#curseofbreadbear; cassie
funbonded · 1 year
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[ ⋆ ] ❝  Fearless ?! Fearless ! Such an ugly word . Such an ugly thing it is to be without FEAR .  ❞ The mechanical panda meanders around the word , almost rolling it around like a marble lodged into his head cavity .
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❝  What is life without FEAR to lose it ? Is that not why you little lambchops come here ? To this desolate place , for just a fleeting moment praying for self - preservation the video games just aren't doing it anymore now are they ? !  ❞ He prattles . ❝  No , no ....but you see , Cassie , I'm not a video game . I'm very much real . I only want to give the audience what they desire ! Consternation ! DREAD ! DEATH ! - I like to see how quickly they change their minds when death stares them right in the eyes .  ❞
At that the animatronic cranes down , upper endo spine slithering oddly like a snake as he twists the end of his head , snapping downside - up , killers eyes meet with hers as his face plates burst open . Intimidation . A laugh . He moves away . Back to circling . ❝ ... In my game everyone wins because everyone gets what they wanted ! ... Tell me, Cassie , are you afraid ?  ❞ / @curseofbreadbear starter
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@curseofbreadbear asked: cassie? can you hear me? are you all right? -greggy for cassie - thinking abt post-ruin shit...
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Cassie’s head felt like she was underwater ever since the elevator dropped….since Gregory-. Roxy had found her, and the two did their best to bandage what they could between the knowledge of a currently blind wolf and a child. From there the only way to go was up really, Cassie carefully riding on the wolf’s back as they made their way back into the upper layers of the ruined Plex. Once the climbing was done, Roxy carefully switched to cradling the injured girl. It was then that they both heard a voice echoing among the ruins. Cassie’s hearing aids were slowly giving their last bit of life, something she herself was feeling, but she still heard-.
Cassie’s head feels like it’s pulled above the water…..will she be sinking back down in a moment?  Roxy growls but Cassie does her best to try and calm down her canine guardian.
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“R-Roxy please d-...I n-need to know….pl-please I n-need to face h-him.”
And so the girl and wolf make their way to the sounds of Gregory, though Roxy’s grip on Cassie in her arms tightens just slightly to protect her incase.
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fazeruined · 11 months
@curseofbreadbear for PROTOTYPE FREDDY
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It's like they're slowly becoming better and stronger, not only for themselves, but for one another and true friends around them. Every little thing strengthens their bond.
So of course Cassie wanted to do this.
She was determined to give back everything Freddy, the headless glamrock, had done for her. Or at least as much of it she could give back. Even if it starts or is small; having always been an alienated child with little to no friends, she learned very early how valuable even the smallest things are from those who stay by-- which in her case most times wound up being robot friends.
So it started small; as Eclipse managed to clean and re-organize the Daycare during and long after the improvised birthday party Freddy threw for her, he would up finding and recovering a lot of useful things, all of which he'd neatly organize as well. Eventually, the Daycare was almost as neatly arranged as it used to be-- not perfectly of course, but close where it was arguably the safest place in the PizzaPlex now to settle in. And a lot of the things Eclipse found and recovered, were organized in that desk area close to the doors, or in the ballpit area repurposing the space since the pit was now empty.
Some of those things were work tools left behind by employees as they were trying to salvage the PizzaPlex before ultimately giving up on it. Some of which were several types of heavy-duty pliers, which Cassie borrowed and used to help rid Freddy of all those metallic odd pieces that were pierced into his body.
She was very careful for Freddy's sake, often using the tools to cut those pieces into smaller bits before trying to pull them out, as she imagined that just flat-out yanking them could damage Freddy further in the process. Eclipse also supervised the whole thing, not super comfortable with allowing a child such tools, but knew there were no employees to do this otherwise.
It was a good few hours until Cassie pulled out the last bit of the jutting metal-- Freddy was still in a very hazardous state with his broken and jagged casing and exposed endoskeleton parts, but at least he no longer had to worry about odd metal jutting out of him! It made him just a little less hazardous. Cassie was glad to have been able to do this for him, even if she wound up with her hands a bit sore (but otherwise unharmed!) because those tools were in majority heavy-duty and not meant for the small hands of a child.
Eclipse had the removed metallic pieces disposed of, and the tools neatly put away after use. He also kind of insisted the Daycare would be always open for them, so it was like their 'settle in' place of sorts.
