#cute www
orange-cheetah · 3 months
Suo Hayato (蘇枋隼飛) Character Profile
Bofurin | Tamon Unit | 1st Year Vice-Captain
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School: Furin High 1-1
Height: 174cm | Weight: 66kg | Birthday: 28 March | Constellation: Aries | Blood type: AB
Image colour: Sappanwood [#973C3F - see below]
Likes: Animals (fictional/imaginary creatures OK) | Dislikes: Childish adults
Favourite food: Teacakes from all over the world [small cakes or cookies often served with tea] | Disliked food: Natto
Fashion style: Has a lot of Chinese-styled clothing. Made out of linen and silk; he likes how smooth it feels against his skin. Loose-fitting pants, likes kung-fu shoes
Hobby: Human observation
Favourite season: Winter | Favourite music genre: Folk music
Best subject: Chemistry | Worst subject: Art
Special skill: Being able to make others accept his conditions?
Person they respect, senpai they look up to: Master and brother [the words used here are 「師匠」 and 「兄弟」 respectively - might refer to blood relatives or fellow student(s) under the same master?]
Dream: Emancipation of slaves
Recent W (or L): Seal on his right eye was about to break
Favourite place in Makochi: School
What they always do in the morning: Seems to wake up at the same time in the morning to meditate
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clouddrawsstuf · 3 months
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Toxic akikasa rgkg
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hazy2k · 9 months
im sorry
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averyspoopedcorgi · 5 months
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that new unit huh
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akrophobic · 2 years
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daily-dr-ratio · 9 months
hello i hope you're well! i love your art! i had a request if you're interested: could draw more ratio being a dork about his crush? tysm either way!
thank you anon~ and ofc!! <3 i love drawing him like this its so cute 🥺 i want to draw more of him in love but i want to play so ill doodle some more tomorrow! ^_^
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blueesnow · 3 months
(3/6) Kurosaki Ranmaru's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Ranmaru)
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-Downtown- Haruka: (Um, I'm sure this is the place where Kurosaki-senpai and I promised to meet…) Ranmaru: You… Haruka: (Oh, there he is. What is he doing crouching down like that…?) Ranmaru: What is it, you keep meowing around. You're asking me to pet you? Can't be helped… come here. Haruka: (Oh, a cat…!) Ranmaru: This is the last time I'm going to pet you 'kay. I have a promise to take my kouhai to a concert later so I need to go… hm? Ranmaru: Whoa!? You, when did you even get here. Haruka: …Sorry to make you wait! I only arrived just now. Ranmaru: Wait, don't tell me you saw that? No, judging by your expression you've definitely seen it didn't you. Don't you dare tell this to anyone. Pretend you saw nothing. (choices) <I promised.> Haruka: Of course, I promised. But, um… Ranmaru: Why you, don't you laugh at me. Ranmaru: Also you too, stray cat. It's over so go back to your sleeping place already. <I'll never tell anyone!> Haruka: I'll never tell anyone! But… Kurosaki-senpai you really like cats huh. Ranmaru: Ha? I'm just doing this to kill some time. Ranmaru: This guy keep coming at me so I have no choice but to entertain them somehow (back to story) Ranmaru: Geez… Come on, let's go. You want to see this concert to learn more about rock didn't you? Haruka: Yes! Thank you for actually inviting me out to one of your friend's concert. Ranmaru: I also wanted to go there too, so might as well bring you along. Well since we're going now let's have a blast while we're at it.
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Ranmaru)
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-Live House- Ranmaru: It's starting soon. Here's your ticket, put it on your wrist. Haruka: Thank you so much. First roll it all up…E-Eh? Ranmaru: What are you waiting for? You can't properly wrap it on your wrist? Ranmaru: Wait, that's wrong. If it's like that then it'll soon slip from your wrist. Give it to me, I'll put it on you. Ranmaru: …There you go. Whoa, sorry, I got way too close. Haruka: I-It's okay! Thank you for helping me out. Ranmaru: It finally start. Today is especially amazing. Haruka: Look at all the cheering...! You can feel the excitement within the crowd. Ranmaru: The moment when the heat is united and exploded, I can't get enough of it! Ranmaru: The performance and the cheering fuel each other on and raise the voltage of the venue. Ranmaru: Being close to the audience is good. Unlike being on a big stage*, this is one of the advantages performing in a live house. Haruka: (Kurosaki-senpai looks like he's having fun) Ranmaru: Since we came all the way here, let's go move to a place where we can get a better view. Ranmaru: It's crowded so be careful. …Looks like you're going to get stuck in the crowd if you went in. Ranmaru: Take a hold on my clothes or something, it'd be troublesome if you were to get lost. Don't get separated from me, okay.
