precisa ser proprietário de um negócio para isso. Ponto final. Um especialista em modelagem 3D pode digitalizar edifícios reais e vender seus modelos em seu terreno no metaverso. Um artista pode construir uma galeria de arte virtual e ganhar dinheiro vendendo suas obras e anúncios (se seu terreno for popular). A natureza promissora da terra do metaverso reside no fato de que ela não está vinculada pelas leis da física e, em geral, por quaisquer leis. Second Life, um antigo projeto lançado em 2003, lançou as bases do Metaverso, onde as Plataformas Meta estão crescendo hoje. A propósito, o Second Life ainda tem quase 1 milhão de usuários ativos, mesmo apesar de o desenvolvedor ter lançado um novo projeto Sansar com o suporte de fones de ouvido VR. Tudo isso convence os especialistas de duas coisas. Primeiro, o terreno do Metaverse oferece oportunidades verdadeiramente ilimitadas, e há centenas de casos de sucesso que apoiam esta afirmação. Em segundo lugar, esta é uma opção de investimento tecnicamente simples. Finalmente, você pode simplesmente comprar um terreno virtual e alugá-lo ou vendê-lo a um preço mais alto a qualquer momento. Esta oportunidade não vai desaparecer em nenhum lugar nos próximos anos, como confirmam especialistas, como Jay Gaudet, corretor de imóveis e consultor da Meta Platforms. Comprar um terreno no Metaverso — um guia passo a passo Antes de responder em detalhes se vale a pena comprar um terreno no Metaverso e como fazê-lo, precisamos especificar o seguinte. Qualquer terreno do Metaverso é um NFT, ou seja, um token não fungível. Os tokens não fungíveis não podem ser substituídos por um token semelhante e têm um valor de mercado em criptomoeda e moeda fiat. Um token não fungível não determina a propriedade em um sentido legal; é antes um identificador do proprietário de um objeto digital. Como o terreno Metaverso não tem um equivalente no mundo real, comprá-lo e vendê-lo como NFT é a solução ideal, pois um NFT não pode ser falsificado. Ao possuir um NFT para um terreno, você é o proprietário completo do mesmo, e sob nenhuma circunstância ninguém pode reivindicar este terreno, a menos que você o venda. Isto é determinado pela arquitetura dos NFTs que existem como contratos inteligentes. Agora, vamos ver de perto como você pode comprar um terreno no Metaverso. Existem cinco plataformas oficiais que vendem terrenos virtuais e uma infinidade de plataformas não oficiais. Não recomendamos trabalhar com plataformas não-oficiais, pois elas não oferecem as garantias legais que a Plataforma Meta oferece. A diferença entre plataformas oficiais não é conceitual, portanto, utilizaremos a Decentraland para nosso exemplo. Entretanto, se você decidir comprar um terreno em outro lugar, o algoritmo será quase o mesmo.
Uma carteira cripto é outra coisa. A seguir explicaremos como abri-la, depositar fundos nela e usá-la para comprar terrenos. Há centenas de carteiras e tecnicamente o algoritmo para elas será quase idêntico. Para nosso exemplo, vamos usar a carteira Coinbase. Passo 1 - Abrir uma carteira cripto [pokareview_bonusbox id="16263" layout="style1" show_review_link="false" score_style="percentage"] No site oficial da Coinbase, clique em “Get Started” no canto superior direito. Siga as instruções na tela — o sistema solicitará que você forneça seu Primeiro Nome, Sobrenome, E-mail e crie uma Senha. Você receberá uma mensagem para seu e-mail; siga o link nela. Em seguida, forneça seu número de telefone — um código de segurança será enviado a ele; você precisará inseri-lo no site. Após completar o registro, você precisará passar na verificação (vá até às Configurações de Conta e escolha Verificação). Para concluir a verificação, você precisará fornecer uma cópia digitalizada de seu documento de identificação ou carteira de motorista.Você terá acesso total à plataforma, assim que o sistema confirmar a autenticidade de seus documentos. Deposite fundos em sua carteira usando uma das opções disponíveis — cartão de débito/crédito, transferência bancária ou sistema de pagamento eletrônico. Observe que as opções de depósito disponíveis variam de acordo com seu país de residência. Deposite a quantia necessária para comprar um terreno no Metaverso. Saiba seu preço antecipadamente no site da Decentraland. Após transferir a quantia necessária para sua carteira Coinbase de múltiplas moedas, você precisará comprar MANA na quantia necessária para comprar um terreno na Decentraland. Este Metaverso funciona somente com a MANA. Outras plataformas trabalham com seus próprios altcoins. A MANA é negociada ativamente na Coinbase e você sempre pode encontrar uma boa oferta. Passo 2 - Registro na Decentraland No site oficial da plataforma, clique em Start Exploring. Você pode baixar o aplicativo desktop ou continuar em seu navegador. O sistema lhe oferecerá duas opções — jogar como convidado ou criar uma conta. Os hóspedes não podem comprar terrenos e suas características são muito limitadas. Para registrar uma conta de usuário, você precisa conectar a carteira da Coinbase. Você pode sincronizar sua conta Decentraland com as carteiras MetaMask e WalletConnect. Você também pode se registrar usando seu e-mail, mas ainda terá que conectar uma carteira à sua conta. A plataforma suporta muitas carteiras populares, mas não todas elas. Você pode encontrar a lista de carteiras suportadas no site Decentraland. Em nosso exemplo, usamos a carteira Coinbase; siga as instruções simples na tela; o processo é automatizado. A seguir, você precisa configurar o avatar de sua conta, digitar o nome e aceitar os termos de uso. O sistema lhe proporcionará treinamento básico na forma de um jogo. Recomendamos que você o faça a fim de obter um entendimento geral das características da plataforma. Passo 3 - Comprar terreno Agora você tem uma carteira eletrônica com a quantidade necessária em MANA e uma conta de usuário em Decentraland. Isso é o suficiente para comprar um terreno virtual. Todos os terrenos desta plataforma são os mesmos. São quadrados e de 16 × 16 metros de tamanho. Para comprar terrenos no Metaverso, vá até sua conta e clique em Meus Bens, onde todos os seus terrenos serão mostrados. Neste momento, você não tem nenhum, então clique em Comprar terreno. Uma segunda autenticação em Coinbase ou Decentraland pode ser necessária. Na janela seguinte, você verá o mapa do Metaverso. Cada praça é um lote de terreno. Alguns estão vazios e outros são de propriedade de alguém e têm infra-estrutura. Os terrenos com infra-estrutura são mais caros e quanto mais popular à terra, maior o seu preço. É por isso que não há uma resposta definitiva para a questão de quanto custa à terra do Metaverso. Você pode comprar somente o terreno que é destacado com cor.
