#cullen and evelyn
minthara · 6 months
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For years that anger blinded me. I'm not proud of the man that made me.
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charmcity-jess · 1 year
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Those who slay together, stay together.
Sorry been a minute. But I'm still thinking of these two.
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Sigh. How I imagined "the kiss" went in my newest chapter...
⚜ Desiderium ⚜
Chapter 9: Evelyn (AO3)
His breath mingled with hers, an odd concoction of wine and potatoes, punctuated by a low groan. Gently, he sucked her bottom lip, releasing it with a soft sound.
It was long, drawn-out; the feeling of his mouth upon her own left her yearning for more. His fingers curled around her braid as if to prove his point.
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Play as Travelyan Mage, guess no need to tell who I romance. Both of them are my awkward little ball.
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thetorturedmusesdept · 2 months
@wvsteria Evelyn & Rosalie
If Evelyn hadn't guessed that this woman was a Cullen, then her golden eyes would have given her away for sure. Evelyn's red eyes narrowed as she looked her up and down. "Cullen," she spat the name like it was trash, tilting her chin up. "Is the rest of your Coven here, I take it?"
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rinoaebastel · 1 year
Cullen Rutherford and Evelyn Trevelyan
Old draw for the cuties. My ship of Dragon age Inquisition. I dont' remember when I did this but I think it was….from 2015
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dootdootmf · 1 year
Evie and Cullen, two golden retrievers.
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contreparry · 1 year
Happy Friday!! A prompt for you: "“For once, this isn’t actually my fault.”" Happy writing <3
This has been an idea I’ve turned over in my head for ages, but I haven’t figured out how to go about it. So why not play with the idea in a drabble? So here’s some fairytale hijinks with Inquisitor Trevelyan and Cullen, for @dadrunkwriting !
Cullen never quite knew what to expect from his new traveling companion. He was used to traveling alone with nothing but his horse for company as he rode from town to town in the backwoods of Ferelden, taking up odd jobs and slaying demons that lurked in the shadows of the abandoned places of the world. Silence was his life, solitude his constant companion. That is, until he came across Evelyn Trevelyan in the wilderness.
She was quiet, courteous, and surprisingly useful. No matter the weather he could count on a roaring fire at camp and a handful of scavenged fruits and nuts to supplement his lean meals, which made his normally spare travels across the realm a little more luxurious. Evelyn was resourceful, and her perspective during their travels was helpful. Never mind her resources! How she made so many friends across Thedas Cullen couldn’t say, but he was grateful for her contacts. Evelyn’s friends saved their skins more times than he could count.
Speaking of help arriving from unexpected places fight- well. Who would have thought that such a tiny thing could pack such power behind her spells? Cullen swiftly learned to heed his companion’s warnings in battle, for when she screamed for him to duck a bolt of lightning or a spear of ice was sure to follow. Evelyn’s healing talents were less impressive, true, but she had a knowledge of herbal remedies that was almost frightening in its depth. One sniff of a plant and she was gone, reciting all its myriad uses as she gleefully wrestled her prizes into a leather pouch for him to store in his saddlebags.
And for all of this, his traveling companion required so little in return. She only asked for his sword in a fight, a spot on his horse as they traveled, and his companionship in the darkest hours of their journey. After all, she’d squeak cheerfully, the world isn’t very kind to a field mouse!
Not that traveling with a talking field mouse who also happened to be a Mage was all sunshine and rainbows, Cullen thought as he closed the door behind him. The inn they were staying in was peaceful, a cheerful little place with plenty of travelers and little trouble. It was where they were supposed to meet one of Evelyn’s many contacts, but the man was late. She hadn’t been concerned at first, insisting that her friend had a tendency for dramatic entrances, but as the sun fell and the fire died in the main fireplace, they had to eventually return to their room without meeting Evelyn’s “dear friend.” It was a complete waste of time, that was what this was! Cullen itched with the urge to do something, anything, that wasn’t staying in one place and waiting! But Evelyn’s friend was their best lead in their hunt for an ancient wizard whose magic had some hand in the problems that plagued the land, so he would have to be patient.
Patience was not one of Cullen’s virtues.
