csyuyang-blog · 6 years
status: please stop🌞: dealing with a heatwave
living in a nice-enough place that air conditioning usually isn’t an issue, but when unit’s not as cool as it should be and the weather outside is disgusting, he doesn’t move. literally does not move. yuyang lie in his bed as still as possible for as long as possible. people will have to forcibly drag him away from his oldass electric fan. he's bad with temperature extremes. summer really ain’t shit!
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csjk-blog1 · 6 years
open file: headcanon meme - accepting !
☔️ caught in the rain
“it’s good in here”, you can almost hear jungkook saying, as the rain falls, merciless on him, wetting his clothes, making people around him run around, seeking for cover. he misses them looking at him with a curious expressions on their faces as the young male just looks up and smiles some more, welcoming the drops, might them be heavy or light. jungkook likes everything that comes along with the rain - the smell of the soil to the aesthetic pictures he can take while the rain in falling on him. 
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