Escolha o terreno que você pode pagar, e clique em Licitações. Quando o proprietário do terreno confirmar sua oferta, o NFT para o terreno será transferido para você e você se tornará seu proprietário completo. Agora, você poderá ver seu terreno em Meu patrimônio e poderá teleportar seu avatar para ele a qualquer momento. Observe que se você não tiver MANA em sua carteira Coinbase, mas tiver Ethereum, você pode usá-lo para pagar sua compra. Entretanto, a conversão será realizada a uma taxa menos benéfica do que se você pagar com a MANA. Exemplos de uso da terra do Metaverse Como você pode ver, é tecnicamente simples comprar um terreno no Metaverso. Mas isso não é nem a metade da batalha. Então você precisa entender como lucrar com isso. Vamos rever várias opções populares. Revenda Esta é a opção mais simples de como comprar um terreno metaverso e obter lucro. No entanto, há uma nuance. Levando em conta as tendências atuais, o preço da terra continuará a crescer, mas não há garantia de que este crescimento será tão significativo quanto antes (500% e mais). Digamos que você compre agora um terreno metaverso por 10.000 dólares, e em um ano venda por 12.000 dólares. Para obter um alto lucro, você terá que comprar muitos lotes de terra, o que significa que você precisará de muito dinheiro. Portanto, se você espera ganhar um lote, terá que comprar um lote de terreno e gastar um lote, ou revender o terreno com uma infra-estrutura construída após a compra em vez de um terreno vazio. Aluguel É o mesmo que com o aluguel de um terreno tradicional. Se o terreno virtual estiver vazio, você não receberá muito por ele. No entanto, você tem a opção de alugar muitos lotes. Os lotes com objetos originais (parques, escritórios) custam mais. A plataforma não suporta o aluguel do terreno (só pode ser transferida para outro usuário). O terreno no Metaverso é alugado através de plataformas de arrendamento licenciadas. Os exemplos de tais plataformas são DCLRenting, Decentraland Property Group e Metaverse Property. Você precisa se registrar lá, conectar sua carteira cripto e sincronizar sua conta Decentraland. Construção Esta é uma das opções mais promissoras e rentáveis. Você pode construir um escritório, um clube ou um cassino em seu terreno e vendê-lo ou alugá-lo por muito mais dinheiro. No entanto, é muito melhor vender os objetos, que também são NFTs como seu terreno. Você pode digitalizar edifícios reais e criar locais únicos, por exemplo, jardins e castelos de fantasia. Isto, no entanto, requer habilidades de modelagem e renderização em 3D. Mercado Você pode abrir uma loja com vitrines com produtos analógicos digitais que você vende na vida real em seu terreno metaverso. É uma oportunidade única para atrair clientes. Você também pode vender suas criações no formato NFT — podem ser pinturas, canções, livros, videogames. Serviços Você pode abrir uma corretora ou um clube privado de adultos em seu terreno. Tecnicamente, você pode “anexar” qualquer funcionalidade ao seu terreno. A única coisa que você precisará é de um especialista que seja capaz de fazer isso. Ou você pode construir um escritório de alto nível para hospedar sessões de psicologia pagas, ou, digamos, palestras sobre astrofísica. Publicidade Esta área é considerada como uma das mais promissoras juntamente com a construção. Você pode ganhar com a publicidade junto com qualquer outra atividade comercial. Por exemplo, uma galeria de arte popular ou uma busca interessante atrairá usuários permanentemente ao seu terreno. Você pode então colocar livremente anúncios diretos e nativos sobre os objetos, ganhando dinheiro com isso. Quanto mais popular for seu terreno, mais caros serão os anúncios. Você pode vender anúncios através da plataforma diretamente, bem como através de serviços especializados, tais como Metaverse Architects. Eventos Trata-se de aumentar a renda de um negócio já em funcionamento, em vez de ganhar do zero. Por exemplo, a PwC, Sotheby's,
JP Morgan, HSBC e outras grandes marcas realizam várias promoções em suas terras na Decentraland. É muito mais simples e barato do que realizar os mesmos eventos no mundo real, e você também pode reunir um grande número de usuários de todo o mundo. Os eventos aumentam as vendas, mas também podem envolver um programa de entretenimento, por exemplo, mini-jogos pagos. Como vender terrenos no Metaverso? Um usuário que quer ganhar dinheiro no terreno do Metaverso deve poder vendê-lo, não apenas comprá-lo. Você pode precisar vender o terreno em muitos casos, por exemplo, se quiser se livrar do(s) terreno(s) que você tem em favor de novos terrenos com infra-estrutura desenvolvida que possa lhe trazer mais lucro. Ou você só precisa urgentemente de dinheiro e decide comprar vários terrenos a preço de mercado. Vamos rever este processo usando o exemplo da Decentraland. Se você tem um terreno nesta plataforma, isso significa que você é um usuário registrado e tem uma carteira de moedas cripto conectada. Vá até seu perfil de usuário, selecione Meus bens e você verá todos os seus terrenos. Escolha aquele que você deseja vender. Haverá o botão Vender no menu do terreno selecionado. Especifique o preço e o período de validade do lote. Clique em Lista para venda e digite o preço do terreno mais uma vez. Em seguida, na página de informações do terreno, você pode clicar em Atualizar Preço a qualquer momento e especificar o novo preço; o lote não será excluído. Se você não vendeu um terreno antes, o sistema pode solicitar que você realize uma transação de teste para ter certeza de que a carteira está configurada corretamente e você pode aceitar o MANA. Assim que alguém aceitar sua oferta de venda, você receberá uma notificação. Você pode se recusar a vender ou concordar. Se você concordar em vender, receberá o preço do terreno em MANA e o comprador receberá o NFT pelo terreno. Observe que o menu principal da Decentraland tem uma seção DOCS com guias detalhados sobre a venda do terreno e documentos legais. Você pode comprar e vender terrenos neste Metaverso somente em seu site oficial ou no aplicativo desktop. Qualquer outra plataforma que o ofereça é um esquema. Como alugar um terreno no Metaverso? Já mencionamos que a Decentraland não oferece o recurso de aluguel de terrenos; você só pode comprar terrenos no Metaverso e depois vendê-los ou transferi-los para outro usuário. A situação é a mesma com outras plataformas. A opção de aluguel está disponível através de serviços de terceiros, os mais populares DCLRenting, Decentraland Property Group e Metaverse Property. Aqui está um breve algoritmo de ações utilizando o exemplo do Decentraland Property Group. No site oficial do serviço, clique em Rent Your Land e depois em Get Started. Forneça seu nome, sobrenome, e-mail e um breve comentário. O gerente do Decentraland Property Group lhe escreverá uma carta em breve. Você pode falar com o gerente pelo telefone, através do Discord ou selecionar outra opção. Durante a conversa, você precisará fornecer informações sobre seu terreno — o nome e as coordenadas no Metaverso. A empresa realizará uma avaliação e recomendará a taxa de aluguel. Você pode definir sua própria taxa de aluguel, mas é melhor confiar nos profissionais. Após o acordo sobre o preço do aluguel, seu terreno será incluído na listagem do Decentraland Property Group. Assim que alguém concordar com suas condições, o sistema transferirá automaticamente seu terreno para ele para uso temporário. Você receberá o aluguel todo mês, menos uma pequena taxa cobrada pelo serviço. Você pode rescindir o contrato se, por algum motivo, decidir não alugar mais seu terreno. Entretanto, reveja as condições do Decentraland Property Group e aprenda primeiro as nuances com o administrador. Resumindo A compra de terrenos no Metaverso é um bom investimento. É um fato, caso contrário seu preço não estaria subindo e os especialistas não estariam prevendo seu crescimento futuro por muitos anos.
A singularidade deste fenômeno é que qualquer pessoa pode se tornar um proprietário de terras no mundo virtual e todos têm direitos iguais lá. Você não precisa ser uma grande marca como Gucci ou um fotógrafo mundialmente conhecido como JR para desbloquear o potencial de sua propriedade no Metaverso. Se você já tem um negócio de sucesso, comprar um terreno no Metaverso pode certamente abrir novos horizontes para você e aumentar as vendas. Entretanto, mesmo que você ainda não tenha iniciado seu próprio negócio, há muitas opções de como você pode ganhar dinheiro, incluindo revender o terreno ou alugá-lo, construir objetos funcionais ou de arte, realizar exposições, concertos, eventos, MMORPGs. Você pode transformar seu terreno Metaverso em um mercado completo ou oferecer serviços remotos. Finalmente, você pode ganhar dinheiro colocando anúncios em seu terreno. Portanto, o terreno no Metaverso está se tornando um investimento universal. Já é mais benéfico investir nele do que em terrenos tradicionais. Os especialistas preveem o crescimento da tendência, e é por isso que se você quiser comprar terrenos no Metaverso, não atrase a tomada de uma decisão final. Graças ao nosso artigo, você agora sabe como fazê-lo.
