cupcraft · 2 years
One of the best contrasts in the last of us show is the contrasting of gentleness versus brutality/violence. Like episode 1 that girl comes into the FEDRA camp, they're gentle, they tell her she'll be okay, have all the toys she wants, comfort her and then kill her with an injection swiftly and humane. But then the FEDRA soldiers overall treat the residents of the QZ awfully. An example shown soon after is the FEDRA soldier that Joel sells to warning him to stay inside because the soldiers lack of sleep/frustration basically will make them shoot innocent people. Plus there are many instances of brutality shown in FEDRA camps contrasted with this.
And another good example is highlighted between the fungus gently and almost lovingly curling around the dead firefly guy's fingers and then the zombies quickly run to attack Joel/Ellie/Tess. And of course we have the zombie kiss compared to the explosion/what the zombies were going to do to joel and ellie who were running. There are just so many examples of this contrast and i think it really helps tell the story and themes overall of the survivors during this apocalypse/pandemic.
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cupcraft · 2 years
I'm scared of being alone. Goodbye world. If you turn into a monster is it still you inside. Diesdiesdiesdies.
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cupcraft · 2 years
Just Kathleen still stopping to kill Henry even though her people she's supposed to be leading and helping in their freedom from FEDRA are dying from the infected. Just that was what she still thought was more important. Showing her cruelty over the violence behind her. God
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cupcraft · 2 years
can we also talk about just the sheer horror of the cordyceps infection in the beginning scene though like when the professor's like investigating. It's so so cool and well done
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cupcraft · 2 years
God ellie's face when joel kills Bryan....like the fear im sick
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cupcraft · 2 years
wont be posting lots of spoilers but can i just saw the last of us world building that they added from the game like the pandemic origins, more information on the systemic issues and the FEDRA camp and just so much more is literally the world thanks
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cupcraft · 2 years
Im glad joel's teaching her how to use a gun not only because protection/who knows what will happen, but i think it will really help Ellie with her fear of people finding her and killing her (esp with the added fear of Joel telling her that her immunity may not be believed and people will kill her). Like it gives her the autonomy over her own life here. Like I think Ellie since the beginning hasn't had autonomy at all, and she's just been "cargo" just a miracle to protect, and here she's a person able to decide for her own (plus joel and ellie bonding moment sobs)
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cupcraft · 2 years
god joel calling the fireflies the same mistake as when tommy was 18 joining the armies. like the fact joel has no hope in the fireflies and thus ellie being a cure. he has no hope of this reality ending at all. and they set the seeds of him seeing Ellie as family here in this moment, because he says he keeps going on for family and we know he keeps going on for ellie...god
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cupcraft · 2 years
ngl the joke book brought a tear to my eye
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cupcraft · 2 years
I love how they changed bill and Frank's ending for many reasons but for one it really fits in with the themes of like how it's important even In a world like this to let someone in. As bill says, I found someone worth saving. To be able to decide how you'll live and die. To love and to give and then to rest of your own free will, not stuck in limbo by this infection. And I think the way bill and frank embody that sets up the story really well for what a lot of know what's coming with the choice Joel has to make to save the world potentially at the cost of Ellie's life, in which innthe game he decides to save her in the end fully escaping his fear of losing a daughter again. And I think if they utilize the 2nd game at all it may make ellie's ending and reminiscing of Bill that much more profound I think.
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cupcraft · 2 years
ough what an episode huh?
YES sorry to rant to you cal but like first of all love that they stretched out the henry and sam plot to really highlight how things are in QZ zones and get us to know these people and their goals. second of all ellie jokes amazing iconic them laughing at the end sobbed outsold. and of course just like ellie's fears peaking through and joel trying to protect her and opening up slowly and like her trusting him but him killing people like its so much and ahghgh. can't wait till we see more of henry and sam (also im preparing to die when i see that plot)
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cupcraft · 2 years
I was wondering if we'd explore sam and henry this ep but i guess not glad it's being stretched out honestly and i wonder where they'll take it like what the differences will be with it
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cupcraft · 2 years
joel wants to protect ellie from killing people frowsup
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cupcraft · 2 years
help ellie found bill and or franks skin magazine crying srsly at this scene
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cupcraft · 2 years
AND ENDING THR EPISODE WITH LINDA SINGING "AND LIVING WITHBTHE PRICE I HAVE TO PAY" with the camera on ellie like foreshadowing what's to come with Joel's choice in the lab AHHHH
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cupcraft · 2 years
I'm in disarray and horror. Good episode.
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