#custom african mahogany door
abconcerns · 1 year
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Traditional Entry in DC Metro White walls and a medium wood front door are featured in a large, elegant entryway photograph.
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Vertical | Brand-New Ultra-Lux Development "Townhouse" at Carlsbad Village | San Diego Real Estate from Video Sells Real Estate on Vimeo.
Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. VideoSellsRealEstate.com
Welcome to this brand-new, ultra-lux townhome development in the heart of Carlsbad Village. It's nomination for the 2022 Architectural Orchid Award from the San Diego Architectural Foundation is a testament to the brilliance of our Mid-Century Modern design. Exposed structural materials, 17’ ceilings, 9’ African Mahogany entry door, and European kitchen are just some of the high-end features you’ll find in this exclusive custom home with private elevator access. The white oak floors and luxurious finishes throughout complete the perfect coastal indoor/outdoor living experience. So if you’re looking for perfection, come see us today!
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waypathfinder · 5 years
Crimson Lane - Chapter 5 - Head On
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Moodboard by @ashtyntaytertot  Beta’d by @kathknight and @ashtyntaytertot
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Archive of our Own
Chapter Text 
The light above the brothel door was off, the dim crimson bulb lost against the charcoal walls. Rey rushed to the entrance, head bent as she tapped her dying phone. She had forgotten to plug it in last night and it was almost spent.
The sun had dipped below the city dwellings, dragging the day's warmth away; the light replaced by biting gusts of wind screeching through the streets. She pulled a grey woollen jacket around her shoulder, trying to keep the cold away as the wind buffeted her hair and sent spirals of leaves whirling down the laneway
A man dressed in a thick grey scarf and brown leather jacket leant against the wall. His hands were cupped to his mouth, blowing warm air into his fingers as though he had been waiting in the cold all afternoon. He had wavy dark hair streaked with silver, a shadow of stubble pricked at his jaw. He looked up at Rey as she came closer, brows raising curiously.
She avoided his gaze and hastened to the door.
“Hey!” he called out after her with an assertive voice.
She buried her head further into her chest, quickening her steps.
“Wait!” His voice trailed close behind her.“Do you work here?”
“The brothel isn’t taking customers until after six.”
“I’m not a customer, I wanted to ask—”
“I can’t help you, sorry.”
She charged to the door, hoping to get away from him but he intercepted her path, bullishly blocking her from going any further.
Unable to get past him without creating a scene, Rey sighed and folded her arms.
“What do you want?” she huffed.
“You’re new here, aren’t you?”
Another sigh, but this time she added a roll of her eyes for good measure. “Yes.”
He smiled, exposing a line of perfect white teeth. He was a good-looking guy. One of those cocky, self-assured types. In other circumstances, she would have considered him handsome, but here outside the brothel, she didn’t care what he looked like, as long as he left her alone.
“I’m a reporter for the Hosnian Herald. I wanted to ask you some questions.”
“No way.” Rey pushed past him, but he remained planted where he was, still blocking her from opening the door. He was determined, she’d give him that.
“Look, I just started here. I can’t give you some sex-worker sob story, or whatever else you’re after.”
“Ha! You’re good.” He pointed to her with a charming smile, his presence exuding a nervous energy and excitement. “I’m not after  your story, I want to talk to you about your boss, Alastair Snoke.”
Coldness. It flooded her body, showering her from top to bottom. Her jaw stiffened as her memory flashed of that boney finger, calling her forward, the way he touched her, like he owned her body …
“... and the fact there’s a disturbing number of people who have disappeared after having dealings with him…” Poe rushed his words, as though he knew his time was running out.
Rey lowered her head again and pushed past him, edging him away from the door just enough to force it open.
“... and countless witnesses have accused him of being a violent loan shark who…”
She yanked the door back, forcing the reporter away from her and slammed it shut behind her, locking the deadbolt as she did.
Could this day get any worse? She slumped her back against the door, dragging her hands down her face.
“Is that Poe Dameron still out there hounding everyone?”
Rey searched for the source of the voice, as her eyes adjusted to the dimly-lit foyer. A black head of hair popped up from behind Phasma’s desk. Rey startled, confronted with a short Asian woman wearing pigtails and a bubbly smile.
“Oh God, I thought you were Phasma!” Rey panted as she clasped her hand to her heart.
“I know, we’re so alike. People confuse us all the time,” the girl chided with a laugh. “I’m Rose, Rose Tico—or  Rosebud was the terrible name they gave me here, but that was just some sick joke of Snoke’s. You must be Rey.”
Rose held her hand out and Rey gave it a sturdy shake.
“Or  Desert Flower was the terrible name they gave me,” Rey said with a sly smile.
“That’s not too bad. It could have been worse,” Rose replied.
Rey took off her jacket and hung it by the coat rack over the door, peeking behind the heavy-set crimson curtains as she did. “So, that Dameron guy out there. Does he come around here often?”
“He’s always digging around for some dirt on Snoke,” Rose shook her head and added in a whisper. “Not that he’ll ever find it. Snoke never does his own dirty work, but you didn’t hear it from me.”
“Who does, then?”
“He calls them his Knights. Some of them are ex-military, others are masters of martial arts. Trained killers either way. We’re not supposed to talk about them. They come here, every now and then. He likes to keep them satiated  .  ”
Rey's thoughts immediately flashed to Kylo. He had barely flinched when she had attacked him today, so he knew how to take a punch. And the way he commanded her, confident, like he was used to authority...
“But I thought you would have known about them,” Rose continued. “I mean, you’re sleeping with the master of the Knights of Ren himself.”
“What?” Rey asked, her voice going hollow
“You’re Kylo’s girl, aren’t you?” Rose interrupted her thoughts.
“Uh, I—”
Rose smiled knowingly. “How’s that been for you?”
“Umm…” Rey struggled to find the words to say out loud— infuriating, confusing …
“Bad, hey? The others say he’s an emotionless robot. Never gives any of the girls any pleasure. I don’t think he even enjoys it himself, to be honest. I have no idea why he comes here, apart from the fact Snoke expects him too. But honestly, the guy doesn’t even like touching people. If you ask me, he’s a bit fucked in the…” She tapped her temple pointedly with one finger.
Rey nodded. So it wasn’t just her then. But something Rose had said piqued in her mind. He had certainly taken time to take care of her—her cheeks prickled with heat at the thought. Was that unusual then? Had he stuck to the rules with everyone else? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that, flattered, concerned… curious?
“Be careful around him, okay? Snoke didn’t make him Master of the Knights of Ren because of his chivalry.”
“What do you mean?” Rey asked, her voice betrayed with a hoarse whimper.
“He’s dangerous, Rey. He works very closely with Snoke, and that can’t be good for anyone. Just be careful.”
Rey nodded, not feeling comfortable with the conversation anymore. She was about to go upstairs to her room when her phone vibrated, warning she was down to 10 per cent battery life.
“Hey Rose, is there somewhere I can charge my phone? I’m down to one bar.”
“Yeah, come with me.” Rose beckoned her to follow, leading her to a door tucked away in the darkest corner of the room. When they reached the door, Rose hesitated, taking a deep breath and then knocked. “Mr Snoke?”
Rey’s blood froze solid in her veins, as her stomach hardening into rock.
Not Snoke, Please not Snoke.
She waited for his gravelly voice to answer, for those frosty caustic eyes to pin her in their sights, but there was no answer beyond the door.
“There’s a charging station in his office. He isn’t here most of the time,” Rose said.
“And what if he is?”
“Then I suggest you walk the other way,” she said darkly.
Snoke’s office was colder than the rest of the building and far darker. Rose flicked a switch by the door, a red silk lantern fringed with crimson tassels lit up the room in a gentle glow. The room was ostentatious and cluttered, with ornaments from different parts of the world scattered on every surface. A heavy mahogany desk was in the far end of the room, just behind a zebra skin matt. Rey screwed up her nose at it, and even more so at the lion’s bust centred directly on the wall behind. The beast stared at her with hollow eyes and teeth bared, its own blood still stained the fur along the neckline.
“Gross,” Rey muttered, as she took in the glorified self-portraits of Snoke bundled over various animal corpses, hunting rifle in one hand and knife in the other. All of them rare or exotic animals, hollow and broken, bleeding out upon the African grassland. So he loved to slaughter innocent things, she mused. Not surprising.
“I know, right? That’s not even the worst part of this room.” Rose strolled over to a pair of large heavyset cabinet doors against the far right wall of the room. Giving Rey one conspiratory glance, she released the catch holding the doors together with a click.
Rey came closer, curiosity overcoming her more than any true desire to know what lay at the heart of Snoke’s sick fetishes.
Inside was a wall lined with what looked like torture devices to her: handcuffs, whips, chains, knives, dog leashes, ball and chain, face muzzles and belts of leather dotted with steel studs.
“What is this?” Rey whispered, her voice failing her.
“You haven’t had to be with him yet, have you?”