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Exploring Commerce and Economy Streams in the Metaverse
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In recent years, the concept of the Metaverse has transitioned from science fiction to a tangible digital reality. In this virtual realm, users interact with each other and digital environments, blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds. Within the Metaverse, an intriguing phenomenon has emerged – the creation of digital assets with real economic value. These assets include virtual real estate, avatars, in-game items, and much more, offering users unprecedented opportunities for entrepreneurship, investment, and commerce.
The Rise of Digital Assets
In the Metaverse, digital assets are diverse and plentiful, ranging from virtual clothing and accessories for avatars to virtual real estate properties within virtual worlds. These assets are often created, bought, sold, and traded within various digital platforms and ecosystems. What sets them apart is their real economic value, driven by supply and demand dynamics, user preferences, and the emergence of digital economies.
Virtual Real Estate
One of the most prominent examples of digital assets in the Metaverse is virtual real estate. Within virtual worlds such as Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, and The Sandbox, users can purchase parcels of virtual land using cryptocurrency. These virtual properties can then be developed, monetized, and traded, mirroring the real estate market in the physical world. Entrepreneurs have seized this opportunity to build virtual businesses, create immersive experiences, and even host events within their virtual properties.
Avatars and Personalization
Avatars serve as digital representations of users within the Metaverse in current world. From clothing and accessories to hairstyles and body modifications, avatars can be customized to reflect individual tastes and preferences. As a result, a market for digital fashion and accessories has emerged, with users purchasing and trading virtual items to enhance their avatars' appearance. Brands and designers have also entered this space, offering virtual clothing lines and collaborations, further blurring the lines between fashion and digital expression.
In-Game Items and NFTs
In addition to virtual real estate and avatars, in-game items and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have become significant drivers of economic activity within the Metaverse. NFTs are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a specific item or piece of content on the blockchain. Within gaming ecosystems, NFTs can represent rare weapons, skins, collectibles, or even virtual land parcels. Players can buy, sell, and trade these items, creating vibrant secondary markets and economies around popular games and platforms.
Why Choose Tanthetaa for Metaverse Development in the USA
As the Metaverse continues to evolve and expand, businesses and entrepreneurs seeking to capitalize on its potential need a reliable partner for development and innovation. Tanthetaa stands out as a leading provider of Metaverse development services in the USA, offering several compelling reasons to choose their expertise:
Expertise in Emerging Technologies: Tanthetaa boasts a team of skilled developers and technologists with expertise in blockchain, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and other emerging technologies. They are well-equipped to tackle the complexities of Metaverse development and deliver cutting-edge solutions tailored to clients' needs.
End-to-End Solutions: Tanthetaa offers end-to-end Metaverse development solutions, covering everything from conceptualization and design to implementation and deployment. Whether you're looking to build a virtual world, develop immersive experiences, or create digital assets, Tanthetaa can guide you through the entire development process.
Security and Compliance: Security is paramount in the Metaverse, especially when dealing with digital assets and blockchain technologies. Tanthetaa prioritizes security and compliance in its development process, implementing robust measures to safeguard users' assets and data while ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.
Customization and Scalability: Tanthetaa understands that every Metaverse project is unique, with its own set of requirements and objectives. They offer customizable solutions tailored to clients' specific needs, ensuring that the final product aligns with their vision and goals. Additionally, Tanthetaa's solutions are designed for scalability, allowing for future expansion and growth as the Metaverse evolves.
Industry Experience and Reputation: With a proven track record of success and a strong reputation in the industry, Tanthetaa is a trusted partner for Metaverse development in the USA. They have worked with a diverse range of clients across various sectors, delivering innovative solutions that drive value and differentiation.
In conclusion, the Metaverse represents a fertile ground for commerce and economic activity, fueled by the creation and exchange of digital assets. As businesses and entrepreneurs seek to navigate this new digital frontier, partnering with a reliable and experienced development partner like Tanthetaa can be the key to unlocking the full potential of the Metaverse and driving success in this rapidly evolving landscape.
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unlikelyladypost · 3 months
Want to Invest in Digital Real Estate? How to Get Started
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Digital real estate composed of virtual land parcels and properties, represents an emerging asset class allowing you to invest in the metaverse and crypto worlds.
Platforms like Decentraland and The Sandbox enable users to buy, develop, and monetize virtual real estate NFTs. This generates new streams of passive income and wealth creation opportunities through digital properties.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started investing in this new digital frontier including:
Overview of digital real estate investment opportunities
Step-by-step guide to making your first virtual land purchase
Top metaverse worlds and marketplaces to buy digital real estate
Strategies for earning yields on your virtual properties
Key factors like regulations, risks, and market trends to consider
Whether you’re an experienced crypto investor or completely new to blockchain assets, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to confidently invest in the burgeoning realm of open metaverse virtual real estate.
What is Digital Real Estate?
Digital real estate refers to virtual land and properties that exist within metaverse and game worlds built on blockchain technology. Just like physical real estate, these virtual assets can be bought, sold, developed, rented, and traded.
Some key characteristics of digital real estate include:
Metaverse platforms like Decentraland and The Sandbox allow users to buy virtual land NFTs which act as the building blocks for the 3D environments.
The scarcity and ownership of blockchain-based metaverse real estate is underpinned by non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Virtual land can be developed with experiences, games, social spaces, stores, advertisements and other assets.
Users can lease or rent digital land to generate yield. Brands like Samsung and Adidas have purchased virtual real estate for marketing.
An active secondary market enables trading digital land like any other commodity. High demand locations fetch higher prices.
Digital real estate represents a new application of blockchain technology and an entire alternative asset class emerging in the metaverse. While still early stage, virtual real estate is projected to reach $1 trillion in annual transactions within the next decade.
Now let’s walk through the process of actually getting started investing in metaverse and blockchain virtual real estate.
How To Invest in Digital Real Estate in 5 Steps
Here are the key steps for making your first virtual land investment:
Step 1: Choose a Metaverse Platform
The first decision is choosing which metaverse or blockchain game world you want to purchase digital land in. Some of the top options include:
Decentraland — One of the largest open metaverse platforms with extensive tools for developing interactive 3D scenes on your land. Over 90,000 users visit Decentraland monthly.
The Sandbox — Sandbox features a popular game maker engine allowing users to build multiplayer games on their virtual land. Brands like Gucci have purchased land.
Cryptovoxels — A virtual world inspired by the early internet with a retro pixel art style. Known for its vibrant city environments.
Somnium Space — Focused on creating a persistent open world metaverse that spans virtual reality and desktop platforms.
Each metaverse platform has its own art style, community, toolsets, and ecosystems. Do research to decide which virtual world aligns closest with your goals as a digital land owner.
Step 2: Set Up a Cryptocurrency Wallet
To purchase digital land and other blockchain assets, you’ll need to set up a crypto wallet. Metamask and Coinbase Wallet are two popular options.
Make sure to securely record your wallet seed phrase to access your holdings. Fund your wallet with ETH which is the primary payment currency used across many metaverse platforms.
