#dietrich wolff
pricescigar · 9 months
Dietrich Wolff
"Water sleeps, and the enemy is sleepless."
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blorbocedes · 7 months
“Toto Wolff has had a meeting with Jos Verstappen in the Bahrain paddock. When asked about the possibility of Verstappen joining Mercedes in 2025, Wolff responded: “Anything is possible.”
This comes after reports that Jos Verstappen said that the Red Bull team could “explode”, and it is “in danger of being torn apart” if Christian Horner stays on as team principal.”
User blorbocedes, is it over?
there is one man in redbull who is completely irreplaceable. and that is max verstappen.
max verstappen is not leaving redbull while it's the fastest car. and he's not leaving for fucking mercedes, which isn't on pace to be second fastest car
sure you can argue "max is leaving to protest alleged sexual harasser team principal" and I would love to live in the world where men cared about women at the detriment of their own careers, but if this was true then max wouldn't hug said alleged team principal after a race win, or go up laugh with him of his own volition during practice. he quite simply does not care, he's just here to race
verstappen's camp ofc cares, and max lets them run it how they see fit in his best interests.
we know Jos doesn't like Horner, and he released articles since last year and even recently that he doesn't fuck with him for reasons he won't say. also not out of any ethical considerations (let's hear what the wifebeater has to say about the mistreatment of women), but because we can guess -- Jos does not like Checo, and Horner backs Checo. regardless, the reason does not matter — he wants Horner out.
After Redbull's former owner Dietrich died, there was a power vacuum in redbull and Horner stood a lot to gain as TP and CEO to become de-facto sole benefactor. RB Austria, the parent company, does not want that. During Dietrich's tenure, he trusted Helmut completely to make decisions on hiring new drivers, and we know Marko and Horner disagreed on promoting NDV, with Marko getting his way in the end and then quickly being embarrassed. Helmut and Jos are quite friendly, the way he isn't with Horner. You see the power struggle.
Jos has always had contact with Toto because he wanted to get 16 year old Max in Mercedes, and Toto couldn't. Every time Max's contract negotiations would come up, there would be Mercedes rumours and talks so that Redbull would clamp down and give team Max whatever they wanted (centre the whole team around him.) They maintained this relationship until 2021 silverstone.
Jos talking to Toto now is essentially drawing a line in the sand that either Max, the boy wonder champion this whole team is built around goes or Horner goes. Max wont go. But to earn that, Redbull has always caved and given Max what he wants.
and ofc Toto took the call because Max is forever his "one that got away" and would welcome in that silver shitbox with open arms, not that Max would accept
Is it over? Well, if Redbull is stupid enough to keep that liability of a team principal and tie their sinking ship to a man who creeped on his employee instead of keeping their multiple world champion and strongest driver on the grid happy then they deserve the pride before the fall, and lose it all.
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les-annees-vingt · 1 year
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Marlene Dietrich par Wolff von Gudenberg, 1929.
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adlerboi · 2 years
Chronology of Anja Petrochenka
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1949: Birth of Anja
1961: Anja's parents are killed in Berlin. Ilitch, the father, was investigating Volkov.
1966: She is caught stealing from the warehouse by Dietrich Wolff. She has to work for them, to repay the debt.
1967: She falls in love and is in a relationship with Volkov
1970: She marries Volkov and goes to see the sea for the first time in her life for the honeymoon
1971: Anja is injured by Dietrich
1978: Sasha is born
1980: Masha is born
Mention of @pricescigar OC (Dietrich)
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scuderia-hamilton · 7 months
The investigation was officially into "controlling behaviour". It was a Dutch tabloid (De Telegraaf) that published an article claiming it was a case of sexual misconduct, and that he'd fallen out with the Verstappens, and that his lawyers paid her hush money, and that they themselves would reveal screenshots of incriminating messages at a later date. There hasn't been a mention of sexual misconduct by any official source. Max has categorically denied any change in relationship between himself and Horner. There is no evidence of the hush money, and the publication hasn't posted any screenshots, despite claiming they already had them.
I'm not sure one would put so much trust into a single article like this, especially a Dutch publication, and especially after what happened in the Susie Wolff fiasco.
I know you probably don't care about this, but there is a massive power struggle at Red Bull currently. Dietrich Mateschitz's son owns 49% of the company, and believes Horner is getting too ambitious, so wants to oust him. I'm not saying this circus was manufactured by him, but he's been using it to his advantage to try and push Horner out. On the other hand, Thai stakeholders hold a 51% majority share, have a soft spot for Horner, and have been doing their best to keep him in.
This is why the investigation has taken so long. There's an internal rift at the company with each side doing their best to inconvenience the other.
hello, i appreciate you being kind and respectful, some people find it easier to hide behind anonymous harassment. :))
there are so many things wrong with this investigation, starting with the fact that we don’t even know what he did, exactly. regardless of if it was sexual misconduct or just controlling behaviour i would not go around defending him under any circumstances.
the fact that red bull hired an independent lawyer to investigate one of their own employees and then it magically turned out that he did nothing wrong is the biggest issue. not making it available to the public, not posting about it anywhere, so they can actually prove that he is innocent and the 100 pieces of evidence are not viable, is another issue. they’re basically like trust us, bro, he’s a good man.
their official statement saying that “the grievance bas been dismissed” does not mean that he’s actually innocent is another huge problem. they don’t care enough that’s the bottom line. all that talk about it being a fair and just and super thorough investigation, was all that: talk.
the way they handled this, the way the fia and f1 and the media and majority of the fanbase, handled this set back the sport about 50 years. this is utterly disgusting and evil and it really, genuinely makes me sick to my stomach that he gets to keep his job, he gets to walk around the paddock, flaunting his “innocence”, continuing his gaslighting manipulative power play, and misusing his power and authority.
