#currently on row 26 of 108 plus a 2/3 row border so it’s coming together quick and also my friend’s baby needs a blanket made w/ love
grittyreadsfic · 1 year
do you ever post pictures of things you crochet?
i don’t think i ever have on this blog? i think some on my main ages ago but i don’t post much about what i’m working on unless asked (also partially bc i am so good at starting projects and so bad at finishing them) (i have three blankets and a cardigan and a shawl going rn and one of the blankets and the cardigan have been more or less abandoned. rip)
i’ll stick some of my completed projects under a read more if you wanna see! i am a very average crocheter so it is nothing that fancy
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so uhhhh two bandannas and then cat coasters and bookmarks and a bunch of hats i’ve made that i have pics of from when i went through a rly big making hats period
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