Being able to rest in the Daycare, Cassie wound up in a light sleep (the labor of using heavy-duty tools to pull stray metal out of Freddy honestly tired her out a little,) with Freddy probably going into a 'power-saving' mode to smartly conserve power while idle.
It was a short while until Cassie woke up again, since she had mostly just gotten into a nap.
Now, she had always wanted to do this, really badly, ever since the instant she and Freddy became friends. But she had it in her head that she had to do this now; probably waking up feeling a bit more rested filled her with enough disposition and motivation that made her antsy for it.
With an enough reinvigoration, she got her slightly worn Glamrock Freddy backpack (formerly Gregory's, but claimed it for herself before making it out of the Mimic's area, as suggested by the callously removed nametag-- finders keepers,) and she slips out of the Daycare; normally she wouldn't 'sneak out' like this without having Freddy aware, and being alone out there, after everything, did make her anxious, but she wanted this to be a surprise. He made her a surprise by arranging a whole birthday for her, it was only fair she did something in return!
Besides, she was going to Fazerblast again, which now had a clear path to and from the Daycare thanks to Freddy, so she wouldn't really be too far off much less stray away.
She starts her search already by the most logical spot: where she first saw Freddy in there. She scouts around it with her flashlight, thinking how she'll go about this... then mentally rolls her sleeves.
... and boy, S.T.A.F.F Bots are HEAVY! It's convenient that the ones in this pile were broken into several parts, otherwise she wouldn't be able to budge them. But she still wound up wheezing and huffing after shuffling and moving them around for what felt like forever-- though it might have been just around an hour since she left the Daycare.
After having a bunch of bot parts scattered and lying around her, and having the hole those guys filled emptied just enough, Cassie began to be able to see something different starting to stick out from under the broken S.T.A.F.F Bots.
But to get to it, she had to move a particularly heavy bot out of her way, and by the time she was done she was even a little dizzy from the physical effort-- but she had her find pulled into her lap as she huffed and hung her head low to wait the dizziness out. Even through her dizzy spell, she could tell.
She found it. She had actually found it.
It was in such a sad, sorry state... but that was unsurprising. Cassie couldn't help but lightly let her forehead rest on the top of it seemingly in sympathy even though it showed no signs of being 'alive' right now. They probably could give it a few repairs, though! Right?
Once she felt herself recovering her breath and the dizziness clearing away, she made some room in her backpack to carefully tuck it in, so she could carry it with her while also keeping the 'surprise' factor, and she walked away to head back to the Daycare.
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She didn't know whether or not Freddy had already stirred while she was gone, she only hoped she hadn't worried him too much if he had...
" Hey, Freddy! Sorry about that. I had to go do some stuff... but I promise you it's all worth it! " She teases a little, not wanting to flat-out say she had his lost head currently in her backpack; she wanted to make it a surprise, after all.
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gatorsnapped · 10 months
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@curseofbreadbear ♪ ♫ [Against her wishes, Cassie had been "dragged" back to Monty's Gator Golf by her father. His reasoning was sound -- he had passes for the place that were on the verge of expiring, and believe it or not, she'd enjoyed this place before Bonnie was replaced. Alas, her distaste for Monty had led to bitter feelings about the sport of mini-golf itself. She loved playing it, but could she really stand being around Monty for a prolonged period of time?]
[Time would tell, but she was already fuming from across the golf course -- Monty was signing autographs and thriving in the limelight. Innocent as that act was, Cassie knew the truth -- he was enjoying his stage presence at the expense of one of her favorites. She couldn't just let that slide, could she?]