Rey shook her head, swallowing the lump in her throat like it was a piece of coal.
“Keep it that way if you can.” Rose closed the doors quickly. “It’s not …  pleasant.”
Rey remained fixed before his personal collection. What the hell she had gotten herself into by agreeing to this job? She should have faked or death or fled the country instead, or ...
“Hey.” Rose placed a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t stress. Phasma is way into that stuff so he usually gets his fix from her. Just keep off his radar.”
Rose bent down beneath the desk, pulling out a handful of different phone charger wires.
“Here, you can plug in here.”
Rey knelt, pulling the charger cord towards her with trembling hands. The vision of the muzzles and knives was still creeping her out. She needed to get out of this. Maybe it was worth facing those men who had threatened her if she didn’t pay her first instalment. They would just beat her, and she could take a beating. What Snoke had planned for her though … she wasn’t sure she’d ever get over that. She tried to think of something else, focussing instead on Rose’s bright smiling eyes. She was like a breath of fresh air in here.
“You seem normal, are you normal?” Rose asked.
Rey laughed, despite herself. “That depends on your definition of ‘normal’, but I guess so?”
“Oh, thank God. Me too. So what got you into the oldest profession in the world?”
“I owe money,” Rey admitted. “Or, I should say my parents owed money. I inherited the debt from them, and now the people they owed it to want it back. I’ve got a month to pay the first instalment.”
“That blows,” Rose said, her head dipped in a show of concern.
Rey turned away, she hated pity. She had travelled through life without it so far and the mere feeling of it pulled her chest tight.
“It is, what it is.” Rey shrugged. “How about you?”
“I have a daughter.” Rose’s fingers toyed with a crescent moon charm around her neck as she spoke. “Well, she’s not  technically my daughter. She was my sister Paige’s kid. She was killed in that bomb blast last year down by Resistance headquarters. Did you hear about it?”
Of course Rey had heard about it. July 22, the same day she had handed in her resignation at university. She had been walking home, vision blurred with pooling tears, when the blast had gone off. She had heard it from four blocks away, a shuddering thunder that made her duck for cover. The terrorist attack had killed 120 people and injured countless others. No one had ever claimed responsibility, but police officials suspected a rival political faction.
That day Rey had stared, dumbfounded, by the window of an electronics store, watching the scene play out on a dozen television screens, fire and smoke, body bundles hidden beneath bloody sheets, people crying, wailing their stories to reporters with cut foreheads and red rivulets dried onto their skin. Rey shivered at the memory.
“I’m so sorry,” Rey whispered. The words were inadequate, but she meant every one.
Rose’s eyes misted with sorrow. There was love there, deep, immeasurable love. The kind she could never even hope to experience.
“I’m just trying to do the best by her. I want to be there for her during the day, you know? To make her feel like she’s not alone.” Rose clutched her hands together, as though she were pleading her case.
“I know, Rose,” Rey answered, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You’re doing a wonderful thing for her. She’s lucky to have you. I wish I had a mother that loved me as much.”
Rose stiffened at her touch, lips pressed tightly together while her nostrils quivered. Rose held that pose until at last she broke, a few stray tears running away from her measured composure.
“Gosh darn it, you’ve gone and made me cry, Rey!”
They laughed, the tension and emotion of the day shaking loose.
“Anyway, it’s not all bad. Most of my clients are quite sweet. They just want someone to share with, you know? Loneliness is a bitch.”
Rey nodded, eyes wide with a new appreciation of the woman before her. They had just met, but somehow Rey suspected she would come to love Rose like a sister.
It was then that the door handle rattled and the imposing stature of Phasma glared at them.
“Get out,” she hissed. “What do you think you are doing in here?”
“Nothing, Phasma. I was showing Rey where she could plug in her phone.“
Phasma inhaled a sharp breath through her nose and took a step back, allowing the two girls to exit. They did so in silence, heads downcast in order to avoid their madam’s steely gaze. Phasma returned to her desk and began to sort tonight’s client files.
“Rose, you’ve got a new one tonight, Dathomirian Zabrak.”
“Okay, well that name sounds more than a little creepy.”
Phasma ignored her. “And Rey, Kylo called. He’s going to be late, but when he comes in he’s asked that you warm up with a head job.”
“Ugh! I  hate head jobs!” Rose exclaimed. “And since when does Kylo Ren want anything other than a quick fuck?”
Phasma glared at Rose, lips tightening, and Rose backed up with an apologetic smile.
“He’s also asked you to read through the rules again.”
She slipped the well-worn list to Rey, who took the sheet of paper in her hand. He would make her pay tonight. Whatever warped theory he had about her working with Snoke had made him pissed as hell. And then there was the small matter of her kneeing him in the groin today…
“Well?” Phasma asked, her tone clipped.
“No kissing, no hugging, no questions. Got it. “
“And no eye contact,” Phasma added testily. “This is your last chance tonight, you understand? Give him the best damn night of his life or you can find a new brothel.”
“Fine,” Rey said through gritted teeth, and for a moment the women just stared at each other, cobalt against amber, cold steel against fiery determination.
She began to back away, never taking her eyes of the sharpened owl-eye gaze of madam.
“Wait a minute.” Phasma threw her a pink paper bag and Rey caught it instinctually. “He dropped this in for you this afternoon. Make sure you’re wearing it when he comes in.”
“Great,” she muttered under her breath before she turned and marched up the stairs, each foot crashing with a dramatic thump on the step.
When she got to the black door that was her usual room, she yanked the handle down and kicked the door open, throwing her backpack in for good measure.
This fucking, stupid, revolting job. She leant back against the door and bashed the back of her arm hard against it. The movement had stung, but she didn’t care. Pain was good. It gave expression to everything she was feeling. Sure, she had a temper and that spit-fire attitude had gotten her out of a lot of scrapes — and into them. But this feeling was something else, a seething, black rage, reserved in the vault in her mind for the most antagonising moments of her life.
Kylo fucking Ren.  Her emotions pulled tight like a bowstring waiting to release. She whacked her elbow against the door again, adding a bang of her head in frustration. The pain cracked through her skull in an easing catharsis.
And that’s when it caught her eye, peering down at her the same way it had two nights ago. That stupid ceiling mirror. But this was something she could focus on, and more than that, it was something she could control. She looked back to it again, lips curling in a growing smile.
He came to her just before nine. She had been waiting idly, doodling swirls in the rug by the fireplace when she heard the key turn.
The door cracked open, slowly at first, until the outline of Kylo Ren filled the door frame.
He was puffing, hair dishevelled like some stupid goth rock star. Rey had jumped to her feet, arms folded, a specially manufactured scowl she had designed just for this moment. Their eyes met and hers narrowed threateningly. She had meant to look formidable, but then the fact she was standing there in her knickers lessened the effect somewhat.
He smirked at her. Looking as though he’d just won a bet that she was not privy to.
“Hello, Rey.” That voice, that low, intoxicating grow.
She didn’t reply, glaring at him instead as she tightened the line between her brows.
“You look—” He paused for effect, making a point of grazing his eyes along her wiry sun-kissed body. “ Lovely.”
She snorted, ready to hit him with a sharp barb when he started unbuttoning his shirt in a rush.
Rey’s body clenched.  He hadn’t even shut the door. Her heart reverberated in her chest, an empty drum pounding away, loud enough that she felt it drumming in her ears. Once he had finished, he pulled his shirt off his shoulders and threw it towards the bed. She followed it with her eyes and felt a small glimmer of triumph when he missed his mark.
And there they were again, standing in the same places. This time he was bare-chested and brazen. His torso heaved with every slow breath and she found herself focussing on the way the lines of his trapezius framed his long neck, the sculpted bumps of his abs and the narrowed-waist, and the small trail of hair that disappeared beneath his belt.
He was ripped. Most girls would have been into that. But not her. She swallowed before pulling her eyes up to his face again. She wasn’t affected by any of it, not his body, not his lips that were far too soft, the gentle line of his jaw, the beauty marks dotted like stardust across his face, or the dark energy that always seemed to radiate from him.
His eyes were ravenous and darker than ever, feasting on her every feature. The underwear he had bought for her to wear was …  okay.  She had held her breath as she peeked in the bag and was surprised to find a dark ivory bra and panties made of natural cotton with a little bit of lace, and no padding. They were comfortable, simple but elegant. Flattering the natural shape of her body, rather than pushing her into something she wasn’t. She wondered if she was allowed to take them home with her, not that she wanted them, she reminded herself.
Anyway,  he clearly liked them, because as he is eyes burned over her body, there was a flicker of movement in his pants, the material tenting below his belt.
Rey looked away indignantly, but her body responded differently; she felt her abdomen tighten and her nipples peak into tight buds, and then there was that feeling in her core, deep within, pulsing and hungry.  Traitor! She hissed in her mind.
