#curume you are always an emo edgelord
deaddoveadventures · 2 months
Which sad planet analogy are you?
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Mercury the forgotten planet
You've always felt left aside, no matter were you'd go, you have always been the forgotten one, the black sheep, the third wheel in the group, people take you for granted and make you feel as if you weren't even there, as if you were invisible, but you're not, you're more unique than others could ever think, you just wish they could pay attention to you for once
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Neptune is drifting away from the solar system
You're tired of everything, you are so sick of everyone around you and nothing makes you feel better anymore. You don't find worth in staying this way, you want to leave everything, to go somewhere very far away where nobody knows your name, and maybe then you could finally be free
Stolen from @gemshroud
Tagging: @windwithinmyveins @astralfox0893 @springvaletales @apalestar @drakken-the-beast-hunter
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