[Cassie dropped her golf club and marched towards the stage, fixing Monty with a glare, a small distance from the rest of the crowd. From way in the back, she accused him, loud and proud:]
❝ I know what you did to him, Monty! Bonnie's gone because of you!! ❞ -you called me out so bad i have wanted smth like this for ages. take cassie AND a gremlin, technically, since she's acting like one :') (cue her getting banned from monty golf)
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The gator is just beaming, living in the moment. The attention on him, being able to focus on the children and their affection pouring out. A wonderful distraction from what had been swirling inside his processor, his thoughts. The large tail is gently swaying back and forth, one of the employees having to make sure none of the kids get too close considering the punch the tail can pack. Of course, it would never be intentional harm ; the thought of harming a human or another animatronic unsettled Monty to say the least. Which is why he drinks in the attention gained at the moment -- a distraction from the accusations. He loves the kids, unbothered by the rumors, only asking him out of curiosity rather than accusing him. Well. . . almost all kids. Monty's attention snaps up quickly -- getting the handler nearby to jump out of their skin. Eyes narrow from behind the star-shaped sunglasses, glaring in the direction of the voice. He knows exactly who that is. He holds back the sparking anger -- she's just a kid, she doesn't know any better. Doesn't make it any better that it digs deep considering his bond with the aforementioned rabbit, “Don't you dare come in here accusin' me of that!” He moves forward, almost running into one of the kids that had just gotten their poster signed, “If you come in here believin' I hurt my friend, get out and don't you ever come back!” There is a growl out of the gator, a couple kids around starting to whisper their concerns. The outburst feels unnatural to him, a more heated response than he would have given before. Grief? Or something else. . .
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flaggedred · 1 year
@curseofbreadbear sent: "What do you mean, YOUR mask?" -small cassie thing for vanny so we can commit shenanigans 😭 || Plotted !
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❝ What about that isn't obvious ? It's. My. Mask. ❞
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At least, an older, yet special model before she upgraded. What she used to use a few years ago after quitting her old job to move here. ❝ The question that should be asked here is me wondering how you got it. ❞
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@curseofbreadbear asked: ❝ something isn’t right. i really don’t recall doing something illegal this time. ❞ -gregory for cassie
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“I dunno, maybe they finally found out about all those high scores you hacked?”
While there wasn’t a law about arcade hacking as far as she knew, Cassie would at least qualify it as not cool. That couldn’t be what got the workers they saw run past into this tizzy though as she carefully watches them. It was like someone kicked a beehive, in fact all the runnings a bit loud so she turned down her hearing aids, but where are they going?
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“You wanna follow ‘em?”
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@curseofbreadbear asked: ❝ are you okay? you’re not hurt? nothing? ❞ -cassie's dad
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It had been a long climb up and walk back to the front of the Plex for Roxy and Cassie, but a long night makes a long fresh start. The plan had been for her to go out first to make sure the coast was clear before Roxy exited. What she hadn’t expected was-
Cassie was rather surprised to see him, gentle hands inspecting her for injuries under all the muk, small blood stains, and dirt……and Cassie does something she swore she’d never do again after her last party.
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She lets herself let out a heartbreaking cry, the flood gates now open, and she practically throws herself at him for a hug.
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@curseofbreadbear asked: “Oh, no. I know that look. I know what that look means. Absolutely not.” -cassie's dad. shenanigan time :)
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“I have no idea what you're talking about, papa.”
Cassie totally wasn’t thinking about sneaking into parts and services as once again her father said she can’t even have a look down there. Could he blame her for being curious? It was because of him that she had a love for tech and code, it was only natural she’d want to see where the magic happens.
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fazeruined · 1 year
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@curseofbreadbear said: [Freddy's hearing might be severely impacted, but his proximity sensors detected someone in the general vicinity. Without sight, without ( clear ) sound, it was impossible to distinguish whether this was an intruder or a guest -- he was unsure of how he ought to react, of whether it was better to issue a warning or a greeting. He hadn't encountered a guest in ages, but that was due to…outlying factors. For all he knew, the Pizzaplex was open, and he was an anomaly in its corridors.] [For now, Freddy stood; his stomach hatch "twitched," opening and closing in a manner outside of his control. Unbeknownst to him, it resembled a monster unhinging its jaws, preparing for its next meal. He tried to speak…but what came out was a garbled mess, resembling a terrible growl.] -prototype freddy for gretel >:333
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" Freddy!? Freddy, are you okay?? Please be functional... "
Gretel Cassie would recognize the bear anywhere, even though his head seemed stuck under debris; Still, she watched apprehensively as he managed to free himself from that predicament anyways.
She felt a peculiar tinge of hope with how 'put together' he looked compared to the others; he evidently still had a great deal of his casing left, more than everyone else. Perhaps that meant he could be in a far better and more stable state, maybe he's the one that can help her!
That hope doesn't last.
When he faced her, she could see the true extent of his damage, and it was far worse than anything she could've thought. His garbled growl is met with a terrified scream from Cassie, who even falls back on her bottom from the shock.
No, that didn't seem friendly at all.
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Cassie scrambles up on her feet, and begins to run the other way, through the ruined Fazerblast maze. Hopefully she doesn't trip and fall, with how cluttered the attraction is.
