#cuddling w him under the fluffy blankets... one can only dream 😭
fatuismooches · 7 months
Pantalone’s love language is most definitely Gift Giving.. He loves spoiling you, getting you big and fluffy blankets and the softest sweaters. You wanna eat out? He’s taking you to the fanciest restaurant there is! He also loves when you give him things, even if they don’t have much monetary value he cherishes them!
Oh, but then you give him things you made yourself and he MELTS. He holds whatever you made for him, wether it be something small like a drawing or you made jewelry with your own two hands for him he just stares at it dumbfounded.
You made that? For him? He fucking loses it. Holds it close to his chest n gives you a little smile, he opens his eyes and you can just see pure appreciation and love behind them.
If it’s something he can wear like clothing or jewelry he will wear it on very special occasions and is very careful to not ruin it. If even so much as a scratch or stain appears on your gift he will be devastated. If it’s a little keepsake or trinket like pottery, wood carving, a painting or drawing, really anything he can’t wear, he’s gonna have it framed or put on a pedestal.
Imagine you try wood carving or pottery and ur like “its not very good :((“ And give it to Pantalone and he puts it on a shelf in his office or like a center piece somewhere. Like he doesn’t care if it has little monetary value, you made it and gave to him, so now he’s gonna treat it like its made of pure gold.
UGH REALLLL I'M CRYING 😭❤️❤️🥺 Hehe Pantalone is the literal embodiment of gift giving, he adores both giving and receiving!! No one can outdo him!! He is always so attentive when it comes to giving gifts too, he always listens to you even when you think he isn't... he's always thinking about how to make your life more comfortable and happy... really you don't have to be shy about asking for stuff you (even though you probably always will be) he's more than happy to spoil you :)
He truly loves receiving gifts from you, especially when it's handmade. Because for him, that's like, one of the ultimate displays of love you could ever present to him. Since you are putting so many things into it for him - time, energy, skill, materials, etc - that just shows him how much you really love him. Because you really don't need to do all that for him, he's content with just you alone, but going out of your way to try and show your appreciation and love for him?? He's really whipped for that kind of stuff ;( The emotions Pantalone shows you when you shyly present him your gift, which you might be a bit embarrassed about since it's not the best, are only a fraction of what he feels. When you're not around he just sits and glides his fingers over the gift and smiles to himself a lot 😭 Ugh him taking care of your little gifts with the utmost attention... you're confused as to why he even likes it that much? It's nowhere as good as a professional, and surely he could afford someone to do it far better... but he literally does not care. You made that and to him it's priceless!! Ugh him being heartbroken over your gift being damaged and you're just like 'bby i'll make a new one for you dw' and he just. Loves you so much. You're willing to go through all this again for him?? Let him kiss you right now.
The only issue is that when you decide to gift him something, he feels that it's necessary to return the favor much harder... he just needs you to feel the extent of his appreciation.
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