Step 3: Browse Marketplaces for Land Parcels
Once you’ve chosen a metaverse and set up a wallet, you can start exploring marketplaces where virtual land is bought and sold:
Decentraland uses its own Marketplace to browse land parcels with filtering by location, price, and size.
Sandbox land is bought and sold on their Map page which visualizes property data.
OpenSea has a category for Metaverse Real Estate with land from various worlds.
Evaluate lands based on size, proximity to high traffic areas, neighboring scenes, and current bid prices. Prime parcels in central districts are most scarce and valuable.
Step 4: Purchase Your Land
Once you’ve identified a land parcel you want to purchase, follow the buying process:
In Decentraland, you can instantly buy at list price or place a bid in the marketplace. Approve the transaction through your wallet.
Sandbox requires users to bid during set auction windows. Monitor the map for upcoming land auctions.
On OpenSea, you can buy instantly or place bids for available lands.
Holding land ownership is tied to holding its corresponding NFT in your crypto wallet.
Step 5: Develop or Monetize Your Land
As a digital land owner, you now have options to build experiences or generate yields:
Construct 3D scenes, art galleries, mini games, rental properties and more through Decentraland and Sandbox creation tools.
Lease land to other users for a rental fee through peer-to-peer arrangements or platforms like NFTgle.
Sell land at a profit if the market value increases, especially in prime areas.
Earn rewards and governance rights by staking land NFTs long-term if offered by the platform.
The opportunities to build income streams and digital assets on virtual land are just getting started.
And that covers the basics of investing in blockchain-based digital real estate! Now let’s go deeper on key strategic considerations.
5 Digital Real Estate Investment Strategies
Approaching metaverse real estate with clear strategy is vital to succeed as the market matures. Here are 5 recommended investment strategies:
1. Focus on Established Metaverse Platforms
Targeting development-rich platforms like Decentraland and Sandbox with larger user bases can expose your land to more potential renters and buyers. Prioritize longevity and community over hype.
2. Buy Land Near High Traffic Areas
Digital land plots located in central districts or next to popular gaming scenes, virtual events, and attractions garner more visitors. Benefit from adjacencies to existing development.
3. Develop Revenue-Generating Assets
Constructing art galleries, amusement parks, event venues and other immersive scenes on your land creates opportunities to charge access fees, rent space to other users, or attract sponsorship revenue.
4. Look for Undervalued Lands
Find lands with potential like waterfront access or space for expansions which are currently undervalued relative to future development upside. Be patient for value to increase.
5. Balance Risk With Multiple Platforms
Consider owning smaller land parcels across several metaverse platforms to diversify. This provides exposure to multiple growing communities without over concentrating risk into a single world.
As with physical real estate investing, conducting thorough research, thinking long-term, and diversifying are key principles for digital real estate success too.
Top 5 Digital Real Estate Marketplaces
While each metaverse platform has its own internal land marketplaces, here are 5 of the top open NFT marketplaces for discovering and buying digital real estate across multiple worlds:
OpenSea — The largest NFT marketplace. Search for metaverse lands under their real estate category.
Rarible — Buy and auction virtual land NFTs from multiple platforms in one place.
SuperRare — Focused on digital art NFTs but also hosts 3D virtual objects and land parcels.
Here are the key steps for making your first virtual land investment:
Step 1: Choose a Metaverse Platform
The first decision is choosing which metaverse or blockchain game world you want to purchase digital land in. Some of the top options include:
Decentraland — One of the largest open metaverse platforms with extensive tools for developing interactive 3D scenes on your land. Over 90,000 users visit Decentraland monthly.
The Sandbox — Sandbox features a popular game maker engine allowing users to build multiplayer games on their virtual land. Brands like Gucci have purchased land.
Cryptovoxels — A virtual world inspired by the early internet with a retro pixel art style. Known for its vibrant city environments.
Somnium Space — Focused on creating a persistent open world metaverse that spans virtual reality and desktop platforms.
Each metaverse platform has its own art style, community, toolsets, and ecosystems. Do research to decide which virtual world aligns closest with your goals as a digital land owner.
Step 2: Set Up a Cryptocurrency Wallet
To purchase digital land and other blockchain assets, you’ll need to set up a crypto wallet. Metamask and Coinbase Wallet are two popular options.
Make sure to securely record your wallet seed phrase to access your holdings. Fund your wallet with ETH which is the primary payment currency used across many metaverse platforms.
Step 3: Browse Marketplaces for Land Parcels
Once you’ve chosen a metaverse and set up a wallet, you can start exploring marketplaces where virtual land is bought and sold:
Decentraland uses its own Marketplace to browse land parcels with filtering by location, price, and size.
Sandbox land is bought and sold on their Map page which visualizes property data.
OpenSea has a category for Metaverse Real Estate with land from various worlds.
Evaluate lands based on size, proximity to high traffic areas, neighboring scenes, and current bid prices. Prime parcels in central districts are most scarce and valuable.
See also The Blockchain Revolution: Why 2023 Is the Year of Blockchain Skills
Step 4: Purchase Your Land
Once you’ve identified a land parcel you want to purchase, follow the buying process:
In Decentraland, you can instantly buy at list price or place a bid in the marketplace. Approve the transaction through your wallet.
Sandbox requires users to bid during set auction windows. Monitor the map for upcoming land auctions.
On OpenSea, you can buy instantly or place bids for available lands.
Holding land ownership is tied to holding its corresponding NFT in your crypto wallet.
Step 5: Develop or Monetize Your Land
As a digital land owner, you now have options to build experiences or generate yields:
Construct 3D scenes, art galleries, mini games, rental properties and more through Decentraland and Sandbox creation tools.
Lease land to other users for a rental fee through peer-to-peer arrangements or platforms like NFTgle.
Sell land at a profit if the market value increases, especially in prime areas.
Earn rewards and governance rights by staking land NFTs long-term if offered by the platform.
The opportunities to build income streams and digital assets on virtual land are just getting started.
And that covers the basics of investing in blockchain-based digital real estate! Now let’s go deeper on key strategic considerations.
5 Digital Real Estate Investment Strategies
Approaching metaverse real estate with clear strategy is vital to succeed as the market matures. Here are 5 recommended investment strategies:
1. Focus on Established Metaverse Platforms
Targeting development-rich platforms like Decentraland and Sandbox with larger user bases can expose your land to more potential renters and buyers. Prioritize longevity and community over hype.
2. Buy Land Near High Traffic Areas
Digital land plots located in central districts or next to popular gaming scenes, virtual events, and attractions garner more visitors. Benefit from adjacencies to existing development.
3. Develop Revenue-Generating Assets
Constructing art galleries, amusement parks, event venues and other immersive scenes on your land creates opportunities to charge access fees, rent space to other users, or attract sponsorship revenue.
4. Look for Undervalued Lands
Find lands with potential like waterfront access or space for expansions which are currently undervalued relative to future development upside. Be patient for value to increase.
5. Balance Risk With Multiple Platforms
Consider owning smaller land parcels across several metaverse platforms to diversify. This provides exposure to multiple growing communities without over concentrating risk into a single world.
As with physical real estate investing, conducting thorough research, thinking long-term, and diversifying are key principles for digital real estate success too.
Top 5 Digital Real Estate Marketplaces
While each metaverse platform has its own internal land marketplaces, here are 5 of the top open NFT marketplaces for discovering and buying digital real estate across multiple worlds:
OpenSea — The largest NFT marketplace. Search for metaverse lands under their real estate category.