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fazeruined · 1 year
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@curseofbreadbear said: [How could he have forgotten his superstar's birthday? This paradox had rattled around in his nonexistent head ever since they arrived at the Daycare -- the attendant greeted her with an over-enthusiastic "happy birthday!", and all at once, the realization crushed him. It was her birthday. He hadn't remembered.] [This was unprecedented for ANY animatronic, let alone a Freddy. He was specifically programmed to remember these things. Birthdays were precious holidays; he adored contributing to those smiling faces and cheery celebrations, singing the Fazbear birthday song, and helping the little ones blow out the candles. Out of all of his lost memories, this was affecting him the most...but he had no time to panic.] [While Cassie's injuries were being examined by the attendant, Freddy rushed to prepare a birthday celebration for her -- no matter how crummy or minuscule. Anything to make up for his error.] [When she got back, Freddy had a shabbily-assembled birthday party in order for her, complete with a banner and a mangled present (alas, the one in his chest cavity was all he had). As he sensed her arrival, he greeted her with a typical wave, then hummed the Fazbear Birthday song for her...the same way he did when they'd met. It didn't feel like enough, but he hoped his sentiment would shine through.] -prototype freddy!! this scenario has been rotting my brain since i typed it out in the tags ksfdjkfsjk (note: ive Officially decided that the present in his chest cavity is a glamrock freddy figure that's been so crushed and mangled that it looks exactly like him :'))) happy birthday cassie you get a proto freddy figure!!)
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To be fair, Freddy shouldn't be able to remember something he didn't know in the first place. And also to be fair, Cassie herself wasn't actively remembering it either.
With everything that's been going in her life, her birthday was like the very last thing on her mind if at all... And she's grown to stop seeing much of a point in celebrating it, too. She had no one to celebrate it with, and in the grand scheme of things, it was just another day in her life...
And the one person left she thought would be someone who'd show up to a party for her... tried to KILL her.
Now her one only friend was a broken, headless robot.
With their team-work back in Fazerblast, they managed to salvage a stroller-- its hood was completely gone and it had a few holes, but after (un)twisting and straightening its wheels back, it was perfectly usable for what they needed: A means to take Cassie without requiring her walk on her badly injured body, and Freddy not having to constantly worry about hurting her with his hazardous casing while carrying her, and also they didn't need to separate.
Luckily for them, even in his broken state, Freddy was still perfectly strong and capable to clear a path for them to reach the Daycare despite the ruined condition of the now abandoned PizzaPlex.
After knocking on the big (faux?) wooden doors, they were greeted by the more harmonious and stable form of the Daycare Attendant known as Eclipse, brought forth after Cassie'd rebooted them. While friendly and happy to be visited again by the birthday girl and her friend, his first action would have been politely turning them away because "he wasn't finished cleaning the Daycare so it wasn't fit for visitors yet," but the moment he set eyes on Cassie he detected her injured state, and that obviously took priority in his programming.
Engaging his safety mode, Eclipse let both in, while also taking over the duty of tending to Cassie's injuries, which allowed Freddy time to 'chill' in the Daycare.
Eclipse wound up having to use a lot of anti-septic to clean out Cassie's injuries then bandage her up, and lastly give her some medicine, mostly painkillers and some anti-inflammatory. The medicine made the girl drowsy as they kicked in, on top of her being already fatigued from her 'journey'. The Daycare still had all the good stuff stored such as blankets, pillows and sleepbags, so Eclipse easily egged her on into sleeping-- her body did need the rest to help recovery, after all.
That would give Freddy time to prepare his surprise.
And he wouldn't get to do it alone! After Cassie had been put to sleep, Eclipse wound up checking on him and what he was doing next. While he still had 'cleaning' to do, he was more than glad to help the headless bear set up a birthday party for the girl, especially if she wouldn't have any otherwise.
Along with Freddy's preparations, Eclipse'd set up a small child table with small child chairs, some with (dirty but otherwise okay) plushies of the main band sitting on to make it seem like they'd showed up to the party, and set at the center of the table one of those cupcakes from the Bakery (one of the only things left in the PizzaPlex that was still edible thanks to the absurd amount of preservatives the company would put into them,) even though it would still taste stale but it was better than nothing, and they could stick a candle on it, too.