*: Ranmaru mention 箱 here which means a box. Since we're talking about place, he probably means like a room (probably like a stage which I used in the translation. Idk if it's accurate or not but do correct me if I'm wrong)
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Ranmaru)
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-Live House- Haruka: That was so amazing…! My heart still won't stop pounding. Ranmaru: It was definitely a mind-blowing concert. And the guitar arrangements for today was especially a solid one. Ranmaru: It's because of their unconventional performance that they managed to bring out a sense of their unity as a group. Haruka: Kurosaki-senpai too, you always change the way you sing during the day of your live performance and actively gets the crowd excited. Haruka: I can feel your feelings of wanting to make your fans happy, and each time you always look so dazzling. Ranmaru: It's only natural when thing getting fired up, right? Btw, I didn't know you've seen me that closely. Haruka: It's because I love Kurosaki-senpai's music. I've always learned a lot from you. Ranmaru: It's up to you on how you enjoy yourself during my performance. Do as you like. Haruka: Yes! Once again, thank you for bringing me to this amazing concert. Ranmaru: Did you properly do your homework? Haruka: Of course. I'll make sure to definitely repay you during our work later! Ranmaru: Ha! You finally became quite cocky now, aren't ya. Ranmaru: But don't think you know everything now after this. Rock is more than this. Ranmaru: The freedom and wide range of play will put your skills to the test. What makes rock interesting is the fact that it's not easy to tame. Ranmaru: If you ever want to see a concert again, just give me a call. I might bring you along if I ever feel like it.
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Ranmaru)
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Ranmaru)
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Ranmaru)
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tasty-littl-snack · 1 month
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Insane way to advertise an episode but if I already didn't watch it 100 times this would make me do that.
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hopkei · 4 months
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omg for junon july we are getting taikifumi and itsunatsu what is this the bestie edition????
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ferrocyan · 5 months
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lighthunter commission by sepholett 💕
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shizuedayo · 1 year
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These two fight for Seele's headpats and you can't convince me otherwise
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orangechickenpillow · 1 month
As a horse girl, seeing Ryan and Shane be so excited about horses is everything to me
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laciefuyu · 5 months
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I've been saying I love this MR set so much especially the 2nd MR Private Messages for every ML, but since I am Artem biased of course the one I spins around in my mind is his card.
I LOVE how the MR made a callback to his 2nd Bday Card aka Day and Night which is my numero uno card for Artem (in glb server).
In Day and Night SSR, in the face of Elice White fell from grace, Artem had to become the informant therefore mingling with these people, playing the role that caused him misery, and found himself lost and that time, Rosa found him deep in thoughts, alone. I always like it because Artem always has this habit of dealing with dangerous things or might hurt him on his own, Rosa finding him and not letting him being alone is important of Artem letting her see his vulnerable parts (which later follow through in his Sweet Chapter 2 SSR where he admitted that in the past asking for help was admission that he wasn't good enough *spoiler* his Solo SSS would follow through of this theme, showing the character growth.)
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"Every time I wander to the edge of the abyss, peering into it.... You pull me back just in time."
After what happened during Day and Night SSR, Artem had been lost, often distracted by his own thoughts because the experience affected him that much. What happened with Elice White shaken him, but the one who pulled him back before drowned by his worries and fear was Rosa, not letting him focus on it, instead the fact whatever may come, whether its hope and despair, they would go through it together.
Anyway it became a Day and Night SSR appreciation (because I am actually insane about this card), please read it if you're interested in Artem's mindset and morality, and the past case that has shaped him and what kind of person he is as law practitioner. Also what kind of worry that he has for the future may come.
