#cute gay tiefling dorks
starsweeperskies · 5 years
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Ya’ll want dnd gays?
I’ll give you guys them even if you don’t want em.
I adore these two and they’re so freaking amusing and adorkable.
Aspen is our draconic bloodline (golden) sorcerer and local eladrin who freaks out other elves by sleeping (and hard too) and definitely doesn’t have a criminal record and is being hunted by his family, what’re you talking about?
Axel is my friend’s (who does not have a tumblr to my knowledge) tiefling vengeance paladin and local thirsty dork. Grew up in a church that had strong connections to Aspen’s family as they were donors, generally oblivious to social cues. He’s adorable.
While the next session (1 on 1, used as improv practice as we’re both dm’s and players in each other’s campaigns) is far away, doesn’t mean I don’t want them to stop being so stupidly cute. 
Now stop being disasters and just smooch already, AA Batteries.
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lorax177 · 8 years
How does Chet communicate and where did they learn to play the flute? Has Marik always been a ray of sunshine or have they had a hard life? Does Tariq get a love interest? How is this world different from Dnd (I have never played) or what makes your world unique?
Thanks for asking! I’ll answer the last question first because it ties in with the other ones. As in DnD, humans are by far the most prolific race, because of their short lifespan and ability to have many children relatively quickly. A human in this world usually lives 60-80 years (magical healing extends it from about 40), whereas other races typically live on the order of centuries to even millenia, as in the case of demons and tieflings. Other races also are typically more adept with magic, with the exception of orcs. Where things start to differ though is a) the individual culture and appearence of each of these races, and b) the history of how these races interact. A hundred or so years before these characters were born, there was a huge genocide perpetrated by the humans and some elves to wipe out some of the other races, mainly demons/tieflings, fairies, and orcs. Humans had far superior numbers and could replenish their troops far more quickly than the other races, so a large portion of the affected races were decimated and the rest were forced into hiding. A few human generations later, and there’s still a generally hostile attitude between these groups, especially since the war happened within living memory of the victimized groups. Chet is too young to have seen the war directly, but they feel the effects nevertheless. Fairies had once lived in extended family groups in small villiages, but before Chet was born their villiage was attacked by humans and now only a small number remain, and are still often bullied by the local humans whenever they need a scapegoat. In fact, one of Chet’s wings is permanently chipped because of one of these raids, and they are blind in one eye. Chet is a nonverbal autistic who was once semi-verbal but now has become mute due to trauma; they were taught to play the traditional fairy instrument of the enchanted flute both to preserve the culture and to communicate. before the war, fairies were avid musicians and played magic instruments which could convey meaning to the listener if played properly, combining storytelling and melody. The instruments were also used as conduits for magic, functioning somewhat akin to wands when played right. Chet is able to use their flute to communicate and to cast magic. They’re not a very chatty person though--even if they could speak verbally they wouldn’t often have much they wanted to say, so you know when the flute comes out shit gets real.
Marik is a total sweetie who deals with shit in his life by trying to make others happy. He’s a ‘hide your pain behind a smile’ type of person. I’m still working on his backstory but essentially what I have so far is that dwarves are a pretty xenophobic culture on the whole, albeit for good reason (aka humans). They dealt with the genocide by essentially closing their borders and hiding underground, disallowing leaving and entering. Most other races have a tradition of young adults leaving home and journeying around as a rite of passage, but dwarves stay put and any outside influence is extremely frowned upon. Marik is a naturally friendly and outgoing person with an insatiable curiosity--these are attributes which spell danger for dwarves, so he grew up being somewhat socially isolated and seen as a disgrace. I’m not exactly sure what the catalyst for his banishment is yet but I’m thinking that an outsider in need comes along (probably Toron) and his decision to help that person gets him kicked out. So basically, yeah he’s had a hard life but he’s also always been a ray of sunshine bc that’s just who he is. A lot of times people who know him really well start to get concerned when he goes more out of his way to connect with others, because that means he’s trying to distract himself from his own problems. 
Tariq and Vassi eventually end up together, after a lot of painfully awkward flirting and really ridiculous crushing. Like you know that post that’s like ‘one time a cute girl smiled at me and I couldn’t speak for 2 hours’? that’s these dorks. they’re really gay. (well i mean technically Vassi is bi but still). Also, Toron, Marik, and Nihal end up in a triad together, and Chet and Turtle are queerplatonic. And Fressa and Darjiin are married, so there’s that. It’s a lot of queer. I think im incapable of making characters that aren’t queer lol
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