blue-hamble · 1 year
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o sinta nabibighani ako sa inyong kakisigan halina sa akin at kung hindi ka papayag
aagawin kita
finally completed my gen 1 beastfolk dragon! 
Tamawo is a sort of dryad/faerie that lives in the woods. he is an avid collector!
do not trust him.
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blue-hamble · 4 years
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updated the design of my harpy character Pana! lookin spiffy
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blue-hamble · 5 years
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on this night many years ago, one imperial warrior decided to start anew after the death of his beloved mate and partner in battle. he dedicated himself to the Shadowmother, becoming so intertwined with her domain and magics that he shed his form in favor of the deity's cherished children.
years later, Braille remains as Clan Cloud Brush's spymaster and resident Cool Great-Uncle. he still has cool bramble and shadowy goo skills, and has personally trained alongside the progenitors ever since the start of Cloud Brush. he is never without the warm cloak his wife, Sunshine, made for him long ago.
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blue-hamble · 7 years
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come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night; give me my romeo; and when i shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of the heavens so fine that all the world will be in love with the night...
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blue-hamble · 7 years
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so how about that hot slice of lore huh gaolers!!! made me think of a long time boi of mine, old and icey and with curiously big britches in the past. he has since become a small fluff, but you cant ignore the weird horns and taste for fish........
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blue-hamble · 7 years
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Two beastclans, both alike in loyalty, To fair Talona; here we lay our scene, From dragon grudge break to clan mutiny, Where beast blood makes beast claws unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their leaders’ strife…
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blue-hamble · 7 years
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2 mysterious mirrors come a-knocking to Clan Cloud Brush seeking aid. Local Water mom Mystery is wary, but knowns better than to doubt oracles touched by the abyss. They claim to have found the clan when they encountered the bones of a long-dead dragon, "smelled like sunflowers, singing a song of home". Badass Grandpa Braille lets them stay without further question Oracle Benthos does not speak. He signs clumsily and is usually in a maren form, wrapped in a distinct seal guise. His visions are said to manifest as songs. Sometimes bad visions make him weep and wail. Only his protector can soothe him. Oraclekeeper Pelagos does all the speaking. He shifts into mirror, maren, and sometimes depin forms, as well as turn into a school of swarming fish; able to sing to others' and unearth their hearts, luring them to his embrace. He brings back his prizes to Benthos for some unknown reason, and keeps the bones after.
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blue-hamble · 5 years
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was in the mood and of some capacity to do some art! a scribble of my fair folk nocturne from NotN last year, Dulcis! they love collecting curios and pretty things! unfortunately this extends to stealing away pretty hatchlings and so forth with his grabby hands :(
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blue-hamble · 7 years
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spiffier portraits of Dom and Eithne! two Nature dragons from the Glade that found a home elsewhere in the highlands and establish a clan 🦆their motto is “inspiration and ambition” :)
not actually much of a Duck Family fan but I love Scrooge to bits, hence the inspiration and the Disney duck and goose look. so kind of fandragons?
thinking of making a thread to sell their kids and make the clan grow :)
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blue-hamble · 7 years
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got this lovely comment on the Prettiest Dragon Above You thread and thought it would be a great anchor point for his gijinka design :) (I have half a mind to give him sisters e.g. Brandy, Rosé, Tequila...)
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blue-hamble · 8 years
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my sad harpy child “Pana”
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blue-hamble · 8 years
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a bearded bard, a lovely lady 💖
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blue-hamble · 8 years
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the OG wind corgi
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blue-hamble · 8 years
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“So what about forgotten queens, eh? We are little more than concubines with pedigree, discarded by their kings when lovelier, more powerful ladies enter his courts? My children were nowhere near the succession, not when the sons and daughters of Corona I were still protected by their mother’s influence. I had been a fool to think I would escape the same fate.
That isn’t my problem anymore--they had found a convenient excuse to exile me when they caught me with my lover, all those years ago. Still, better that then a ‘mysterious death’ to tide over the introduction of Her Loveliness Corona III. Better than being locked away in some ivory tower to spend my remaining days in comfort. 
Bah! I hope their bones crumble to dust.”
Tomb Keeper Corona Mermesa of Clan Cloud Brush formerly Queen Consort Corona II of Iubaris, of the Sunbeam Ruins formerly Lady Mermesa Hesperides of Cydonia, of the Sunbeam Ruins
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blue-hamble · 6 years
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Uyatchan, the Centaur! her name means "shy" - born in a beastclans aligned tribe (dont know whether i can make one up or ask anyone with centaur characters if they want a new sister/cousin/tribesman/etc) - she works as a traveling beautician? something that involves grooming and gussying up and letting her paint clients - lost her arm when she was a kid; doesn't really recall what happened, she was mostly a youngun - thinks the whole dragon vs beast conflict is a little overrated, she's had ok dragon clients sometimes i wanted more beastclans OCs i just realize this pose is ridiculous 0-0"
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