#musings: raistlin
deaddoveadventures · 5 months
Which sad planet analogy are you?
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Mercury the forgotten planet
You've always felt left aside, no matter were you'd go, you have always been the forgotten one, the black sheep, the third wheel in the group, people take you for granted and make you feel as if you weren't even there, as if you were invisible, but you're not, you're more unique than others could ever think, you just wish they could pay attention to you for once
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Neptune is drifting away from the solar system
You're tired of everything, you are so sick of everyone around you and nothing makes you feel better anymore. You don't find worth in staying this way, you want to leave everything, to go somewhere very far away where nobody knows your name, and maybe then you could finally be free
Stolen from @gemshroud
Tagging: @windwithinmyveins @astralfox0893 @springvaletales @apalestar @drakken-the-beast-hunter
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general-kalani · 28 days
"Not my fault they leave skeletons lying around..."
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trying to figure out how exactly to introduce my 'Immortal Ancient Sith' character to Vader.
To be fair, Raistlin Orniphicus, as a result of being *fucking ancient*, is also quite mad. Darth Shirak tends to spend most of his time nowadays raising Varactyls on Geonosis and having conversations with himself.
So trying to figure out how, organically, Anakin runs into him in the first place... has been bugging me.
Is he looking for a present for Obi-Wan and knows the guy likes feathered lizards?
Is he hiding there waiting to meet up with Obi-Wan after Mustafar, about to meet his son?
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runyou-clever-boy · 1 month
"I dare you to kiss @mage-of-black-robes "
Send "I dare you to kiss..." with a url/name and my muse will have to kiss that person on the lips.
A simple game of truth or dare, only Zacharias has landed with the impossible task of performing in front of everyone. Sad to see the bottle spin on him, the Hufflepuff sighed, accepting his fate and laid eyes on Raistlin. They shared a few classes but mainly only talked out of formality, Zacharias knew very little about them just that the Slytherin was a wiz in class. 
“Alright let’s get this over with,” Zach huffed, crawling across the circle on his hands on knees towards where Raistlin was sitting. Maybe he should have never joined the DA, then he wouldn’t be in this mess. Oh well - Zacharias took hold of the Slytherin’s side of their face and planted a kiss no longer than five seconds.
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foxytonic · 15 days
Happy Munday
evil question but out of all your muses who are your top 3 favourite
Well, Jett’s ( @quaintnecromancer ) always gonna be my favorite, but Griffin ( @feathers-n-fangs ) and Raistlin ( @mage-of-black-robes ) are quickly joining him!
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duelingdestiny · 2 years
“Make Me Feel” [Or feel free to just write it as a drabble type thing if you want]
85: My muse gets caught stealing from your muse.
Atem backed away trying to be as quiet as possible. He had never seen this dragon before, and while he knew he had to get the spell book she was guarding for Raistlin or he would harm Kisara, this beast was one of the most daunting he had ever seen. Thankfully, Atem was a master at stealth and blending into the shadow. "Wha-!" He tripped over a rock and clanged to the ground the din echoing off the walls of the cave enough to shake the earth. "Shit."
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mage-of-black-robes · 10 days
I wanna eat that pretty pink hole all day long
Tell My Muse What You Want To Do To Them On Anon
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Raistlin stared at the grey faced demon, head tilted and mouth slightly agape. He wasn’t angry, nor was he really disgusted. A little disturbed, perhaps, but more than anything, the wizard was utterly baffled. Usually, the visions that Takhisis sent to plague his mind were either nightmarish or blatant taunts; this one was just…strange. Beyond strange.
“What the hells does that even mean…?”
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lcftyambiticns · 4 months
@deaddoveadventures   ✿  + rsistlin
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over a year ago, i made this meme & since then, it’s blown up. so, over a year later — i thought i would make a new one. so here it is, after several requests & a pile of brains,  THE PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP MEME 0.2 send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship�� /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC. dangerous to each other/dangerous to others/unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension/  based off family matters  / based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters/  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /enemies/  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other
@deaddoveadventures  / Raistlin
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bratqueensikeen · 4 years
who wants some slutty, slutty dragonlance content 
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envywara · 4 years
--- Drizzt Dro'Urdan / forgotten realms
--- Eowyn / Lord of the Rings Books
--- Hermoine Granger / Harry Potter Books
--- Beelzebub / caanite myth & occultism
--- Hecate / greek myth
--- Raistlin Majere / dragonlance books
--- Rand Al'thor / the wheel of time
--- Vin / mistborn books
--- Aziraphale / good omens books
--- Lestat de lioncourt / the vampire chronicles
--- Mother Earth / fandomless
TAGGED BY: @irnmaidn
TAGGING: @mephesto @ethreali @sanctuhs @abyssurvived @realitv
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deaddoveadventures · 5 months
[I'm sorry but this is too funny. xD Also so very canon]
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general-kalani · 28 days
Raistlin's usual life:
-> Appear
-> Do something controversial
-> Gets hated for it
-> Teleports away to escape trouble
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penguinsxeatxfish · 7 years
post TEN characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back, then tag ten people to do the same.  ( If you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can. )
please repost instead of reblogging.
currently playing:
Rumplestiltskin (Once Upon a Time)
Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)
have played (and maybe will bring back one day):  
Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler)
Kazuma (Noragami)
Death the Kid (Soul Eater)
would like to play:
Hershel Greene (The Walking Dead)
Raistlin Majere (DragonLance)
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
Tagged by: @zoomofearth46
Tagging: Anyone who wants to.