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ashipiko · 11 months
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shirogane-oushirou · 3 months
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i saw ur tags and got inspired.
also a silly continuation to ur bday post :3c
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JO SAKFJNSKJDFNK i've had this open for the past couple of days and keep looking over at it and laughing KJNAKSJDKJNFNKJNFN
LIKE. the way you drew our expressions in the first one kills meeee this really is how i feel with him skjkdnfkjsn ;w; his little face is so. RGHHHHHH GRIPPING HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEZING HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MADE HIM SO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
THE SECOND ONE IS ALSO SO CUTE KJJNSKJN HIS FAAAACE HIS WOBBLY SMILE!!!! HIS LITTLE "Heh heh" pounding my fists on a table. the frosting and candles on his HEAD. the fucking LALALA SHIRT JNDFKJNSDKJN
the way you draw him is so so so cute it gives me cuteness aggression ;w;💕 thank you so much for drawing us jooooo you're so sweet weghhhhhhh 🫂
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blueesnow · 3 months
(6/6) Shinomiya Natsuki's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Natsuki)
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-Shining Agency's Hallway- Haruka: Shinomiya-san, hello. Are you having a meeting right now? Natsuki: Nanami-san! Nope, I'm here to pick up the materials for my next job and then I'm done for today. Natsuki: That's right! If you don't mind, would you be willing to have a tea with me right now? (choices) <It'd be my pleasure!> Haruka: That'd be wonderful. I'm also on my day off right now, so let's have some tea together! Natsuki: Thank you! I recently found a good tea leaves right now. Natsuki: So I hope you'll enjoy it. Let's have a nice chat while we enjoy the aroma of the tea! <Is it okay even though it's your day off?> Haruka: Thank you for the invitation. I was also on my way back to the dorm. Although is it okay even thought it's on your important day off…? Natsuki: That's even more the reason why I want to spend time with you. Natsuki: All of the plushies in my room were asking you to play with them. (back to story) Haruka: Um…by having a tea, don't tell me we're doing it at Shinomiya-san's room? Natsuki: Yup, I'll welcome you from the bottom of my heart~! Now, let's go! -Shining Agency Dorm Natsuki's Room- Natsuki: Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. This is a black tea called "autumnal". Natsuki: This darjeeling was picked on the fall and packed with lots of sweetness. I think this one suits you perfectly today! Haruka: It smells really nice… Thank you, well then without further ado. Haruka: Mm…that was delicious! It has a soft and mellow taste and it definitely warms my heart. Natsuki: I'm glad you took a liking to it. Actually this tea leaves has been my favorite recently. Natsuki: Right now I've been trying so many different sweets to find one that matched perfectly with this flavor. Now then what shall we have for today… Haruka: (Sweets…Oh, now that you mention it…!)
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Natsuki)
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-Shining Agency Dorm Natsuki's Room- Haruka: Sorry to keep you waiting. Here are the cookies! Someone gave me these as a gift before and it seems like it's from this recently popular store right now. Natsuki: Wow, thank you very much! Now then, time to place them on this cute wooden plate… Natsuki: Fufu. It turned out to be an even more wonderful tea party. Shall we eat now? Haruka: Yes, let's eat it together. Time to dig in. Natsuki: Thank you for the food~ noms ….Mm! It has a rich buttery flavor and is very delicious! Haruka: It perfectly matched with the black tea, right. There are also also other variations too, such as green tea flavored cookies and an animal-shaped cookies. Natsuki: Really!? I wonder what kind of animals they have… Let's take a look at the leaflet that came in the can. Natsuki: Oh… there's also a sheep too! Its fluffy shape looks the same as the ones from my parent's farm. Natsuki: It looks so cute that it might be a waste to eat them. And then this bear… Natsuki: Look, it's really similar to this teddy bear, right? Haruka: Fufu, Shinomiya-san's room has a lot of stuffed animals. Natsuki: Everyone here are all of my precious friends. They're all my conversation partner, and my hugging partner. Natsuki: This fluffy rabbit is the new one I recently took in. Natsuki: When I went to the store back then, its eyes are telling me "please take me back home~" so… Natsuki: Oh, it looks like it came from my phone. I wonder who…?
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Natsuki)
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-Shining Agency Dorm Natsuki's Room- Natsuki: Yes, this is Shinomiya. …Right now? Haruka: (Seems like it's a work call. Is it a sudden work…?) Natsuki: Yes…I understand. I'll be there soon. Natsuki: I'm so sorry… I have to head over to the agency right now. Natsuki: It seems like they want to talk to me about the CM audition that I took the other day. Haruka: Is that so. Since it's about work, you don't have to worry about it. Natsuki: Thank you so much, Nanami-san. You are indeed kind. Natsuki: But we were having so much fun together just now, somehow I feel a bit lonely. Haruka: Well then… why don't we go have tea together next time? I also want to talk more with Shinomiya-san too. Natsuki: Nanami-san…thank you very much. I also had the same thought. Natsuki: I'm going to prepare a different tea leaves for next time. There are still many and many more recommendations for you. Natsuki: I also have to prepare sweets too. Shall we go with the animal cookies from before. Natsuki: Just thinking about it gets me so excited. Next time it's my turn to treat you. Haruka: I'm happy to hear that…! I look forward to it. Natsuki: Well then, let's make a pinky promise. It's definitely, absolutely a promise okay!