“For once this isn’t actually my fault,” Evelyn insisted when the door firmly shut behind them. Evelyn emerged from the hood of his cloak and clung to his shoulder for purchase. Cullen lowered his arm to rest his hand on the nightstand by the bed, and Evelyn quickly scurried down to stand by the tin candle holder and stub of a candle. Her whiskers bristled indignantly as she placed her front paws on her hips, and her tail lashed back and forth behind her like a blade.
“It’s not like him to break a promise, or an appointment. He’s ever been a dutiful writer, you know. Never late with his letters,” Evelyn fretted. Her paws took up the hem of her moss colored cloak and worried at the threads. She began to pace, almost shaking in agitation. Perhaps he wasn’t the only one who was restless here. Cullen sat down on the straw mattress in the bed and rested his forearms on his thighs. He raised his gaze to the nightstand and watched Evelyn pace and mutter. The mouse was nearly vibrating with intensity as she trekked back and forth across the nightstand, and Cullen felt his frustrations melt away in the face of Evelyn’s tumultuous emotions. He was frustrated by a wasted day, but she was concerned over the fate of her friend.
“… what could have delayed him, I wonder,” Cullen eventually mused. The wilds of Ferelden weren’t particularly kind, but if one remained on the roads it was safe enough. But safe enough wasn’t safe, and for a lone traveller on the road the dangers only multiplied.
“Weather, maybe? Maker’s Breath, if Dorian ended up drunk at some noble’s country estate I’ll strangle him myself,” Evelyn muttered, her tail whipping around as she turned on her heel. “He said he’d take better care of himself, he promised me!”
“You’re close, then?”
“Close as one can be when you haven’t met in person,” Evelyn replied. “We’ve been writing letters for nearly two years now, ever since I- hggkkghhhk!” Her chatter was abruptly cut off as some sort of invisible binding clamped down on the mouse’s throat.
It was, as far as Cullen could decipher, an unfortunate side effect of the curse she was under, one that was cast upon her by the wizard they now hunted. It was a sick thing to experiment on a helpless creature, he thought grimly as he poured a few drops of water into a clean thimble for Evelyn to drink from once her coughing fit subsided. What kind of sick bastard cursed a mouse with human speech and magic, then cursed her to keep her mouth shut about the matter? Evelyn grasped the thimble with her paws and drank greedily.
“Better?” he asked. She nodded, her expression grim.
“Blast and drat,” she muttered. “When I get my hands on that-“ Evelyn clamped her mouth shut and said no more. Cullen sighed and bent over to unlace his boots.
“Get some rest,” he advised. “Mayhaps your friend will arrive in the morning.”
“… and if he doesn’t?” Evelyn asked. Her voice was scratchy, as if the curse laid upon her injured her throat in retaliation for her defiance, and anger simmered in his gut. Damn wizards, Cullen thought as Evelyn sipped her water, her moss cloak drawn tight.
“If he doesn’t, we’ll look for him,” Cullen promised. “You said he wouldn’t be far. We can spare a day or two.” And he would. He’d find a damn week if that was what they needed in their search for the wizard that was tearing apart the Fade and cursing the unfortunate wildlife he came across in the process. Evelyn sighed and crawled into the old tin matchbox that served as her bed.
“Good night, Cullen,” she mumbled. Cullen leaned back and stared up at the smoke-stained beams that held up the ceiling. He could only imagine the scenarios running through Evelyn’s mind, situations in which her friend was in danger, or dead, or something even worse. The world was unkind, this they knew well, and if her friend’s delay wasn’t the result of some careless carousing or a natural mishap on the road… Cullen leaned over and blew out the candle on the nightstand. Those worries would have to be tomorrow’s worries. For now…
“Good night, Evelyn,” he murmured into the darkness, and he hoped that all his fears would prove unfounded in the morning.
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fatale-distraction · 2 years
Happy Friday! I am currently feeling some Cullavellan + “I feel like I don’t know you anymore.” from the DA Inspired Prompt list! Hope it inspires you. 👀
HERE IS SOME PAIN for @dadrunkwriting using @erehttuoliveeht’s Lavellan, Evelyn, older sister to my Inquisitor Ellana. Based off an unpublished drabble I wrote in which Evelyn is kidnapped after wandering away from her clan as a Youth and brought to Kinloch, where Cullen helps her escape.