Alas, he should make the Daycare look more presentable for a party! So after his additional help setting it up, Eclipse once again dove into his duty of cleaning the place, letting Freddy to watch over the party site, and likely greet Cassie in it once she woke up.
She'd sleep for a few hours, and would wake up feeling reasonably better thanks to Eclipse's help and the medicine-- she was still kind of slow to walk but it was better than before. Eclipse could be heard off in the distance here and there as he continued trying to clean the Daycare, so first thing she thought was where is Freddy?
" Freddy? " She slowly walks around the dulled but still colorful play place trying to locate her friend, until she finds him in another area of the Daycare. " Oh, there you are. I got a bit worried when I woke up and didn't know where you were. "
She registered the preparations as she walked closer, at least able to tell this area wasn't like that before she slept. " Freddy...? What is this...? "
Freddy's hummed birthday song was what sold the whole thing for her, and for the first moment, Cassie was borderline speechless. " Freddy, all this... Did you do all this for...? " Her birthday. It's her birthday.
And the broken bear was the single only one who remembered (well, Eclipse and Roxy did too.)
And he not only remembered, but he also tried to do something about it, which given everything else such as their current situation, was honestly impressive.
Cassie felt her throat swell and her chest tighten with a wide array of different emotions together which she couldn't clearly put a finger on, but they felt strongly. " F- Freddy... " She tries swallowing down a imaginary lump in her throat, feeling herself tearing up at the corner of her eyes.
It's a little sudden, but she couldn't keep herself from wrapping her arms around Freddy's waist to pull him into a bit of a bear-hug (or as close to it without risking further injuries.) Even if it was small and shabbily-assembled, it meant the world for her. It really did.
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" Th- thank you, Freddy... Thank you... "
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@curseofbreadbear​ asked:  [ arcade ] sender takes receiver to an arcade. -cassie for gregory! get those high scores LEGALLY
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“I don’t know why you won't let me mess around with iit.”
Gregory blows a small bubble with his gum, watching his cousin lose a rousing game of Asteroids, thoughts on how he could tear the machine apart in no time. A sort of …hunger in his eyes. You learn how one arcade cabinet works, and then you want to rip apart every other one to see if the code is familiar.
“I could get us both sooooo many tickets. You could get that Roxy knock off plush, I know you were eyeing it when we came in.”
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@curseofbreadbear asked:i hope you know the lengths i've gone to. -cassie for gregory dfsjkfjk....
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“I know I know…and I owe you so much….well whatever the hell you want when we get you out of here and patched up.”
Gregory’s got one arm keeping her steady as the two children walk the path being cleared by Freddy and  Roxy. He’s not sure how he’s going to dismantle The Mimic if they run into it, but his brain is screaming at him to do worse than he did the last time he was in the mall. That fucker not only dropped Cassie down an elevator, but made her think Gregory had been the one to do it.
Hell hath no fury like a little boy pissed that the only family member he cared about got hurt.
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@curseofbreadbear asked: ❝ we’re gonna be brave, and we’re gonna get out of this. ❞ -cassie for charlie!!!
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“Right.” Charlie softly replies
The Puppet hadn’t been up and running for long before the Plex’s collapse, but Charlie vaguely remembered Cassie. A kind girl, a smart girl, and now a girl who’s stepped into the battlefield of a chess game Charlie’s been playing since the 80s. Course that brought up another issue, that the Puppet knew Cassie…..Charlie Emily was just some random girl that ran into Cassie in the ruins. Not the first time she’s had to think on her feet, but they should be fine as long as the broken body of the Puppet isn’t found.
“We're going to find Gregory, and we'll all go home together.”
Cassie had vaguely told her about the boy she hunted for……..and Charlotte couldn’t put her finger on it but something felt….off about this story.
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@curseofbreadbear asked: “Of course you’re my hero! How could you not be?” -cassie for roxy :sob: !!! (prepare to be spammed btw. i'm gonna try to find something for Everyone)
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The word put a sort of warm feeling in Roxy’s mangled up chest, something being called the best or number one never did. Maybe it’s because it came from Cassie? The other children were sometimes….not fans of her personality but Cassie had been-
Claws gently hold onto her hand, they’ll have to keep moving but they can have a second. Roxy attempting to put on her usual….Roxyness.
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“Well it can't beat being number one twice….but being Cassie’s hero has a nice….ring to it. I like it.~”
What’s left of her tail isn’t wagging a bit nope not at all-
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