vierandancer · 1 year
Meiko was doing as well as she possibly could be in her current situation. She had made it to Limsa Lominsa safely (albeit without much gil to her name), she knew where her brother was (“accidentally” ended up in Gridania, that bloody liar), and had managed to find a wee bit of work to pay for her lodgings (only thanks to Baderon’s pity). Was she overwhelmed? Aye. Was she constantly on the verge of tears? Aye as well.
But at least the knives on her belt felt more at home than that big old axe her father had given her before she left home. She had appreciated it, of course, but appreciated being able to afford to eat far more. Da would understand.
And the Rogues’ Guild, despite it being full of strangers, felt like a stone’s throw away from Wadewick. Her humble little fishing town was not full of so many honorable thieves, but their demeanors were similar nonetheless. It was far easier for Meiko to settle in with that cast of characters than anyone else in Limsa so far. So, she felt somewhat optimistic at the moment…so long as A'kihiko didn’t run off again.
Eager to be able to afford the airship pass to go and meet him – and scold him – Meiko was quick to accept any jobs or requests that came her way. 
Today Jacke had asked her to pair up with another member who was relatively new to the guild, recruited barely two weeks before she had walked in. It was a little comforting to know she probably wouldn't embarrass herself on a job -- but what if they both struggled? Surely Jacke was the type to have someone monitoring them both... right?
She could only hope.
The designated meeting spot was a planter near a very popular part of the Aetheryte Plaza. She wasn't sure how she'd be able to identify her partner amidst all the madness -- why were there so many people here? Was there some sort of event? -- but for now, she took a seat on the planter's edge and waited, trying to seek out a roguish face in the crowd.
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Maybe this is part o'an evaluation...?
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naturesbeat · 3 months
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Things said in an adventuring party // ACCEPTING » @crystalmarred ( Tataru ) said: ‘ not to brag, but at least six men have described me as ‘terrifying’. ’ (Tataru to Eydis, two of them are Estinien and Alphinaud asdkfjhsalk—)
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HER ANSWERING GRIN MATCHED Tataru's mischief, a flash of fangs and a bark of laughter. "You should brag," Eydis countered, crossing her arms leisurely across her chest. "I am not sure they would say the same of me."
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"In fact, it makes me wonder why I am even here, when you can keep them all in line."
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lalannaoronir · 3 months
Continuing from here - @crystalmarred
"Oh!" Whelp, that answered that question. She understood, though. "Yes! Sorry, I'm not exactly a frontline Scion. I'm part of the dungeon clean-up team," she explained brightly. "Or, rather, I was. I guess we're just treasure hunters now..."
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"I'm Lalanna! And if you've got your measurements, you can just write those down and I can take those to Tataru!"
She couldn't believe he had those on hand! But if it worked, it worked!
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fatesown · 11 days
starter call. // @crystalmarred. // accepting.
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The new outfit Tataru's stitched together for her certainly feels nice, settling against her skin, snug in all the places that she remembers being flattering.
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"I suppose I'll just have to take your word for it that I look good, then?"
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thescions · 4 months
“Look,” X'kijin started, not particularly wanting to argue with Papalymo. “You know I can eat just about anything.” 
And find value in it, beside. Cultures varied greatly and many found traditional Ala Mhigan cuisine to be too… wild, so it was hard to judge overmuch.
“But this,” he said as he moved the archon loaf in a failed attempt to flop the bread. It didn't flop at all. Offensively, it stood rigid. “Is kinda disgusting.”
(You wanted opinions, so I'm sending them directly to the best Scion. I do not take criticism.)
How do you feel about Archon Loaf?
Papalymo chuckled, shaking his head.
"Oh, no, you don't have to convince me of such an opinion," he reassured him. "Consider yourself lucky that you haven't had to develop a tolerance for the stuff. There are many in Sharlayan -especially those in the Studium -- who'd most certainly waste away without it sustaining them throughout their demanding responsibilities. Archon Loaf isn't popular back home for anything other than necessity. However, I've found that soaking it in brandy can help... a little."
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lcstkey · 2 months
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@crystalmarred | ❛ you look like you need a hug. ❜ (from local mom friend Tataru!) 200 Random Dialogue Prompts
As she helped Tataru and F'lhaminn around the Rising Stones, Selena focused on the more minor errands and anything else asked of her without complaint. She appeared to be recovering well physically. Her right arm had mended.
