#csp is a lot better for recording but i still have yet to find brushes that closely replicate my favorite krita brushes
jakkenpoy · 2 years
What program/brushes do you use?
Hello, anon! I use Krita, a desktop program that is completely free ✨ (The current version I am using is 5). I switched to Krita from CSP because I found painting there to be easier.
As for brushes, apart from the standard flat brush and eraser tool, I use these two that come with Krita by default:
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I generally use Pencil-2 for sketching, line art, and details and Dry Bristles for painting and laying down flat colors, but I do use them interchangeably. Pencil-2 does not blend and Dry Bristles blends only a little.
The following is an explanation of how I draw with them, because technique and process also influence my style as much as the brushes do. I felt that that kind of information is more useful in case anyone wanted to try drawing like I do!
My main painting technique is to layer and blend colors using Dry Bristles and draw in details with Pencil-2. I also tend to use only one layer (after merging the sketch/line art with flat colors) or anywhere between 2 to 4 layers, in which I have separate layers for sketch/line art and flat color and one or two layers on top to add details and draw over the errors. In the latter I usually focus on corrections in the detail layers instead of switching back and forth to fix the lines and flats (unless I needed to erase something outside of the lines). With this relaxed drawing process I am able to create some of my favorite pieces that are featured below:
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Here I used Dry Bristles for the flat colors and Pencil-2 to scribble in some details. The blush on the face was also painted using Dry Bristles with light pressure.
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For these ones I use the same brushes but with the color jitter effect applied (here is a tutorial on how to do that). I like using color jitter because it gives this more analogue (traditional) feel, like drawing with dry medium. The unpredictability of the colors is a bit hard to get used to at first but you learn to work with it! When I am happy with the colors I will switch back to plain Pencil-2 (w/o the jitter) to add details, along with the eyedropper tool to blend and "even out" the jittered colors for a better effect.
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For this one I used both Dry Bristles and Pencil-2 to blend colors into each other. You can better see where and how I did it in these close-ups:
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The way I blend here is like using a colored pencil.
Sometimes my lines are crisp, sometimes my lines are sketchy. In most cases I use a "painting" method to draw lines, which is to say I draw a line and then I erase/paint on top of it to get the desired look and weight (like cleaning up a sketch), instead of following an "inking" method (where you draw the line art as it is before coloring). I really just approach it as if I'm painting with acrylics!
I hope this explanation is okay! Let me know if you need more clarity on some parts ^^
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