He strode towards her, that uneven gate noticeable out of the corner of her eye. He was awkward, she thought. Like he’d never gotten used to the size of his body. Those slow heavy steps stopped before her, waiting.
“Look at me.”
She stiffened, raising her chin to glare at him. Ignoring the way the corners of his mouth twitched at her petulant teenage-scowl.
“What about the  rules ?” she asked, impertantly.
“I doubt you were ever one to follow rules.”
She rolled her eyes. Who was this guy and how dare he assume he knew anything about—
“Now, when you’re finished acting like an audacious teenager, you can take off your bra.”
She gaped, grappling for an insult to cut him down with.
“Take it off,” he said with a menacing rumble. An order, and a warning.
Rey inhaled, crossing her arms tightly around her chest. Probably not the best idea since it forced a cleavage on her chest that wouldn’t otherwise have been there.
“Go on,” that low voice melted into her.
She pulled her arms back, unclasping the bra from behind and letting it fall off her shoulders.
“Give it to me.” He reached forward.
Rey threw the bra as hard as she could. He snuffled a laugh as he caught it, bringing the delicate material to his face. Breathing in her scent.
He came closer. “Now take off my pants.”
She hesitated, and he dropped his head lower, dark hair falling around his face, his eyes pinned to her, daring her to obey or refuse—either way, he’d win.
Rey came at him, and reached out to unbuckle his belt. She tried to ignore the way his body obviously hungered for her. Once the belt was unclasped, she yanked his trousers to the floor. There was a fleeting flinch on his face but he hid it quickly.
He lowered his voice to a whisper.
“You know what to do, Rey”
Fucking hell.
She felt the blood rushing around her brain, mind roaring with a wave of anger as she stiffly lowered onto her knees. He looked at her from above, waiting patiently with that satisfied smirk looking over her.
“I’m not swallowing.”
The the corner of his mouth twitched in amusement. “We’ll see.”
Rey pushed down the lump in her throat, face to face with his cock, peeking out at her like a moray eel. She took him in her hands, not too gently.
“Easy tiger.”
She glared at him again, and this time his lips parted in a wide smile that flashed uneven teeth. It was a transforming expression, making him look younger, kinder even.  An illusion.
“What’s so funny?” she huffed, pulling back from him.
“You,” he said. “You’re shit at this.”
“I haven’t even started yet.”
“You do get what a sex worker does, don’t you?”
“Of course I get it,” she snapped. This was not going well, Phasma would kick her arse onto the street if she could see them now.  She took him again in her hands. “Now hold still, so I can…”
He strained out a laugh and Rey slammed her hands hard against the floor. “What’s the problem?”
“You hate being told what to do. The whole point of this job is to take orders from clients, listen to their sexual desires and then,  surprise,  give it to them—all the while acting like it’s just what you want, or did you miss the memo?”
“It’s a bit hard to pretend you want it when you’re dealing with a—” she caught herself from releasing the insult.
“What was that, sweetheart?”
Rey groaned. “Would you just let me get this over with already?”
She kneeled closer to him, gently putting both hands on his sides and directing his body closer to her. Softly, her fingers gripped the base of his shaft and she leaned in, the whisper of her breath brushing against him. His cock twitched at her closeness, engorged and hungry. She dipped her head forward, sliding her tongue around him and he groaned at the feel of it.
So, he thought she was shit at this? We’d see about that, she thought.
Rey parted her lips, sliding him into her mouth, taking as much of him as she could. His fingers worked their way into her thick brown waves. She rolled her tongue along him with every thrust. His hands kneaded into her hair, guiding her head as she pushed forward and back against him.
He sighed with a heavy breath.
“Fuck, Rey,” he whispered, voice hoarse and pushed to the edge.
Encouraged by his reaction, she fell into a steady rhythm as he massaged his fingers into her hair, releasing her buns, pulling her harder against him. His breath coming in steady, wanting heaves.
“Slow down, it feels too…”
She ignored him, taking him further into her mouth.
“Rey…” His voice was barely above a whisper, strained with control.
Shit indeed,  she thought triumphantly. She built the intensity as he clutched at her harder.
“Rey!” he said more urgently, pulling her back a little, but not enough to stop the act.
“Whaa,” she asked, her voice muffled with him in her mouth.
“What happened to the mirror?”
She shrugged her shoulders, continuing to work on him.
“The mirror above the bed. Where is it?”
She pulled back as his dark eyes consumed her with a wild hunger, just held back from the brink of going mad with it.
“Are you seriously asking me that right now?’
“Forget it.” He cupped her face within his hands, staring at her with a wild yearning in his eyes. “Keep going.”
She parted her lips again and circled around his head, his hands wantingly clutching at her curls, moving her head along the waves of her motion.
“I took it down,” she told him between thrusts. “And I ditched the hidden camera too.”
“You what?” he pulled her head back again.
“I said I pulled down the camera behind the mirror. I didn’t agree to being filmed.”
“There are no cameras in these rooms.”
“What do you call that, then?” Rey pointed to the small coffee table by the fireplace. She had spent a good 45 minutes pulling the overhead mirror down not caring about the consequences in her seething rage.  You're probably getting fired tonight anyway, she thought bitterly.
And that’s when she had found the tiny convex glass pointed down at the bed—at her and him. The discovery had made her ropeable. The thought that Kylo could watch them after … But now, it seemed, he was not the one watching and the realisation of that was a thousand times worse.
Kylo pulled away from her, storming over to the table. Rey was amazed he had the  discipline to stop, hanging over the cliff of his own personal pleasure. She didn’t think she would have had the strength, had their roles been reversed.  
“How did you know it was there?” he asked, scooping up the small device within his hands, the wires cascading through his fingers.
“I didn’t,” she pulled herself to stand.
He turned the parts over in his hands (and yes, she had disassembled it too), his whole body seeming to shake as he met her eyes.
“This shouldn't be here…”
“Well, somebody’s watching—and I’ll give you one guess who it is.”
“Yeah.” His voice was muffled.
He turned back to face her, their eyes meeting across the distance of darkness.
“You didn’t tell Snoke anything, did you?”
Rey shook her head and Kylo’s jaw tightened as he faced the moon-stained window, face crossed in shadows. His lips parted, exposing the way his teeth gripped together.
She could almost feel his heat and rage, tactile and visceral. He returned, her own dark sun, smouldering with liquid fire, with a gravity that tied her to his orbit.
Without a word, Rey began to kneel again.
“Stop.” He stepped back from her. “It isn’t necessary. It was—a misunderstanding.”
Rey got to her feet again, eyes brushing over his face once more. Haunted and lost. How could he look so terrifying and vulnerable in the space of a few moments? She got lost in the expressions of his face. Wondering how he’d gotten himself into this twisted mess too. Was there a chance he was a victim, just like her?
A burst of heavy metal music erupted between them and they jumped. Kylo grabbed his pants from the floor, searching through the pockets before he extracted his phone.
“What?” he demanded brusquely, as he walked towards the window with the phone pressed against his ear.
Rey sat back on the bed, trying not to look at his naked form silhouetted against the window. He certainly had no shame about his body, not that he had any reason to. She fidgeted, straining to hear every word.
“No, I told you, I’m not working tonight.”
Kylo began to pull his clothes on while holding the phone against his ear.
“Well, get Hux to do it.”
Another pause. He looked at her, his scowl softening as their eyes met.
The voice on the other end grew loud enough for her to hear muffled yells and Kylo hissed.
“Fine, I’ll be there in a minute.”
He hung up the phone and slipped it back in his pocket. “I have to go.”
“Right, okay,” Rey fumbled the words. He had a habit of leaving her alone here, and for some reason that made her feel—she didn’t know what it made her feel but it was unsettling. “What do you want me to do?”
“Nothing. Relax. Do what you want. I’ll be back later. Then we can—” His cheeks burned as his words trailed off.
“Sure, whatever you want,” she answered in a rush, equally feeling the heat in her cheeks.
His lips experimenting with an uncertain smile, then closed the door behind him, leaving Rey alone.
The room fell silent in his absence, somehow lighter but at the same time colder. She prodded the fire with a poker, embers dancing furiously before her. Rey lost herself in that fire and darkness, her thoughts moving erratically like the smouldering spots of floating flames.
She thought about the baleful look of shame on Kylo Ren’s face, the gentleness of his words and then there was the way he looked at her with simmering desire. No one had ever looked at her like that. In fact, no one had even found her desirable before. It was a strange thing to be wanted, even if it was just in a sexual way.
But was that all it was? There were times when she thought there was something heavier in his gaze, a starvation and depravity of companionship, of touch… of love, of all the things she lay awake at night dreaming of.
She hadn’t pulled him to the brink of ecstasy just because he told her so, or to prove him wrong. There was something far deeper buried beneath her motive that she dare not address, an abyss in her heart that had been longing for so much more than what she had. Despite her words and actions, a sleeping desire had surged in her as she pleasured him.