Rarible — Buy and auction virtual land NFTs from multiple platforms in one place.
SuperRare — Focused on digital art NFTs but also hosts 3D virtual objects and land parcels.
NFTrade — Trade virtual worlds land and items across different metaverses through this peer-to-peer marketplace.
KnownOrigin — Specialized in digital artwork NFTs with some metaverse real estate offerings.
Shopping across marketplaces allows you to find discounted deals compared to buying directly from the metaverse platforms themselves.
Key Factors to Evaluate in Digital Real Estate Investments
As with any emerging new asset class, conducting due diligence is critical before investing in digital real estate. Here are the key factors to research:
Metaverse Viability
How active and engaged is the platform’s user base? Look for rising daily user activity.
Does the metaverse have staying power or is it more hype than substance? Prioritize long-term visions over quick flips.
Land Attributes
What are the size dimensions and terrain of the land parcel? Bigger virtual size can fit more content.
Does the location offer proximity or adjacency benefits next to popular attractions? Foot traffic brings visibility.
Deal Terms
Is the land available for purchase instantly or only by auction bids? Auctions can fetch higher prices.
Do resale conditions apply if you later choose to sell the land? Some platforms take cuts of secondary sales.
Development Features
Does the metaverse platform provide easy creation tools? More accessible building attracts users.
Can you develop games and immersive scenes or mostly static content? Dynamic experiences create traffic.
Technical Architecture
How scalable, secure and decentralized is the metaverse’s blockchain backbone? Future-proof platforms inspire confidence.
Are transactions fees reasonable? Low gas costs improve profitability over time.
While still an experimental asset class, applying sound investment principles to digital real estate unlocks new opportunities.
Risks and Challenges of Digital Real Estate Investing
Despite the high upside potential, investing in digital real estate also carries new risk factors to consider:
Market Volatility — Digital land prices can fluctuate wildly based on speculation, hype cycles, and platform adoption curves. Don’t assume linear value appreciation.
Security Risks — As with any crypto assets, take precautions to safeguard your blockchain wallet and NFTs from potential theft or loss.
Uncertain Regulations — Laws surrounding metaverse platforms and digital asset investments remain unclear and subject to change. Tread carefully.
Requires Tech Savviness — You’ll need working knowledge of crypto wallets, NFT marketplaces, and blockchain interactions to navigate this space smoothly.
Platform Failure Risk — The metaverse world you purchase land in could decline in popularity or shut down altogether, rendering your virtual property worthless. Diversify across multiple platforms to mitigate risk.
While the rewards can be great, weigh the risks carefully and only invest what you can afford to lose. Education and prudence are key to succeed.
Outlook for Digital Real Estate Investment Opportunities
Despite the current bear market in cryptocurrencies, virtual real estate remains a bright spot projecting massive growth potential in coming years according to metaverse analytics site
Here are some key statistics on the future outlook for digital real estate investment opportunities:
Virtual real estate total transaction volume surpassed $500 million in 2022, doubling from $100 million in 2021 according to MetaMetric Solutions.
65% of virtual land holdings are already profitable for investors as of Q3 2022 per MetaMetric.
Over 75% of users interact with others on metaverse platforms showing the value of shared social experiences. (MetaMetric)
Decentraland alone facilitated $50 million in total transaction volume in December 2022, its biggest month ever.
Up to 5 billion people are projected to use the metaverse for work, shopping, gaming, and socializing by 2030 according to analysis by McKinsey.
55% of adults are interested in buying digital goods for their metaverse avatars over the next 6–12 months per Nielsen.
90% of major brands are expected to have a presence in the metaverse in some form by 2026 according to Gartner.
The data demonstrates the massive growth trajectory for consumer metaverse usage, branding opportunities, digital goods transactions, and underlying virtual real estate in the years ahead. While the space will undoubtedly see volatility, the long-term adoption trend line points up and to the right.
Savvy investors and brands who enter this new digital frontier early can gain a first mover advantage as the technology and use cases mature. The metaverse expansions opens up digital real estate to become a meaningful asset class in every investor’s portfolio.
Conclusion: New Frontier for Real Estate Investing
The emergence of blockchain-based metaverse worlds has opened an entirely new class of digital real estate assets with their own investment risks and rewards. While still early days, virtual real estate provides new ways to diversify portfolios, hedge inflation, and gain exposure to the growth of metaverses.
This guide provided a comprehensive overview of how to evaluate and invest in digital real estate, from choosing a metaverse platform to developing or monetizing your virtual land. As with any new asset class, apply sound investing principles with patience and education to succeed.
The data clearly shows accelerating adoption of metaverse experiences in gaming, socializing, marketing and entertainment. But the possibilities span far beyond today’s early use cases. Blurring virtual and physical worlds can introduce spatial computing to transform how we learn, work, shop and interact.
The exciting future where our digital identities, possessions, and relationships seamlessly intermingle with the physical world is coming sooner than many expect. Blockchain-based digital ownership makes this continuum possible.
Just as domain names and websites were the digital real estate of the early internet era, blockchain virtual land plots and metaverse properties are the new digital frontier. Opportunities await for pioneers ready to explore beyond today’s physical constraints. The metaverse ecosystem promises to ultimately open more fulsome experiences, connections, and expressions of our digital selves. Investing in that future starts with staking a virtual land claim today.
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roningram · 4 months
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NFT Future - tip for news on the big drop
NFT Art Market Bounces Back with Record Sales and New Trends
The market for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), unique digital assets that can represent art, music, collectibles, and more, saw a remarkable recovery in the last quarter of 2023, after a sharp decline earlier in the year. According to data from CryptoSlam.io, there has been a 40% surge in global digital collectible sales, indicating a robust market resurgence¹.
One of the driving forces behind this rebound is the emergence of new trends and categories in the NFT art space, such as crypto art, generative art, and metaverse art. Crypto art, or art that is created and sold using blockchain technology, has attracted a lot of attention and investment from both traditional and new collectors, as well as celebrities and influencers.
2024 and Beyond
The future of the NFT art industry also depends on the development of new business models and market forums that can support the growth and diversity of the market. Some of the possible models and forums include:
o Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), which are self-governing entities that operate on the blockchain and allow users to collectively manage and fund NFT art projects and platforms.
o Fractional ownership, which allows users to own and trade fractions of NFT artworks, increasing the liquidity and accessibility of the market.
o Curated marketplaces, which provide a selective and quality-driven platform for NFT art, attracting more mainstream and high-end collectors and investors.
o Social media platforms, which enable users to discover, share, and promote NFT art, creating a more interactive and engaging community around the art.
o Educational platforms, which provide resources and guidance for NFT art creators and collectors, fostering a more informed and skilled market.
Some of the most notable crypto art sales in 2023 include:
- The Merge, a digital collage by Pak, sold for $91.8 million on Nifty Gateway in March².
- Everydays: The First 5000 Days, a digital mosaic by Beeple, sold for $69.3 million via Christie’s auction house in March².
- Van Gogh NFTs, a series of digital paintings inspired by the famous artist, sold for $2.5 million on OpenSea in November³.
Generative art, or art that is created using algorithms and code, has also gained popularity and recognition in the NFT art market. Some of the most successful generative art projects in 2023 include:
- Art Blocks, a platform that allows users to mint and collect unique generative artworks on the Ethereum blockchain, has generated over $500 million in sales since its launch in May⁴.
- Fidenza, a collection of 999 algorithmically generated abstract artworks by Tyler Hobbs, has become one of the most sought-after and expensive generative art collections, with an average sale price of over $1 million⁴.