i know about the internal power struggle and all the supposed rumors of conflict between him and Jos Verstappen and Marko, but (and i really don’t want to seem rude), i frankly couldn’t care less. they’re all horrible, power hungry, white rich men and i hope they all rot in their special, reserved little spot in the darkest pits of hell.
i know you meant nothing wrong and you’re just clearing things up, which i appreciate, but at the same time, i think all of this is pointless. they handled this so horribly, we all knew what the outcome will be, cause he’s a man and there are no consequences of their actions.
the victim’s life is ruined and for that alone i hope his downfall will be astronomical. i hope she gets the support and justice she deserves. i also hope she appeals or takes it to court, but obviously that is completely up to her.
the bottom line is, f1 is truly a “men’s world” kinda sport, it’s a cesspit of sexism, racism, bigotry and all horrible things. and as long as men, like Christian Horner get to walk around freely, it will never ever be a safe place for women.
frankly i cannot understand how and why anyone would defend his or the team’s actions, but hey, i guess further harassing the victim and praising and cheering on the abuser is what goes on nowadays. also calling it out, results in you getting harassed too, because being a decent human is also something that’s not appreciated in this sport.
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moviesandmania · 7 months
BEWARE THE BOOGEYMAN Horror anthology from Calvin Morie McCarthy - trailer and release news
‘Don’t trust your mind’ Beware the Boogeyman is a 2024 anthology horror film involving five patients at an insane asylum who each have their own story. Written, directed and co-produced by Calvin Morie McCarthy with segments written and directed by Tim Coyle, Josh Dietrich, Kai Pacifico Eng and Chynna Rae Shurts. Also produced by Susan Helfrich. Executive produced by Rich Wolff. The 7th Street…
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nebris · 2 years
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Hitler with his staff at headquarters In June 1940, Hitler and his entourage were photographed at the Führer's headquarters. As far as is known, from left to right: SA Obergruppenfuhrer Wilhelm Brückner, OKH Adjutant Major Engel, Reich Press Chief Dr. Otto Dietrich, Hitler's doctor, Dr. Karl Brandt, Chief of the OKW Colonel-General Wilhelm Keitel, Luftwaffe Adjutant Major General [Karl] Bodenschatz, Adolf Hitler, Wehrmacht Adjutant Colonel Rudolf Schmundt, SS Adjutant SS-Group Leader Julius Schaub, Chief of the Wehrmacht Command Office in the OKW General Alfred Jodl, Adjutant Himmler and liaison to Hitler's SS -Group leader Karl Wolff, head of the party chancellery Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, Hitler's personal physician Prof. Dr. [Theo] Morell, Air Force Adjutant Captain von Below, Reich Photographer of the NSDAP Heinrich Hoffmann. The “Wolfsschanze”, a name coined by Hitler, was near the town of Ketrzyn, Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship (formerly Rastenburg, Allenstein District), Republic of Poland.
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f1turkiye · 2 years
Austin'deki MercedesF1 Takımı için sağlam bir sonuç
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Lewis, bu öğleden sonra Austin'de güçlü bir P2 finişi aldı, Orta/Sert/Sert bir strateji uyguladı ve Max Verstappen'in Red Bull'unun üstün temposuna kadar yarışı 41. turdan 49. tura kadar önde götürdü ve 50. turda liderliğe yükseldi.
George, Carlos Sainz ile Birinci Tur çarpışması nedeniyle beş saniyelik bir ceza verdikten sonra P5'i güvence altına aldı ve ardından yarışın çoğunda aracının dengesini ve yere basma kuvvetini tehlikeye atan ön kanat hasarı taşıdı. Takımın yarıştaki performansı, bu hafta sonu tanıtılan sezonun son yükseltme paketinin performans adımını doğruladı. Takım, George'un yarışın son turundaki en hızlı turu sayesinde toplam 29 puan aldı ve P2'de Ferrari ile arasındaki farkı 14 puanla kapattı. Red Bull Racing, Verstappen'in galibiyetiyle 2022 Formula 1 Takımlar Şampiyonası'nı garantiledi ve 2013'ten bu yana ilk kez şampiyonluğu elde etti.
Lewis Hamilton
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Paramparça oldum. Lider olmak harika hissettirdi, ancak araç bugün bir avuç insandı. Buraya yükseltmelerle geldik ve aradaki farkı biraz kapattık. Çok yakındı ve önde olmak için elimden gelen her şeyi yaptım, ancak Red Bull biraz fazla hızlıydı. Bu yıl boyunca takım olarak çok sıkı çalıştık ve bu yarıştan birçok olumlu sonuç aldık, takım olarak harika pit stop ve strateji performansı gösterdik. Ayrıca performansımdan memnunum ve rekabetçi bir aracımız olduğunda onu eve getirebileceğimi gösteriyordu. Bu yüzden zorlamaya devam edeceğiz ve önümüzdeki üç yarış boyunca elimizden gelen her şeyi vermeye çalışacağız – bir aşamada bize gelecek.