She  wanted to do it. She wanted to see him crest, and peak, and break because of her.
Those thoughts were wrong, stray and wild, she thought. An animalistic desire she had never known before. She pushed it away.
She didn’t want him. Not in that way. Not in any way.
And yet … her eyes lingered on the door, waiting and wondering if he would come charging back in here. She drifted her fingers down to her pants and felt the moisture pooling there.
Indeed her body was a traitor. A wild, unquenchable traitor who did not understand that Kylo was the enemy.
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exoticwoodzone · 3 years
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dlaemmerhirt · 5 years
7 E Farms Rd Middlebury CT 06762 | Country Home for Sale
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Old world elegance, top-of-the-line modern amenities, and ultimate privacy unite in this stunning home on Atwater Pond
Set on 1.97 acre of lot, this European-inspired home is designed with the artful detail and a grand size similar to distinguished French and English manors.
This magnificent brick country manor features 4 bedrooms, 5 full bathrooms, 2 half baths, 3 fireplaces, and a total of 9,478 square feet of living space.
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You'll love this home's elegant neighborhood setting yet secluded feel. French influence is felt from this property’s exquisite perennial gardens accented with shrubs, stone walls, patios, and stone steps. Brick paved driveway accented with Belgium block adds to the strong European influence present in this property.
If you’ve been looking for a spacious country vacation home or a serene primary residence that offers elegant living indoors and out, this property for sale in Middlebury CT is what you’ve been looking for.
A Middlebury CT country estate of luxury and style
From its meticulously designed plan, magnificent finishes and artistic touches, this marvelous home is to a level of art.
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Enter into the grand sweeping foyer with 20’ ceilings, marble and porcelain floors,  and impressive custom curved stairway.
Feel right at home as you enjoy the openness of the surroundings.
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The splendid living room boasts a circa 1776 antique French chestnut mantel accenting a hand build limestone fireplace. Enjoy the exhilarating sense of space felt throughout this stunning manor, thanks to the 12’ ceilings with hand sculptured beams. Large windows let in plenty of natural light, gracing this interior with light and warmth.
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Off the spacious living room is a striking conservatory encompassed by a dynamic amount of glass illuminating the bluestone floors and brick trim.
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The spacious formal dining room is perfect for large gatherings, intimate dinner parties, and celebrations.
A focal point of this elegant dining room is the double tier octagonal tray ceiling, along with the custom hand-painted stencils continued from the living room to the kitchen.
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This country manor in New Haven County also boasts of a captivating French kitchen equipped with custom cabinets, granite counters, center island,  and a breakfast bar that offers a great space for entertaining and relaxing. There are also high-end appliances like Bosch stovetop, double convection ovens, Subzero refrigerator, and 2 Fisher Paykel.
From simple family dinners to large party gatherings, this kitchen delivers!
A naturally-lighted hallway flanked by a huge cedar-clad porch leads from the kitchen to the stunning master suite.
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The palatial-sized master suite offers privacy and personal space. You’ll love its abundant lighting, expansive lounge areas opening to a grand bath, large walk-in closet, multiple closets for storage, and dynamic views.
No expenses were spared in the roomy master bathroom with its his-and-hers counters, large shower, and separate commode.
Upstairs, the three other complete additional suites provide privacy and accommodation.
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To the left side of the foyer, you’ll find a light-filled library with walnut panels surrounding a superb fireplace detailed from select colored stones and brick. This cozy library is a great spot for relaxing with a good book.
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Adjacent to the library is a spacious office which boasts of serene outdoor views.
More space for living and entertaining on the lower level!
This home has so much to offer.
If you think you’ve seen it all, head to the lower level and brace yourself for its wonderful surprises!
The level features 2,737 square feet of phenomenal living space and comes with a great room with built-ins, a gas fireplace, french doors that open to a wide terrace.
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The entire great room is highlighted and trimmed with natural cherry. French doors open to a wide bluestone terrace with private views of the magnificent and fragrant perennial gardens framed with brick and stone.
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Across the great room is a professional bar designed to complement the sizable great room. It features high-end appliances, cherry cabinets and panels, and a bar countertop created from African Mahogany. This bar comes with a Subzero ice maker, Subzero refrigerator, and a Fisher Paykel dishwasher.
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Other impressive areas of the lower level are the engaging game rooms and exercise space with French doors that open to the gardens. There’s also a space off the bar area designed to store and/or display vehicles, which makes it perfect if you have a car collection.
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For outdoor entertaining, French doors by the dining room and kitchen open to a large deck overlooking the beautiful backyard setting. This deck is also the best spot to enjoy barbecue parties, or if you simply want to extend the living space and create an indoor to outdoor feel.
A 4-car attached garage and a laundry room complete the features of this magnificent country home.
Clearly, a lot of careful planning went into this home, from its stunning architectural details to its top-of-the-line appliances.
Live the serene country life you’ve been dreaming of!
This country home for sale in Middlebury offers everything you want in a home.
In addition, living in Middlebury also has its own perks. This town has highly rated schools.
The home is less than three miles to Downtown Middlebury. If you want to shop or dine out and would like a more robust selection, you can always drive to Waterbury six miles away.
Experience luxury, privacy, retreat, and style in this stunning country home in Middlebury.
Don’t miss this opportunity to own this dream home! Call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297  to schedule your private showing today.
In case you cannot view this video here, please click the link below to view 7 E Farms Rd Middlebury CT 06762 | Country Home for Sale on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0JFhWifWQo&feature=youtu.be
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Long Beach, California Home Design
  When the designers went to see this house, it was already stripped to the studs and ready for a full on remodel. The clients of the talented interior designers at Three Salt Design Co. were staying on their boat in the mean time. As professionals in the banking world, the clients wanted their space to prioritize function and family, but still give the appeal of a bayside getaway with a lot of character. The designers focused on inclusive and functional millwork, sleek contemporary lines and a coastal element throughout that paid homage to the bay and the best part of Long Beach.
Pin your favorite coastal interior ideas, make sure to follow the this designer on Instagram and have a great time, everyone!
  Long Beach, California, Home Design
The exterior features a modern Mahogany front door. Exterior paint color is White Sand Dunn Edwards.
House Trim – Barrel Stove Dunn Edwards
Front Door – Custom, African Mahogany – similar here & here.
Entry Stone – Buffalo Grey Flagstone Pavers
Interior Paint Color
“We used only Sherwin Williams throughout this house, with all the main walls painted in First Star. Baseboard & Trim was done in High Reflective White, ensuring that the furniture, millwork and art will be the stars of the show. We focused our color creativity on the custom cabinetry, where we let the coastal blues set the tone.” – Three Salt Design Co.
Dining Room
I think you guys will love this home as much as I am!
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The dining room feels inviting with a round dining table and a comfy rug. Also notice the sleek staircase with glass railing and the beautiful wine cellar.
Table – CFC Monstro Dining Table – Other on sale: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Rug – Westerly Jaipur Rugs
  Chandelier – Rhys Prism by Restoration Hardware – similar here.
Vintage Poster – here.
Dining Chairs
The dining chairs are Carter Dining Chair – Others on Sale: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Wine Cellar
The wine cellar is located under the stairs and it features a glass door.
Flooring throughout: Argile Zenitude, Panaget (French Oak) – similar here & here.
Wine Room Shelving – Custom Design, made out of African Mahogany.
Custom Cabinetry: “Our firm specializes in custom millwork and cabinetry, so we designed every cabinet, every column and every storage space in the house. From the floating vanities in the bathrooms, to the function of each drawer in the kitchen, we worked with our clients on function and intention to make sure their spaces were not only beautiful but worked perfectly for their family.” – Three Salt Design Co.
Kitchen Pendants: Nashua 4 Light Pendant by Uttermost – Other Beautiful Lighting: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Counterstools: Houzz
Island Paint Color
Kitchen Island – Anchors Aweigh SW 9179 by Sherwin Williams.
Kitchen Island Dimensions: 12’ x 4’4”
Kitchen Countertop is Lincoln Quartz by Aurea Stone – on the island and perimeter.
White Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color
Kitchen Perimeter Paint Color – Pure White by Sherwin Williams.
Kitchen Backsplash: 4×12 Calacatta Cressa Marble Subway Tiles, laid in a double herringbone pattern.
Kitchen Cabinet Hardware: Reeded Pull by Top Knobs
Beautiful Kitchen Decor: here & here
Canisters: Anchor Hocking
Cabinet Style
Kitchen Cabinet Style: Shaker – Wood Type: Paint Grade Maple
Kitchen Faucets: Hunley 18” x Waterstone (Chrome)
Window Treatments – Alta & Lutron
Lounge Area
On the right side of the kitchen, you will find a lounging area with a bar and comfortable chairs.
“All of the upholstery on level 1 in the house is custom, designed by us and produced by our exclusive artisans. We put our custom goods together with beautiful case goods to create a space that exudes comfort and ease.”