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Natsuki)
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-Recording studio- Natsuki: Nanami-san. Today is finally the day where we'll be recording the CM song. My viola is all ready to go! Haruka: I'm truly honored to have the opportunity to create a song for the CM in which Shinomiya-san appears. Natsuki: Truth to be told, the phone call that I had when we were having a teatime before was actually about this job. Haruka: Eh…really? Natsuki: That's right. It seems that they asked you to write a song for it right after it was decided that I would be the one who'll appear in the CM. Natsuki: Talk about a perfect coincidence, doesn't it! It made my heart skip a beat. Haruka: Fufu, you're right. Did you take a liking to the song…? Natsuki: Why of course! The melody is as soft and sweet like your heart, it engulfs me in tenderness. Natsuki: And more importantly… I'm so happy that you added a touch of viola in this song. Haruka: I actually wrote that viola part while thinking that I'd love to have Shinomiya-san to play it in mind. Natsuki: My Viola and I are very fortunate to have you think of us that way. Staff: Shinomiya-san, we're going to start with the rehearsal, so could you please come over here. Natsuki: I got it, I'll be there soon. Natsuki: I'll be playing this with all of my heart so that I can make your song become even more dazzling than this. Natsuki: I hope that you could keep your eyes on me. Now then, let's go and play this with all of my might~!
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Natsuki)
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-Recording studio- Staff: Now then, we're going to start the recording. In 3, 2,… Natsuki: … Haruka: (Wow…what a delicate tone…) Natsuki: …Hmm. Excuse me, but can we start over on this part one more time? Natsuki: I want to try to make it sound a little more lingering near the end. Yes, thank you for your cooperation. … Haruka: (It's as if Shinomiya-san and the viola are singing together in unison) Haruka: (It sounds so mature…and elegant. I want to listen to this forever…) - Natsuki: Thank you very much for today! I'll be in your care for the next filming for the CM too. Natsuki: Nanami-san. How's my viola? Haruka: (I have a lot that I wanted to say, but how should I say it…?) (choices) <It made my heart beats!> Haruka: I was drawn in from the moment you started the performance…it made my heart beat so fast! Natsuki: Wow, somehow I feel a bit embarrassed to hear you praise me like that. Natsuki: I'd be happy if my performance could actually capture your heart. <I was so touched…> Haruka: I was so touched… Only Shinomiya-san that can create that beautiful sound. Natsuki: …It looks like I was able to deliver my music right deep into your heart. Natsuki: Thank you so much. I'm really glad that I was able to perform right in front of you. (back to story) Natsuki: Truth to be told, I was actually a bit nervous before the performance. I wonder if I could actually play it or not. Natsuki: It's your beloved music after all. That's why, I'm really happy to hear your words just now.
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Natsuki)
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-Recording studio- Natsuki: Before I started aiming to become an idol… I actually used to be a classical musician. Natsuki: I've been to a lot of musical performances and competitions. Though I can't even remember just how many that was. Natsuki: I actually used to play a violin before viola. I've been studying it since I was thi~s little y'know? Natsuki: Although I don't remember much about it, but it looks like I actually met Syo-chan on a violin competition. Natsuki: And to think that I'm working as an idol now in the same group with that same Syo-chan, somehow it kinda feels like fate don't you think? Haruka: (Looks like Shinomiya-san really like Syo-kun) Natsuki: Just as I was obsessed with classical music back then, right now I've totally got my heart stolen with singing. Natsuki: It's really fun to play a music while using your own voice as an instrument. Natsuki: Being an idol, I love each and everyday that I get to shine together with Syo-chan and everyone in ST☆RISH. Natsuki: And besides, since I started becoming an idol… Nanami-san, I was also able to interact with your song. Haruka: Shinomiya-san… Natsuki: With the songs that you wrote and the songs that I'll be singing it, let's hope that we could make a lo~t of everyone smile with it! Haruka: Yes…! Natsuki: First, let's make this CM song beautiful and deliver it to everyone. Natsuki: I'll be working very hard on the filming after this. Once it's done, I want to go and celebrate it together with you.
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