The keybearer had felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. She no longer needed to lie about her identity and allow preconceptions to dictate her backstory. She no longer needed an alias or to take another country's tragedy for her cover story. Artemis died at the North Shroud, and now she can live as Selena Wolfsong.
But, the keybearer kept to herself. Being new, she found herself unable to approach anyone yet. After letting go of the denial, the grief still felt fresh akin to removing the scab on a still-healing wound. Carlisle's words occasionally rang in her ears.
Did you actually come back believing that someone would miss you?
The keybearer was putting books away when her hand started to shake without warning. Selena loses her grip on the book she was putting away on the top shelf and scrambles to catch it. In the process, she drops the other books. They made a loud crashing sound as they tumbled on the floor. Her panicked expression did not escape Tataru's notice.
"I-I'm sorry..." She initially says, trying to apologize and out of breath, but Tataru's statement catches her off guard.
"...I...I think I probably do." Selena finally answers, sounding unsure, and crouches down to allow the Lalafell to hug her and for the keybearer to sincerely return it. Several hiccups escaped her as she broke down. By the time she lets go, her eyes are teary and puffy.
"T-thank you. I didn't know how much I needed that."
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rosecoloredmuses · 3 months
🥣 (useful fact!)
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((I'm one week late answering this but still! I'm often distracted by video games such as the Sims and Final Fantasy XIV. My favorite genres are simulation, rhythm, and RPGs!))
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
🌸。*゚+. Starter call | @crystalmarred
"Why am I not surprised to find you here?" There's humor in his tone as he approaches, a brow raising whilst he took in the other and his attire. "Am I right in assuming that Tataru has you doing favors for her, yet again?" The woman sure did love putting their dear friend to WORK didn't she?
Thancred folded his arms across his chest, weight shifting from one leg to the other. With the way in which he PRESSED his lips tightly together, it was easy to tell the Hyur was close to laughing, but held together determinedly.
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"What is it that she has you making this time?" He inquired, having not really planned in making small talk with others during his visit to Sharlayan, but growing CURIOUS all the same.
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tenebriism · 1 year
@crystalmarred ;; S T A R T E R C A L L ;; URIANGER .
One might deem it HUMOROUS how there are tiny little IMPERFECTIONS within a characteristic all but intimately BOUND to someone. Urianger is known for being the epitome of observant, nigh impossible to catch off guard or in a state of ill prep, and yet . . . despite his wealth of observational skills, he cannot seem to realize when he has droned on for far longer than necessary. How he manages to turn a request for aid into a Sharlayan thesis is beyond the understanding of even those closest to him, yet there he sits, brow creased deeply in that contemplative manner, detailing how he found himself in this predicament in the first place.
Humorous, even more, is the lack of realization that his flowery manner of speaking and writing is the sole cause of this entire ordeal in the first place.
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" Naught more than an accidental discarding of a personal pursuit of poetic enlightenment, yet mine own recollection of its scrawlings is certain it contained but a few, poorly written pieces. " Sat nearest him on the tabletop, though, is a strongly scented letter written in response to the parchment he had dropped, with a flower bundled within, and a written promise to meet him at the ' location he had detailed in his beautiful letter. ' " I fear some maiden has mistaken this hobby as a drawn out map to the depths of mine own heart. I am . . . admittedly concerned and at a tragic loss for how to handle this. "
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symphcnii · 1 year
@crystalmarred asked:
❛ you should’ve thought about that before you got into a fight. ❜ (k'lyhhia and x'kijin, if that's okay! aka tigress does tiger things and dumbass healer does healer things—)
The tigress parts her lips to argue, but quickly decides against it. He was right. She deserved that. She'd gotten herself into this situation, picking a fight with those bandits - she had no right to complain about the pain. But hey! At least she had won, and smacked around a few low lives in the process.
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"Point taken." She stifles a laugh, only to wince as it aggravates her injury. Her striped tail curls up beside her, and she allows the healer to do his work with no more complaints. "I appreciate the help. You could've easily left me here to lick my wounds."
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starsasunder · 1 year
@crystalmarred sent in: accident for X'kijin & Inanna? 👀 (WoL or NPC Kijin, up to you~)
    ❝ 𝐀 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆. ❞  —   𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 // accepting !
05. accident ; receiver comes across sender for the first time, just after sender has had a minor accident.