Arm Chairs – Custom – Fabric by Robert Allen – available through the designer – Other Beautiful Chairs: here, here, here & here.
Art – View of Ocean II, Leftbank Art – Other Beautiful Artwork: here, here & here.
Coffee Table – Jacob Cocktail Table by Arteriors
Wallpaper is a cork wallpaper by York.
Rug – Westerly Jaipur Rugs
Living Room
What I love the most about this home is the fact that it feels uncomplicated without loosing its warmth.
Coffee Table – Four Hands – similar here – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Sofa – Custom – available through the designer
Floating Shelves
The fireplace is flanked by a pair of framed artwork and chunky white floating shelves.
Beautiful Shelving Decor: Vases: here & here – Artwork: here, here & here – Books: here – Model Boat: here – Decorative Box: here & here.
Arm Chair: Uttermost Gamila
Pillow: Custom – similar: here
Side Table: here & here – similar
The fireplace features a grey marble surround and hearth/bench.
Monstera Plant: here – similar
Rug – here & here – similar
Pillows are custom – Fabrics: Fabricut & Robert Allen
Beautiful Pillows: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Landing Office
The landing area features a functional home office/homework space. Cabinet paint color is Sherwin Williams Pure White.
Office Chair: Eames – similar here.
Laundry room
Who wouldn’t love to have a laundry room like this? The designers got really creative with this space!
 Laundry Backsplash: 3×12 Tesoro Crayons Ceramic x GB Tile – similar here.
 Laundry Faucet: Single Kitchen Faucet x Huntington Brass (Chrome) – similar here.
Laundry Wallpaper: Fabricut Izelle Bungalow
Cabinet Paint Color
Grey cabinet paint color is Sherwin Williams Acier.
 Countertops: Athena, Vadara Quartz
Cabinet Hardware: Charlotte Pull, Top Knobs
 Floor Tile: Cementine Retro, Arizona Tile – similar here – Others: here, here, here & here.
Guest Bedroom
This cozy guest bedroom features a simple yet inviting decor.
Headboard: Pottery Barn
Bedding: here & here – similar
Glass Table Lamps: here & here – similar
Blue Bathroom Cabinet
Cabinet Paint Color: Sherwin Williams Indigo Batik.
Countertop: Athena, Vadara Quartz
Floor Tile: Telaio 2” Marble Hexagon
Shower Tile: Bedrosians – similar here
Cabinet Hardware: Kinney Pull, Top Knobs
Faucets: Litze Wall Mount Faucet Brizo
Shower Fixtures: Litze Fixtures, Brizo
Lighting: Renwil – similar here.
Mirror: Renwil – similar here.
Grey Bathroom Cabinet Paint Color
Grey Bathroom Cabinet Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW6255 Morning Fog.
Countertops: Athena Vadara Quartz
Floor Tile: 12×24 Bianco Dolomite Marble
Shower Tile: 4×12 Bianco Dolomite Subway & 4×12 Carrara Marble Subway Striped
Cabinet Hardware: Charlotte Pull, Top Knobs
Faucets: Litze Wall Mount Faucet, Brizo
Lighting: Tranquil Bay, Quoizel
Mirror: Custom – Others: here, here & here.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom opens to a private waterfront balcony.
Bed – Charlton, Ethan Allen – Other Beautiful Beds: here, here, here, here & here.
Wallpaper – Fabricut Grimaud – Other Beautiful Wallpaper: here & here.
Nightstands – Safavieh – Others: here, here, here & here.
Sconces – Modo x Roll & Hill – similar here.
The master bedroom has a lovely view of the canal.
Rug – Custom
Art – Custom / Commissioned
Bathroom Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet paint color is Sherwin Williams Anchors Aweigh.
Countertops: Statuario Venato, Vadara Quartz
 Cabinet Hardware: Square Pull Top Knobs (Matte Black)
  Faucets: Litze Wall Mount Faucet, Brizo (Matte Black)
 Master Bath Lighting: Redford Picture Light Regina Andrew
Master Bath Mirrors: Renwil
Floor Tile: 12×24 Bardiglio Arizona Tile – similar here.
Shower Tile: Bianco Dolomite 12×24 Marble – similar here.
Shower Pan Tile: Carrara White Basketweave Marble
Shower Fixtures: Jason Wu for Brizo (Matte Black)
Tub Accent Tile
  Bath Accent Tile: Fan Club Ice White x Artistic Tile
Tub Filler: Fixtures: Jason Wu for Brizo (Matte Black)
Chandelier: Arnold Chandelier Gabby Home
Stool: Serena & Lily
Outdoor Kitchen
How fun would it be have an outdoor kitchen like this one?! I am loving these custom barstools.
Accent Stone – Ledger Stone Honed
The patio also features a lounging area with concrete-looking furniture and firepit.
Concrete Furniture – Sunpan
Bench Cushions – Custom – Fabric is Fabricut.
Patio Stone – Mountain Bluestone Pavers
Dining Furniture – FrontGate
Beautiful Outdoor Furniture: here & here.
Beautiful Outdoor Pillows: here & here.
Coastal Lifestyle
This home is truly beautiful and inspiring… and it certainly made me get even more excited for summer!!!
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  Many thanks to the interior designer for sharing all of the details above.
Interior Design: Three Salt Design Co. (Instagram).
Photography: Chad Mellon.
Builder: United Contractors.
  Best Sales of the Month:
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  Serena & Lily: Up to 70% OFF at their biggest sale of the year!
  Wayfair: Up to 70% OFF on Furniture and Decor!!!
  Joss & Main: Up to 70% off “Don’t Think Twice Sale”!
  Pottery Barn: 20% OFF your order plus free shipping. Use code: SUMMER.
  One Kings Lane :20% Off on order over $600 with code OKLSTYLISH20
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  Anthropologie: Take an Extra 50% Off Sale!
  Nordstrom: Sale – Incredible Prices!!!
Posts of the Week:
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen’s Home – Full House Tour.
  Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse.
Florida Beach Cottage.
Top 5 Affordable Ways to Update your Home.
Florida Beach House Interior Design.
Home Bunch’s Top 5: Cabinet Paint Colors.
Tailored Interiors.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Dark Cedar Shaker Exterior.
Beach House Interior Design Ideas.
Fairbanks Ranch California Homes.
Transforming a House Into a Home.
Small lot Beach House.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Atlanta.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Nantucket Shingle Style Home.
Modern Coastal Shingle Home.
New England Home.
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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relaibledoor-blog · 5 years
Plywood Doors- Which Plywood Thickness is Right
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 The absolute most regular inquiries we get posed incorporate 'What's the perfect thickness to use for plywood doors' and 'What's the greatest size door I can do utilizing plywood'?
 Actually, there is no right or a strong response to these inquiries!
Plywood is a designed item made from characteristic timber facade and thus responds and reacts to nature in which it gets itself. Varieties in dampness, temperature, and nature itself will all have impacts on a plywood board and these factors all add to how to level a pressed wood board or door is and will remain.
 How a pressed wood sheet is put away before establishment or being utilized is likewise another basic issue. Pressed wood sheets should dependably be put away level with full-width timber bearers at most extreme 1000mm separated (that is 3 timber bearers for a standard 2400 X 1200mm sheet) with spreadsheets top and base. The plywood must be out of direct daylight, covert and far from any wellspring of dampness or temperature varieties and MAXI Plywood suggests that they utilize is left for 48 hours to adjust to its present condition before being machined or cut. Never store plywood remaining on its side or closures.
 When cut and machined it is important that every single uncovered face and edges (front, back, and sides) are appropriately fixed with a reasonable Oil or Lacquer.
 These components above demonstrate that there are numerous factors which are outside of our control once we've made the conveyance to our customers or client. Pressed wood does respond and carry on diversely to man-made items like MDF and Particleboard and thus, Plywood at Reliable Doors does not prescribe that any plywood is utilized for doors or skimming racks in joinery extend and can't cover or supplant pressed wood on the off chance that it turns or quits sheets has been cut. Our guarantee covers the substitution of the sheet gave the sheet isn't cut or harmed – when the handle is cut however we can never again be in charge of its conduct.
 Thus it's important that the Joinery Shop or Cabinet Maker has adequate involvement with utilizing plywood so as to get the ideal outcomes. We have provided several Birch plywood sheets to many experienced shops in the course of recent years where doors have been made which demonstrates that it very well may be finished with the right methodology and care.
 Complete Guide to Plywood
 Pressed wood is made of various layers of wood (called handles or facade) stuck together. It has various uses in our everyday life and nearly all that we see around us is made of pressed wood. Pressed wood is slowly getting to be basic and will continue winding up increasingly valuable in all wood related structure and outfitting arrangements later on too. Therefore, it turns out to be much progressively critical to have data about various sorts of compressed wood and their application. There are seven principle kinds of compressed wood that are sorted based on the wood they are made of, the expected purposes, its maintainability, and so on.
