#currently rewatching the 5th anniversary special
dkakapizzaboy · 1 year
Sometimes, I rewatch Gose Episodes and Svt content purely for the fucking hilarious subs
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putschki1969 · 7 years
ABC tag thingy & 10 songs tag
I was tagged by @kwonhamster and @lovelykieren respectively. Thank you so much. First we have the ABC tag thingy A - age: 28 
B - biggest fear: never finding a good job 
C - current time: 19:00 
D - drink you last had: peppermint tea 
E - every day starts with: grumpiness F - favorite song: depends on my mood but these days it’s usually こいびとの昔語りの夕暮れの by Kalafina 
G - ghosts, are they real: no... 
H - hometown: Vienna 
I - in love with: Keiko Kubota 
J - jealous of: everyone. I am jealous by nature... 
K - killed someone: no...not yet... 
L - last time you cried: yesterday when I was rewatching the Arena acoustic live of Kalafina’s “sprinter” M - middle name: Andrea 
N - number of siblings: too many, I guess around eight 
O - one wish: attend Kalafina’s 10th Anniversary Live P - person you last called/texted: my sister Q - questions you’re always asked: how is it going with your job search? you got a boyfriend already? 
R - reasons to smile: Kalafina 
S - song last sang:  I don’t sing... T - time you woke up: 9 AM 
U - underwear color:  green V - vacation destination: Japan 
W - worst habit: being a horrible human being 
X - x-rays you’ve had: at the dentist...other than that I’ve only had MRIs Y - your favorite food: jiaozi 
Z - zodiac sign: Leo Then we have the Top 10 most listened songs on my spotify.
(I don’t use spotify, my itunes playlist will have to suffice)
1. 追憶 - Kalafina 2. Magia (LIVE ver. 5th Anniversary Selection) - Kalafina 3. red moon (LIVE ver. 5th Anniversary Selection) - Kalafina 4. ARIA (LIVE ver. 5th Anniversary Selection) - Kalafina 5. こいびとの昔語りの夕暮れの (LIVE ver. ”fotw Special Final”) - Kalafina 6. Kyrie (LIVE ver. 5th Anniversary Selection) - Kalafina 7. in every nothing (LIVE ver. “fotw Special Final”) - Kalafina 8. Anna ni Issho Datta no ni (cover ver.) - Kalafina 9. a song of storm and fire (LIVE ver. Yuki Kajiura 2008) - FictionJunction 10. destination unknown - Kalafina
LOL, no surprise there. I really don’t listen to anything else. All of these songs are in my workout playlist which is probably why they have been played THIS often.
Tagging: ALL of my followers who wanna do either of these ^_^
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Sound! Euphonium Marches on With 5th Anniversary Project Celebrating Franchise
  The 'Sound! Euphonium is Remote! Matsuri Festival' online event on June 6 announced a 5th Anniversary Project for the Kyoto Animation-produced anime series. The event was announced earlier this week as a replacement for the in-real-life event that usually occurs in the city of Uji that was canceled due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. A new visual was released for the project, alongside more announcements for the musical franchise!
    The new visual is separate from the one released on the anniversary for the first season's episode one broadcast that was released earlier this year and was drawn by director Tatsuya Ishihara. 
  The stream, which can be rewatched on YouTube, featured the four main female voice actors emceeing the event and "social distancing" from each other on stage: Tomoyo Kurosawa (Kumiko), Chika Anzai (Reina), Moe Toyota (Midori), and Ayaka Asai (Hazuki). You can see how far they were apart below.
このあと、21:00〜緊急リモート配信番組スタートです!ソーシャルディスタンス保ってお送りします!! 是非ご覧ください! ●出演#黒沢ともよ、#朝井彩加、#豊田萌絵、#安済知佳 ●LINE LIVEhttps://t.co/vEBK0XosC8… ●YouTube Livehttps://t.co/w1HGcRT7Sw#anime_eupho pic.twitter.com/wLpXOB7IH8
— アニメ「響け!ユーフォニアム」公式 (@anime_eupho) June 6, 2020
  Other announcements during the event include a new drama CD focusing on events from the novels that haven't been adapted into animation, which will have more details announced at a later date, and that Hibike! Eupho-radio, a radio show with the voice actors from the anime series, will be returning for a special one-time broadcast on July 7. 
  The real-life event held this time last year announced the third year anime project with the below video:
  Crunchyroll is currently streaming the first two seasons of Sound! Euphonium! Happy Ice Cream~
  Source: 'Sound! Euphonium is Remote! Matsuri Festival' online event
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. 
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