#cu rd aau gem au
tornrose24 · 6 years
Red Diamond AAU for the Gem AU
So, there was a certain revelation on a show called Steven Universe that reminded me of CU and Krupp due to some comparisons I could pick up on. I wondered ‘what if there was an AAU of the Gem!AU that followed that similar concept?’
Discussing this AAU is, of course, a HUGE spoiler for Steven Universe, but you already knew that. Thus why I have the ‘keep reading’ down below.
So I could see these parallels between Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond with CU and Krupp, and that got me thinking of this AAU, where Krupp is now a Red Diamond and CU is a Red Quartz. Also, I checked the symbolism of these gems and, I kid you not, one of them said that red quartz helps strengthen friendship (or something along those lines). Meanwhile red diamond symbolism varies between strength, power, confidence etc. Also they are super rare in the world.
Now there’s two possibilities to this. Either way, I see Red Diamond (Krupp) being looked down on by the other diamonds, and having a status so high above everyone else would probably drive him to feel lonely and miserable. And having to run this colony would put a lot of pressure on him.
The first version of this AAU is closer to @angerydj‘s original Gem!AU.
In this one, Red Diamond (Krupp) is a sort of ‘defect’ like Pink Diamond, but the twist is that there were TWO smaller Red Diamonds that were ‘born.’ Naturally, the other Diamonds didn’t want this, and the two diamonds were forcefully fused together to make a slightly larger, more powerful one. Now in this one, it’s Yellow Sapphire (Harold) and Red Zircon (George) who are secretly trying to lead the rebellion. Red Diamond catches them and threatens to expose them before bubbling up their gems/separating them. Cue triggering the other personality from the other diamond that was fused to make Red Diamond. Of course, the younger gems take advantage of this and convince this more friendly diamond to pretend to be a Red Quartz (CU) and to help them lead the rebellion. Red Diamond would be oblivious to this until the eventual separation of him and Red Quartz. He’d freak out over it, but it would lead him to question everything he knew and it would make him mad at the other diamonds. Eventually he’d learn to appreciate and grow fond of Earth with the help of Red Quartz and the infant gems. He’d even finally decide to give Earth up to those who inhabit it, but he’s also still mad at the other diamonds and never wants to deal with them again (even though maybe a part of him would want to go after them) so he opts to stage his ‘death.’ Take a guess at how that goes down and who ‘shatters’ him.
The second version is more like Jekyll and Hyde and closer to what happened in SU.
Red Diamond isn’t a secret fusion and appreciates life on Earth a lot sooner, and DOES want to eventually rebel against the other diamonds so that Earth can be left alone. So this time when he hears about these two infant gems rebelling, he offers to aid them (in a tsundere like fashion) as long as they don’t reveal what he’s doing. He even takes on a new form–that of Red Quartz–and somehow creates a second persona to go with the identity so it would be easy for others to fall for the trick. The downside is that he’s aware of how disliked he is by the others and how much they prefer him as Red Quartz over him as Red Diamond. It would make him incredibly depressed and willing to shatter himself, because there’s really no point in him going back if he’s about as disliked back on Homeworld, and he’s sure no one would want him with them when he’s still in his Red Diamond identity. Yellow Sapphire and Red Zircon would try to convince him to just stage the shattering and they could help out with that by disguising Red Zircon as Red Quartz. Though I think in this case–unlike with Pink Diamond completely changing her identity to be that of Rose Quartz–Red Diamond would be convinced by the infant gems to reveal to the others what he had done for them when the war was over, so that he could be able to earn their respect and so that he wouldn’t have to constantly hide himself as Red Quartz. (Though possibly–and this is optional–only a select few learn of Red Quartz’s identity because of that one attack the Diamonds do on Earth).
So... which idea sounds good/the best?
Also, I opted to keep anything Egg Casserole related out of this post because, even though I do have ideas for that ship in regards to this AAU (and I REALLY want to talk about that), I want to respect angerydj’s preferred ship and leave it out for now. To whoever wants to expand on the idea of Red Diamond with me and is open to talking about ideas for the Egg Casserole ship, I’m all ears. :)
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tornrose24 · 3 years
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So after revisiting the Red Diamond AAU, I was all ‘Ok I HAVE to draw for this.’ I did the second drawing first, but then I wanted to add onto it. (And the original Gem AU (as well as zircon!George and Sapphire!Harold) that partly inspired it belongs to @angerydj, so go check their stuff out if you haven’t yet).