George Russell
Benim için zor bir öğleden sonraydı - çok talihsiz, başka bir sürücünün emekli olmak zorunda kalmasına katkıda bulunacağım bir konumda olmak istemediğim için başlangıçta işlerin nasıl geliştiği. Muhtemelen orta sahadan en uzak olduğumuz ve bir süredir ön tarafa en yakın olduğumuz yer, bu yüzden bu hafta sonu ileriye doğru atılmış iyi bir adım. Fabrikadaki ekip, aracı güncellemeye devam etmek, biraz daha hafif hale getirmek ve gelecek yıl için ne üzerinde çalışmamız gerektiğini anlamak için harika bir iş çıkarıyor ve şu anda odak noktamızın çoğu burada. Açıkçası, podyuma geri dönmek istiyorum, çünkü son kez bir yaş önce gibi hissediyorum. Çok iyi bir form koşusu geçirdik, ancak son birkaç yarış kişisel performansım açısından iyi gitmedi. Gerçekten yarış galibiyetleri için mücadele etmek bizim için hala hedef. Bir yarış galibiyeti elde edemesek bile, galibiyet için savaşma şansımızın olduğu bir konumda olmak istiyoruz.
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Toto Wolff
İlk olarak, Red Bull'u ve Honda'yı Takımlar Şampiyonası'nı kazandıkları için tebrik ederiz; Dietrich Mateschitz hakkında dün verilen üzücü haberler göz önüne alındığında, bugün unvanı güvence altına almaları uygundu. Bizim açımızdan bu hafta sonu bizim için ileriye doğru atılmış bir adımdı ve cesaret verici bir performans gösterdik. Şüphesiz, Red Bull hala önümüzde, ancak onlara ve Ferrari'ye yaklaştığımızı düşünüyorum ve bu bizim için olumlu bir sonuç. " Austin'e bir yükseltme getirdik ve bunun araç performansı açısından da yansıdığını gördük. Açıkçası, George için talihsiz bir başlangıç, Carlos ile çarpışmak, ki bunu bir yarış olayı olarak sınıflandıracağım. Lewis bugün güçlü bir yarış geçirdi ve ona her şeyini veriyordu. Hard'da lastik açığı vardı çünkü seçecek herhangi bir Medium'u yoktu ve hala potansiyel bir galibiyete tutunmak o aşamada mümkün görünüyordu, ancak Max Charles'ı geçtikten ve karşı koyamadığında, bu sadece bir zaman meselesiydi. Sırada sabırsızlıkla beklediğimiz ve umarım performansımızı göstermeye devam edebileceğimiz Meksika var. Kağıt üzerinde, bu aracımıza uygun bir pist olmalı, ancak bu sezon öğrendiğimiz gibi, gerçekte nerede durduğumuzu tahmin edilemez olabilir.
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Andrew Shovlin
Red Bull ve Honda'yı Takımlar Şampiyonası için tebrik ediyoruz, kazanmak için ne kadar çok iş gerektiğini çok iyi biliyoruz – bu yıla iyi başladılar ve oradan geliştiler. Bugünkü yarışta galibiyetin devam edeceğini düşündüğümüz anlar oldu ve en son güncellemeyle iyi bir ilerleme kaydettiğimizi hissediyoruz, ancak açıkça yapmamız gereken biraz işimiz var. Tempo makuldü, ancak araç sürücüler için kolay değildi ve bu, birkaç yarış öncesine kıyasla şimdi biraz daha iyi anladığımız bir alan, ancak gelecek yıl için geliştirmemiz gereken bir şey." George'un yarışı, Carlos ile birinci tur çatışmasından zarar gördü; Bu da kanadı zedeledi ve bu da ona beş saniyelik bir ceza ile birlikte biraz hıza mal oldu. Carlos'un aldığı çizginin bu temasa katkıda bulunduğunu hissettik, bu yüzden bizim görüşümüze göre bu bir yarış olayıydı ama açıkça komiserlerin farklı bir görüşü vardı. Lewis'in çok güçlü bir yarışı vardı ve kendimize cephede savaşmanın nasıl bir his olduğunu hatırlatmak güzeldi; Bunu galibiyete dönüştüremediğimiz için hayal kırıklığına uğradık, ancak bu sadece derinlere inme ve daha fazla tur süresi bulma kararlılığımıza katkıda bulunacak. Bu kiti araca getirmek için çok sıkı bir çalışma yapıldı ve hız her güncellemede daha iyi hale geliyor, böylece her adımın bizi olmak istediğimiz yere yaklaştırdığı gerçeğinden biraz memnuniyet duyabiliyoruz. Singapur ve Suzuka'da zorlu yarışlar geçirdik, bu yüzden burada daha güçlü bir performans görmek güzeldi ve sezon bitmeden önce ilk galibiyeti almayı umuyoruz, bu yüzden önümüzdeki birkaç gün içinde Meksika'ya hazırlanmak için çok çalışacağız. Read the full article
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pricescigar · 9 months
Happy Birthday Dietrich
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f1 · 2 years
Sainz takes pole for the 2022 United States Grand Prix ahead of Verstappen
Carlos Sainz stormed to pole position in qualifying for the 2022 United States Grand Prix, where grid penalties will see Max Verstappen join him on the front row and the Mercedes start on the second row. Dietrich Mateschitz’s passing cast a shadow over the paddock ahead of qualifying, with the likes of Red Bull Team Principal Christian Horner, Mercedes Team Principal Toto Wolff, and Formula 1 President and CEO Stefano Domenicali paying tribute to the influential Red Bull energy drinks co-founder. Red Bull vowed to continue on for qualifying, the team this weekend hoping to secure their first constructors’ championship victory since 2013. Sainz topped Q1 and Leclerc Q2, leaving Ferrari front-runners when it came to the top-10 shootout. The Monegasque driver set a provisional pole lap early in Q3, but had a10-place grid penalty incoming for engine changes, while Sergio Perez and Fernando Alonso would be demoted five places apiece. Sainz’s second flying lap however saw him eclipse his team mate with a time of 1m 34.356s, taking Ferrari’s first pole in Austin, with Leclerc 0.065s off in P2 before his penalty kicked in. Max Verstappen finished third in qualifying but will start on the front row, while Perez finished fourth before his penalty. Lewis Hamilton rounded out the top five but is set for a second row start, while team mate George Russell is set to join him, having qualified sixth. Also shuffling forward will be P7 qualifier Lance Stroll, ahead of McLaren’s Lando Norris. Alonso will drop five places after qualifying ninth on the grid, which will further promote 10th-place qualifier Valtteri Bottas. Alex Albon qualified 11th for Williams ahead of Aston Martin's Sebastian Vettel, while Pierre Gasly was frustrated with a lack of braking performance as he locked up on the way to P13. Zhou Guanyu seemed safe for Q3 but had his final lap deleted and qualified 14th – which will become 19th once his five-place penalty kicks in. Yuki Tsunoda qualified 15th but is set to be promoted at Zhou's expense. Also to be promoted a place will be Kevin Magnussen, who lost out on a spot in Q2 by 0.018s, while Daniel Ricciardo and Esteban Ocon struggled to P17 and P18, respectively. Mick Schumacher spun on his final Q1 lap and qualified 19th, while Nicholas Latifi qualified last and is set to start 20th for Williams. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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theboywhotravels · 6 years
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Algunos de los mayores que nos daban dulces de Honeydukes a los más pequeños pidiéndonos casi siempre cosas a cambio Traficantes de dulces.