 Softwood compressed wood is made from a since quite a while ago grained, homogenous timber with straight filaments. Its facade structure gives it impressive quality and unbending nature. They are light, simple to work with and can be introduced effectively. Other than being wonderfully light-hued and condition well disposed, they can likewise withstand harsh use.
 Basic flying machine grade compressed wood is all the more generally fabricated from African mahogany or American birch the facade that is fortified together in a hot press over hardwood centers of basswood or popular. It is flimsy yet has high quality alongside the warmth obstruction.
 This pressed wood is for brightening purposes and is produced using oak, teak, mahogany, and so forth. It is frequently surfaced with hardwood and Formica, metal and tar impregnated paper or texture fortified included top of this sort of compressed wood on the two sides, preparing it for use in the adornment field. Enlivening pressed wood is anything but difficult to color and attract on when contrasted with different Plywoods.
 As the name proposes, this sort of pressed wood is adaptable and is additionally called by names, for example, 'Flexi-utilize', 'bending-handle' and 'hatter's-employ'. It is utilized for making bent parts and in certain nations, it isn't viewed as pressed wood.
 We should change this to a dim looking Ply Marine pressed wood is made from the sturdy face and centers facade that causes it to perform longer in moist and wet conditions and oppose delaminating and parasitic assault. Its development is with the end goal that it very well may be utilized in conditions where it is presented to dampness for extensive stretches. The facade has an unimportant center hole, constraining the opportunity of catching water in the pressed wood and henceforth giving a strong and stable paste bond. It utilizes an outside Water and Boils Proof (WBP) stick like most outside compressed wood. The greater part of the marine compressed wood makers is from the tropics. It is normally utilized in the assembling of pontoons and docks. The business is gradually turning towards more worth complex plywood. The buyer is searching for solid and strong answers for their home stylistic theme, henceforth moving towards marked item contributions.
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Brand-New Ultra-Lux Development "Townhouse" at Carlsbad Village from Video Sells Real Estate on Vimeo.
Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. VideoSellsRealEstate.com
Welcome to this brand-new, ultra-lux townhome development in the heart of Carlsbad Village. Our nomination for the 2022 Architectural Orchid Award from the San Diego Architectural Foundation is a testament to the brilliance of our Mid-Century Modern design. Exposed structural materials, 17’ ceilings, 9’ African Mahogany entry door, and European kitchen are just some of the high-end features you’ll find in this exclusive custom home with private elevator access. The white oak floors and luxurious finishes throughout complete the perfect coastal indoor/outdoor living experience. So if you’re looking for perfection, come see us today!
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Great Northern Garage Doors For Distinctive Style
For a Craftsman-style home or a country cottage custom wooden garage doors fit the design perfectly.
Great Northern garage doors make a memorable first impression. And, they add value to your Janesville WI area home. These custom wooden doors are available in traditional, classic and contemporary styles. Create individual styles and make a statement through the company’s custom craftsmanship.
Country Door Systems works with Great Northern engineers to create distinctive, one-of-a-kind high-tech doors. And, of course, there are basic styles available for most installations. Check out these standard offerings:
Versatile Square doors – the common square is the most versatile shape. These unassuming Great Northern garage doors are available in rustic or modern looks. Designs go from traditional to nostalgic. Choose optional custom windows to match the rest of the house.
Carriage house arched doors – a carriage house look makes a statement with full wood, finely-detailed arched garage doors. These arched doors are engineered to look as if they swing open like original designs. Instead, they are standard overhead-opening garage doors. Custom glass and fine wood detailing add finishing touches.
True custom-designs – Great Northern custom garage doors combine top-of-the-line materials with years of engineering experience. Ideal for one-of-a-kind creations. Do you have a design or specific material in mind? Maybe a rustic-look door from reclaimed wood. Design possibilities are seemingly limitless.
Unique Great Northern garage doors not only enhance curb appeal, they add value to your home. Remodeling magazine’s Cost vs. Value survey shows a custom garage door is the No. 1 return on investment. A unique garage doors recoups as much as 98% of its cost.
Great Northern Garage Doors To Choose From
Great Northern doors, available as squares, rectangles, arches and custom styles are an excellent addition to any architectural concept.
Quality workmanship has earned this Minnesota-based company a reputation for exceptional wooden doors. There are two series of garage doors to consider: The Architect Series and The Craftsman Series.
The Architect Series — doors in this series represent high-end premium quality. There are several design options and nearly unlimited customization possibilities.
Custom Architect doors are available from wood species including:
Standard selections – clear Alder, knotty Alder, clear Western Red Cedar, knotty Western Red Cedar and vertical grain Douglas Fir.
An exotic upgrade – African Mahogany.
One-of-a-kind choices – almost any wood species is available for a custom door.
Using the various components, more than 120 design options are available. In addition, the company is open to your custom design ideas. Doors in the Great Northern Architect Series are available up to 20-feet wide and 14-feet tall.
All doors are factory-sanded and delivered ready for a final finish. Panels are ready for stain or paint. Windows come with 1/2-inch glass in clear, gray or bronze double pane insulated versions.
The Craftsman Series— investigate this series for custom engineering at affordable prices. The Great Northern garage doors are excellent upgrades for residential homes or cottages. Doors are available in standard woods, including:
Clear Alder, knotty Alder, clear Western Red Cedar, knotty Western Red Cedar and vertical grain Douglas Fir.
Each of the 75 different door designs feature high-quality manufacturing methods and materials. Craftsman Series doors are ready to stain or paint. Doors arrive from the factory pre-sanded and ready for a final finish. Clear, gray or bronze double pain insulated glass is standard. Garage doors are available up to 20-feet wide and 14-feet tall.
Garage Door Installation Always A Key
No matter the style, design or material, an overhead-opening garage door is only as good as its installation. Great Northern has a dedicated network of certified installation professionals that includes trained technicians at Country Door Systems.
Call Country Door Systems at 608-752-9537 to see the latest designs and styles from a complete selection of residential garage doors. Look to us for professional installation and garage door service for Great Northland garage doors in Janesville WI and the surrounding area.
Contact Us 
Garage Door Repair – Home Improvement Madison
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Garage Doors to Suit You Decor and Security Needs
Raynor garage doors are great and applicable both for residential and commercial settings. Their selection of both residential and commercial products are many and varied being able to suit a wide range of situations. Their line of residential garage doors is available in three main styles, namely the aluminum residential doors, the steel residential doors and the wood carriage house style doors.
The aluminum styled residential doors is designed to both give you beauty and functionality. These doors require no maintenance and are very strong thus being able to provide you with many years of service. This Raynor garage door option is further available in three different models; the Custom Profile, the Narrow Profile and the Wide Profile. The custom model can further be obtained as a mixed panel, with a French view or as a profile carriage house. Any of these styles will definitely add sophistication to any home while enhancing the beauty with a touch of personality.
The steel residential doors will provide you with excellent security while adding that attractive appeal to your home. This line of garage doors is also available in three different models, the Raynor RockCreeke, The Raynor Innovation Series and the Raynor Traditional Series. The Raynor RockCreeke is designed to mesmerize you with its beautifully decorated garage doors which are overlaid with trim board materials. The overlay trimmings can be designed in a to give a standard box design, or a A-buck, V-buck or X-buck design with or without window. Garage doors like these will definitely give your garage that classy feel. The garage door repair Lancaster CA, are also available as single swing out doors or double panel doors. The Raynor Innovation Series is designed to showcase a mix match panel style, in addition to beauty, these doors have excellent thermal efficiency and safety features that you will be sure to love. The Raynor Tradition Series is specifically designed to give you your money's worth. These doors are built to be reliable providing you with many, many years of service.
The wood carriage house style doors are great for houses with a modern, rustic or traditional outlook. These doors will add quality to your home, providing you with a unique and elegant appearance. These doors are available as sliding doors, swing open doors and they are also able to fold open. The three models of wood carriage house style doors are the American Rivers Collection, The Timber Bay Collection and the RiverPointe Carriage House Door model. The American River Collection is made of solid wood and can be made to have some beautiful custom handcrafted design. They are also available with the option of glass windows. The TimberBay Collection is made from African and Western Red Cedar Mahogany, displaying excellent craftsmanship. These garage doors have the option of opening by swinging up or out, perfect for just about any home, whether new or old. The RiverPointe Carriage House Doors are also made from wood. These doors are similar to the classic American Rivers Collection and were designed to provide a more affordable alternative.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4048753
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Great Northern Garage Doors Enhance Curb Appeal
Classic styling complements modern and traditional architecture.
Custom-designed wooden Great Northern Garage Doors not only make a great first impression they add value to your Madison WI area home. According to the most recent Remodeling magazine’s Cost vs. Value survey, a custom garage door is the No. 1 return on investment – recouping as much as 98% of its cost.
Great Northern doors are available in bold traditional, classic and contemporary styles. Almost limited designs are available through the company’s custom craftsmanship.