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torturedbrilliance · 5 years
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Is your muse tall/short/average?
About average, a little on the shorter side but average.
Are they okay with their height?
Usually yes, but sometimes he finds it grating to be as short as he is.
What’s their hair like?
White from stress, white at about 20, and sometimes matted from sweat because of some illness or another but soft and silky otherwise.
Do they spend a lot of time on their hair/grooming?
Not more than he has to.
Does your muse care about their appearance/what others think?
Usually he doesn’t care too much. He knows that he is not as attractive as his twin is and that most people cannot look past his more unusual appearance traits, hourglass shaped pupils and gold skin as well as a thin slightly emaciated figure (again because of illnesses but also because of how much energy his magic drains from him), so not particularly.
Indoors or outdoors? indoors
Rain or sunshine? sunshine
Forest or beach? forest
Precious metals or gems? gems
Flowers or perfumes? flowers
Personality or appearance? personality
Being alone or being in a crowd? being alone
Order or anarchy? order
Painful truths or white lies? painful truths
Science or magic? magic
Peace or conflict? peace
Night or day? night
Dusk or dawn? dusk
Warmth or cold? warmth
Many acquaintances or a few close friends? a few close friends
Reading or playing a game? reading
What are some of your muses bad habits?
He is suspicious of others, and somewhat critical of them. He rarely holds back his tongue, has minimal patience for anything he deems not worth his time, and communicates poorly unless he has reason to do otherwise.
What are some fond memories your muse has?
A few peaceful days when he was together with his twin and their friends. Surviving the test that granted him the rank of mage.
What’s it like when your muse breaks down?
He withdraws into himself and shuns everyone until he regains control. If that isn’t possible he lashes out as hard as he can to make those around him forget his moment of weakness.
Is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life?
Capable of it, yes, does Raistlin like doing so? No. He trusts himself first of all and because of the many betrayals he’s dealt with he has a hard time convincing himself he can trust a person to protect him. He can do it though.
What’s your muse like when they’re in love?
Not much really seems to change on the surface he tries hard not to let onto a change of affection unless he has a good reason to do so. Inwardly Raistlin is a bit softer to the person but nothing will stop him from following his ambitions.
tagged by: No one~ tagging: Anyone
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sorrowssinger · 5 years
NAME : Andrea NICKNAME : Andy FACE CLAIM : Eh? PRONOUNS : She / Her HEIGHT : 1.75m (5′9″) BIRTHDAY : February 4 AESTHETIC : no idea…. *shrug emoji* LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO : Of Love (Dragonlance Musical: The Last Trial) FAVORITE MUSE(S) YOU’VE WRITTEN : Maglor, Nolofinwe, Raistlin ( Dragonlance ) & Genesis Rhapsodos ( Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core )
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO TAKE ON THIS MUSE : Let’s see... right now I have Ecthelion here... and really it was the way I see his interactions with Turgon that inspired me to start writing him.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ASPECTS OF YOUR CURRENT MUSE : The balance of serious and playful he seems to be. He’s serious a lot but around friends and the families of his friends he seems to be playful and friendly.
WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING : Pretty much anything can inspire me honestly. Just a random thought or seeing something that I think might be interesting to put my muse(s) through.
FAVORITE TYPES OF THREADS :  Angst or bittersweet ones. Length doesn’t really matter though ones that are several paragraphs are a little draining to write but yeah I love to have angsty and bittersweet threads.
BIGGEST STRUGGLE IN REGARDS TO YOUR CURRENT MUSE : Outside of certain interactions I haven’t really fleshed his character out much and it’s hard to keep in mind how I think he would act or react when I don’t have a super clear idea of his character.
TAGGED BY : @kyelek
TAGGING :  idek... err... @loyalservants @feanors-daughter @a-bottomless-curse and anyone else that wants to give it a go.
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duelingdestiny · 2 years
Alt! :D
Alright, since I'm going to be writing him in a couple of replies with @dragontamer05 I give you Raistlin Majere
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He simply stared at the person who was brave enough to be sitting across from him at the heavy wooden desk. "Am I to believe that you made it past the Shokian Grove, and my faithful apprentice and by some miracles of the Gods sit here before me?" Raistlin's golden eyes narrowed. "And who are you are that you managed all that? Someone of power? Someone here to challenge me?" The power could be felt gathering around the room and Raistlin stood to his feet. There was a ball of fire in his hand. "If that was your plan." He rasped. "You are going to be sorely disappointed in the outcome, I'm afraid."
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