- Autoglyphs, a collection of 512 minimalist generative artworks by Larva Labs, the creators of CryptoPunks, has reached a record sale price of $4.1 million for a single piece in October⁵.
Metaverse art, or art that is created and displayed in virtual worlds, has also emerged as a new frontier and opportunity for NFT artists and collectors. Some of the most innovative and immersive metaverse art experiences in 2023 include:
- The Museum of Crypto Art (MOCA), a virtual museum that showcases and preserves some of the most iconic and influential NFT artworks, has expanded its presence and collection in various metaverse platforms, such as Decentraland, Somnium Space, and Cryptovoxels⁶.
- Async Art, a platform that allows artists and collectors to create and own programmable artworks that change over time, has launched its own metaverse gallery, where users can interact with and explore the dynamic and evolving NFT artworks.
- SuperRare, a curated marketplace for digital art, has partnered with The Sandbox, a user-generated gaming platform, to create a metaverse art district, where artists and collectors can showcase and sell their NFT artworks in a virtual environment.
The NFT art market has proven to be resilient and adaptable, despite the challenges and uncertainties of the global pandemic and the volatile crypto market. With the continuous innovation and creativity of the NFT art community, the future of the digital art world looks bright and promising. 🌟
(1) Are NFT markets in a death spiral or ready for a resurgence?. https://cointelegraph.com/news/are-nft-markets-in-a-death-spiral-or-ready-for-a-resurgence.
(2) NFT Art: The Roles They Play in the Art World | Morgan Stanley. https://www.morganstanley.com/articles/nft-art-market-nft-collectibles.
(3) Van Gogh NFTs ignite a $2.5M renaissance in digital art - nft.news. https://bing.com/search?q=rebound+in+NFT+art+market.
(4) Auction Sales Rebound to Pre-Pandemic Levels with Boost from Asia .... https://www.artnews.com/art-news/market/auction-sales-rebound-second-quarter-2021-1234599862/.
(5) Van Gogh NFTs ignite a $2.5M renaissance in digital art - nft.news. https://nft.news/van-gogh-nfts-ignite-a-2-5m-renaissance-in-digital-art/.
(6) NFTs Are Back? Sales Jump 32% in October, Led by Ethereum. https://decrypt.co/204379/nfts-back-sales-jump-32-october-led-ethereum-dappradar.
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alexandremacieira · 2 years
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A exposição “Jornada da Bruxa” de Andréa Sechini @criptoartista_andreasechini é a minha primeira experiência como design de exposição no #Metaverso #Cryptovoxels. A mostra tem a curadoria da minha amiga e professora @ghini_ar, agradeço o carinho e incentivo nessa jornada virtual. Obrigado a artista Andréa Sechini pela parceria e confiança.  A realização só foi possível com o patrocínio da @feminudao e apoio @mintbase_ @near_protocol. Fica em cartaz no Aquário FEMINU no Metaverso Cryptovoxels até o dia 26 de maio de 2022.  O lançamento foi na maravilhosa “Lua de Sangue”, a artista Andrea Sechini, a convite da FEMINU DAO ocupa o Aquário FEMINU com a exposição “Jornada da Bruxa” com curadoria de @ghini_ar, em pleno eclipse e lua cheia. Acreditamos e desejamos que um período cheio de luz, criatividade, plenitude e arte se iniciará para todos e todas que portam e honram a energia feminina. A exposição traz vinte e duas das oitenta e oito cartas do “Óraculo da Bruxa” que é uma ferramenta de autoconhecimento, resiliência e força espiritual conhecido pelas bruxas desde há séculos. Essa arte oracular agora é exibida para um público maior por meio dessa mostra. Sejam todas, todes e todos muito bem vindos. Link da Exposição na bio: https://linktr.ee/feminudao https://www.cryptovoxels.com/play?coords=NE@6579W,111S,3.5U Jornada da Bruxa por Andréa Sechini 18 a 26 de maio de 2022 Local: Aquário FEMINU no Metaverso Cryptovoxels Patrocínio FEMINU DAO Apoio @mintbase_ | @near_protocol Montagem e organização: @alexandremacieira #AndreaSechini #Ghini #AlexandreMacieira #AJornadadaBruxa #FeminuDAO #Feminu #Mintbase #NearNFT #NFT #NFTcollector #NFTcollection #NFTartist #NFTart #NFTs #Artist #CriptoArteBR #NEAR #CleanNFTs #NFTartGallery #NFTartists #NFTfineArt #DigitalArt #ArtWork #ARTofTheDay #NEARProtocol #CriptoArte (em Metaverso) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd6HeQIOVNz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nextonesolutions · 6 months
Exploring the Metaverse: A Journey into Digital Realms
Unveiling the Metaverse Landscape
The metaverse, a concept that once lived in the realms of science fiction, has now become a tangible reality. In this digital era, where virtual and physical worlds intertwine, let's embark on a journey to explore the diverse types of metaverse that shape our online existence. Are you looking for METAPRODUCTS.?
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Understanding the Metaverse :
Before delving into the specifics, let's grasp the fundamental concept of the metaverse. It's more than just a virtual space; it's a dynamic, interconnected universe of digital experiences.
Social Metaverse: Connecting Beyond Borders 
In the social metaverse, the emphasis lies in fostering connections. Platforms like Facebook Horizon and VRChat redefine social interactions, enabling users to engage in virtual conversations, attend events, and build relationships irrespective of physical distances.
Gaming Metaverse: Beyond Controllers and Consoles 
For gamers, the metaverse isn't just an extension; it's a revolution. Dive into gaming realms like Decentraland and Roblox, where the line between gaming and reality blurs. Explore user-generated worlds, trade virtual assets, and participate in immersive gameplay experiences.
Educational Metaverse: Redefining Learning Spaces 
Education transcends physical classrooms in the educational metaverse. Platforms such as AltSpaceVR and EngageVR offer interactive learning environments, allowing students to collaborate, attend lectures, and explore subjects in ways never imagined before.
Business Metaverse: Virtualizing Workspaces 
The business metaverse transforms traditional office spaces into virtual hubs. Companies leverage platforms like Spatial and Virbela to conduct meetings, workshops, and collaborative projects in a digital environment, enhancing productivity and connectivity.
NFT Metaverse: Tokenizing Digital Assets 
In the NFT metaverse, digital assets become unique, tradable items. Dive into the world of non-fungible tokens on platforms like OpenSea and Rarible, where digital art, music, and even virtual real estate gain unprecedented value through blockchain technology.
Augmented Reality (AR) Metaverse: Bridging Real and Virtual 
Blurring the lines between reality and the digital realm, AR metaverse applications like Pokemon Go and Snapchat lenses bring virtual elements into the physical world. Explore how augmented reality enhances daily experiences through interactive overlays.
Virtual Reality (VR) Metaverse: Immersive Experiences Unleashed 
Step into a world where reality is redefined. VR metaverse platforms like Oculus and HTC Vive provide immersive experiences, from virtual tourism to interactive storytelling, transporting users to unimaginable realms with just a headset.
Blockchain Metaverse: Securing Digital Realms 
Blockchain technology is the backbone of the metaverse, ensuring security and transparency. Delve into the blockchain metaverse with platforms like Decentraland and Cryptovoxels, where every transaction is securely recorded, shaping a trustworthy digital landscape.
AI-Powered Metaverse: Intelligent Interactions 
The integration of artificial intelligence amplifies the metaverse experience. Explore how AI-driven avatars and assistants enhance user interactions, providing personalized, dynamic experiences in metaverse spaces.