“I feel like I don’t know you anymore…” Cullen muttered, raking his fingers through his hair, the scar on his lip pulling as he grimaced.
“Consider this,” the dark-haired elf snapped, arms crossed, facing away from him, looking out over the frosty white mountains rather than meeting his eyes. “You don’t actually know anything about me. You made up this image of a girl you’d only known for a month ten years ago. A girl that was being held prisoner by you and every other Templar in that blasted Tower. It’s not my fault that I haven’t lived up to your fantasy.”
His hand dropped to his side. Everything she’d said was true, but… “I was so relieved to see you,” he murmured. Her face turned slightly to eye him over her shoulder. “Not just alive, but happy and safe. When the Inquisitor told me the name of her sister…I couldn’t believe it. I wanted so badly to see you again, and…”
Evelyn bit her lip, then spoke again. “You can’t have expected I’d be happy to see my jailer.”
“I helped you escape!” protested Cullen. “At great personal risk, and against my own beliefs, I might add. Beliefs which have since changed, by the way.”
“I know,” she huffed, tapping a foot against the stone wall. “I’ve seen the Tower here. It’s…less prison-like, at least.”
“The mages here are free to study without fear of the Chantry’s punishment,” the commander explained softly. “Any Templars are here to protect the mages, not prosecute them. I oversee them personally to ensure it.”
Evelyn was silent for a long moment. The chill wind tossed her hair and rose goosebumps on her bare arms. Cullen sighed behind her, and she jumped when the heavy weight of his fur-collared coat dropped over her shoulders. It smelled like leather, sword oil, and cedar.
“The night you left…when I gave you your phylactery and you kissed me? Do you know how many times I replayed that in my head?” he asked, leaning against the stone wall. “How many times I wished I’d kissed you back before you went?”
“You were cute back then.” Evelyn gave a reluctant laugh. “Always so nervous, like you didn’t know which foot to put in front of the other. If things had been different…I might’ve had a crush on you.”
“I did have a crush on you,” admitted Cullen with a nostalgic chuckle as the elven woman gave him an expression that very clearly said ‘no shit.’ “Even after weeks in the Circle, you still smelled like the forest.”
In spite of herself, Evelyn felt her cheeks warm. “I am thankful you helped me,” she said quietly. “I’m even…glad? Surprised? Something, to see that you’ve become a better, stronger man, someone who sticks up for mages and elves instead of contributing to their oppression. But…I don’t know, it’s going to take some time, Rutherford.”
“I understand.” He fiddled his thumbs together. “I would love the chance to get to know the real you, who you were then, who you are now.”
“I think I can do that,” she agreed.
“Do you think I could give you a hug without getting gut-punched this time?” grinned the commander.
Evelyn gave him a catty smirk. “You’ll have to find that one out for yourself.”
“Oh. Joy.”
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minthara · 5 months
absolutely feral thinking abt cullen/evelyn, making the valentines gif set so far in advance has given me 3 terminal blorbo related illnesses
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katuary · 1 year
After the chaos of Halamshiral, Evelyn has a moment to unwind with Cullen on the way back to Skyhold.
Dipping my toes back in this series so I can finally get back to writing chapters for Endurance. Enjoy! :)
CW: brief mention of sexual assault (the noble assaulting Cullen at the ball)
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kingdomzeldaquest · 2 years
Cullen X Trevelyan WIP
(Just a little short from a fic I’m messing around with. This scene is based on a series of events that happened in my latest Hard Mode Mage playthrough) Word Count - 580
Cullen was at his wits end, and when Evelyn returned finally from her latest trip to the Emerald Graves he could not hold it in.
"You are either one of the most foolish people I have ever met, or one of the luckiest." Cullen sighed in frustration, turning to his desk as he looked for the report.
"You are going to have to be more specific." Evelyn said innocently, holding her hands behind her back as she poked her head around his side. From the corner of his eyes he could see the mischievous grin plastered across her face.
"I feel like I don't actually need to be. Ah." Finding it, he picked up the letter and glanced across the main points again, "You went to the Emerald Graves to assist Cassandra in some 'unfinished business', locate elven ruins, and close the last of the known rifts in the area." He began to list off and Evelyn could not help but giggle as she knew where this was going.