Great Northern Garage Doors For Distinctive Style
Great Northern craftsmen and local dealers work closely with clients to create distinctive, hand-crafted, high-tech doors. Doors are available to complement any architectural style. Consider these basic designs:
Square garage doors – the common square is the most versatile shape. They can be unassuming and exciting, rustic or modern. Styles from traditional to nostalgic – like an old barn door for a north woods cabin. Custom windows to match the rest of the house are an option.
An arched look – for a true carriage house look full wood, finely-detailed arched garage doors make a real statement. Great Northern arched doors are engineered to look as if they swing open as in the old days. Instead, they rise like standard garage doors. Custom glass adds exceptional finishing touches to the wood detailing.
100% custom-designed – to make the garage a one-of-a-kind creation Great Northern custom garage doors combine top-of-the-line materials with years of engineering experience. When you have a design or specific material in mind, contact your Great Northern dealer to get a plan started. A hot trend is building rustic-look doors from reclaimed wood. Design possibilities are nearly limitless.
The commitment to quality workmanship exhibited by this Minnesota-based company has earned it a reputation among builders and architects for exceptional wooden doors. There are two series of garage doors to consider: The Architect Series and The Craftsman Series.
The Architect Series Garage Doors
When your goal is a truly custom, one-of-a-kind look for your garage Great Northern has the answer.
The Architect Series represents high-end premium quality doors with unlimited customization potential and multiple design options.
Custom doors are available from many wood species, including:
Standard options – clear Alder, knotty Alder, clear Western Red Cedar, knotty Western Red Cedar and vertical grain Douglas Fir.
Upgrades – African Mahogany.
Customization – almost any wood species is available for a custom creation.
More than 120 design options are available with designs based on past experience. And, the company is always open to new custom designs. Garage doors is Great Northern’s Architect Series are available up to 20-feet wide and 14-feet tall.
Doors are factory-sanded and delivered ready for a final finish to match your home. Panels are ready to stain or paint. Half-inch glass is standard for windows. Available clear, gray or bronze double pane insulated glass.
The Great Northern Craftsman Series
The Craftsman Series provides a true custom door look at an affordable price. Options within this series are ideal upgrades for any home. Doors are available in the following standard wood species:
Clear Alder, knotty Alder, clear Western Red Cedar, knotty Western Red Cedar and vertical grain Douglas Fir.
Each door in the series features high-quality manufacturing methods and materials. More than 75 different door designs are available. Doors are ready to stain or paint and arrive from the factory pre-sanded and ready for their final finish. Clear, gray or bronze double pain insulated glass is standard. Garage doors are available up to 20-feet wide and 14-feet tall.
Choose A Skilled Great Northern Garage Doors Dealer
When you’re looking to make a statement with a new wood garage door, call Northland Door Systems at 608-251-3627. Or email us for professional assistance to choose the best Great Northern garage doors for your Madison WI home.
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iqvts · 5 years
1675 Robson Rd, Shreveport, LA 71115 from iQ Visual Tours on Vimeo.
For more information: cbgosslee.com/listing/50-227875/1675-robson-rd-shreveport-la-71115
Stunning contemporary design paired with 11 plus beautiful acres make this private, gated and completely fenced, luxury home a standout!! Designed by Dallas architect and interior designer, this state of the art home is elegant, yet comfortable with views of the sprawling grounds and 2 acre pond from entry. The entry canopy is a cypress and steel structure that frames the mahogany front door. A New Mexico honed limestone is used inside and out on the flooring. The living room has a site built linear fireplace with a basaltina hearth surrounded by a Luxor Gray Limestone wall and built in TV. The kitchen has a custom fabricated hood and African hardwoods are used on the cabinetry with quartz countertops. The wet bar features an incredible Think glass bar made in Canada. The soaring ceilings in the living and kitchen area is a Rift cut White Oak. There is a residential elevator and a 120,000KW full home generator. Option: the property can be sub-divided for additional homesites.
Contact: Lisa Hargrove (318) 393-1003 [email protected]
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itsworn · 5 years
This 1972 Chevy C10 Long Bed Fuses Stance and Style
There’s nothing like the backdrop of a quaint New England town to frame the ultimate introduction into a world of classic trucks. The combination of vintage farmhouses fused with rolling land and old side roads seems pretty close to perfection. For Corbin Martin of East Freetown, Massachusetts, growing up surrounded by these classic elements accented by a dad who was deep into custom motorcycles and pickup trucks easily led him down the performance path.
Ever since he can remember there were always projects being worked on in the family garage, along with plenty of entertainment for the youngsters in the form of go-karts and dirt bikes. Being able to watch his dad, David, regularly fabricate parts for his custom motorcycles taught him about the dedication to the craft for the love of the build. This sparked his own creative interests as time moved forward, and he was able to get hands-on experience alongside him. His introduction to classic trucks followed, thanks to the family’s custom 1973 Chevy C10, where a number of legendary burnouts hooked him for life. Combine this with an endless stream of road trips to car shows and cruise nights as well as the dragstrip.
As the years passed, Corbin started spinning wrenches on a Jeep Comanche and Dodge Dakota to fuel his pickup desires, as well as spending plenty of nights running a supercharged 1981 Chevy Malibu at New England Dragway. He never forgot his passion for second-generation C10 pickups, however, and finally decided it was time to search for a new project. Living in New England, sourcing decent early steel is somewhat limited since winter road salt eats trucks for a living, so he expanded his search to the West Coast. It wasn’t long till he located a nice, driver-quality 1972 Chevy C10 longbed on eBay. In a time where many classic truck owners want to loose the longbeds from their rides, Corbin was totally enamored with them. Studying the ad along with his lovely wife, Nichole, the pair made the decision to bid on the truck and hope for the best. Two weeks later, the truck appeared, and there was no disappointment. It was a perfect base to start with, seeing it was already somewhat detailed with a decent stance that’d allow him to combine his own personal ideas to the mix. Without wasting any time he began a gradual process of updating the hauler. Let’s take a look at what makes this truck so bitchin.
Although the truck had a decent stance, Corbin wanted it deeper to slam it on the ground. To get the right look, a GSI Machine & Fabrication rear air-ride kit with Watt’s link was added to the stock frame complete with their exclusive four-link, RideTech ’bags and 10-inch notch. To bury the front end in the asphalt, a GSI Machine & Fabrication IFS was installed complete with main crossmember, tubular upper and lower control arms, CPP 2 ½-inch drop Modular spindles, and RideTech ’bags. When its time to toss the anchor, a CPP dual power master moves fluid through steel lines to matching 13-inch drilled and vented discs with four-piston calipers at each corner. Linking it all to the street are a wicked set of 20-inch Intro Exposed 5-Series Vista II wheels capped with rubber from Kuhmo.
Seeing that the mill in the truck was getting tired, Corbin pulled it and brought it over to Al’s Engine Works in Wareham for a full makeover. The 1985 Chevy 350ci V-8 block was massaged to perfection and filled with a fresh rotating assembly featuring a Scat cast-iron crank linked to matching forged 4340 steel rods topped by SRP forged aluminum pistons, all getting a bump from a stick from Crane. Tweaked stock iron heads generate plenty of power, while up top you’ll find an Edelbrock Performer RPM intake crowned by a Holley Sniper EFI Quadrajet. It all sparks to life through a Holley EFI Dual Sync ignition and dumps spent gases through a set of Hedman headers to a 2 ½-inch exhaust with Flowmaster mufflers. Power moves through a FTI Performance Stage II TH400 to a custom driveshaft from Long Plain Service in Acushnet.
Starting with a nice, clean cab and bed certainly has its benefits when taking on a build. The fact that the truck’s sheetmetal had been properly restored saved Corbin plenty of time once it came to freshening up the exterior with a number of cool details. The truck already featured shaved door handles and gas door so Corbin contacted Brothers Truck Parts to add s set of 1970 C10 chrome bumpers and LMC Truck for a custom two-piece billet grille along with an HID headlight conversion for a more custom look. He followed with installing a complete set of 1967 Chevy C10 body side moldings from Mar-K to add a bit of dazzle. Underhood, Pat O’Brien of Procision Industries in Walpole installed a set of custom removable inner fenders manufactured by SelfMade Fab as well as cowl-mounted hood hinges from Porterbuilt Fab. To update the bed, O’Brien added a custom raised aluminum bed floor with wheeltubs from SelfMade Fab and completed the look with dramatic African mahogany and polished stainless strips from Mar-K. Wanting to freshen up the cab and bed, O’Brien prepped all the panels and laid down a lustrous combination of PPG Viper Red accented by Titanium Silver.
Inside, the factory dash was filled with dials from Dakota Digital to monitor the vitals, while steering moves through the stock wheel mounted to the factory column. Corbin then installed the Painless Performance kit to bring it all together combined with tunes flowing from a stereo from Dual. For comfort, the stock bench was covered with a classy black diamond vinyl cover from LMC Truck accented by matching side panels along with a black suede headliner and black loop carpeting. This is one neat C10 cruising the streets of Massachusetts, and we dig it!