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silentlondon · 3 years
Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2021: Pordenone Post No 8
Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2021: Pordenone Post No 8
At the start of this festival I missed a date with An Old Fashioned Boy, but you can bet your last Euro I wasn’t going to pass up a rendez-vous with Casanova. Tonight, the final night of this very precious Giornate, belonged to Ivan Mosjoukine, his magnicifent eyebrows and the show-stopping music of Günter Buchwald. (more…)
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sinceileftyoublog · 3 years
Pitchfork Music Festival 2021 Preview: 15 Can’t-miss Acts
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black midi; Photo by YIS KID
While yours truly won’t be attending Pitchfork Music Festival this year, SILY contributor Daniel Palella will be covering the actual fest. If I was attending, though, these would be the acts I’d make sure to see. 5 from each day, no overlaps, so you could conceivably see everyone listed.
Armand Hammer, 1:00 PM, Green Stage
Earlier this year, New York hip hop duo Armand Hammer released their 5th album Haram (BackwoodzStudioz) in collaboration with on-fire producer The Alchemist. It was the duo’s (ELUCID and Billy Woods) first time working with a singular producer on a record (though Earl Sweatshirt produced a track), and likewise, The Alchemist actually tailored his beats towards the two MCs. Haram is the exact kind of hip hop that succeeds early in the day at a festival, verbose and complex rhymes over languid, cloudy, sample-heavy beats, when attendees are more likely to want to sit and listen than dance. And you’re going to want to listen to Armand Hammer, whose MCs’ experiential words frame the eerie hues of the production. “Dreams is dangerous, linger like angel dust,” Woods raps on opener “Sir Benni Miles”, never looking back as he and Elucid’s stream-of-consciousness rhymes cover everything from colonization to Black bodily autonomy and the dangers of satisfaction disguised as optimism. (“We let BLM be the new FUBU,” raps Quelle Chris on “Chicharrones”; “Iridescent blackness / Is this performative or praxis?” ponders Woods on “Black Sunlight”.)  There are moments of levity on Haram, like KAYANA’s vocal turn on “Black Sunlight” and the “what the hell sound is this?” type sampling that dominates warped, looped tracks like “Peppertree” and “Indian Summer”, built around sounds of horns and twirling flute lines. For the most part, Haram is an album of empathetic realism. “Hurt people hurt people,” raps Elucid on “Falling Out of the Sky”, a stunning encapsulation of Armand Hammer’s world where humanism exists side-by-side with traumatic death and feelings of revenge.
You can also catch Armand Hammer doing a live set on the Vans Channel 66 livestream at 12 PM on Saturday.
Dogleg, 1:45 PM, Red Stage
It feels like we’ve been waiting years to see this set, and actually, we have! The four-piece punk band from Michigan was supposed to play last year’s cancelled fest in support of their searing debut Melee (Triple Crown), and a year-plus of pent up energy is sure to make songs like “Bueno”, “Fox”, and “Kawasaki Backflip” all the more raging. Remember: This is a band whose reputation was solidified live before they were signed to Triple Crown and released their breakout album. Seeing them is the closest thing to a no-brainer that this year’s lineup offers.
Revisit our interview with Dogleg from last year, and catch them at an aftershow on Saturday at Subterranean with fellow Pitchfork performer Oso Oso and Retirement Party.
Hop Along, 3:20 PM, Red Stage
Though lead singer Frances Quinlan released a very good solo album last year, it’s been three years since their incredible band Hop Along dropped an album and two years since they’ve toured. 2018′s Bark Your Head Off, Dog (Saddle Creek), one of our favorite albums of that year, should comprise the majority of their setlist, but maybe they have some new songs?