Challenges in the Metaverse 
While the metaverse promises boundless opportunities, it isn't without challenges. Addressing issues like privacy concerns, digital addiction, and ethical considerations is crucial to shaping a responsible and sustainable metaverse.
The Future of the Metaverse :
What lies ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of the metaverse? From advancements in virtual reality technology to the integration of AI, the future promises even more immersive, interconnected experiences.
The metaverse isn't just a digital playground; it's a transformative force shaping how we connect, learn, work, and play. As we navigate this evolving landscape, understanding the diverse types of metaverse is key to harnessing its full potential.
Is the metaverse only for gamers?
No, the metaverse encompasses various sectors, including socializing, education, business, and more.
How secure is the blockchain metaverse?
Blockchain ensures a high level of security by decentralizing and encrypting transactions, making it a robust foundation for the metaverse.
Can I participate in the metaverse without VR equipment?
Yes, many metaverse platforms offer experiences accessible through standard devices like smartphones and computers.
What role does AI play in the metaverse?
AI enhances metaverse experiences by providing intelligent avatars, personalized interactions, and dynamic content.
Are there age restrictions in the metaverse?
Age restrictions vary across platforms, with some catering to a diverse audience, while others may have specific age requirements.
How do NFTs work in the metaverse?
NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, represent unique digital assets in the metaverse, allowing ownership and trade of virtual items.
Is the metaverse replacing physical spaces?
While the metaverse transforms digital experiences, physical spaces remain integral, with both coexisting in our interconnected world.
What challenges does the metaverse face?
Challenges include privacy concerns, digital addiction, and ethical considerations, requiring careful navigation for a balanced metaverse future.
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new-york-events-blog · 6 months
Explore the Exciting World of NFT Games
What is an NFT Game? NFT games, or Non-Fungible Token games, are digital games that use blockchain technology to create a unique digital asset. NFTs are digital tokens that represent a physical or digital item, such as a piece of art or a virtual item. NFT games use these digital tokens to create a game economy with its own set of rules, rewards, and incentives. Players can buy, sell, and trade these digital tokens to achieve their desired outcomes.
Best NFT Games There are many different types of NFT games available, ranging from trading card games to virtual worlds and more. Here is a list of the best NFT games currently available:
1. Scroo-g – NFT generate income in battles.
2. CryptoKitties – A virtual world where players can buy, sell, and breed digital cats.
3. CryptoVoxels – A virtual world where players can build and own their own 3D parcels.
4. Axie Infinity – A game where players battle, breed, and raise fantasy creatures.
5. Decentraland – A virtual world where players can buy, sell, and trade virtual land.
6. Upland – A virtual world where players can buy, sell, and trade virtual properties.
7. My Crypto Heroes – A game where players can battle, collect, and trade heroes.
8. Splinterlands – A collectible card game where players battle with their own decks.
9. Chain Clash – A game where players fight each other with their own teams of characters.
10. Crypto Space Commander – A game where players can explore the universe, build ships, and battle other players.
What Makes NFT Games So Popular? NFT games are becoming increasingly popular due to their unique features and rewards. Players can create, own, and trade digital assets, which gives them a sense of ownership and control over their virtual worlds. Additionally, NFT games offer players the ability to earn rewards, such as in-game items and cryptocurrency, for completing tasks and playing the game. This adds an extra layer of excitement and motivation to the game, as players can earn real-world rewards for playing.
NFT Game Platforms NFT games are typically built on blockchain platforms, such as Ethereum, Tron, and EOS. These platforms allow developers to create and deploy NFT games in a secure and decentralized way. Additionally, these platforms provide a number of features and tools that make it easier for developers to create and manage their NFT games.
Free to Play NFT Games Many NFT games are free to play, making them accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Additionally, some NFT games offer in-game purchases and rewards, allowing players to earn cryptocurrency for completing tasks or playing the game. This makes NFT games even more appealing, as players can earn real-world rewards for playing.
NFT Game Play to Earn In addition to playing games for fun, NFT games can also be used to earn rewards. Many NFT games offer rewards for completing tasks or playing the game, such as in-game items or cryptocurrency. This makes NFT games even more appealing, as players can earn real-world rewards for playing.
Conclusion NFT games are becoming increasingly popular due to their unique features and rewards. Players can create, own, and trade digital assets, which gives them a sense of ownership and control over their virtual worlds. Additionally, NFT games offer players the ability to earn rewards, such as in-game items and cryptocurrency, for completing tasks and playing the game. With so many NFT games available, there is sure to be one that suits your interests and skills.
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Real-world use cases of the metaverse, real examples
The metaverse, which can be used for anything from socialising to conducting business to playing games. The ability to design immersive experiences that can creatively replicate real-world interactions is one of the main advantages of metaverse technology.Metaverse can use 3D technology to offer distinctive narrative experiences in advertising. Despite regional limitations, the Metaverse enables marketers to engage with a worldwide
The benefits of Metaverse
Immersive Experiences: The metaverse provides immersive digital environments that offer a sense of presence and interactivity, enhancing entertainment, learning, and communication experiences.
Decentralisation: The metaverse can be built on decentralised principles, reducing reliance on centralised authorities and enhancing user control over data and assets.
Best examples of the metaverse
Sandbox. The Ethereum-based virtual world allows users to build, share and monetize their creations.
Decentraland: Decentraland is a blockchain-based virtual world where users can buy, own, and develop virtual real estate.
CryptoVoxels: CryptoVoxels is a virtual world built on blockchain technology, allowing users to buy, own, and develop virtual land parcels. It emphasises the integration of blockchain and virtual real estate. If you want to engage and entertain users like never before, establish a fully immersive virtual world. LBM Solutions is the only company you need! As one of the top Metaverse Development Company
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poojanegi99945 · 9 months
 What Is A Metaverse NFT Marketplace And How Do You Create Your Own?
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In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the fascinating world of Metaverse NFT marketplaces, exploring what they are, how they work, and most importantly, how you can create your very own. The Metaverse and NFTs have been trending topics, capturing the imagination of tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs alike. As a team of experienced SEO experts and copywriters, we've crafted this article to help you outrank other websites on Google, ensuring that you have access to the best and most up-to-date information on the subject.
 Understanding the Metaverse and NFTs
 1. What is the Metaverse?
The Metaverse is a virtual reality space where users can interact with each other and digital objects, creating an immersive experience that blurs the line between the physical and digital worlds. It's a collective virtual shared space that is entirely user-generated, offering infinite possibilities for creativity and exploration. In the Metaverse, individuals can socialize, play games, attend events, trade virtual assets, and much more.
 2. NFTs - Non-Fungible Tokens Explained
NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a particular item or piece of content. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and interchangeable, NFTs are one-of-a-kind and cannot be replicated. This uniqueness makes NFTs ideal for representing ownership of virtual assets, including virtual real estate, virtual fashion, digital art, and more, within the Metaverse.
 3. The Rise of Metaverse NFT Marketplaces
Metaverse NFT marketplaces serve as the backbone of this digital economy. They are platforms where creators and users can buy, sell, and trade NFTs with ease. These marketplaces have seen exponential growth in recent times, attracting both artists and investors who recognize the potential of the Metaverse. Some popular Metaverse NFT marketplaces include Decentraland, CryptoVoxels, The Sandbox, and Somnium Space.
 Creating Your Own Metaverse NFT Marketplace
 1. Identifying Your Niche and Audience
Before diving into the development process, it's essential to identify your niche and target audience. Determine the type of digital assets you want to focus on, such as virtual real estate, digital art, fashion, or collectibles. Understanding your target audience's preferences and interests will help you tailor your marketplace to meet their needs effectively.