Facts & Figures Owner: Corbin Martin Owner city & state: East Freetown, MA Year, make, model: 1972 Chevrolet C10
CHASSIS Frame: Stock Modifications: GSI Machine & Fabrication front crossmember and 10-inch rear notch Rearend / Ratio: GM 12-bolt / 3.55:1 Rear suspension: GSI Machine & Fabrication four-link and Watt’s linkage, RideTech ’bags Rear brakes: CPP 13-inch drilled and vented discs, four-piston calipers Front suspension: GSI Machine & Fabrication IFS, CPP Modular 2 ½-inch drop spindles, RideTech ’bags Front brakes: CPP 13-inch drilled and vented discs, four-piston calipers Steering box: Power rack-and-pinion Wheels: 20×8.5 Intro Exposed 5-Series Vista II Tires: Kumho Solus Gas tank: RCI Racing 17-gallon, aluminum
DRIVETRAIN Engine: Chevrolet 350ci V-8 Heads: Chevrolet iron Valve covers: Summit Racing, black Manifold / Induction: Edelbrock RPM Performer / Holley Sniper EFI Quadrajet Ignition: Holley EFI Dual Sync Headers: Hedman Exhaust / Mufflers: Custom 2 ½ inches / Flowmaster Transmission: FTI Performance TH400 Modifications: Stage 2 Shifter: Stock column
BODY Style: Pickup truck Modifications: Shaved door handles and gas door, 1967 side moldings Fenders front / rear: Stock / stock Hood: Stock Grille: 1970 C10 Billet-style from LMC Truck Bed: Stock long bed Bodywork and paint by: Procision Industries, Walpole, MA Paint type / Color: PPG / Viper Red Headlights / Taillights: HID conversion / stock Outside mirrors: Shaved Bumpers: 1970 C10 from Brothers Truck Parts
INTERIOR Dashboard: Stock Gauges: Dakota Digital Air conditioning: None Stereo: Dual Steering wheel: Stock Steering column: Stock Seats: Stock bench Upholstery by: LMC Truck Material / Color: Black vinyl Carpet: Black loop
The post This 1972 Chevy C10 Long Bed Fuses Stance and Style appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/1972-chevy-c10-long-bed-fuses-stance-style/ via IFTTT
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king-shrug · 6 years
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Aku bingkas bangun lalu menanggalkan baju dan jeans ku. Mana mungkin aku mahu tidur dengan baju dan jeans. Quite a few of us, obtaining seen the indications and presence of Authoritarian Apartheid 'sort of' disappear in our lifetimes, believe that that it can be gone. Bed Risers eBay Wood Bed Risers lift Table home furniture lifts storage Mahogany Set of New. My enterprise Wydeven Designs backlink to website is an internet keep promoting refurbished heirloom quality furnishings. This immediately after she bathes Macbeth in the bathtub, and the commit some time on the bed, then he leaves. Adding coloration to the walls in the condition of custom paint or wallpaper is a different way to gain your dining room to portray character and vivacity when no person is in it. Kini aku berkeadaan telanjang bulat di hadapan lelaki yang bukan suami ku. Aku hanya memejam mata kerana malu berkeadaan begitu dan pasrah dengan apa saja yang akan dilakukan oleh uncle samy terhadap tubuh ku. I was driving residence from my boyfriends household in downtown, as i drove late at evening among the street lights i might see folks walk from a person side of the road to the other despite cars in their path and a number of even appeared in front of they have been physical folks i might have hit them, typically it was a sigh of relief to know that it was a black mass the shape of a person in its place than a true physical gentleman. Immediately after slavegirl moved in with me he expended his nights in the slave room or at the foot of my bed, on the flooring, chained to the bed, according to my whim, if not becoming made to stand all evening as a punishment. This is important for us in order to understand the psychological, political and economic tendencies and behaviors presented by the Africans of South Africa today-and why hey Africans in South Africa reply as they do to foreigners. You can also acquire meeting made dining chair covers that will completely in good shape your dining chairs. Individual registers and rolls were being to be held of White,Colored and African Nurses, whilst the Nursing Council in regulate of the profession was to include things like White persons only. Only when im in my room my door will lock ive made sure im not locking it and forgeting but it keeps locking me in. it can be materialize 6 times back 2 days and it can Dining Table Chair Covers Online be at the position ended up i slumber in the dwelling room now. Specific Trade Establish Brand Printed Table Addresses.
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sweetlyhopefulangel · 6 years
Floating House | Arno Matis Architecture
Floating House: This highly innovative private residence breaks new ground with an architectural concrete envelope that uses a completely unique white concrete mix custom developed exclusively for the project. The project is a fusion of contemporary east-Asian and west coast design influences.
The composition appears to float on a large reflecting pool set within an oriental garden setting. Large expanses of glazing and sliding doors are framed in African mahogany wood and screened with a dynamic architectural wood screen.
The Interior of The Floating House:
The interiors flow with cascading floor slabs and dramatic volumes as unnecessary partitions are removed to create interior ‘exhibition’ spaces. The minimalist interior finishing details include stone slab floors, a suspended main stair of steel and hardwood; floating ceilings; and suspended custom fireplaces.
The exterior timber slats on the outside of the floating house are in dark stained sapele, providing solar shading and privacy to the large expanses of glazing. This unique home is a “Jewel-box”, with carefully crafted details, integrated millwork, and luxurious materials to create warmth and surprise, while composed into a modest, minimal and homogenous whole.
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loyalbutnaive-blog · 6 years
Enhance the Street Appeal of Your Home With Residential Garage Doors
You can elevate the beauty of your home with trendy and modern residential garage doors. They come in many styles, designs, colors and dimensions that there is always one that would complement any contemporary home style.
As a replacement to a traditional-looking garage door, a modern one would be the best addition to your remodeling ideas. There are many online retailers such as Lowes, Sears and Home Depot, that offer a wide array of residential but also commercial doors. Check out several products, their prices and features, to get your money's worth.
Eastman Estate Vintage Garage Door by Garaga:
This door is designed with a distinctive modern approach, estate elegance and authentic heritage styling. The estate elegance is seen in the door's traditional design, forged iron look hardware, woodgrain finish and an array of decorative windows. Door thickness is 1 and 3/4 inches and comes with an R-16 insulation factor. It's highly durable and requires no or less maintenance and repair. It comes in five colors-desert sand, dark sand, claystone and moka brown-- and six designs in custom and standard sizes in garage door repair danville.
Model 200 Tough Duty Sectional Steel Overhead Doors from Windsor Republic Doors:
This heavy-duty sectional steel door is constructed with 20-gauge hot-dipped galvanized steel, primed white on both sides. It has pre-painted sections, Tog-L-Loc mechanical fastening system, a weathertight tongue and groove meeting rails, intergral reinforcing ribs for roll formed, steel ball bearing rollers that come with case hardened races and 14-gauge galvanized graduated hinges. Optional features are insulation, joint and full perimeter weatherseal.
Model 724-The Economical Performer:
This door has Ruff-Tex finish that looks like wood, raised panel design of deep embossed and tongue and groove construction to align and seal sections for a weathertight and snug fit. It also features durable Tog-L-Loc construction, vinyl bottom weatherseal in full width to make sure that it fits tightly against the floor to prevent the leak of moisture, energy and light. It is available in 3 decorative insert options in acrylic and 15 standard window inserts. Available colors are bone white and polar white.
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Traditional Style Residential Garage Doors by Amarr Garage Doors:
This traditional set of doors is available in wood or steel composite. The Heritage Collection has 4 panel designs, 38 window and 4 color options. The Fimbel Olympus Collection has only one panel design with the door having an R-value of 15.67. It comes in 4 color and 10 window options. The Stratford Collection has 4 panel designs, 6 color and 38 window options. Meanwhile, the Jeld-Wen Traditional Collection is available in long and short panel designs, energy efficient insulation and 11 window options.
Classic Wood Garage Doors from Clopay:
The natural handcrafted wood beauty of this door makes it stand out among other residential doors. The raised panel door, model 44, has 1 and 3/8 inches section thickness, short and long panels with optional windows, stain or paint grade wood. Your wood choices are hemlock, redwood and cedar. The recessed panel under model 20/10 has also short and long panel with thickness of 1 and 3/8 inches. It is constructed with grade wood ready to be painted or stained and hemlock wood frame. The flush panel, model 32/33, has three-layer construction with fir exterior panel and energy-efficient insulation.
Custom Garage Door from Industrial Door Co. Inc.:
The door is designed to integrate the elegance and natural beauty of traditional wood garage door with Neufoam insulation for a high R-value. Choices of wood species are vertical grain or knotty cedar, fir, redwood, African mahogany and cypress.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3765435
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