#csll of duty fanfic
pricescigar · 2 years
A life for A life
Summary: After Elvira attempted her life, she knew that the biggest plague overtaking her life had to get rid of. Her own flesh and blood of her father. Dietrich
Tw: Attempted Suicide, mentions of blood, sharp weapons and abuse
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Today was her Sixteenth Birthday, Elvira felt no form of excitement  at all. She got told numerous times at school that Sixteen was a big age, she needed to step up and act her age more. Luckily that never seemed to be a problem for her, she simply nodded and pushed on without another word. It was the last day that she would be in Germany also, before she would be soon sent away to Russia to be trained by Perseus and his henchmen. That's what scared her the most out of all of it. Having to fulfil a destiny that belonged to her father. A destiny she didn't want. Every Birthday was the same, the presents felt… Meaningless no life to them at all, of all the things she wanted she got the opposite. To her father he would always say to her:
"You don't need those things, these are far more important."
Her nerves were taking over her mind. Birthdays no longer felt exciting for her at all. What was a Birthday anyway? What is Christmas? What were all of these things Elvira couldn't experience like others could, what was it even like to have a happy family.
Sure her godfather made it better by spoiling her with many gifts on her Birthday, that made the day a little better. But truly... All she wanted was her fathers love, to love her and to accept her for who she is. And to not be a mini image of him, but that's what she'll always be.
Her hopes of escaping were dwindling by the minute, three years she planned to try and get rid of her father. Three years she had been planning all of this running away didn't exactly help, the stress of school and her fathers expectations was draining the life out of her.
Elvira expressed her troubles to her father, even if she knew what he would always say to her and what he'd do after. And so she stopped telling him things. It was another hard day at school today for Elvira despite it being her birthday, Dietrich remained locked away in his office. 
She felt alone in all of this, as much as she wanted to cry out for help. Elvira was so scared to do so, with fear that no one would believe her and that she would get into more trouble as a result of that. Despite all of that Elvira found ways to cope, unhealthy ways to be exact. But it made the pain go away for a while, but it all got too much for her in the end. Slowly feeling her world falling down before her, time didn't feel real to her anymore, no amount of pain could match what she was feeling. The numerous bruises appearing on her body everyday, minor scratches here and there or a slap to the face:
"You're not good enough for me."
Another bad day at school and that was the breaking point for her, she still couldn't get over the fact that Felix broke up with her too. She knew that it wasn't her fault, as he said so himself: 
"Your vater scares me, I don't want to get hurt. And I don't want you to get hurt either."
If only he knew the full story… Elvira heard Dietrich locking himself away in his office, she found herself in the Kitchen and took the Kitchen knife before heading upstairs and into her Bedroom. Her footsteps were cushions and silent, making sure she didn't step on any creaks so her father would be left undisturbed. Just how he liked it.
Taking her bag off her shoulders and leaving it on the floor gently, she took a deep breath before going to the bathroom keeping her knife in hand. 
"Vater?" Elvira called out to her father, there wasn't a reply for a couple of seconds before she heard a sigh. 
"What? I'm busy. Make it quick. " The frustrated Voice of Dietrich was heard from his office. 
"I'm going to take a bath… Then I'll prepare dinner. Okay?" Elvira told a simple lie.
"Sure, whatever. I don't care." Dietrich replied. 
Elvira locked herself in the bathroom, leaving the knife aside on the bathtub. Taking off her clothes she was wearing, dumping them on the floor. Finding herself at the mirror and staring at her body in disgust, the existing scars Dietrich gave her made her feel disgusted to be in her own body. No matter how many scars she revived or even gave herself, the reminiscence and reminder of her father was still there. She began to run the bath, getting everything ready. The water was hot, she stepped into it and relaxed her body. Elvira felt the tears falling down her eyes, he made her do this.
With every split of her piercing skin she didn't even flinch in pain, watching the blood run down her arms. The more scars she created, the blood worsened. Her left arm was done, and now it was for her right arm. The water began to slowly become stained with her own blood, the final cut was the breaking point. Elvira left the knife aside, feeling herself become weak.