(A bunch of notes on the pics are under the keep reading bit)
-For RD!Krupp, I did a mix of his design and a bit of both Pink Diamond and Yellow Diamond I’m also digging the fact that it looks like he’s wearing a cummerbund where the diamond is). My idea was that since if he had ACTUAL hair, it would have been pink, but no one knows that (and this is important if you notice how the colors swap for Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz). I think he’d be as tall as Yellow and Blue Diamond at his largest.
-I tried to keep Zircon!George and Sapphire!Harold’s colors as close as possible to AngeryDJ’s designs for them, but had my own take on their outfits. When I remembered that Sapphire!Harold has one eye, I went my own route with his appearance and gave him an eyepatch. I could see him putting a googly eye on the patch just to be funny, and he’d also have a collection of patches with cool designs (including a gay pride eye patch).
-Alexandra’s (my oc fan child for Edith and Krupp) outfit is obvious considering who she’s in the role of, but I had my own take on it.
-I just see Gooch as some kind of pink gem and I went with a pink tourmaline. And oh my gosh, isn’t he adorable?! ^_^ I love him! I don’t have a clear story for him, but maybe he crash landed on earth after a bout of misfortune and one spaceship from Homeworld. (And is good pals with Bo).
-I felt that Bo would be perfect as a Bismuth (considering her ability to shape shift being similar to his Claylossus form and her making things like he does). I like the idea that he was originally part of the rebellion, was corrupted for quite sometime, and then went back to normal and rejoined his old friends.
-I felt like squeezing in Erica too. Rather than going for the most obvious choice, I picked an emerald because I looked into the lore and apparently they get high authority in the SU world? (Though I placed her gem in her hand as a reference to her VA voicing Sapphire). She’d have a high position in Homeworld, but maybe she was secretly aiding the rebellion in the past and stays quiet when she found out that a few gems were still alive.
So I wanted to make the theory of ‘Gem Parent was alive the whole time’ canon (and I felt like it wouldn’t be as much of a life or death/child or parent situation if the gem parent was a male, or at least that’s what I assume would be the case). But I also had a great ‘what if the gem shattered in half and you get CU and Krupp in separate bodies as a result?’ (which is almost the opposite of the original gem au). I was going to use my actual art style, but then I changed my mind and went back to Pilkey’s style, though I kept the necks the same out of curiosity.
I referenced Rose Quartz’s design a bit of CU. As for ‘what the heck’s up with Krupp’s body’... well, its a consequence from what happened in the ‘Separation’ drabble combined with what happens if someone can’t properly heal you without both halves of the gem. (That and I’m a bit sadistic).
God, pic 2 almost looks like a valentine with all those reds, pinks, and white going on.
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tornrose24 · 4 years
Was thinking of the CU Red Diamond AAU and new Ideas could not leave me. (Side note to any new cu fans, I recommend checking angrydj's original Gem AU. Also they own the original designs for Yellow Sapphire!Harold and Red Zircon!George.) Also this contains spoilers relating to Steven Universe.
<p>I was considering having the entire Krupp family be the diamonds, though without the mystery sister (unless there's a way to fit John into this), my idea was that Bernice is WD, Moxie is YD and I was considering Ree as BD. The last two would not have the same personalities as YD and BD and would be in charge of the scientific and military parts of homeworld. Then RD was an attempt at the closest thing to a biological child for WD but not only was he slightly defective, but his behavior made him very unlikeable even amongst the diamonds. (Alternatively, if it WAS just the four members of the Krupp family, then John would be BD and Jasper would be YD and his son was his own creation (and would be like Jasper from SU.) in this scenario, Moxie and Ree might still be gems. IDK what do you guys think?)</p>
<p> I also changed my mind about Edith and decided to make her human. Then when she does get pregnant, RD/RQ assumes that only female gems have to give up their lives in order to have a child, but when the child has serious health issues upon birth, he has to give the gem to her in order for her to survive. (And I had an interesting idea involving a certain storyline and a theory that was proven false for later. As in 'actually he IS still in that gem and if something were to happen to it...').</p>
<p>Also YS!Harold and RZ!George are entrusted to keep an eye on her as she grows up and make sure homework's never learns about her, in the event of a worst case scenario. And in case you were wondering, I am imagining my fan child as this au's Steven.</p>
<p>While Melvin would have Peridot's role, Melvinborg would also be a peridot. He was nearly shattered in half and ended up with gold alloy/whatever that thing Phos from Houseki no Kuni has with the arms. Also he has a huge grudge against Harold and George as well as Red Quartz!CU. </p>
Other ideas... Bo would definitely be a corrupted gem, Billy would be a gem (likely a Spinel but not THAT Spinel), Heidi would probably be a sapphire too (something pink or close to how she has strawberry blonde hair in the books). Etc. When I get the chance I can discuss more (and maybe do a drabble).
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