Deciding on Exhibition Scope
This blog post is about our decisions on the exhibition scope of Past Recedes and how they changed throughout the semester.
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The exhibition will initially take place in Bilkent University FADA Exhibition Hall.
We started the semester with this curation of our exhibition, our five parts of the videos would play on four different walls in huge scales and we would exhibit our film strips in the middle on light tables. 
As the time went by, we started thinking about a different way exhibiting our film since in the first iteration we were thinking about filming our project on 35 mm film and when we decided on 8 mm, we thought that meters and meters of 8 mm film strips would look like a mess on tables :)
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Middle Piece (First Sketch)
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Then we decided that we could build a middle piece, exhibiting both an 8mm projector and our film together in the middle of the room, our film would still play on the walls individually divided to its parts. 
While we were dreaming, of course we weren’t thinking of logistics of using five projectors on four walls. After coming back to earth with some feedback from our professors, we decided on playing our video installation not as five separate parts but as a whole experimental movie divided to the parts in itself. Our following idea was to juxtapose a digital projector back to back to our middle piece which is an analog projector. In the meantime, we prototyped the middle piece.
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Our middle piece would act as a vertical light table, the audience will have magnifiers to look at the 8 mm film strips in detail.
On our midterm jury, we were criticized of juxtaposing ‘old’ and ‘new’ technology back to back, which was definitely not related to our project. We started thinking on a new curation of the projectors which would exhibit them both but not create a comparison in between.
In the end, we decided on putting both projectors on top of each other on a pedestal which would hide the digital projector that will play our video installation and take the focus back on the analog projector which will act as a light source to our film strips. 
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Our finalized exhibition scope is that we will exhibit our film strips on sheets of acetate hanging from the ceiling in front of the analog projector and the digital projector will show our experimental film on the opposite wall.
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weburbanist · 7 years
Egalitarian Gallery: New York Curators Combat Elitism, Exhibit Everything
Egalitarian Gallery: New York Curators Combat Elitism, Exhibit Everything
The art world tends to be exclusive by design, but a gallery founder and a curator in NYC decided to team up and do the most inclusive thing they could think of by offering to display any work sent their way in the ultimate “open call” for artists.
The exhibition, dubbed Et Tu, Art Brute? specified only one criteria: artworks had to be 12 by 20 inches or smaller in order, to avoid complicated…
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