#cult of the lamb Headcanon
awful-little-goose · 3 months
I got curious about your version of the lamb:0 any Infos or funfacts you’d like to share about your evil fluff ball with the rest of the class pretty please?:>
HEHEHE I’m so glad you asked!!!
- a cannibal: even though I KNEW picking “herbivorous” would make my life that much easier, I still picked the trait “cannibalism” because it tickled my fancy. Hence the lamb I depict being cannibalistic, and more carnivorous than they should be. They almost exclusively eat meat. They have big teeth, and a fucked up mouth
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- They miss their first wife, Weber. Yes, wife, I make the rules- but that means they’re VERY fond of spiders and spider beings
- They’re ruthless. Displease them, and you’re either being imprisoned (if you’re lucky), or killed in the middle of the day, for everyone to see
- They’re greedy: no one can approach their spouses, and no one can have what they want. They run the money ritual more often that reasonable. They fucking HATE MIDAS
- They present death as a natural part of the cycle, convincing their followers that their death only means they’re being one with nature again, and that the rest of the journey of their soul will continue under another form, through the earth, through the bodies of those that eat their remains
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- Surprisingly fine with other cults existing! They only killed the bishops out of personal vendetta, and because Narinder ordered them to. Hence why they’re fine with the Mushroomos and Sozo, or even Chemach
- Actually, they may be looking for suitable wearers of the old crowns…
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craftersarthoard · 6 days
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Introducing Aurorath - God of Winter Gender - Nonbinary Est. Age - 4000 (Rather young in comparison to the rest of the official pantheon) Species - Divine Tiger - White tiger with elk-like antlers Biome - Icespire Wastes (a headcanon region reached through an old ritual) Relatives - Unknown Crown - The Crown of the Tundra
Occupation - Former Ruler of the Order of Frost (an ancient order now disbanded after the rise of the bishops)
Lore and Description- Aurorath is said to be a large tiger with elk-like antlers adorned with a crown with a star-shaped cyan eye that grants the wielder the power to summon snow and hailstorms, drop temperature on command and freeze bodies of water. It is said that once the Bishops rose to power many gods fell, many crowns disappeared, and many followers soon joined the Old Faith. The remaining gods were either killed or they renounced their power before the bishops reached them but there are some who went into hiding in inhospitable places to protect themselves from being hunted down. Aurorath was one such creature whose followers prayed and worshiped for warmth and comfort, giving offerings and live sacrifices to appease them. They reside in a place I have dubbed Icespire Wastes - A deadly tundra/taiga that is known to dip into lethally low temperatures and ever since the rise of the Bishops Old Faith, the white tiger vanished leaving their followers to either freeze to death in the now eternally snowing region or leave to join the Bishops while they could. It would stay like that for thousands of years up until pieces of a broken brazier scattered in the bishops' territories were discovered from either passing followers or traders. Perhaps a certain bishop could discern the runes and markings on the brazier, though with broken memories it may be difficult to fully recall such an entity but perhaps they could help uncover this mysterious creature.
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lammydraws · 1 year
Bishop Headcanon
I promised I write this down before the new update, which may or may not fuck things up about this hc (I'm not sure because I try to avoid spoilers as much as possible so perhaps I can still make it work somehow...)
The premise is basically there is a difference in Gods, those who were born gods and those who once were mortals who ascended to Godhood. It's a headcanon I also base my AUs on, mainly Bishop Lamb AU, but also Timeline AU to some degree.
Narinder has been born a god, while the four Bishops are mortals ascended to Godhood.
It's mostly just me over-analyzing the difference between Narinder and the four Bishops as well as their fights. Even in canon Narinder is just a lot bigger than the Bishop, his regular form is about the size of the Bishop's Eldritch form, with Narinder's Eldritch form not even being shown fully.
It took all four Bishops to chain him down, and not without casualties either. He's clearly much stronger than all four combined.
In his fight at the Gateways he faces Lamb without his crown, which I believe to be the source of a lot of power, and it's where Lamb, a mortal, has to draw all their power and weapons from. Even without his crown and in his regular form he's much stronger than the Bishops. He also transforms into his Eldritch form without a blood sacrifice.
When beating Narinder's first form, he says this:
"Did you believe me defeated? Did you think that to be all there was to a being such as I? You thought yourself above a GOD?"
He mocks Lamb for thinking that he'd fall as easily as his siblings. But he's unlike them.
Born Gods cannot be killed. But they can transform into a mortal form, which then can be killed. The Bishops die immediately upon defeat, but Narinder does not. Instead he turns into a smaller follower-like form, which can either be killed on the spot or later, in sacrifice, straight up murder or by subjecting him to regular mortal struggles such as hunger and illness.