Time has passed and Dietrich noticed Elvira was in the bath for quite some time now, thirty minutes… She never took that long. He got off his chair and walked out of his office, approaching the bathroom door. Trying to open it, but alas it was locked. 
"Elvira! Elvira Wolff, you open this door right now!" Dietrich's voice boomed, when there was no reply he was already losing his patience. After using his shoulder to break the door open numerous times, after stumbling inside he regained his balance. The first thing he laid his eyes on was Elvira.
Elvira's body was in a bath of her own blood, the knife she had used was on the floor. She didn't seem to be moving, it took Dietrich a second to realise what she had done. He grabbed a few towle's  quickly and pulled her body out of the bath, being mindful of her arms that were consistently bleeding. He wrapped two individual ones around her arms to try and stop the bleeding. Wrapping another one around her body, he gently lifted her up. 
"You're gonna be okay." Dietrich's voice was shaken, carrying her body out of the house and over to the car. The towels around her arms were already beginning to stain, laying the towel on the back of the seats laying her body down. Closing the car door, he went into the driver's seat and drove her to the Hospital.
Arriving at the Hospital all seemed to be a blur to Deitrich, he watched the nurses take Elvira without another world rushing her while a Doctor followed them. It's been two hours since then, he waited in the waiting rooms. Not even seeing the Doctor yet wasn't a good sign either, when all seemed to be at loss the door finally opened. The doctor arrived, his cost was stained with blood. 
"Herr Wolff?" The Doctor spoke, Dietrich remained sitting down and hid eyes focused on the Doctor. An old friend  of his Spielmann
"How is she?" Deitrich simply asked him.
"...Alive." Spielmann said, he sighed with relief. "Alive, but she'll pull through… We're finishing off one last blood transfusion with all the blood she lost. Do you want to see her?" He asked, Dietrich nodded and the two began to walk down the hall. It was silent, once they got into the room Spielmann closed the door behind him.
"We were close to losing her. All day. Don't ask me why, or how she pulled through. I have to ask… What made your daughter do this?" He grabbed a clipboard and his pen. 
"Ever since Mia died, it affected her a lot. She witnessed the accident. And with School was far too much for her… I didn't realise she would try to do this on her own birthday. It's my fault I worked far too hard and I wasn't paying attention to what was going on. I wasn't paying attention to her." Dietrich looked at him, if there was one thing… He was good at making up sob stories. Which is why everyone took his side.
"I want her to be interned, it is clear she's not safe in the environment. And I believe they can give her the best medical care possible." Spielmann was writing the notes down.
"Nein really, she hates unfamiliar surroundings. Whatever it takes, I will do anything to make her feel better. Believe me. Even if I have to take time off work to do so." Dietrich assured, Spielmann had an unsure look but he guided him to where Elvira was resting.
"Hm…" Spielmann stared at him for a couple of seconds before simply nodding. "Alright then, if you say so…" He soon left the room.
Elvira was out cold for the remaining day, the next day in the early morning. She slowly woke up, feeling her arms screaming in pain. The dare on the Calendar showed the 1st of December. The medication had worn off, she winced a little in pain. Her head soon turned and saw her father staring out of the window. 
Dietrich was staring out of the window before he turned hearing Elvira, he simply kept his eyes on her saying nothing to her. What did he have to say to her at this point? And the way he stared at her… She knew what was coming. 
"Elvira Wolff." His voice was dark.
It didn't work. Elvira felt all of the emotions running to her at once, she remained calm and composed. The last thing she wanted to do was cry in front of him. After what seemed to be forever, Elvira finally got discharged from the Hospital. 
"You're weak, you pulled a weak act. That's what weak people do, you're a Wolff. So start acting like one." Dietrich shoved her into the car, before going over to the Driver's seat. "You disappoint me."
Elvira pulled the seat belt over her, despite Spielmann strongly advising she shouldn't strain her arms. But  Dietrich ignored his words the moment they got out of the Hospital. She didn't say anything to her father, watching him get into the car before they finally drove off.. 
Elvira let Dietrich lecture her all the way home, taking all of his words in. Either nodding in agreement or giving him short replies, she wasn't in the right mind to even think about anything. All she knew was that… The time was right, Elvira needed to end all of this. Once and for all. Tonight. 
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