"This is not funny." Cullen scolded seriously, turning to face her fully and frowning disappointingly at her. Once, that stare would have frightened her, but now it curiously warmed her heart that someone would care so much.
"I think its a little funny." Evelyn admitted sheepishly. At the time, no it was not funny, it was quite serious and moronic how deadly the situation turned out to be. She could only laugh now that it had all turned out perfectly fine.
"You picked a fight with seven giants-"
"Not all at once!"
"A heard of brontos-"
"That was an accident, a stray lightning bolt angered them while fighting a giant."
"A great bear-"
"In my defence I tried to run past that one."
"Why is the great bear the one fight you tried to avoid?" Cullen stopped his list to question her.
"I thought we were far enough away to just run past, but he attacked us."
Cullen shook his head as he sighed again, "I didn't even get to the fact you willingly and knowingly went to pick a fight with a High Dragon."
Evelyn awkwardly sucked in air through her teeth as she quickly debated her next words, "The dragon was actually the real reason I went to the Graves." She admitted and Cullen's eyes went wild, "She was wreaking havoc in the Dales!" She quickly defended her actions, "And Bull thought it was a good idea." She added.  
He grabbed her shoulders and forced her to meet his eyes, "You're not indestructible."
"After what I just faced? I think I might be."
"Evelyn." He looked so pained at how casually Evelyn was treating the situation.
"I'm sorry Cullen." She apologised quietly.
"I need you to be more careful." Evelyn smiled at his kind words, and he clearly heard them after he said them, "I mean - We all need you to be more careful. The Inquisition cannot lose its Inquisitor." He stumbled, suddenly forcing himself into Commander mode.  
"Of course. I will try not to be so reckless again in the future." Her words were soft and sincere, but both of them knew she was going to be thrown into some crazy situation the moment she left Skyhold again.
"I would appreciate the effort."
Suddenly, her grin grew mischievous again, "Your report didn't say why we had to fight those giants did they?"
Cullen threw up his hands and turned to walk away from Evelyn, "Maker preserve me!"
"So there were these trees..."
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meanestmeanie · 2 years
Evelyn sets out to explore the Hinterlands, and returns back to Haven just in time to catch the near brawl, before Cullen steps in.
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I can’t stop romancing Cullen so I have turned to writing my own fanfic. And if I do say so myself, it’s a pretty fun time.
Chapters: 16/?
Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Cullen Rutherford/Female Trevelyan, Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Cullen Rutherford/Trevelyan Characters: Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Cullen Rutherford, Dorian Pavus, Varric Tethras, Leliana (Dragon Age), Josephine Montilyet, Cassandra Pentaghast, Original Characters Additional Tags: During Canon, Letters, Romance, Friendship, Humor, Epistolary, Lyrium Addiction, Mental Health Issues, Sibling Love, Family Dynamics, Slow Burn, Mage Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Good Templars (Dragon Age), POV Multiple, Family Feels, Family Drama, Mostly Canon Compliant?, some canon deviations for fun Summary:
In the midst of chaos there are always quiet moments. Letters from a brother to a sister, separated by time and circumstance. Notes passed between friends, reveling in the gossip that surrounds a burgeoning hero. Strange figures met on the road...and sometimes closer to home. And the friendships and love that grows between the unlikeliest pairs like flower in the snow.
This is the story of the Inquisition as told through the letters of its people. And the story of a former Circle mage and ex-Templar who, despite it all, find hope in one another.
(Epistolary Multi-POV)
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sabohteurs · 3 months
& as ‚ tatum riley. & as ‚ monica grant. & as ‚ evelyn hugo. & as ‚ sam carter. & as ‚ cassie fraiser. & as ‚ joyce byers. & as ‚ robin buckley. & as ‚ malia tate. & as ‚ esme cullen. & as ‚ rosalie hale. & as ‚ taissa turner. & as ‚ jackie taylor. & as ‚ beth dutton. & as ‚ tatiana vasiliev. & as ‚ perrie atwell. & as ‚ sydney kaiser. & as ‚ mackenzie brenner. & as ‚ calista. & as ‚ minerva carlysle. & as ‚ hyan ahri.
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ac1numa · 6 months
muses tags part i.
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