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cultofsnowfall · 1 year
Leshy, The Chaos Bishop of The Green Crown in Darkwood!
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Here’s some Leshy Headcanons!
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Before Being Indoctrinated:
🌿 • Leshy is the youngest of the Bishops and so he gets babied and has more freedom on how he acts and portrays himself to his followers and the other bishops
🌿 • He sees mortals as playthings or toys so he plays pranks on them often and doesn’t really care for their personal emotions. Narinder always plays along being a huge prankster as well
🌿 • He definitely has some sort of ADHD. He constantly changes plans or activities on a whim with little to no thought
🌿 • Along with his schedule being unpredictable so is his mood. He can be playful one moment and sadistic the next
🌿 • If his followers think to even cross him he will devour them without a second thought. Even if a follower does nothing wrong and follows his every whim he will sometimes decide to eat them anyway
🌿 • As the Bishop of Darkwood his society is responsible for the steady wood supply throughout The Old Faith
After Being Indoctrinated:
🌿 • He is the most defensive and verbally hostile Bishop in the cult. He hisses out insults any chance he gets. Usually Shamura has to calm him down
🌿 • Leshy is completely blind so his hearing and smell is heightened. He can distinguish individuals on scent alone
🌿 • Because of this he suffers from sensory overload quite often. A method of grounding himself is to gently stroke and sniff the Camelia flower he has hidden
🌿 • Still has the ability to burrow underground. Usually only does it when he is under some sort of stress or extreme emotion
🌿 • Enjoys gardening even if he can’t see. The calm environment with the earthy smells remind him of Darkwood, giving him a sense of comfort
🌿 • Tends to cling onto his siblings for reassurance, usually Heket as she makes him feel safe
🌿 • His diet is now strictly vegan as during his Indoctrination he developed the inability to digest any animal by-product. He still misses eating meat and flesh
🌿 • Leshy surprisingly is 6’1ft tall for being the youngest Bishop. He uses this height to intimidate others simply to prank them and fill his chaotic nature
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pikos-den · 1 year
i rambled about this in a server, but i have a headcanon that makes me very happy and im going to share it:
i believe helob and shamura are related. personally, i enjoy the "secret royal child" trope for him, but it could be a more distant kind of relationship.
most characters in cult of the lamb are unique in their own way. the named ones have their own colors, species, and tells to know they're their own things. except, well...helob and shamura.
they both can be described as "purple fluffy spiders that at least stick around silk cradle"- shamura is the bishop and helob's shop is near the entrance in game. so both have some level of importance.
to be a hunter, you have to be smart. you need to know where your prey tends to be, what is best to catch them with, and how to properly handle the prey in whatever way you are going to. you have to know what you're doing, and helob surely does with the amount of catches he will get. helob has a different form of intelligence than shamura, but i feel like helob prefers to "play dumb" in some regards.
back to the "everyone is unique" thing, i know some may be thinking "what about aym and baal?" "what about clauneck/kuudai/chemach?"
aym and baal are brothers and were narinder's disciples. (forneus fits in here too as their mother. the "narinder is the kits' dad" headcanon can be applied here, but i'm indifferent to that.)
clauneck/kuudai/chemach are siblings. they look vaguely similar to each other, and chemach is a self-made ""crownbearer"" of sorts, so she almost lends into the headcanon too.
helob and shamura are the only two with pretty decent similarities that don't have any canon connection. all we know is helob is scared of the mystic seller....which in itself is strange, considering he seems to know the mystic seller in some form(better than rakshasa does.)
this ends my little ramble but yeah
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Day 5 : Fave Dynamic Duo
The Lamb and Ratau
Father and child duo lets GOOOOOOOO! (I couldn’t really think of many other things so yea-)
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Flags Seen: Agender, AroAce, Triple A, and Oculorusexual
HC pronouns: (Lamb) It/They/Thing (Ratau) He/It
Icon Challenge by: @cocajimmycola on this post
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krysmcscience · 1 month
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Call this the Whoopsie AU (it's barely an AU)
I mean. Narinder never explicitly SAID the Lamb would stay dead... :3c He probably should have been more specific. >:3c
Part Two:
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Well. The Lamb tried, but...sorry, Nari, the crown hates you now. Shouldn't have been so quick to lend it out, I guess. :D
Aaaand Part Three:
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'Isn't he just adorable?' -The Lamb, probably, while their followers smile and nod and internally scream at the brand new hellcat they now have to share living space with...