Catch them at an aftershow on Saturday at Metro with Varsity and Slow Mass.
black midi, 4:15 PM, Green Stage
The band who had the finest debut of 2019 and gave the best set of that year at Pitchfork is back. Cavalcade (Rough Trade) is black midi’s sophomore album, methodical in its approach in contrast with the improvisational absurdism of Schlagenheim. Stop-start, violin-laden lead single and album opener “John L”, a song about a cult leader whose members turn on him, is as good a summary as ever of the dark, funky eclecticism of black midi, who on Cavalcade saw band members leave and new ones enter, their ever shapeshifting sound the only consistent thing about them. A song like the jazzy “Diamond Stuff” is likely impossible to replicate live--its credits list everything from 19th century instruments to household kitchen items used for percussion--but is key to experiencing their instrumental adventurousness. On two-and-a-half-minute barn burner “Hogwash and Balderdash,” they for the first time fully lean into their fried Primus influences, telling a tale of two escaped prisoners, “two chickens from the pen.” At the same time, this band is still black midi, with moments that call back to Schlagenheim, the churning, metallic power chords via jittery, slapping funk of “Chondromalacia Patella” representative of their quintessential tempo changes. And as on songs like Schlagenheim’s “Western”, black midi find room for beauty here, too, empathizing with the pains of Marlene Dietrich on a bossa nova tune named after her, Geordie Greep’s unmistakable warble cooing sorrowful lines like, “Fills the hall tight / And pulls at our hearts / And puts in her place / The girl she once was.” Expect to hear plenty from Cavalcade but also some new songs; after all, this is a band that road tests and experiments with material before recording it.
Catch them doing a 2 PM DJ set on Vans Channel 66 on Saturday and at an aftershow on Monday at Sleeping Village.
Yaeji, 7:45 PM, Blue Stage
What We Drew (XL), the debut mixtape from Brooklyn-based DJ Yaeji, was one of many dance records that came out after lockdown that we all wished we could experience in a crowd as opposed to at home alone. Now's our chance to bask in all of its glory under a setting sun. Maybe she’ll spin her masterful remix of Dua Lipa’s “Don’t Start Now” from the Club Future Nostalgia remix album, or her 2021 single “PAC-TIVE”, her and DiAN’s collaboration with Pac-Man company Namco.
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Angel Olsen; Photo by Dana Trippe
Bartees Strange, 1:45 PM, Red Stage
One of our favorite albums of last year was Live Forever (Memory Music), the debut from singer-songwriter and The National fanatic Bartees Strange, one that contributor Lauren Lederman called “a declaration of an artist’s arrival.” He’s certainly past arrived when you take into account his busy 2021, releasing a new song with Lorenzo Wolff and offering his remix services to a number of artists, including illuminati hotties and fellow Pitchfork performer (and tour mate) Phoebe Bridgers. Expect to hear lots of Live Forever during his Pitchfork set, one of many sets at the fest featuring exciting young guitar-based (!) bands.
Catch him at a free (!!) aftershow on Monday at Empty Bottle with Ganser.
Faye Webster, 4:00 PM, Blue Stage
Since we previewed Faye Webster’s Noonchorus livestream in October, she’s released the long-awaited follow-up to Atlanta Millionaires Club, the cheekily titled I Know I’m Funny haha (Secretly Canadian). At that time, she had dropped “Better Distractions”, “In A Good Way”, and “Both All The Time”, and the rest of the album more than follows the promise of these three dreamy country, folk rock, and R&B-inspired tunes. Webster continues to be a master of tone and mood, lovelorn on “Sometimes”, sarcastic on the title track, and head-in-the-clouds on “A Dream with a Baseball Player”. All the while, she and her backing band provide stellar, languorous instrumentation, keys and slide guitar on the bossa nova “Kind Of”, her overdriven guitar sludge on “Cheers”, cinematic strings on the melancholic “A Stranger”, stark acoustic guitar on heartbreaking closer “Half of Me”. And the ultimate irony of Webster’s whip-smart lyricism is that a line like, “And today I get upset over this song that I heard / And I guess was just upset because why didn't I think of it first,” is that I can guarantee a million songwriters feel the same way about her music, timely in context and timeless in sound and feeling.
Catch her at an aftershow on Saturday at Sleeping Village with Danger Incorporated.
Georgia Anne Muldrow, 5:15 PM, Blue Stage
The queen of beats takes the stage during the hottest part of the day, perfect for some sweaty dancing. VWETO III (FORESEEN + Epistrophik Peach Sound), the third album in Muldrow’s beats record series, was put together with “calls to action” in mind, each single leading up to the album’s release to be paired with crowdsourced submissions via Instagram from singers, visual artists, dancers, and turntablists. Moreover, many of the album’s tracks are inspired by very specific eras of Black music, from Boom Bap and G-funk to free jazz, and through it all, Muldrow provides a platform for musical education just as much as funky earworms.
Revisit our interview with Muldrow from earlier this year.
Angel Olsen, 7:25 PM, Red Stage
It’s been a busy past two years for Angel Olsen. She revealed Whole New Mess (Jagjaguwar) in August 2020, stripped down arrangements of many of the songs on 2019′s amazing All Mirrors. In May, she came out with a box set called Song of the Lark and Other Far Memories (Jagjaguwar), which contained both All Mirrors and Whole New Mess and a bonus LP of remixes, covers, alternate takes, and bonus tracks. She shortly and out of nowhere dropped a song of the year candidate in old school country rock high and lonesome Sharon Van Etten duet “Like I Used To”. And just last month, she released Aisles, an 80′s covers EP out on her Jagjaguwar imprint somethingscosmic. She turns Laura Branigan’s disco jam “Gloria” and Men Without Hats’ “Safety Dance” into woozy, echoing, slowed-down beds of synth haze and echoing drum machine. On Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark’s “If You Leave”, her voice occupies different registers between the soft high notes of the bridge and autotuned solemnity of the chorus. Sure, other covers are more recognizable in their tempo and arrangement, like Billy Idol’s Rebel Yell ballad “Eyes Without a Face” and Alphaville’s “Forever Young”, but Aisles is exemplary of Olsen’s ability to not just reinvent herself but classics.