 2. Choose the Right Blockchain
The choice of blockchain is crucial for your Metaverse NFT marketplace. Ethereum has been the dominant player in the NFT space, but other blockchains like Binance Smart Chain and Flow are gaining traction due to their scalability and lower fees. Research the pros and cons of each blockchain to make an informed decision that aligns with your marketplace's goals.
 3. Development and Smart Contracts
Engage a skilled development team with experience in blockchain technology and NFT marketplaces. They will create the necessary smart contracts that enable the creation, ownership, and trading of NFTs on your platform. Security and usability should be top priorities during the development process.
 4. User Experience and Interface
A seamless and intuitive user experience is vital for the success of your marketplace. Users should be able to browse, search, and interact with NFTs effortlessly. Implement features like filters, categories, and sorting options to enhance user convenience.
 5. Legal and Licensing Considerations
Ensure that your platform complies with all relevant legal and licensing requirements. Copyright and intellectual property laws can be complex, especially in the digital realm. Seek legal counsel to protect your platform and its users from potential legal issues.
 6. Marketing and Community Building
Once your Metaverse NFT marketplace is live, focus on marketing and community building. Leverage social media, influencer partnerships, and targeted advertising to attract users and creators to your platform. Building an active and engaged community around your marketplace will drive sustained growth.
 7. Embrace Innovation
The Metaverse is constantly evolving, and as a marketplace owner, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve. Embrace new technologies and trends, such as virtual reality integration, augmented reality experiences, and blockchain advancements, to keep your platform at the forefront of the industry.
Creating a Metaverse NFT marketplace can be a thrilling and rewarding venture. By understanding the fundamental concepts of the Metaverse and NFTs and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can embark on your journey to establish a successful platform. Remember, innovation and user-centricity are key to standing out in the competitive world of Metaverse NFT marketplaces.
If you want to build a Metaverse NFT Platform, we suggest Clarisco solutions. It's a leading  Metaverse NFT marketplace development company in europe.  
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hivelance · 9 months
The 5 Best NFT Markertplace Clone Script for 2023
Are you ready to take the plunge and build your very own NFT marketplace? Congratulations!
But with so many NFT marketplace out there, how do you choose the best one for your needs? Don't worry! As a top-notch NFT marketplace development company, Our goal is to help you find the best NFT marketplace clone script that makes most sense for your business, so you don’t waste money and time!
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5 Best NFT Marketplace Clone Script of 2023
OpenSea Clone Script
Rarible Clone Script
SuperRare Clone Script
Bored Ape Yacht Club Clone
NBA Top Shot Clone Script What Kinds of sites can be created with an NFT Marketplace Clone Script?
An NFT marketplace clone script can be used to create various types of sites that replicate the functionality of existing NFT marketplaces. Here are some examples of the kinds of NFT marketplaces that can be developed using an NFT marketplace clone script:
Art NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Using ready-made NFT marketplace clone script, you can create an NFT art marketplace where artists can mint and sell their digital artworks as NFTs, allowing collectors to discover and purchase unique pieces.
Collectibles NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Create a collectibles based NFT marketplace which focused on collectible NFTs, like trading cards, virtual toys, and other digital memorabilia.
Music NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Develop a Music NFT marketplace where musicians and producers can tokenize their music, albums, and concert tickets, enabling fans to own exclusive digital music assets.
Gaming NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Design a platform for gamers and game developers to trade in-game items, skins, and other virtual assets as NFTs.
Virtual Real Estate Marketplace Clone Script: Create a marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade virtual land or property in virtual worlds like Decentraland or CryptoVoxels.
Domain Names NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Build a marketplace for buying and selling blockchain-based domain names as NFTs.
Fashion NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Develop a site where fashion designers and brands can tokenize and sell virtual clothing and accessories, allowing users to dress their avatars or characters.
Content Creator NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Create a marketplace for content creators, such as writers, bloggers, and YouTubers, to sell digital content and exclusive access as NFTs.
Sports NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Build a platform where sports organizations and athletes can tokenize sports memorabilia, tickets, and unique fan experiences.
Film and Entertainment NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Develop a site for filmmakers and entertainment companies to tokenize movie clips, posters, and exclusive content.
Charity and Fundraising NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Create a NFT marketplace for charities and causes to tokenize digital assets and raise funds through NFT sales.
Virtual Events NFT Marketplace Clone Script: Build an NFT marketplace for virtual events, conferences, and workshops, where attendees can purchase NFT tickets and access event-related content.
The top NFT marketplace clone script for small business – our detailed study
Opensea Clone Script - An OpenSea clone script is a ready-made solution that replicates the functionality and features of the OpenSea NFT marketplace. Hivelance's Opensea clone script typically covers the original platform's fundamental features and can be customized to create a similar NFT marketplace to Opensea.
Rarible Clone Script - A Rarible clone script is a pre-built NFT marketplace software solution that is similar to the Rarible in functionality and features. Hivelance provides a 100% customizable Rarible clone software that allows you to create your own aggregated NFT marketplace with extensive features similar to Rarible.
SuperRare Clone Script - SuperRare clone script is a pre-developed NFT marketplace script that is trending in the NFT marketplace. It is completely a customizable solutions that is specially launced for potential entrepreneurs who wants to enter the NFT world by launching an NFT marketplace like SuperRare in a cost-effective way.
Bored Ape Yacht Club Clone Script - Bored Ape Yacht Club clone script is the ready-to-deploy NFT marketplace software that works similarly to the Bored Ape Yacht Club marketplace. Hivelance's Bored Ape Yacht Club clone script comprises all the vital outstanding features and security modules that are necessary to create a stunning NFT marketplace within a week that looks 100% similar to the Bored Ape Yacht Club.
NBA Top Shot Clone Script - A NBA Top Shot clone script is a ready-to-market NFT marketplace script that offers all the crucial attributes and capabilities of the well-known NFT marketplace, like the NBA Top Shot , for buy, sell and trade basketball video clips. Using NBA Top Shot clone you can launch your own blockchain-based virtual trading card platform within less time limit and within your budget.
Why Hivelance NFT marketplace clone script for NFT marketplace development?
Hivelance, as leading NFT marketplace development company, understand that only a phenomenal NFT marketplace that provides a safe and convenient space for the users to buy, sell and create NFTs without a hitch can be successful. So, we focus on crafting a top-notch NFT marketplace clone script with interesting features, responsive design, and cutting-edge technologies that are required to build a professional-looking NFT marketplace within your budget.
Furthermore, our outstanding NFT marketplace clone script is provided to extensive testing procedures to assure reliable performance across many platforms and devices. As a result, realizing your NFT business goals will never be difficult.
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jg-gamefi · 2 years
【How To Take Advantage of P2E 】
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Gamers can earn assets within the game, because of advancements in blockchain technology. receive prizes that have real-life worth, plus gain the ability to purchase and transact virtual assets and other items via blockchain markets. 有很多方法可以在游戏中赚钱,使用NFT、游戏以及Decentraland和Cryptovoxels等平台为玩家提供了各种潜在的收益机会。然而,您赚取的金额可能因游戏的本币、您投入的时间以及您应用的游戏技术而异。 -游戏中,铸造是玩家赚钱的各种方式之一。 -区块链P2E游戏奖金(例如Axieinfinity) -赌注,锁定代币以获得奖励被称为赌注。 投资的时间和使用该平台开发的技能越多,能创造的收入就越高。 #gamefi #p2e
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