Anyway, nothing says 'Dead To Me' like following a person around to loudly remind them of how dead they are to you. Right? Right. Narinder's got this all figured out. <:]
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howlsnteeth · 4 months
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'cause I am broken into fractions oh and I am driven to distraction
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voidheartkisses · 3 months
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Headcanon that Kallamar and Leshy always had a tendancy to hide behind their sister. Kallamar is more like a big pushover dog and Leshy is, an angry chihuahua
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panoffrying · 5 months
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Leshy feels his brothers face.
I always imagined that without Leshys crown he is fully blind but he has a good sense of smell based on what we learn from when he’s turned into a follower. I imagine at some point the bishops will learn to be a family again (not the best but they are working on it) and Leshy wants to feel Narinders face to get an idea because it’s been a while. This is my gf @7moonbird idea
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awful-little-goose · 3 months
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bamsara · 2 months
Also, one of the game devs for Cult of the Lamb said this in the official discord server:
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So people that are worried about how the comic might affect aspects of the characters, it's not canon. Massive Monster isn't writing the story and it's to be considered separate from the game. Take what you like and leave what you don't like.
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h0nkshroom · 4 months
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cultofsnowfall · 1 year
Heket, The Famine Bishop of The Yellow Crown in Anura!
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Here’s some Heket Headcanons!
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Before Being Indoctrinated:
🐸 • Heket loved to sing. She wrote lullabies to sing to her child followers, lulling them to sleep. But with her throat slit, she lost the ability to talk and therefore sing
🐸 • Another one of Heket’s passions are cooking. She knows a lot of recipes and would host feasts with her loyal followers
🐸 • Heket loved to torture mortals. Usually afflicting starvation upon them and watching with satisfaction as they slowly die
🐸 • With Heket being the Bishop of Anura her society is responsible for most of the farming and food supply. She casts a harvest spell over her loyal follower’s gardens to prosper their crops
🐸 • Cannibalism is very common in Anura with Heket’s leadership. Unsurprisingly Heket only cares for her loyal followers and is very unforgiving. If your family pisses her off even once you can bet that starvation will soon follow
🐸 • Heket was the biggest cannibal of the Bishops. Her long tongue would scoop offenders/betrayers up and she’d swallow them whole. She enjoyed hearing their painful cries as they slowly digest within
🐸 • Even if Heket’s leadership is run with an iron fist, she has a soft spot for children. Within her temple she made the center of Anura a safe haven for any child as she was infertile and could not bear children herself. She would sing them lullabies and made sure they had enough food to eat
🐸 • She is extremely confident and despises being seen as “weak.” Her Authority and image is very important to her
🐸 • She might appear to be a fat frog, but under that fat is muscle. She is the most fit out of the Bishops and she knows it
🐸 • With Menticide mushrooms growing everywhere Heket has developed an immunity to their hypnotic ability
After Being Indoctrinated:
🐸 • She is the most aggressive one of the Bishops. She will fiercely protect her siblings even though theirs no active threat
🐸 • She has a hard time speaking, usually only gurgling out a few words at a time along with long pauses. So she prefers not to talk as more ichor will start to leak out of the bandages which will frustrate her even more
🐸 • Even though she is the Ex-Bishop of Famine she has a ravenous appetite, quickly starving and demanding food if not fed proper meals throughout the day
🐸 • Surprisingly she has no problem eating, using her long tongue to scoop food down her slit throat. She also prefers meat dishes over veggie or fruit. She isn’t a picky eater either as she will eat almost anything (except for bowls of poop or deadly dishes as she had enough dignity)
🐸 • If the Lamb declares a fast, she is the only one to refuse to follow it, demanding food and threatening to devour other cult members if not given such
🐸 • She is the second tallest cult member being 6’6ft tall
🐸 • Heket won’t actively dissent, but rather sneak away at night to eat the crops, leaving Leshy and the other cult members annoyed
🐸 • Heket appointed herself the Cult’s chef, cooking up everyone’s food, having a talent for making even grassy gruel delicious. Yet if she is mad at someone she will feed them bowls of excrement (if they like eating poop she will cook them a deadly dish instead)
🐸 • If Heket warms up to a specific cult member she will give them little kisses on their forehead and whisper one-worded compliments in private, acting like a Tsudere
🐸 • Her and Narinder constantly get into fights at the cult, disrupting everyone else and causing a scene
🐸 • If The Lamb needs to converse with her they will read her thoughts as a way of communication
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bombabo0 · 5 months
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Leshy from cult of the lamb
No cut and alt version under the cut, there's also a little stupid bonus jajaj he was hungry
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donutfloats · 5 days
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Showing off their scrunglies
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