A request from the Studium was not an unusual occurrence for Inanna, though they were a little less common now that she and her fellow gleaners no longer had to prepare for the end of the world. Tucked away in a corner of one of the lower floors of Noumenon, Inanna sat surrounded by a rather impressive collection of books, towering above her head in increasingly unstable stacks. Monitored by an odd, twitchy little librarian mammet that seemed intent on wearing a track between her nest of books and the elevator, she had spent the better part of her morning researching Coerthas's Sea of Clouds after being tasked with securing a paissa for one of the Studium's researchers. Being that her expertise was in flora rather than fauna, she had needed to spend some time getting to know the unfamiliar species before setting off.
Her solitary research was interrupted rather abruptly, however, by the dinging of the elevator. Looking up from her reading to catch a glimpse of her company, Inanna had only enough time to call, "Wait-!" before her mammet companion charged blindly right into the unwitting Seeker's legs with enough force to bruise. After a brief pause, a series of crestfallen mechanical noises emitted from the pathetic thing before it wobbled, spun, and fell dramatically to the tile floor.
Groaning as she envisioned the paperwork a repair report would entail, Inanna pushed herself to her feet, heading over to check on both the mammet and its innocent victim. Tail flicking in annoyance, she spared a glance for the stranger's well-being before kneeling into a crouch, her hands rushing not to X'kijin's aid, but to the mammet's. "The librarians are going to kill me if you've gone and gotten yourself broken..."
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vierandancer · 1 year
@crystalmarred liked for a Starter -- Tataru
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"Y'know when you said you needed me t'play mannequin for a new design, a ballgown isn' what I imagined..." In what bloody universe would she ever need a ballgown? Then again, this design wasn't for her. It was for a commission Tataru's business had earned for a lady with similar proportions, apparently. "Who even s'throwin' balls nowadays? Didn' the world just nearly end?"
Was it someone from Sharlayan? Did folks even bother with such events? Ooh, had Alphinaud and Alisaie ever had to attend big fancy parties? She'd have to ask later!
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mused-like-roses · 1 year
💯 — share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you.
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I have Autism (High-Functioning if you're curious!)
2. My future dream is to become a Vtuber
3. The first ever legit anime I've watched that wasn't Pokemon was Naruto
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more-than-a-princess · 8 months
☺ - State three things that make you smile! & ꕥ - What is the best thing that has happened to you today?
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Positive Munday Meme - Accepting!
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☺ - State three things that make you smile!
In order!
My husband
My cat
A tossup between my tea and teaware collection, my handbag collection, my costumes, and my books. Most travel plans fall under this category, too!
Husband wouldn't forgive me if he wasn't at the top of the list, considering the cat, more often than not, gets more cuddles from me and has a habit of taking over his side of the bed if I'm in it and he's not.
ꕥ - What is the best thing that has happened to you today?
I mean, having a work from home day is almost always a better day than most because I can keep my pajamas and fuzzy socks on, and not spend 90 minutes in traffic (much less deal with my loud co-workers all day long). But, today in particular was long and I had to deal with quite a few abrasive people and situations.
So, my husband's solution was to get out the Instant Pot and make us some wassail! We love drinking this in the winter, by itself or with a splash of rum. We use this recipe, with a little added cinnamon sugar to taste. It's great to sip while writing or reading, often with a lit seasonal scented candle to add to the atmosphere. It's so cozy.
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thescions · 2 months
"behave yourself." (Erenville to Wuk Lamat)
"What? I have been on my best behavior!" Wuk Lamat bristled, folding her arms. "Have you ever stopped to think that maybe it's you who could beneift from behaving a little more recklessly? As far as I know, I'm not breaking any of your Sharlayan laws by having a look around!"
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rosecoloredmuses · 21 days
😮 ; What is your favourite thing about your muse? 
😂 ; What are some similarities between you and your muse?
🤔 ; What are some differences between you and your muse?
((Hmm... there's no muse specified so I'll default to Tsubasa!
I suppose one of my favorite things about her is her sweetness. I've remember people joking that she's like a Didney Princess and that kinda stuck with me.
As for similarities... we're both autistic, for starters! We also dislike green bell peppers.
As for differences, there's the fact she's straight and I'm not. I'm an asexual lady who likes her men fictional! It does, however, make me a bit unsure if I'm doing the whole "attraction" thing right in my fic lol))
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