At Pitchfork, I’d bet on a set heavy on All Mirrors and Whole New Mess, but as with the unexpectedness of Aisles, you never know!
St. Vincent, 8:30 PM, Green Stage
Annie Clark again consciously shifts personas and eras with her new St. Vincent album Daddy’s Home (Loma Vista), inspired by 70′s funk rock and guitar-driven psychedelia. While much of the album’s rollout centered around its backstory--Clark’s father’s time in prison for white collar crimes--the album is a thoughtful treatise on honesty and identity, the first St. Vincent album to really stare Clark’s life in the face. 
Many of its songs saw their live debut during a Moment House stream, which we previewed last month.
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The Weather Station; Photo by Jeff Bierk
Tomberlin, 1:00 PM, Green Stage
While the LA-via-Louisville singer-songwriter hasn’t yet offered a proper follow-up LP to her 2018 debut At Weddings, she did last year release an EP called Projections (Saddle Creek), which expands upon At Weddings’ shadowy palate. Songs like “Hours” and “Wasted” are comparatively clattering and up-tempo. Yet, all four of the original tracks are increasingly self-reflexive, Tomberlin exploring and redefining herself on her terms, whether singing about love or queerness, all while maintaining her sense of humor. (“When you go you take the sun and all my flowers die / So I wait by the window and write some shit / And hope that you'll reply,” she shrugs over acoustic strums and wincing electric guitars.) The album ends with a stark grey cover of Casiotone for the Painfully Alone’s “Natural Light”; Tomberlin finds a kindred spirit in the maudlin musings of Owen Ashworth.
Get there early on Sunday to hear select tracks from At Weddings and Projections but also likely some new songs.
oso oso, 2:45 PM, Blue Stage
Basking in the Glow (Triple Crown), the third album from Long Beach singer-songwriter Jade Lilitri as Oso Oso, was one of our favorite records of 2019, and we’d relish the opportunity to see them performed to a crowd in the sun. Expect to hear lots of it; hopefully we’re treated to new oso oso material some time soon.
Catch them at an aftershow on Saturday at Subterranean with fellow Pitchfork performer Dogleg and Retirement Party.
The Weather Station, 4:00 PM, Blue Stage
The Toronto band led by singer-songwriter Tamara Lindeman released one of the best albums of the year back in February with Ignorance (Fat Possum), songs inspired by climate change-addled anxiety. While the record is filled with affecting, reflective lines about loss and trying to find happiness in the face of dread, in a live setting, I imagine the instrumentation will be a highlight, from the fluttering tension of “Robber” to the glistening disco of “Parking Lot”.
Revisit our preview of their Pitchfork Instagram performance from earlier this year. Catch them at an aftershow on Friday at Schubas with Ulna.
Danny Brown, 6:15 PM, Green Stage
The Detroit rapper’s last full-length record was the Q-Tip executive produced uknowhatimsayin¿ (Warp), though he’s popped up a few times since then, on remixes, a Brockhampton album, and TV62, a Bruiser Brigade Records compilation from earlier this year. (He’s also claimed in Twitch streams that his new album Quaranta is almost done.) His sets--especially Pitchfork sets--are always high-energy, as he’s got so many classic albums and tracks under his belt at this point, so expect to hear a mix of those.
Erykah Badu, 8:30 PM, Green Stage
What more can I say? This is the headliner Pitchfork has been trying to get for years, responsible for some of the greatest neo soul albums of all time. There’s not much else to say about Erykah Badu other than she’s the number one must-see at the festival.
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notdoni · 3 years
نت قطعه Toccata et Fuga از باخ
نت قطعه Toccata et Fuga از باخ
نت دونی , نت پیانو , نت پیشرفته پیانو , نت پیانو یوهان سباستیان باخ , notdoni , نت های پیانو یوهان سباستیان باخ , نت های پیانو , پیانو , یوهان سباستیان باخ , نت یوهان سباستیان باخ , نت های یوهان سباستیان باخ , نت های یوهان سباستیان باخ , نت های پیشرفته پیانو , نت پیانو پیشرفته
پیش نمایش نت قطعه Toccata et Fuga از باخ
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نت قطعه Toccata et Fuga از باخ
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نت قطعه Toccata et Fuga از باخ
نت قطعه Toccata et Fuga از باخ
اهنگساز یوهان سباستیان باخ
The Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565, is a piece of organ music written, according to its oldest extant sources, by Johann Sebastian Bach. Its time of origin, narrowed down depending on author, lies between c.1704 and the 1750s. The piece opens with a toccata section, followed by a fugue that ends in a coda. To a large extent the piece complies to the characteristics deemed typical for the north German organ school of the baroque era, but divergent stylistic influences, such as south German characteristics, have been described in scholarly literature on the piece. For a century after its creation the only certainty about this Toccata and Fugue is that it survived in a manuscript written by Johannes Ringk. The first publication of the piece, in the Bach Revival era, was in 1833, through the efforts of Felix Mendelssohn, who also performed the piece in an acclaimed concert in 1840. The piece knew a fairly successful piano version by Carl Tausig in the second half of the 19th century, but it was not until the 20th century that its popularity rose above that of other organ compositions by Bach. That popularity further expanded, for instance by its inclusion in Walt Disney's Fantasia, until the Toccata and Fugue in D minor came to be considered as the most famous work in the organ repertoire. A wide, and often conflicting, variety of analyses has been published about the piece: for instance in literature on organ music it is often described as some sort of program music depicting a storm, while in the context of Disney's Fantasia it was promoted as absolute music, nothing like program music depicting a storm. In the last quarter of the 20th century scholars like Peter Williams and Rolf-Dietrich Claus published their studies on the piece, and argued against its authenticity. Bach scholars like Christoph Wolff defended the attribution to Bach. Other commentators ignored the authenticity doubts or considered the attribution issue undecided. No edition of the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis listed the Toccata and Fugue among the doubtful works, nor does its entry on the website of the Bach Archiv Leipzig even mention alternative views on the attribution issue.
کلمات کلیدی : نت دونی , نت پیانو , نت پیشرفته پیانو , نت پیانو یوهان سباستیان باخ , notdoni , نت های پیانو یوهان سباستیان باخ , نت های پیانو , پیانو , یوهان سباستیان باخ , نت یوهان سباستیان باخ , نت های یوهان سباستیان باخ , نت های یوهان سباستیان باخ , نت های پیشرفته پیانو , نت پیانو پیشرفته
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f1chronicle · 4 years
In the Pit Lane: Dr Marko’s Year
As 2020 draws to a close it has been another ‘interesting’ year reading Dr Marko’s quotes so let’s take a look at the highlights.
Prospects for the 2020 season
Marko came out all guns blazing telling Motorsport-Total.com, 
“We want to fight for the World Championship, and we know that we have to be competitive with the chassis right from the start, so from the very first race. 
“Honda has made gains for next year and, after everything that has been achieved so far, we assume that this [fighting from the start of the season] will happen.
“That means we have no excuses.”
It all started earlier in the year when he famously suggested a ‘coronavirus camp’ to infect the Red Bull and Alpha Tauri drivers telling Austrian television station ORF,
“We have four Formula One drivers and eight or 10 juniors, the idea was that we organize a camp to mentally and physically bridge the dead time and that would be the ideal time for the infection to come.
“These are all strong young men in really good health. That way they would be prepared whenever the action starts. And you can be ready for what will probably be a very tough championship once it starts.”
Asked how his vision was taken by Red Bull officials, he added: “Let’s put it this way, it has not been well received.”
With his usual bluntness, he effectively dismissed Daniil Kvayt when asked if Kvayt had done enough with a strong performance in Imola he told Sky Germany,
 “No (laughs), it was a good performance but it will not help him in the future or to position himself in the future.” 
It wasn’t much better for poor old Pierre Gasly after his win at Monza which led the Frenchman to hope for a return to Red Bull only to hear Marko tell Sky Germany,
“That is currently not a consideration. “Gasly is one of our Red Bull drivers, he is currently with Alpha Tauri and is doing a great job there. But we also need a team leader there.”
Marko had been uncharacteristically supportive of Alexander Albon commenting, 
“Everyone falls away against Max. But the criticism of Albon is not entirely fair. He’s been very unlucky this year and we made strategic mistakes that affected his performance.
“If Alex Albon performs well then he stays. If not, there will be deliberation. We would then see which drivers that are good are on the market. But that’s not an issue at the moment.”
Fast forward to November when he told f1-insider.com,” Sergio Perez’s victory in Bahrain has no influence on our decisions,” and of course Red Bull subsequently signed Perez.
George Russell’s chances of a Red Bull seat ended when the good doctor proclaimed, “Firstly, he is a Mercedes driver, and secondly he is managed by Toto Wolff.”
Then we have the golden child Verstappen who did not escape the cold judgment on his title chances after back-to-back retirements left him 80 points adrift leading Marko to announce in Sept, 
“It means: world title, goodbye! You have to be realistic.”
Then Marko had his little spat with Lewis Hamilton after he accused Hamilton of lobbying Horner to replace Gasly with Albon during the 2019 season.
“We don’t care. The one he wanted to get rid of last summer has now won the Italian Grand Prix with our AlphaTauri team. So much for his expertise.
“I have no idea why Hamilton always feels the need to interfere. But it doesn’t matter to us what opinion people from the outside have.”
In what must be one of the biggest put-downs in F1 history Marko when discussing the matter with Speedweek said of Christian Horner at the announcement of Honda’s withdrawal from F1, 
“We work in all directions because we knew about Honda’s decision for a long time.
“Mr. Horner is a team principal, but not involved in strategic matters. Mr. Mateschitz and I have known for a long time.” 
Ouch that must have stung.
Then he has been accused of blackmailing the teams into agreeing to an engine freeze so Red Bull can take over the Honda programme simply telling Auto Bild, 
“The deciding factor is whether the engines will be frozen in their development from 2022. “Otherwise we don’t have the capacity to operate these very complicated engines.
“This is not blackmail, this is a fact.”
To be fair to Marko he came out with credit after Lewis Hamilton basically accused him of racism after reading a quote attributed to Marko which it turned out was incorrect.
Marko said that as far as he was concerned, the matter was dealt with, “in good faith.”
Marko mused that his sympathies lay with Hamilton telling Motorsport.com,
“He is emotionally very involved. As a racing driver, he is not obliged to do research whether this is true or not. In that respect, his reaction is understandable to me.”
So, there we have it, another eventful year in the life of Dr Marko.
Is he going to be around next year well, he told Germany’s Motorsport-Total.com,
“I have a deal with [Red Bull founder] Dietrich Mateschitz: as long as I can do it mentally and physically, I will.”
On a footnote: He was always destined for a life in motorsports after all his parents started the ball rolling when they named him Helmut!
Garry Sloan is the author of “In the pit lane – F1 exposed” details at inthepitlane.com Copyright ©2020 Garry Sloan
[Note: The opinions expressed on this website are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors and/or publishers.]
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f1turkiye · 2 years
Mercedesler Üç ve Dört başlayacak
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Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Takımı için Lewis ve George'un P5 ve P6'yı talep ettiği sağlam bir sıralama seansı - grid cezaları yarın P3 ve P4'e başlayacaklarını gördü.
- Lewis, P5'i güçlü bir sıralama seansında tamamladı ancak tehlikeli bir tur dışında zamanını iyileştiremediğini gördükten sonra son koşusunda gelişemedi. - George, ilk Q3 koşusunda bir "hazırlık turu" denedikten sonra seansta P6'yı aldı ve ardından son çabasını geliştirdi. Seans boyunca, hem kullanılmış hem de yeni lastikler rekabet zamanlarını belirledi, bu nedenle Q3'teki koşu profiliyle alışılmadık bir deney yaptı. - Her iki sürücü de önde olan sürücülere verilen cezalar nedeniyle yarınki gridin ikinci sırasına terfi edecek. - Bugün, Red Bull'un kurucusu Dietrich Mateschitz'in vefatının üzücü haberi damgasını vurdu ve spor dalında ona sıcak övgüler yağdırıldı.
Lewis Hamilton
Bu çok zor bir sıralama seansıydı. Tüm hafta sonu boyunca kendimi çok iyimser hissettim: Araç iyi hissediyordu ve fabrikadaki herkes yükseltmeyi getirmek için çok çalıştı, bu yüzden olduğumuzdan çok daha yakın olacağımızdan umutluydum. Sıralama turlarına geldiğimizde, sıcaklıkların düşmesinden mi yoksa rüzgarın yükselmesinden mi kaynaklandığını bilmiyorum, ancak araç aniden çok azaldı ve bu da özellikle son sektörde turları bir araya getirmeyi zorlaştırdı. Yarışa baktığımızda, öndeki araçlara ayak uydurabileceğimizi düşünüyorum – özellikle virajlarda – ama bizden daha fazla temel hıza sahipler. Hala çok zorluyoruz, bu yüzden kutup için bu boşluğu kapatmamak sinir bozucu, ama yar��n sahip olduğumuz her şeyi vereceğiz.
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George Russell
Benim için zor bir hafta sonu oldu ve diğer tüm seanslarda tempomun dışındaydım, bu yüzden sıralama turları için daha normal bir konumda olduğum için mutluyum. Cumartesi günü bizim için normalden daha küçük bir boşluk ve buraya işe yarayan bazı güncellemeler getirdik, bu yüzden yarın ne olacağını görmek için heyecanlıyım. Yüksek lastik aşınması ve oyunda birçok farklı stratejik seçeneğin olduğu bir yarış olacak ve bence yarış, yaptığımız seçimlerde kazanılacak ve kaybedilecek – nasıl tepki vereceğimiz konusunda dinamik olmamız gerekecek. Ferrari dün güçlü görünüyordu ve bence onlara ve Red Bull'a uzun vadede mantıklı göründük, bu yüzden ikinci sıradan neler yapabileceğimizi görmek için sabırsızlanıyorum."
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Toto Wolff
Bu bizim için iyi bir oturumdu. Bence sezonun son güncellemesinin iyi çalıştığını gördük ve araçta saniyenin onda üçüne kadar daha hızlı olabilecek bir tur vardı – ancak bu aracı sürmek hala çok zor ve bazen böyle gidiyor. " Ancak genel olarak, araç oldukça iyi çalışıyor ve pole pozisyonuna daha yakın olabilirdik – bu yüzden yarın bazı eğlenceli oyunların bir parçası olabileceğimizi düşünüyorum. Bugün ise Dietrich Mateschitz'in ölüm haberiyle üzücü bir gün. Dünyanın en inanılmaz girişimcilerinden biriydi - kendisinden önce var olmayan bir enerji içeceği pazarı yarattı ve dünyanın en iyi markalarından birini inşa etti. Bu spor ona sadece Spielberg'de yarattığı şey için değil, aynı zamanda sahip olduğu ve geliştirdiği iki takım için de çok şey borçlu. Ailesine ve arkadaşlarına en derin başsağlığı dileklerimizi gönderiyoruz.
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Andrew Shovlin
Bugün daha rüzgarlı koşullarda biraz zorlanıyoruz, şüphesiz bu herkesi etkiledi, ancak dün gerçekten iyi dengelenmiş birkaç viraj var, bugün artan rüzgar gücünü telafi etmek için bir kurulum bulamadık. Sabah seansı sorunsuz geçti ve sürücüler Esses'te artan arka rüzgara alışmaya başladılar ve bu da aracı biraz daha az öngörülebilir hale getirdi. Sıralama turları, zaman zaman iyi bir umut vaat ettiğimiz için bir hayal kırıklığıydı, sadece sayıldığında turları bir araya getirmekte zorlanıyorduk. Ayrıca son seansı daha iyi yürütebilirdik, George'un ilk koşusunda bir hazırlık turu yapmaya karar vermiştik, bu da son koşularımıza biraz geç kalmamıza neden oldu. Bu, Lewis'in arkada sıkışıp kaldığı ve turuna başlarken son birkaç virajda yavaş gitmek zorunda kaldığı lastik sıcaklığını biraz kaybettiği anlamına geliyordu. Sergio ve Charles'ın her iki aracı da ikinci sıraya koyan cezaları nedeniyle en azından birkaç yer devralacağız. Basit bir yarış olması pek olası değil, bu hafta sonu bozulma yüksekti, bu yüzden şüphesiz biraz lastik yönetimi gerekecek. Ayrıca yarış hızımızın neredeyse her zaman sıralama turlarından daha iyi olduğunu gördük, bu yüzden umarım bu, ön gruba sadık kalabileceğimiz ve bozulma başladığında ve ilk duraklamalar geldiğinde fırsatları arayabileceğimiz bir yer olur. Read the full article
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